Chapter 75 Little Things (4k)

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Fang Zhuo had to get into work on the second day after returning to China. This time he not only held a meeting, but also inspected the situation of "Huali Phase I" with the working group above.

The non-US 65nm process production line led by Ice Core is run here, which represents a direction for the future development of the industrial chain.

Next month, Ice Core's Luzhou factory will conduct 28nm risk trial production. Compared with that there, there is a gap of three generations, and there is still a lot of room for improvement in yield.

Deputy team leader Jia Bangjie has been very busy since he came to Shanghai, but this is the first time he has gone down to the front line today.

When he actually visited the production line, listened to the gaps and analysis, he just... didn't say a word after seeing it.

Originally, my heavy heart was still filled with optimism, but after reading it, I only purified the heavy heart.

Fang Zhuo was quite calm. When he noticed Director Jia's mood, he comforted him: "Jia Si, what I wanted to see today was the starting catch-up part. This is already pretty good."

"What if there is a problem with the 28nm of the ice core? Let's go ahead..." It's not that Jia Bangjie doesn't know the situation, it's just that seeing is believing is not easy to avoid.

"The production lines here in Shanghai don't have to think too much about how to catch up quickly. That's unrealistic. Besides, 28nm is world-class, so it's normal that it's difficult to catch up." Fang Zhuo said, "In addition, from our perspective,

Looking at the overall revenue of the chip, in fact, as of the first three quarters of this year, 65nm is still our largest revenue segment."

28nm has not yet contributed to revenue. Currently, Ice Core’s most cutting-edge process is the second-generation HKMG’s 32nm, and the revenue contributed by this cutting-edge process is 3%.

The more backbone is 45nm, which contributes 6%. As for 65nm, including the second factory in Shanghai and the German factory, it can still contribute 7% of revenue. The last remaining one is the old and strong 130nm, which is still

There is a 4% share.

Ice Core accepted Liang Mengsong's suggestion, skipped 90nm, and chose 65nm, which is more cost-effective and competitive. Today's facts are still proving that this was an excellent decision.

65nm is a sweet spot area, while 45/32 of ice core is expected to continue to grow in the next few years as the HKMG process matures.

Of course, cutting-edge technology is not unimportant. The technology that exerts its power now is the cutting-edge technology of the year. As the cost drops, it allows more electronic products to enter the consumer market.

"I'm just anxious. I can't sleep at night because of my anxiety." Jia Bangjie naturally didn't hide his feelings too much when facing the head of Bingxin.

"If you can't sleep at night, it's suitable for you to work the night shift." Fang Zhuo joked, "I'm going back to Luzhou. Many of our people there are also there at night."

Jia Bangjie poured himself a cup of coffee: "Okay, I'll pack up the day after tomorrow and go to your Luzhou factory to report."

Fang Zhuo smiled, "Isn't this okay? It's still a joke."

"If SMIC finds a way to buy the equipment, can all other problems be solved?" Jia Bangjie couldn't help but turn his thoughts to SMIC.

"There are also many difficult problems. Many of the equipment itself requires support from the manufacturer. Each of our factories has a resident engineer from the manufacturer." Fang Zhuo thought for a while, "There are also gaps in this aspect in China. Well, there are problems in every aspect.

Maybe you can do it if you take your time."

Jia Bangjie couldn't help but said: "Mr. Fang, don't be so arrogant."

"Then let's have a meeting after summarizing the issues. Leave this to the Wafer Alliance. They are good at this. In addition, many international second-hand equipment vendors can help with maintenance." Fang Zhuo replied.

Jia Bangjie held the document in his hand and said, "I have passed every test."

"Our current operations are not affected. The problems caused by this restriction will gradually appear in the next few years, but it has also reversed part of our core efforts." Fang Zhuo was referring to the process without EUV.


"There is also the issue of listing." Jia Bangjie seemed like a big butler who wanted to ask about everything.

"In Hong Kong at the end of the year." Fang Zhuo said the decision in the plan.

Jia Bangjie was surprised: "So fast?"

Fang Zhuo pursed his lips: "This is a good time."

Immediately, he added: "If we don't go public, Bingxin's shareholders will queue up and jump out of my office, and employees' options will also need to be cashed in."

Jia Bangjie smiled, but he was still thinking more about the previous sentence, "a good time."

It is said that Bingxin has gathered a group of interests overseas, and at the end of the year, the election campaign on the American side just ended.

This "supposedly" is just gossip, and no one has given proof, but the higher-ups don't seem to care about it. Under the verification of different models, the model of integrating international capital represented by SMIC and Bingxin has found a way.


Now, Bingxin's main assets are located in China, and it has really driven the development of mainland industries and local areas. This is the most important thing.

What's more, there is a wafer manufacturing alliance that was planned a long time ago, and the purpose is quite clear.

He stretched out his hand to shake hands with Mr. Fang and said, "Mr. Fang, we won't have dinner tonight. I still have to connect with the Beijing side. You have been looking forward to going back."

Fang Zhuo smiled and shook hands vigorously: "Jia Si, let's see you tomorrow."

He made two phone calls to his home at noon, and some private matters were heard, but there was nothing to hide.

The sunset was magnificent on the way home. After returning to Shanghai from abroad, Fang Zhuo was always in a slightly good mood, probably with an unknowing expectation of a new life for his family.

The next morning, after a simple breakfast, Fang Zhuo brought the documents about Tesco given by Su Wei.

About Tesco, about Tesco’s general office, and about Tesco’s operation.

Although Fang Zhuo and Su Wei chatted relatively relaxedly, in the past three months, the domestic e-commerce track has indeed been filled with smoke.

Tmall, Tmall, and Suning had a short-lived battle in April. Not to mention Suning, around Alibaba’s traditional 6.18 promotion, Tesco has fought with its old rivals one after another.

Remember, there was real fire on both sides. seems that it has become a repertoire of going to the capital to meet the parents.

In recent years... parents have also been very helpless.

——It’s you.

——It’s you again!

——It’s still you!!

——It’s always you!!!

E-commerce is developing rapidly, but as traffic converges towards the top, the scope of each other's business overlaps has also rapidly increased. Whether it is competition for promotional traffic or the consumer market, Alibaba and Tesco have made a splash this time.

However, parents may have gotten used to it. The level of impartiality is being reduced, and they are demanding standardized industry development.

Fang Zhuo sat in the car and read many documents from Tesco attentively. Compared with what he had read before, the documents in his hand contained many members of the general office thinking about the market and decision-making.

This one is more interesting.

"Penguin also made some moves in June. It launched a group of Vipshop, Redbaby and other brands to take advantage of the situation to inject traffic. Their strategy for e-commerce business seems to have changed..."

Before Fang Zhuo finished speaking, the car suddenly faltered.

He looked up and saw that the right turn seemed to be blocked.

Liu Zonghong, the co-driver, had a sullen look on his face and controlled his voice: "It seems to be Mr. Liu's car."

In fact, it's not "like", he is sure that the car blocked in front is the car of Liu Suyi, the former "East China Tiger" and now the real estate tycoon.

He didn't believe that Liu Suyi couldn't recognize the boss's license plate. What did he mean by cutting in like this?

Liu Zonghong thought about Liu Suyi's current reputation and couldn't help but have some more thoughts in his mind.

Then, he heard the boss's confused voice.

"Which Mr. Liu?"

"Uh, Liu Suyi." Liu Zonghong replied.

Fang Zhuo said "Oh" and saw that the black car in front seemed to be the leading car after being blocked. There was no other movement, so he continued to read the documents of Tesco.

The sullenness in Liu Zonghong's heart gradually subsided. It seemed that "Liu Yiyi" was not as arrogant as he imagined.

The car of the head of Yongke Real Estate drove in front, and thus arrived at the Yike headquarters.

When the car stopped, Liu Zonghong watched Liu Yiyi get out of the car, and then trotted over, opening the door for the boss with a smile on his face, as if he was not a famous real estate tycoon, but a well-behaved doorman.

He completely gave up his thoughts and got out of the car silently.

"Mr. Liu, you are too polite." Fang Zhuo got out of the car and smiled at Liu Suyi, whom he had not seen for a long time.

"Oh, Mr. Fang, I just saw your car on the road. It's hard to park on the road, so I thought I'd go directly to Yike." Liu Suyi laughed, "I happened to have the tea and tea I just collected in my car.

I want Mr. Fang to taste the wine."

"That's it?" Fang Zhuo was surprised.

Liu Suyi said seriously: "That's it."

On the other side, his secretary also took out the wine and tea and trotted over.

"You, Mr. Liu, are the real estate tycoon." Fang Zhuo shook his head, dumbfounded, "I thought you had something to do with me."

"Mr. Fang, you're embarrassing me!" Liu Suyi almost slapped his chest, "I can be where I am today. Others don't know it, but I don't know it myself!"

Fang Zhuo looked at this gesture and thought, OK, it doesn't seem to have changed much from the past.

He did not refuse tea or wine, and casually said: "Come up and sit down?"

"Brother Liu, will the boss have a meeting this morning?" Liu Suyi did not agree immediately. He turned around and called brother, still using the previous title.

Liu Zonghong hesitated and nodded.

"Then I won't go up, Mr. Fang. I'm afraid of wasting your time, and I really have nothing else to do." Liu Suyi adjusted his position, not wanting to disturb Mr. Fang's work.

Fang Zhuo looked at it twice and said without being polite: "Okay, see you later."

Liu Suyi smiled and nodded, but did not leave immediately. Instead, he followed a few steps beside him and lowered his voice slightly: "Mr. Fang, it's been said that Zheng Tou is going outside?"

"Well, that's the case." Fang Zhuo replied calmly.

Liu Suyi didn't expect that he could be sure by just asking. He was stunned and continued to follow: "Then where is he going?"

Fang Zhuo stopped and looked at Liu Suyi with a half-smile: "Mr. Liu, I heard that Yongke Real Estate has expanded very quickly since last year?"

"It's not too fast. I think a healthy capital chain is the most important thing." Liu Suyi answered seriously.

"Yongke is a big company. How should I put it? It has the word 'Ke' attached to it." Fang Zhuo gave advice, "To be honest, there is no need to be too quick or big."

Liu Suyi's heart tightened and he said "hmm".

Fang Zhuo patted this man on the shoulder and still told him what he wanted to know about Brother Zheng's whereabouts. This would not be kept secret for long.

Liu Suyi watched Mr. Fang's back disappear, turned around and returned to his car.

The car started driving towards Yongke.

After passing a traffic light, the secretary in front of him, Tang Jingmao, muttered: "I heard that Mr. Fang has been in trouble recently."

Seeing Mr. Liu's almost fawning attitude, he felt a little unhappy.

Yongke Real Estate is a rare company that broke away from the Yike Group. The previous shares were regarded as a redemption fee. After that, Yongke's development accelerated and its stock price recovered.

Nowadays, anyone who meets Liu Suyi has to exchange a few serious greetings.

Tang Jingmao felt that it was impossible to talk about being on equal terms, so...then he should straighten his back a little.

When Liu Suyi heard the secretary's voice, he frowned and said, "It's just a small trouble."

He absolutely doesn't believe in the painful loss of tens of billions or the swan song. Or, he doesn't believe it at all. Mr. Fang has been in the world for more than ten years, and this is just a little setback.

Looking at this matter from the entire cycle, the momentum is still rising.

Liu Suyi thought of the word "cycle", and then thought of Mr. Fang's serious suggestion, with all kinds of thoughts running through his mind.

Finally, he exhaled slowly, saw the look on his secretary's face, and decided to find a more discerning secretary.

Fang Zhuo walked into the president's office on the 23rd floor, put down the documents related to the next door, and looked at the report on the table that he had not finished yesterday. He stretched out and planned to try the new tea sent by Liu Yiyi while handling the work.


However, before he could take a sip, he received a call from Ma Xiliang, the president of Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce.

Ever since Ma Xiliang promoted a group of East China companies to visit Europe regularly, his life has become more and more prosperous. This call was quite meant to invite him.

During this year's economic and trade activities with Europe, Yike's Secretary Liu called last night and provided a suggestion to bypass France. This is unusual.

In the past few years, although there have been twists and turns in the relationship between the two parties, the political situation has been cold and the economy has been hot, so it does not hinder everyone's ability to make money. This year, we must avoid this...

Fang Zhuo chatted happily for a few words. Hearing the doubts from the other party, he gave the answer: "Keep it. Try to leave the orders from France to next year. There will probably be official activities next year. Chairman Ma will see how to coordinate this matter."

That’s what’s better for everyone.”

Ma Xiliang got it clear that there was a higher-level source of information and better activities could be carried out.

He believed President Fang's words deeply, resolved the matter, and immediately invited President Fang to attend the end-of-year event. There would be a re-election at that time, and he hoped that President Fang would be the new honorary president.

Fang Zhuo still refused habitually, but in the middle of the sentence, he suddenly thought of his friends in Europe and muttered: "It's okay to give it a name, it sounds nicer, it helps to promote economic and trade relations."

"Yes, this is the mission of our chamber of commerce, including the East China Chamber of Commerce and even more chambers of commerce and companies." Ma Xiliang was overjoyed. If Mr. Fang is willing to take the lead, the influence of next year's event will be even more outstanding.

"Okay, then I'll shine, and I can help a little bit." Fang Zhuo finalized.

Ma Xiliang immediately had a number of actions surrounding President Fang's influence in his mind, and he was sincerely happy for President Fang's willingness to shine. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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