176 That’s it (4k)

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Yike flagship did not forget its old friends after its unexpected launch and great sales, which moved many people who have been paying attention to its recent trends.

Mr. Fang, it’s still Mr. Fang!

Regardless of whether Yike faces uncontrollable risks, he can first kill the opponents who covet his interests!

Oh no, it seems that it’s not his opponent who covets him, but him who covets his opponent...

But it's almost the same. How can things like business competition be so clear-cut? You covet me, I covet you, you kill me, I kill you, and if you die, I feel uncomfortable living.

Just one day after Yike announced the acquisition of Sogou, an action that did not require an announcement but also showed determination was revealed by industry insiders.

Yike bought the trademark "Yisou".

Obviously, Yike wants to exert more of its brand influence on the basis of Sogou, and can this brand influence be increased to reflect the decline of the search market?


When the two news of acquisition and trademark are superimposed, other giants, employees inside and outside the industry, and even employees within Duji... all believe in the brand value of Yike.

In particular, this brand value has just been crowned "No. 1 in the world" recently.

Putting this into Duji's perspective, it is inevitable that people will sigh. Yike is really unwilling to give up, and Duji's competitive situation is getting worse.


The response from offline print media was not that fast, but the response online was already overwhelmingly positive.

"Okay, don't forget your original intention, come on Yike!"

"Yisou is going online quickly. I don't believe there is no other company in China that can do search well!"

"Okay, okay, it has to be Yike to put pressure on a company like Duji. Why is the computer page not disgusting? Why is the page browsed on the mobile phone not forced to jump? Keep going, don't stop, I'm about to download it. Your app!”

"It is said that Yike's acquisition of Sogou is a forced attack by the overlord."

"Who said that? I am a Sogou employee. How can I see that everyone in the company is smiling?"

Yike's newly purchased trademark has not yet been put to use, and most people are already looking forward to its debut.

However, this matter is still dominated by YMS. It is the strong suggestion given by Qi He, and it is left to him to arrange when to go online. Judging from the current competitive situation, it is a correct decision for YMS to compete only with Duji.

Reports that Yike is facing risks have not appeared on a large scale in China, nor have they been certified by authoritative media. Except for competitors seeking some additional hope, domestic media generally do not care much about this. On the contrary, Washington and New York have confirmed certain news The truth is that the crown Yi Ke just put on will never be so strong.

On November 25, Fang Zhuo was waiting for a low-key visit from an old friend at the president's office of Yike 23. However, the person there had not yet arrived. The call from the new head of Qualcomm was the first after he got the position of CEO. Came over.

Chen Fuyang narrowly expelled Jacobs at Qualcomm's extraordinary shareholders' meeting. Although this vote proved everyone's dissatisfaction with Jacobs, it also proved that his own foundation is still very weak.

As the former CEO of Avago, Chen Fuyang has been handling Qualcomm's internal matters in recent days, using a "new future" and "only punishing the culprits" approach to stabilize the company's balance.

To some extent, he stabilized.

However, there were also external forces that he did not want to see.

It is certain that Jacobs will step down as CEO, but Chen Fuyang actually admires COO Mollenkopf very much and strongly invites him to continue to stay at Qualcomm to shine, hoping that the two of them can participate in this grand event together.

Mollenkopf was initially hesitant, but when he found Chen Fuyang again, he made up his mind to leave.

Chen Fuyang was puzzled and still tried to win over him.

Mollenkopf was very determined.

Chen Fuyang asked him about his future plans, and immediately got an answer that shocked him.

——Yike's WLS has already sent an invitation to me.

An invitation was sent out... So, have you agreed...

Chen Fuyang had already gotten the answer to this question from Mollenkopf's eyes, which made him feel even more uncomfortable.

As for Yike WLS, it is actually the main force used by Yike to compete with Qualcomm in baseband. It was also used to cooperate with Intel to acquire Broadcom.

In addition, because it was not clear whether he could succeed at the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, Chen Fuyang got a hint from Mr. Fang that if Qualcomm failed, Yike WLS would also be a good place.

Chen Fuyang himself has included it in his future plans and thinks it is a good springboard.

Well now, Qualcomm has lost its position to itself, and Yike WLS actually took advantage of the situation and poached Qualcomm's important COO...

Chen Fuyang sat in the office for a long time, reviewing the ins and outs of this event with the latest news. Although he has become the CEO of the new Qualcomm, Intel has acquired Broadcom, and Yike's WLS will have continued development in baseband.

Competitiveness, China’s antitrust investigation and U.S. patent litigation are not over yet...

It feels like I've got a new start, but this start doesn't seem so new.

At the moment when he called Mr. Fang, he had only one emotion in his heart. Mr. Fang was really an old sow wearing an X-mask - one set after another, successfully putting the new Qualcomm in it.

"Mr. Fang, congratulations to Yike for producing such an impeccable product this time! I'm convinced, I'm even convinced!" Chen Fuyang congratulated enthusiastically.

"Mr. Chen, you're too polite. To be honest, the success of Mars 8.8 this time is just a coincidence. Qualcomm's Snapdragon 810 performed poorly, and Apple's A8 just switched its foundry." Fang Zhuo said happily.

Chen Fuyang said sincerely: "Mr. Fang, Mars 8.8 is the hardest work. If Apple comes up with such a chip, I will not be convinced, but Yike and Ice Core itself are almost integrated. Hey, Qualcomm's Snapdragon

This time I really stumbled."

Fang Zhuo felt the difference between the new head of Qualcomm and the old head.

If this was Jacob, he would be very sad, but if it were Chen Fuyang, he would just make this comment lightly, as if Xiaolong was not his cub at all.

"One war a year is nothing more than Yike taking the first step. The relationship between Yike and Bingxin has pros and cons." Fang Zhuo was not arrogant, and his family knew their own affairs.

Chen Fuyang secretly admired him, pondered for a moment, and did not mention China's pending antitrust investigation into Qualcomm. Instead, he talked about the latest reaction from the U.S. semiconductor industry, and said: "Mr. Fang, I am telling you the truth in this phone call.

I also want to talk to you. I just received a call from Washington last night, and they invited me to discuss improving industrial competitiveness. This..."

He saw Mr. Fang silent and continued: "I have indeed heard some rumors recently. Yike's product has shocked many departments in Washington."

Fang Zhuo laughed when he heard this.

Chen Fuyang prepared a lot of rhetoric and considered Mr. Fang's reaction, but he never thought that Mr. Fang would always "haha" like this. No, what happens after haha? Why don't you say anything?

He was startled and said in a friendly manner: "Mr. Fang, although there is competition between our two companies, healthy competition is always good. When I go to Washington, I also plan to talk about Qualcomm's position, like Yike, like Qualcomm, etc.

The company does business globally, so it’s better not to engage in local protection.”

Fang Zhuo understood Chen Fuyang's euphemistic reminder and finally agreed: "Yes, the market is there, and everyone can compete openly."

Chen Fuyang thought about COO Mollenkopf, who had just been poached, and gained a little more upright appreciation from him.

However, he himself is a little less upright in his position, so he can still accept this kind of poaching. In addition, when he traveled to the United States with Kong Yu, he also met friends from the MIGA fund department.

Although there are some rumors of suppression this time, it is still unclear what will happen in the end.

After much consideration, Chen Fuyang concluded that his arrival in Washington was just a matter of course. In the past, his status as Avago CEO did not bring much weight. What he really needed to do now was to resolve the conflicts faced by Qualcomm one by one.

For example, let China's anti-monopoly be implemented.

For example, reconcile with Yike and Apple.

These two matters are closely related to Mr. Fang, so the phone call and statement can be regarded as a kind of mediation.

Fang Zhuo naturally knew what the new head of Qualcomm wanted. He talked a little more about competition in the global market and said informally: "I heard that China's investigation is almost over. Anyway, now that the investigation has been carried out, Qualcomm's original

A high ratio is undesirable."

Chen Fuyang's heart condensed, knowing that he might be able to see the final result in the near future, and it would most likely be the lesser of the two processing documents he saw at the beginning.

A high ratio is undesirable, and a low ratio is okay, but it is still better than being forcibly revoked.

Not that good, but not that bad either.

Just like the tacit agreement between himself and Mr. Fang to seize power, he did get the CEO of Qualcomm, but the new Qualcomm also faces more problems and competition, not so good, not so bad...

"Mr. Fang, aside from Qualcomm's position, I am a fan of Yike products. Hey, now that I am in this position, I really hope to see that Selfy can also use Snapdragon chips." Chen Fuyang continued.

Come to something.

Due to the dispute between the two companies, the Selfy series products have switched to Yike's own chips.

Chen Fuyang felt it was a pity, and he believed that his main goal in taking office was to ease disputes and expand the number of users again.

Fang Zhuo did not refuse outright. After thinking for a while, he said: "Look at the situation in the future. I have always respected Qualcomm's achievements."

"I also admire Yike's development. Mr. Fang, Qualcomm can cooperate with Yike on a new framework in patent licensing. The cake in the global market is still growing." Chen Fuyang followed the words and said.

"The lawsuit between Yike and Apple has been merged into one case. This matter... is actually not affected by Yike to a large extent." Fang Zhuo said half-truthfully, "If the Supreme Court of the United States had not transferred the case files

, I think we can sit down and talk."

According to the procedure, the two companies have submitted a "petition for certiorari", and if the Supreme Court considers that there are major legal issues involved, it will "issue a writ of certiorari" and agree to hear the case.

Both companies feel confident that they can proceed with the final review.

Chen Fuyang was silent for a moment, and then said: "Okay, Mr. Fang, I will also talk to Cook. We can definitely have more relaxed negotiations."

"Well, I'm waiting for your news." Fang Zhuo and Cook have reached a certain consensus and believe that the other side will not go as Chen Fuyang wishes.

The phone call from the new head of Qualcomm is over. Regarding Yike’s competition in this area, the current discussion from the general office is to strengthen the strength of WLS and reorganize its business with Morningstar Semiconductor to form a new and more comprehensive

Competitive Fabless Company.

Fang Zhuo thought about this situation for a while, and soon received a call from his secretary. His old friend's car had arrived at the garage.

He picked up his cell phone and went to greet the leader who had taken good care of him in the past.

"Brother Zheng." Fang Zhuo shook hands vigorously with the leader who was now working in business as soon as they met.

Zheng Danrui smiled and shook the hand of the head of Yike, and followed him upstairs to the president's office.

The two talked and laughed all the way and made many memories.

Zheng Danrui came here informally, but he noticed the geopolitical factors that Yike faced, or in other words, the risks that ice cores faced.

After a cup of fragrant tea, Zheng Danrui said with a smile: "Mr. Fang, there is no need to be polite between us. I am here just to have a casual chat in private. No need, well, anyway, we are just chatting freely."

Fang Zhuo nodded.

Zheng Danrui talked a little more about the influence of Yike's flagship phone, and finally turned the question to the news from Washington, asking about the most serious situation: "If, we make a hypothesis now, the ice core faces a disruption there.

How long will it take for supply to become competitive again?”

Fang Zhuo raised three fingers.

Zheng Danrui pondered for a moment and then said: "In three years, there are indeed labor pains, such as..."

Fang Zhuo corrected: "Three days."

Zheng Danrui was surprised and delighted. He stood up from his seat and asked in disbelief: "Really?"

"No, Brother Zheng, I'm just kidding." Fang Zhuo laughed, "It's your 'competitiveness' that makes it difficult for me to say. The competitiveness of ice cores can fluctuate from three days to three years.

Our 16nm itself is leading, and there are constraints in materials and equipment, but preparation in advance can keep the production line running."

"The supply of ice cores has been cut off, but Yike can still produce products for a period of time. The problem now is that even if the ice cores are competitive, Yike may face a forced recession in the global market."

Having a competitive product and having a market for the product cannot be equated to the situation of force majeure.

The 16nm of ice core is already the first in the world. The next step of research and development will be limited, and the main problem will shift from the advancement of advanced processes to the consolidation of existing processes and production.

Zheng Danrui thought about what he had just said, "Let's chat." He pointed at the person opposite him angrily. He was quite letting go. But today's Fang Zhuo is no longer the Wu Xia Ameng of the past. He also has his own problems.

Deep relationships.

The most important thing is that Fang Zhuo does not do things with relationships as the core. He can continue to make progress by doing purely business things.

"Everyone is very concerned about Yike and Bingxin." Zheng Danrui said slowly, "The current situation is not clear yet, but we must prepare for the worst and make more preparations."

Fang Zhuo nodded. He was mentally prepared to have his confession cut off tomorrow, but in fact the mediation had been taking place on the other side of the ocean, and every day he could be more nourished was a day.

Zheng Danrui felt Mr. Fang's calmness and couldn't help but smile: "Mr. Fang, I see you are not afraid at all."

Fang Zhuo thought for two seconds and quoted a poem to answer: "The earth collapsed and the mountains destroyed the strong men to death, and then the ladders and stone stacks were connected to each other, that's all."

The earth collapsed and the mountains destroyed the strong men to death, and then the ladders and stone stacks were connected to each other.

Zheng Danrui recited it twice in his mind, sighed slightly, and said sincerely: "Okay, Mr. Fang, I will have an extra drink for this at noon, that's all, that's all!"

This chapter has been completed!
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