244 Arrogant at first and respectful at the end

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The senior executive who had just hosted the press conference was reorganized. O Ji couldn't keep a low profile even if he wanted to keep a low profile at this time. Some people claimed that even the head of O Ji had gone to Luzhou to apologize.

This will inevitably make people stunned. How come the battle is over just after they started?

But there are also some voices who think that judging from the gossip, Mr. Fang is too domineering. How can you use the momentum of BIS to attack the enemy?

Fang Zhuo did not respond to this voice, but YMS President Qi He couldn't help but speak out, not in the traditional office circle of friends, but directly on Weibo to refute.

"Why can't you even praise me now? If you are a standard, then you are speaking unintentionally. If you are not a standard, then what else can you say?"

"If you want to succeed, you have to go crazy first and rush to Yike at all costs, right? It's wrong to praise Yike now. When you say something, you have to pay attention to the impact, you have to pay attention to the overall situation, and you have to have your hands tied and your mouth blocked.

, can’t even say a word? A good person has to stand here and deserves to be pointed at a gun? "

"I love so and so, but I just can't get rid of the sand in my eyes! I want to see how much it weighs!"

Qi He just couldn't rub the sand out of his eyes, he just couldn't bear to see others smear the boss's innate pure body!

His words naturally attracted onlookers. However, it is already known to everyone that Yike's production capacity is limited. No matter how angry the president of YMS is, I am afraid that it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without straw. How else can we find out how much it weighs?


However, the industry soon ignored the words of the president of Yike YMS. In just one week, mobile phone brands such as Meizu, Kesheng, and Hanwang released or previewed plans for new phones, some of which were equipped with Yike Optoelectronics' "Morning Light" chips, and some

They also use Qualcomm's flagship Snapdragon, either to be rolled into the entry-level, or to go straight to the mid-range.

Not only that, Alibaba, which has been rumored to end its mobile phone business as early as a year ago, has also released a notice that it will launch its own smartphone, followed closely by Penguin, Duji, and even 360, which is determined to enter the market in the second quarter.

In the mobile phone market, a small mobile phone company has been acquired.

There are suddenly more famous brands in the smartphone market, and competition from top to bottom has become more intense. Although Yike has also encountered price-cutting competition from Apple and Samsung, its market share is mainly due to its own production capacity, which was not the case before.

Brands such as Oji that jumped out were obviously hit harder.

The domestic industrial chain is becoming increasingly mature, and there is a misalignment of core components. Manufacturers can provide a package of solutions. The big brother in the industry is accidentally hit, and a lot of funds are surging inside and outside the industry...

After the New Year, the smartphone field has become more intense than expected. People are fighting for marketing, products, optimization, and branding. Everyone is fighting and dying in the rolling market.

However, such a rolling market is bound to be unfavorable for brands that want to enter the market. For example, Alibaba also exposed a small incident at the end of February that was not conducive to the development of new business.

Someone posted a short video on Douyin of drinking and eating at a dinner table. Among them, one of the people in charge of Alibaba's smartphone business was drinking and commenting on the work he was doing.

"Hey, I'm just thinking about it. How can this phone compete with Yike's?"

"The car hit a tree, you know the brakes were applied, what did you do two years ago?"

"Isn't it naive to just buy an OEM mobile phone and go to other people's markets?"

The mobile phone released by Alibaba this time was OEM. After this exposure, the person in charge was quickly transferred. However, his "OEM naïve theory" really made several people in this wave of competition

The brand is embarrassed, who are you talking about, who are you...

However, it is Alibaba's own people who feel the most uncomfortable. The mobile phone has not yet been launched, and the person in charge is the first to make such a speech. However, hot topics in this era spread very quickly, and Douyin is even less controlled.

How can I still sell this phone?

Alibaba’s desire to enter the mobile phone business is something Ma Chen once discussed with Fang Zhuo in person. He indeed wanted to bring some trouble to Yike, but the most important thing for Alibaba right now is not this, but the overall development of the e-commerce market.

Research and control.

Live streaming e-commerce has brought new vitality, most of which is occupied by Douyin. Although Taobao and Tmall have also increased some traffic, in the long run, it is difficult for their own growth rate to match their competitors.

In addition, Pinduoduo, founded by the "God of Wealth" Sun Tongyu, gradually became operational after the year. This caused Alibaba to hold several meetings for this purpose, and even the intranet was discussing the consequences of the former senior executive's return to e-commerce.

The change.

The momentum of this discussion forced CEO Zhang Yong to respond at the meeting.

"Don't worry, everyone who goes to Pinduoduo are buyers with low net worth and high customer complaints. To some extent, we took the initiative to rush there."

"The upgrade of the entire system will inevitably bring about this situation, but all of our financial indicators prove the group's excellent trend."

"We want to carry out multi-dimensional development."

Whether it is Sun Tongyu, a former senior executive, or another e-commerce business placed under the Yike Department, Pinduoduo has naturally gained attention, but Alibaba Group's financial reports are no problem, KPI is no problem, business lines are no problem, and profits are no problem

No problem, some expected losses will be no problem.

Zhang Yong believes that this year’s live broadcast e-commerce does have some challenges, but the group’s e-commerce brand inertia can continue to extend to this area. The most important thing is that the core company of the Yike family will inevitably encounter more severe challenges.

It will inevitably fall into a long-term haze.

This is not only the view of Zhang Yong alone, but also the view of Feng Qingyang and many organizations.

Although the Yike Department has organized a multi-brand joint offensive in the live broadcast e-commerce camp, the interests of different companies such as Yigou, Mi Tuan, and Yixin must also be distributed, and Yike Company, which is responsible for this distribution,

Although its own OEM mobile phone may not play a big role, it still needs to face fierce market impact.

Yike may be safe for a while, but how can it withstand market changes for a long time?

As of March 1, multiple market channels have successively confirmed that Yike has indeed completely ended the sales of Selfy and also suspended the supply of the Mars 9 standard version, while controlling the quantity of the Mars 9 Pro version.

There are increasingly obvious signs of Yike's core business. No matter how powerful it is, no matter how large-scale the system it has cultivated and configured, it cannot solve the problem of limited production capacity!

Although Yike's cloud computing business is growing, although Yike's notebooks are still authorized and growing, and although there is news that Yike charges technical service fees within the system, the revenue generated by these cannot make up for the core business.


What is core business?

That is, as soon as it declines, hedge funds that smell blood will get wind of it.

The short position announced by Nasdaq at the end of February showed a significant increase in Yike's stock compared with half a month ago, growing to US$7.19 billion.

This number even exceeds Yike’s position during the short squeeze a few years ago.

Of course, at this time and that time, the volumes and concepts are different.

However, more and more institutions are indeed not optimistic about Yike's future and are already willing to make bets on it.

Russell of the well-known hedge fund RC was interviewed by the media: "Yike's current stock price is still overvalued. It has lost more than just the U.S. market. Although I don't want to say this, this is a time caused by political factors.

With the business recession, Yike Company will inevitably encounter more comprehensive setbacks."

The reporter asked: "Yike once made short-sellers suffer in the financial market. Will it really not see a rise in its stock price in the future? It also has the European market, the Chinese market, and many, many businesses.


Russell recalled the scene that shocked global financial markets a few years ago. Even though he was not involved at the time, he was still horrified by it.

It was a brutal short squeeze, and many funds not only went bankrupt and liquidated, but some peers went to the rooftops in despair.

"This time it's different." Russell was silent for a while and then repeated, "This time it's different."

He calmed down and said seriously: "Yike's problem cannot be solved, at least not in the next few years. By the time it can be solved, the entire brand will have lost its competitiveness in the market."

Russell took a sip of coffee and said with certainty: "Did you know that one of Yike's mobile phones has been sold out? Do you know the website KILL YIKE? In three months at most, the ice behind Yike

Core International will be in a dilemma without raw materials. This is not just a problem for Yike or Bingxin International, but an industrial problem for China, so we are very sure that this time it will be different!"

There are many people who hold the same view as Russell. No matter how powerful Yike and Bingxin are, they cannot solve all the problems. This is the crux of the matter.

Therefore, their willingness to stand up at a moment like this also invites more people to bet against Yike and reap benefits.

Nasdaq's short positions are announced every half month. However, just three days before the data was released again on March 15, a piece of news suddenly came from China.

There is news from the China Wafer Manufacturing Service Alliance claiming that Ice Core has solved the photoresist problem and will resume production capacity soon.

The Huaxia Wafer Manufacturing Service Alliance once had a name called "Ice Core Wafer Manufacturing Service Alliance". It has played many roles over the years and has an extremely close relationship with Ice Core.

Such news spread...

Bingxin did not accept an interview, and Yike did not accept an interview. However, as soon as the Nasdaq data was released on March 15, the short position in Yike's stock suddenly decreased from US$7.19 billion to US$3.67 billion!

The short sellers are like a rabbit that saw a hawk and almost ran away halfway!

Even the American media that have been badmouthing Yike recently couldn't help but ridicule them when they saw this scene. The confidence of hedge funds is obviously not as strong as they appear on the surface. The once strongest mobile phone financial company in the world has indeed left a deep impression on the short sellers.


This change in the financial market has also spread back to China, making many people find it funny.

"These short sellers are naughty at first and respectful at the end, and they can run faster than anyone else." Ma Ren commented when the topic of Yike came up during the dinner.

"Yeah, I don't know whether the production capacity news is true or false. Neither Bingxin nor Yike responded." Zhang Yong said.

Ma Chen thought for a while and said objectively: "I'm afraid that's not true. Washington must have carefully studied how to restrict Yi Ke."

Zhang Yong said with a smile: "A piece of news that is not true makes short sellers flee one after another, which is even funnier."

"Yes." Ma Chen said with emotion, "Yike's short-selling scale may have exceeded ours."

Zhang Yong stopped laughing.

Well... Alibaba has the highest short position in the U.S. stock market right now, with Tesla in second place and Apple in third place. The factors here are more complicated, but at the beginning of the year, SoftBank, as Alibaba's long-term major shareholder, also sold

Nearly $10 billion in holdings.

Ma Chen ate his food and asked, "Where is Mr. Fang?"

"It is said that he went to inspect domestic semiconductor companies again." Peng Lei answered.

Ma Chen shook his head: "I always hope that Yike's business will not surpass Alibaba, but I still hope that Yike will pursue this short position, otherwise Alibaba will be too lonely."

Zhang Yong picked up the wine glass: "Then I wish Yike will catch up with Ali and become the world's number one as soon as possible!"

There was a helpless and teasing laughter at the dinner table.

The short sellers are like a pack of hyenas. Although they have temporarily retreated, they may continue to stare at the bad news about Yike.

Almost at the same time, Fang Zhuo, who arrived in Xi'an, also asked about the situation of the short sellers.

Liu Zonghong answered the relevant data and talked about the previous data of Alibaba, Tesla, Apple and other companies.

"Yeah." Fang Zhuo looked at the thick night outside the car window and nodded, "I hope I can catch up with Ali at the right time and become the world's number one."

Liu Zonghong laughed and said: "Yike is unwilling to admit defeat. Even the world's number one in the field of short selling, we want to compete!"

Fang Zhuo smiled slightly, this was indeed done willingly.

This chapter has been completed!
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