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 Fang Zhuo had deep feelings for Hanxin, but those present only regarded it as a scandal with some influence.

The levels of feelings on both sides are completely different.

This subtle sense of contradiction combined with the important investment meeting in front of him made Fang Zhuo feel more stable.

Even if the levels are different, even if today's meeting involves a lot, there is nothing to worry about if you break down unfamiliar issues into familiar areas.

"I named the early stage of our project the 'Ice Drink Project'. Firstly, I feel that it will take a long time to reach our goal. Secondly, I also hope that I can bring a cool ice drink to all investors in the hot summer.

You can make a good investment."

Fang Zhuo calmly glanced around the conference room at the prominent figures in the investment field, and played out the PPT in a familiar manner.

"These days, I have been talking to many people about this project. Some people are looking down on it, but some people have high expectations and think that we can be the second SMIC."

"I didn't say it on the face, but I still felt a little uncomfortable inside."

"From the beginning of the registration network, we have been number one in the industry. Of course, this may be a bit reluctant. In the end, we are the only one left in the entire industry. If we are not number one, we must be number one."

"But there should be no suspense about Sina. Its current stock price and market value are also among the best in the industry. Similarly, in order to compete for industry status, my Yike is also inseparable from Apple in the United States in the product market."

"So, I'm not interested in being the second best player in SMIC. I just want to be the first player in ice core."

Fang Zhuo used his past experience to prove his business ability while talking and laughing, and his posture was very smooth. This confidence in facing investors alone made many people secretly nod in appreciation.

However, Xiong Xiaoge nodded in his heart and suddenly felt familiar. He alerted himself. This scene...

"The number one goal is my personal goal. The most important thing at the moment is how to make the project a success. Only when the first production line is built can I continue to talk about number one."

Fang Zhuo slightly adjusted his outlook based on his personal perspective, and then changed his mind when he saw the smile on the investor's face.

"In order to achieve the success of the first production line, I invited Mr. Qiu Ciyun. He is a senior expert in the industry and can know ourselves and our enemies so that Bingxin will make fewer mistakes and move more smoothly based on SMIC's development in the past three years.


"As for how to build production lines in mainland China and how to better summarize the experience of those who have gone before and bring forth new ideas, I believe Mr. Qiu is almost the best candidate."

Fang Zhuo paused and made a joke to everyone who was listening attentively: "Why do you say 'almost'? Because I also tried to invite Mr. Zhang Rujing, but he really didn't want to come. Otherwise, our fund-raising would be very difficult."

The road might be smoother."

Several investors laughed out loud, especially DCM China's Connor, who had recognized the young president's high-level humor and liked the ridicule, laughing the loudest.

Of course Zhang Rujing couldn't come, so it was quite interesting that he supported Qiu Ciyun.

Qiu Ciyun was sitting next to Fang Zhuo, feeling a little uncomfortable with Fang Zhuo's joke.

However, when he felt the current atmosphere in the conference room, he immediately realized that Fang Zhuo wanted to make investors happy today. It was indeed quite relaxing now.

"However, our current fund-raising is pretty good, especially with the participation of Luzhou State Investment Corporation, which makes us very excited."

"Luzhou has given us the best policy incentives and land use in the country. In particular, the University of Science and Technology of China is willing to give us a lot of help. I want to tell you a piece of news today. Well, this news is quite important..."

Fang Zhuo hesitated for a moment.

Zhang Hongli from Deutsche Bank immediately said: "Mr. Fang, since we are sitting here today, we are all very interested in the project. If you have any good news, please tell us directly. We will not disclose it to the outside world."

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly and stopped clicking: "TSMC's Hu Zhengming will leave at the end of the year and return to teach at the University of California. The University of Science and Technology of China has extended an invitation to him for academic exchange for half a year, and the other party has now agreed."

Hu Zhengming? Half a year of academic exchange? It happened to be when there was a semiconductor project in Luzhou?

The people present couldn't help but whisper. Although Fang Zhuo didn't say it explicitly, the meaning behind it was obvious.

Zhang Hongli asked in surprise: "Mr. Fang, how did you do this?"

"This is what the University of Science and Technology of China has achieved through the efforts of all parties, and we hope that this academic exchange time will not only end there." Fang Zhuo smiled slightly, "Professor Hu Zhengming is very clear about TSMC's technological development. If possible, we hope to learn from it.

Let’s take a look at the world’s most powerful wafer foundry.”

Before everyone could digest the news, the young president continued.

"Mr. Qiu has profound experience in developing SMIC, and Professor Hu has strong advanced technology capabilities."

"Both of them have a culture of achievers."

“If Bingxin wants to succeed, it must learn from its predecessors who have already succeeded.”

"During the process of raising funds and forming a team, I discussed with many people in the industry and gradually developed a strategic idea for the development of this project."

Fang Zhuo showed a smile and talked eloquently.

"Neon Country once had a glorious history in the semiconductor industry. We must learn from Neon's example and make full use of government policy support."

"The United States and South Korea together defeated Neon's semiconductor industry. This is exactly the situation in the world today. We must learn from the United States and South Korea, especially South Korea, and learn from their use of all possible means to develop the industry."

"Baodao TSMC is the world's number one in the wafer foundry field of the semiconductor industry. We must follow TSMC's example, learn from their investment in advanced technology, and absorb their outstanding talents."

"SMIC has been established in China for three years. In a short period of time, it has become the fourth largest foundry in the world. We must learn from SMIC and learn from their fighting spirit."

Fang Zhuo calmed down and concluded: "In this way, we can successfully build the first production line and lay a good foundation for the development of ice cores."

Make use of preferential policies, do everything possible, actively attract outstanding talents from the same industry, and maintain a fighting spirit to develop the enterprise.

If you continue to learn like this, it won’t be just a production line...

The young CEO said it was a production line, but everyone could hear the complacency in his words.

Zhang Hongli from Deutsche Bank nodded frequently and was the first to applaud: "Mr. Fang said it well. With Mr. Fang controlling the development of the company and Mr. Qiu mastering the technical direction, ice core can be expected."

Applause broke out in the conference room.

Xiong Xiaoge also applauded subconsciously, but the next second he looked at Zhang Hongli with confusion. Several of his speeches seemed to have the effect of singing along, and he...

Investigate Zhang Hongli!

A thought flashed through Xiong Xiaoge's mind. Fang Zhuozhen was just as he said, he was summing up successful experiences more and more. Now even investors have planted moles in advance...

The dignified general manager of Asia Pacific of Deutsche Bank does this...

This person named Zhang must have decided long ago to let Deutsche Bank invest!

This chapter has been completed!
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