236 The Strongest Rival

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Driving a Ferrari in Shanghai, Fang Zhuo felt as if he was riding a horse because of the spring breeze.

However, this sports car is indeed an eyesore, and no one usually drives it. Now a flash of red walking through the city immediately makes people realize who is back.

From that night to the next day, Fang Zhuo's mobile phone was successfully launched. The third wave of contact after the ranking was released was basically media interviews, dinner invitations, New Year blessings, project cooperation, and city inspections.

However, otherwise Shencheng is a hometown. Fang Zhuo actually heard the straightforward and semi-official words "The Richest Man's Celebration Party" on the phone.

Last year's richest man in the country was Rong Zhijian, a native of Jiangsu Province.

This year, Fang Zhuo pushed this person to second place by virtue of his company's listing, which is certainly worthy of celebration.

As for why Shanghai City should celebrate a Huizhou native as a matter of course...

That's of course because last year he was the richest man in Shanghai, and this year he will definitely be the richest man in the country from Shanghai!

Fang Zhuo declined the rich man's celebration party that made him laugh and laughed, and half-seriously told a secretary who called him that he would keep a low profile.

Comrade Secretary understood, but not long after, he called again. This time, he was not invited to attend the "Celebration Party of the Richest Man", but to attend the "Tea Party for Sharing Successful Experiences of Companies Listed in the United States."

What do you mean by "um um"?

What a tea party to share the successful experience of companies listed in the United States!

Fang Zhuo couldn't keep refusing, so he agreed.

Soon, the schedule for the year before and after was basically full.

But the newly minted Fang Shoufang left his first media exposure after returning to China to his own Sina...Sina sports column.

Because Sina has an exclusive contract with Yao Ming, the content of the sports section of the website is almost the same as Sohu, which has signed an official website cooperation with the NBA. For this reason, Sohu also complained to the NBA, believing that Sina's contract violated the contract.

After a subsequent review, nothing changed.

Sina reasonably believes that this year, when the cooperation with Sohu is over, they can try to win over official cooperation. As for how to win, the fact that the boss has become the richest man makes the 70% certainty become 90%.

In addition, the boss seems to have shown interest in basketball, and the certainty becomes 99%.

The New Year special of the Sina Sports column was originally recorded in Beijing, but when I received the news of the boss's participation, I immediately rushed to Shanghai. I couldn't wait to take advantage of the news about the richest man.

On January 27, at 8 o'clock in the evening, Sina Sports' "Big Talk Basketball" officially started. This program is a text + graphic live broadcast, and the video will be edited and released before the Spring Festival.

The host of the show is Yu Jia, and the guests include Zhang Weiping, Su Qun, and Fang Zhuo.

Although Fang Zhuo didn't know these people, he was very familiar with them and talked about Yao Ming and the prospects of this year's Rockets.

Text + graphic live broadcast...

After hearing the news, the audience saw lines of text written by Fang Shoufu. The words written by the guests and the host were short and urgent words such as "Well..." "Yes, it makes sense" and "This can be done."


The richest man’s talk about basketball and his analysis of Yao Ming’s technical moves filled the screen.

"Of course Dayao needs to gain weight, but I think this weight gain must be balanced with athletic ability."

"Dayao's upper body strength still needs to be exercised, especially when facing forwards. His core strength is sufficient."

"Hey, how do you break the circle? First squeeze out twice, you have to squeeze in these two times, and then run back and hit an alley-oop dunk. This Christmas, I watched the duel between Dayao and Shaq live, and Shaq did this


"The Rockets' current power forward is not good either. This must be changed."

In the real-time interaction with viewers of the column, some people commented, "This guy started to feel good about himself after watching a game." There were also loyal fans of the column who didn't know who the guest was today, and looked at confusion like "Fang Zhuo:"

The text fills the screen like a waterfall.

Fang Zhuo was in a high mood tonight, to the point where an ordinary fan could communicate with an ordinary fan on the Internet - that is, playing with each other on the keyboard.

"Who said I don't understand football? Yao Yao himself admitted that I have a very high level of watching football."

"This nickname belongs to Sina 1569412. Do you dare to make a bet with me? My suggestions are very effective and targeted. Even the coach of the Rockets will pay attention to them. They don't know more about football than you do?"

When the show was coming to an end, Fang Shoufu personally changed his text live nickname in the column to "Fang Zhuo, who knows football very well."

Host Yu Jia, guests Zhang Weiping, and Su Qun all felt very cordial about tonight's discussion with Fang Zhuo. This man doesn't look like the richest man in the country at all, he just looks like an ordinary fan - at most a fan who insists on his own opinions.

Of course, given the regular disputes among fan groups, the opinion that rich people don't understand football still occupies the hearts of most fans.

At the end of the recording, the program may have been average, but Fang Zhuo said during the phone call with Yu Hong that it is good to be an ordinary fan, and the atmosphere for everyone to express their opinions is also very good. This is almost the most relaxing moment in the past few years.

Yu Hong asked a few questions about this: "When you buy the Rockets, will you set up your character like this in the United States? Will the department there really relax in reviewing equipment procurement because of such fame?"

"Who knows, anyway, Goldman Sachs thinks it's feasible. The boss who knows the most about football? The boss who knows the least about football? The boss who gets slapped the most? The boss who loves sports the most?" Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "Goldman Sachs thinks it will cooperate with their media influence.

, can create a perceived public image in a short period of time, and the ice core’s current equipment procurement has been subject to review.”

"It's really not good news." Yu Hong sighed.

"This is to be expected. I'm afraid I will have to bring Qiu Ciyun along with me to mediate after the new year." Fang Zhuo instead expressed optimism, "I believe it can be solved."

If it really can't be solved, the old bear who made money from Yike's listing will not kill himself.

Fang Zhuo is extremely optimistic about the prospects.

As the Lunar New Year approaches, the atmosphere in many departments in Chengcheng, Sichuan Province is tense.

As a star company in the entire Sichuan Province, Changhong's recent situation has attracted much attention. Several people are active here and there, but there are only a few departments, and activities come and go.

Ni Runfeng, the head of Changhong, has merit, hard work and mistakes. He is willing to continue to lead Changhong forward and is determined to improve the current business situation.

Zhao Yong, the 41-year-old former general manager of Changhong and now the deputy leader of Fucheng, also expressed his views, saying that if the organization needs it, he can immediately return to Changhong and turn around the company's situation.

Speaking of which, Zhao Yong is young and powerful, and was born in Tsinghua University. He has served as Changhong's deputy chief engineer, director of the technology institute, chief engineer, deputy general manager, vice chairman, and general manager. His resume is quite powerful.

In 2000, when Ni Runfeng resigned and went out of office, it was Zhao Yong who took over the position. However, this position only lasted eight months before he was ousted by Ni Runfeng who returned.

Zhao Yong has always been worried about this, but now seeing Ni Runfeng's decline, he is determined to win the position of head of Changhong.

After several communications, especially with the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Chengdu, Zhao Yong has decided to have Changhong convene a board of directors after the year, remove Ni Runfeng from his position, and take over the reins of this star company in Sichuan Province.

He endured for three years just to defeat his strongest opponent.

All the grievances, disappointments, and anger are accumulated together and turned into motivation for moving forward.

He believes that he can lead Changhong to regain its glory.

This chapter has been completed!
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