Chapter 905 Mr. Franklin

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 The news of unfair feedback only made a swirl in Fang Zhuo's heart and then disappeared.

Okay, Director Heng only has such great authority. The competition between Yike and Nokia ultimately depends on the true strength of both parties.

Nokia, whether it was irritated by the Yike conference or awakened by Mars and iPhone, has already taken out its patented weapons other than its products in an attempt to stifle the development momentum of emerging companies.

As far as Fangzhuo is concerned, he hopes to see the strength of both parties wax and wane in order to finally resolve the problem.

Nokia's current asking price is a bit high, but it may be lower next year, or next year, Yike will have richer liquidity to handle this matter.

Of course, secret deployment against short sellers is a defensive counterattack, which is another matter.

Fang Zhuo's enthusiasm on the golf course came to an end with the successful renewal of the ice core license. He got tired of swinging clubs, made enough friends, and finally waited eagerly for news from Mr. Qiu.

In one word, smooth.

Still surprisingly smooth.

But considering the one-time launch of Google Schmidt, Xiaoao's staff Lu Peining, shareholder Goldman Sachs, miga fund customers, new friends in the Friendship Club, old connections with SMIC Zhang Rujing and other resources, it is reasonable.

When Qiu Ciyun led his team back to Silicon Valley from Washington, Fang Zhuo reviewed the process of obtaining the license with him, and they had the same feeling that although we were so serious about the matter, others actually didn't care so much about renewing the license.

There was a license originally, but nothing happened during the period, and the manufacturing process was more than one generation behind.

So, the four-year license for technology introduction and equipment purchase was renewed in an ordinary manner.

"After another four years of fighting, Mr. Fang, I leave the task of bringing Dr. Liang back to you." Qiu Ciyun's emotion has been exhausted in Washington. He is now focused on making the best use of the allowed four years.


Taking the issuance of the license as the time point, in the first four years, it can be said that ice core has made breakthroughs in manufacturing technology regardless of the matter.

However, this year's economic situation is turbulent, large customers are cautious about orders, Bingxin's Lin'an factory has been cut off to the maximum extent, and Luzhou factory is facing huge equipment depreciation expenses after capacity upgrade. From the overall operation point of view, Bingxin needs to solve the problem of revenue and profitability.

big problem.

With 65n hands, Ice Core will certainly not fail, but a positive and healthy operation is the guarantee for continuous research and development and breakthroughs, so as not to be distanced by the world's first-class companies, and to further look at the possibility of shouldering the same or even surpassing it.

Qiu Ciyun knew that Mr. Fang had many investment friends, that Mr. Fang had made some money shorting Lehman, and that Mr. Fang's Yike had initially achieved success in mobile phone products.

However, a friend’s money belongs to a friend after all, and shorting Lehman is just a lump sum of money, and Yike, a listed company, has its own operating needs.

As the CEO of Bingxin, Qiu Ciyun must have a general ledger in mind.

After a brief moment of joy or relief, he continued to plan the work of the three fabs in Lu, Shen and Lin.

"Don't worry, Dr. Liang will be here at the end of the month." Fang Zhuo is in a very good mood. Friends can make money together and work together. This is the essence of development. "We will see you in China next month."

Liang Mengsong, who had been targeted a few years ago, has finally passed the two-year non-competition agreement and joined Ice Core. This is called lingering, and there will be repercussions...

He is now making final preparations for flying to China, including the resettlement of his family, and there are still some loose ends to deal with.

On July 25, Fang Zhuo, who had finished his retreat and felt refreshed, hosted an online meeting of global executives in Silicon Valley. The two focuses were current sales work and the opening of the Chinese market next month.

The first million of Mars2 was reached on the 18th of this month. According to the current sales trend, excluding the Chinese market, it may approach two million next month, and it will be completed in September at the latest.

target node.

This sales performance makes everyone happy.

As the person in charge of the U.S. market, Yu Hong has a greater sense of accomplishment: “I finally got rid of the restrictions of T-Mobile, and finally managed to compete with those in Europe.

It's a draw."

T-Mobile, the previously exclusive operator, had a scale disadvantage and could not be compared with Deutsche Telekom, which is the European base. However, the launch of mars2 contacted a number of small and medium-sized operators in various states who came to see the trend.

A considerable part of Yu Hong's energy is devoted to coordinating these.

"I knew Mr. Yu was the best. Mr. Yu is worthy of being the co-founder of Yike." Fang Zhuo was not stingy with his praise.

"You do a lot of social work, right?" Yu Hong didn't take this trick.

"Hey, social work is not that complicated. Those golfers are quite pragmatic. Well, maybe they are divided into groups and find one with a good reputation. This is the case for the rest of the series." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

"On the contrary, they respect me quite a bit."

Yu Hong asked: "Do I respect you or Franklin?"

Fang Zhuo straightened his collar and said seriously: "Xiao Yu, my English name is Franklin."

Yu Hong:……

She didn't know for a moment whether the boss was here for real or not, and she felt that Mr. Fang was really capable of doing such a thing.

Fang Zhuo looked at Xiao Yu's silence and said with a smile: "What, you don't even want to call me Mr. Franklin?"

Yu Hong took a sip. Regardless of whether it was true or not, this guy was indeed in a good mood and was really proud of himself.

She asked about the itinerary: "When will you return to China?"

"Looking at Dr. Liang's arrangements, it will probably be on the 31st or the 1st of next month." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "I said before that I would pick him up on a private plane when he joins the job, and I just kept my promise this time."

Yu Hong had the impression of an old rich man moving treasures into his house. She nodded: "I heard Mr. Liu say that there is a social atmosphere in China and everyone is very nervous."

Just as manufacturers like Nokia, Yike, Apple, HTC, LG, and Motorola were complaining, domestic mobile phone manufacturers were also launching new phones frequently, and the time coincided with Yike's mobile phone launch conference.

Yike Company didn't know whether it should regard this action as a sniper, but it was just arranging goods for various channels step by step, preparing to face the test of the market.

In the second half of this month, as the Olympic Games are approaching, the latest mobile phone advertisement endorsed by athletes Yi Keyou also began to play. Yao Ming, Guo Jingjing, Zhang Yining, Wang Hao and other athletes participated in the shooting of the Mars advertisement, interpreting "faster and more powerful" from their respective fields.

The spirit of "higher and stronger".

Since the launch of this year's Spring Festival Gala, Yike Mobile has been advertising for half a year, but it has not been launched in China. Netizens once complained that it had "no physical performance."

But for domestic manufacturers, they are eager for the Yike mobile phone to be released as late as possible, and some are cheering for Nokia in their hearts, hoping that it can successfully maintain its interests.

However, there are more and more news from operators, offline channels have begun to have actual machines, and even product pictures accidentally leaked from the Yigou website... everything is heralding the arrival of Yike Mars.

The news that really made a group of manufacturers "thump" in their hearts was that on July 31, someone saw the "Qingzi" private plane landing at Shanghai International Airport.

The Qingzi is back.

what does that mean?

It means that the man who scolded Nokia is back.

It also means that Yike Mobile Phone will eventually be launched in China.

After trying the heroes abroad, we have to try the heroes in the small group at home.


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