Chapter 909 A clear conscience (4k)

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Luo Jianhua talked a lot over the wine table.

Taking advantage of the Olympics to come to Beijing to meet Mr. Fang this time is indeed one of his last hopes, and it is indeed regarded by him as one of Qimonda's last glimmers of hope.

Moreover, because of mutual contact and cooperation, and because Ice Core Lin'an Factory did not create difficulties in cutting orders and foundry fees, Luo Jianhua felt that Mr. Fang had a lot of room for discussion.

Since I accepted the order cut and did not press for the OEM fee, can I help again?

Luo Jianhua drank a lot and talked a lot about Qimonda's current situation and future operations.

The industry has fallen too badly and the company has too big a hole. He is looking for hope in despair.

After countless rounds of drinking, the head of Qimonda was already drunk.

"Mr. Luo, go upstairs and have a good rest." Fang Zhuo called Mr. Luo's secretary and warned him carefully, "Mr. Luo drank a lot. Prepare some water for him. He might be thirsty when he wakes up at night. Pay attention to Mr. Luo.

, don’t get choked if you vomit, if you have anything going on here..."

He turned around and told his secretary Liu Zonghong: "Xiao Liu, leave your phone number with him. If you need anything, just call my secretary."

Secretary Luo agreed repeatedly.

It was already late, and the person was about to lose consciousness.

Fang Zhuo gave a few more instructions before leaving.

Luo Jianhua, who was dazed, suddenly woke up when he heard the voice. He grabbed Mr. Fang's arm and continued the topic at an unknown time: "Mr. Fang, thank you, thank you, Ming. I will ask you to come to the company as a director next year."

Fang Zhuo didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He patted Mr. Luo's hand and motioned to the other party's secretary to help him up. He agreed: "Okay, okay, Mr. Luo, it's a deal."

Luo Jianhua seemed relieved and was helped to the elevator in confusion.

He was helped for several steps, and suddenly he shouted from east to west, from north to south: "Mars is a big deal, a big deal!"

When Fang Zhuo heard this voice, he looked back and said with emotion: "It's not easy."

Soon, Liu Zonghong drove the car to the door of the hotel, got in the car and left.

Luo Jianhua on the other side was helped all the way into the elevator and up to the suite.

When the door closed, he suddenly woke up, rubbed his face, and said calmly to his secretary: "Make a pot of tea."

The secretary let go of his hand and silently made tea.

Luo Jianhua sat on the sofa, thinking about the gains and losses of this night.

He was indeed drunk, but not to the point of being unconscious.

"Do you look drunk?" Luo Jianhua asked after taking the tea from his secretary.

"Mr. Fang must not be able to tell," the secretary replied.

Luo Jianhua sighed: "Mr. Fang is indeed a good person. I can't help it, but for the sake of Qimonda, I have a clear conscience. After passing this test, let's cooperate more in the future."

Sincerely Qimeng is facing a crisis of survival. It is a last resort to keep a low profile and seek cooperation and funds.

As long as the capital hole is filled and this level is passed, Qimonda will still be the light of European memory.

By then, Qimonda and Bingxin will have plenty of opportunities for cooperation.



The night sky lit up with bright fireworks.

"Drive slower."

Fang Zhuo in the car lowered the window and enjoyed the fireworks in the capital.

After a while, he asked strangely: "What kind of fireworks are these? Why are they set off at this time?"

The Olympic opening ceremony hasn't arrived yet, it's the night after tomorrow.

"It should be the rehearsal of the fireworks for the opening ceremony." Liu Zonghong replied, "I saw it on, saying that fireworks will be set off at some locations within the Fifth Ring Road. It seems that there are 32 setting points."

Fang Zhuo said "Oh": "Sina even has this information."

"As a partner of the Olympic Games, no matter how big or small, everyone will always click on the Olympic news when they see it." Liu Zonghong said his feelings.

Fang Zhuo nodded and quietly enjoyed the rehearsal fireworks.

As the fireworks gradually disappeared, the car accelerated and drove towards the hotel.

Seeing that they were almost there, Liu Zonghong, who went in half way through the dinner and was in charge of pouring wine, asked a question: "Mr. Fang, can Qimonda pay for the labor this time?"

Fang Zhuo laughed dumbly: "How to tie it? Where can I have the money to tie it?"

Liu Zonghong was roughly aware of the complicated cooperation between Bingxin and Qimonda, because some things were done under his orders.

"I thought that even if he wanted to get the 300 million euros from us, he would have to pay off the OEM fees first, even if he had to transfer 30 million U.S. dollars of German bank money first."

Fang Zhuo looked forward and shook his head: "In times like this, banks are very concerned about money. Qimonda itself is a German company, so how can it be so easy to move life-saving funds? What's more, he said he could get it from the bank

Is it really possible to get a loan?"

Liu Zonghong was startled. He thought his boss believed the news at the dinner table. Boss Luo also mentioned the use of funds and plans again and again, and it didn't look like nonsense at all.

"He said that the bank is willing to lend 300 million euros and asked me to help find 300 million euros." Fang Zhuo said casually, "Maybe when I return to Germany in a few days, he and the bank will say that I am willing to lend 300 million euros and let them lend.

300 million euros. If you pretend to be true, you may be true or false. If you have a vague attitude and it’s hard to verify, just listen to it.”

Liu Zonghong: "..."

"Oh, yes, he also promised the most advanced technology. If he really has the money to pass the test, the most advanced technology must be launched immediately and be introduced to the market immediately to make money. There is no time to wait for the equipment upgrade and slow debugging at the Lin'an factory.

"Fang Zhuo said disapprovingly, "Patent authorization is a bit strange, but Qimonda's emphasis on patents is on another level after passing the test. I don't know what the changes will be by then."

When Liu Zonghong heard this, he hesitated and said: "What to tell Mr. Luo..."

What he heard in the box was the boss's attitude toward helping.

"Qimonda said that it was only 300 million euros short of passing the customs. Let's delay it first, lest he actually find new financing sources. The longer this delay gets worse, the harder it will be to find money.

"Fang Zhuo knows that what will happen after the financial crisis is that everyone will tighten their wallets and it will be difficult to find funds later.

Since Mr. Luo has repeatedly promised that Qimonda's technology is advanced, instead of waiting for the hesitant authorization, it is better to get it himself.

Fang Zhuo sighed: "It's just that it's really not easy for Mr. Luo to see him drinking like this."

Liu Zonghong glanced at the distracted boss through the rearview mirror and felt that Mr. Fang might be a little bit unbearable because he was shorting Qimonda. After all, Mr. Luo was in a very embarrassed state tonight, which made people feel sorry for him.

He was searching for the right words in his mind to persuade Mr. Fang, well, kindness does not control soldiers.

"It would be great if there were more Qimondas like this." Fang Zhuo came back to his senses and spoke leisurely. Qimondas are really special, very good, and very attractive.

Liu Zonghong swallowed, be kind, be kind... be more kind.

"Today, Mr. Luo drew me a cake about technology and patents. I don't know what Morningstar will draw for me tomorrow." Fang Zhuo thought of Morningstar Semiconductor and MediaTek, which he had an appointment with tomorrow night.

The heads of these two families also came to Beijing to watch the Olympic Games.

However, I don’t know whether it’s the Olympics or the chip cooperation.

Fang Zhuo thought about it and said, "Contact Lao Xiong and the others and see if you have time on the 10th or in the next two days to meet Mr. Luo's team and see if you can negotiate a lower price."

Liu Zonghong worried: "What if Mr. Xiong and the others really vote?"

Fang Zhuo said with certainty: "They are as smart as monkeys, how can they invest? I can't get this kind of money out even if I press their necks. Unless I ask ICBC to strongly guarantee it, then I might be able to get the money."

Anyway, we just need to find someone to contact Mr. Luo and the others first, and we’ll finally get something done.”

Liu Zonghong understood that Fang always had to worry about Qimengda, but Mr. Xiong and the others would communicate or simply have a tacit understanding to help.

Mr. Luo used Qimonda's technology to impress Mr. Fang, and Mr. Fang led a group of people to act as carrots for Mr. Luo.

Don't talk about anyone else.

Liu Zonghong works as a secretary, and he just feels like he can be a secretary honestly for the rest of his life. The business world is sinister and he cannibalize people at every turn. Sometimes he doesn't even know who is being eaten and how.

Nothing happened all night.

The next day, Fang Zhuo first visited Beijing with his family, which has a strong Olympic atmosphere, and then went to Sina headquarters in the afternoon.

Similarly, the atmosphere of grand events within Sina is even stronger.

When Fang Zhuo arrived here, he was caught and interviewed.

He faced the microphone of his website and enthusiastically wished the Olympic athletes excellent results on the field.

"Mr. Fang, when can I buy Mars?" the reporter asked an additional question after turning off the microphone.

"Soon, soon." Fang Zhuo replied with a smile.

When he finished his inspection of Sina, President Wang Yan also asked the same question when they parted: "Mr. Fang, when can I buy Mars?"

Fang Zhuo still replied: "It's coming soon, don't worry."

In the evening, he met Liang Gongwei, the head of Morningstar Semiconductor, and he didn't expect that the first sentence of the greeting would be this.

"Mr. Fang, as soon as I arrived in Beijing, I went shopping on Tesco Electrical Appliances. I thought I could buy Mars here first, but I didn't expect it. When can I buy it?" Liang Gongwei asked.

Fang Zhuo smiled and said: "It's only a few days. You should say that you are Mr. Liang from Morning Star. Their offline electrical appliances will definitely take out the mobile phone in the cabinet and show it to you."

Liang Gongwei sighed: "It's a pity that our Morningstar chips have just begun to show off. Otherwise, they might have been put on the market together this time."

After continuous tape-out failures, Morningstar Semiconductor finally succeeded once before listing in Hong Kong.

However, the effect it presents is indeed average.

Morningstar Semiconductor is currently conducting a series of optimization steps on it, trying to meet Yike's requirements.

"Well, there is nothing you can do about the product. In the end, consumers will pay the bill. They will vote with their feet and cannot be careless." Fang Zhuo said seriously.

Liang Gongwei nodded, this is also the truth.

Before he could continue speaking, Cai Mingjie from MediaTek walked in with a smile. Even Liang Gongwei, his old rival, smiled and nodded in greeting.

"Sit down, Mr. Cai, sit down, Mr. Liang, sit down." Fang Zhuo said after greeting for a while, "Today, under the light of the Olympic Games, we are all sitting together. This is a good thing."

"Yes, it's a good thing. Oh, yes, I haven't congratulated Mr. Liang yet. I heard that it is going to be listed?" Cai Mingjie said with a smile, "We are all in the business. It is not easy to get to the stage of listing."

Fang Zhuo nodded in agreement.

Liang Gongwei smiled slightly: "It's all the efforts of everyone in the company, and it also relies on Mr. Fang's support, otherwise Morning Star wouldn't be where it is today."

Fang Zhuo waved his hand, Morningstar Semiconductor is very hardworking. With their energy, they will succeed sooner or later, whether they have it or not.

"However, listing is just a new starting point. In many cases, you cannot pay attention to the stock price, and it is easy to be swayed by your emotions." Cai Mingjie speaks from experience, "Moreover, the information is also transparent. Take us, MediaTek, for example, we have just entered the market.

In the field of TV chips, investment must be mentioned in the financial report, but investors are not happy and feel that this field has no future."

Cai Mingjie archery.

Liang Gongwei half-smiled: "It makes sense, so we at Morning Star just want to try mobile phone chips."

Liang Gongwei raised his shield.

"Mobile phone chips are not easy. It's too difficult. TV chips still have low technical content. No, taking advantage of the Olympic Games, I met with Mr. Li of TCL in Beijing yesterday and discussed the use of our chips in their new TV models.

Cooperation." Cai Mingjie dropped the news calmly, "I hope that we and Changhong can also negotiate cooperation during the Olympic Games."

Liang Gongwei smiled softly, Changhong is a company that is very influenced by Mr. Fang.

Fang Zhuo held the wine glass and suddenly felt that it was a bit rash to bring these two together.

"Mobile phone chips are indeed not easy. Fortunately, Morningstar's technical strength is sufficient, otherwise it would be difficult to successfully tap out." Liang Gongwei followed the other party's words and continued, "Morningstar went public with financing, and this money was earmarked for special use, and all of it was invested in targeted projects.

On the mobile phone chip.”

When he said this, he raised his glass and said to the other party: "Mr. Fang, I came here today to talk to you about this. Our investment in research and development of this chip must be approved by shareholders."

Fang Zhuo is a shareholder of Morningstar.

He touched Mr. Liang's glass with his wine glass and agreed: "Investment in R&D requires perseverance. Only by perseverance can you gain."

Cai Mingjie also raised his glass and said quite bluntly: "Mr. Fang, MediaTek has always been very willing to give up. This time the MT6588 is the result of all the hard work. I believe it will complement the Yike mobile phone."

When Liang Gongwei heard this, he said "ha".

Cai Mingjie looked at the person opposite him, but Liang Gongwei's eyes were not to be outdone.

"Yike's new series of mobile phones will inevitably test the chip capabilities in detail. I still say the same thing. The product must ultimately be promoted to consumers. I am not saying whether Morningstar is better or MediaTek is better. It is the design of Yike's products that must be promoted to consumers.

The person responsible is responsible." Fang Zhuo finally couldn't stand it anymore, "I won't dictate which company to choose for mobile phone chips. This is not within my scope of ability."

Cai Mingjie said simply: "Mr. Fang, I respect you. I have confidence in MediaTek."

Liang Gongwei also said: "Mr. Fang, I respect you, Morningstar Semiconductor will not let you down."

Fang Zhuo raised his wine glass, clinked it left and right, and nodded slightly. He also had confidence in Qualcomm at this stage.

Morningstar Semiconductor is in trouble, and MediaTek has obvious competition. It is more appropriate for Qualcomm in its honeymoon period to sink, and it is more responsible for consumers.

Wine glasses clinked.

The bickering between Cai and Liang did not calm down over a glass of wine. Except for a brief agreement on their wishes for Mars, the heads of the two big M companies made no secret of looking down on their rivals.

The crackling sound of rehearsal fireworks could be heard in the night sky again.

Fang Zhuo drank the wine and listened to the choking sound. For a moment, he felt both harmonious and slightly ashamed.

"Hey, Mr. Liang and Mr. Cai, I respect you. We won't go home until we get drunk today." He stood up again and insisted on pouring wine for these two seniors himself.

Liang Gongwei and Cai Mingjie drank this glass of wine together.

Fang Zhuo felt much more comfortable. He didn't mention it anymore. It was worthy of the wine. The tide of the times was moving forward. There would be many opportunities for cooperation in the future, so this time he would just do this.

This chapter has been completed!
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