Chapter One Thousand and Eleven: Kuijia Female Beast

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late at night.

Shanhaiguan is the true northern gateway to the border of the Great Shang Dynasty. This Shanhaiguan has existed for thousands of years. It was built by our ancestors in ancient times. At the beginning, this Shanhaiguan defended monsters from the depths of the mountains and seas.

Beasts, up to now, the monster beasts have continued to practice and evolve, and have become the legendary monster clan, but they are still the formidable enemies of Shanhaiguan.

Shanhaiguan was very popular late at night. Countless player guilds gathered in Shanhaiguan. After learning that the coalition forces of monsters and demons were about to arrive, the city of Shanhaiguan was already lined with soldiers, and many high-level players also crowded in.

At the top of the city, there are so many players above the Golden Core Realm in the air that they can’t even squeeze in. Some player guilds have already set up defenses on the mountains on both sides.

On the city tower, the general Han Yetang was dressed in fiery red military armor, with a crimson cloak behind him, a sword hanging from his waist, and a strong sword spirit. His whole person looked heroic. Next to him, stood a man wearing a dark blue military uniform.

The female warrior of A is none other than Chen Xi, the Lord of Yunzhou. In addition, Long Dongjun, Lu Fengxian, Xiao Muhan, Sun Qinghe and other mountain monks are also there.


Han Yetang squinted her eyes and looked at the smoke and dust in the distance. In her eyes, the demon army was coming from all over the mountains and plains. The figures of big demons in the sky were hidden in the rolling dense clouds. To the east, there were

Hundreds of thousands of demon cavalry came shaking the earth. Birds flew in front of the entire Shanhai Pass, and a great battle was imminent.

"Get into formation!"

Han Yetang raised his right hand high.

"As ordered..."

A deep sound sounded from the mountains on both sides. The next moment, two tigers appeared on one side and one on the right. Further behind, a huge golden figure appeared. It was Beiyue who was enshrined by the Great Shang Dynasty.

, above the territory of Yunzhou, the mountains are surging with aura, and the crisscrossing rivers, lakes, etc. are even more prosperous with water transportation. All kinds of weather have gathered together, condensing a rich golden restriction on the border.

The restrictions created by a country's luck and its mountains and rivers are by no means comparable to the several mountain guard formations in Baicheng. This is also what the Great Shang Dynasty relies on. It uses the luck of the dynasty and the luck of the human race to fight against powerful enemies.



In the wind, a figure appeared in the wind, wearing a gray short shirt, dragging a tattered cloak behind him, with sinister eyes. It was none other than Demon King Chenfeng. He appeared in the wind with his sword in hand. Without saying a word, he struck with three swords.

Heading towards the human world prohibition barrier above Shanhaiguan.

Suddenly, a loud noise rumbled, and wisps of golden light bloomed in the air. Chen Feng's three swords seemed to have struck into the golden water waves. Only a few ripples were stirred up, and the power of the three swords was completely restrained by the mountains and rivers of the human race.

It's resolved.

"Dragon Crossbow, aim!"

Han Yetang raised his hand and pointed. Suddenly, on the hundreds of towering arrow towers in the city, divine dragon crossbows were quickly aimed in the direction of Chenfeng under the control of the sergeant. The next moment, there were "puffing" sounds of ejection.



Chenfeng raised his eyebrows, and immediately swung his sword quickly, and dense sword energy rolled out, crushing a whole piece of Shenlong crossbow arrows, but there were also crossbow arrows that shot from the air, and exploded after hitting Chenfeng's protective sword.

, although it would not hurt Chenfeng, the strong explosion still made Chenfeng feel that his blood was surging and he was very uncomfortable.

The ingenious methods of the Mo family's ancestral family have always been a pain to the demon clan.

"Chenfeng, come back."

In the distance, Qing Kui Demon Ancestor stood in the clouds, and with a gentle flick of his sleeves, he called back Chen Feng. His eyes were always fixed on a group of human monks on the top of the city, Long Dongjun and Lu Fengxian. These two rebirths were quite tricky.

In addition, Xiao Muhan, Chen Mengjun, Sun Qinghe and other twelve realms are also very powerful. If these people rely on a mountain pass to fight back, they still have a certain chance of killing Chen Feng.

Senior Brother Kunpeng only has a few direct disciples. Jin Cheng was killed by Lin Baiyi with a sword at the first moment of the Battle of Baicheng. Now if Chen Feng has another problem, even if the demon clan is in the human world

After wiping out the human race, I am afraid that after Qing Kui ascends, it will be difficult for him to explain to his senior brother that he, his senior uncle, has somewhat neglected his duty.

"Jade 卮."

Qing Kui Demon Ancestor looked at the commander of the demon army in a red dress not far away, nodded, indicating that it was time to start.


Stepping on a wisp of flame, Yu Zhi appeared in the wind, hovering over the three demon clan armies. She looked at the Shanhaiguan Pass with her beautiful eyes, and couldn't help feeling a little proud. Back then, Lin Zhao blocked her from going south, but now he is no longer there.

There is no ability to do anything else. As long as Shanhaiguan is breached, the destruction of the human race will be just around the corner.

"The warriors of the three armies of the demon clan!"

Yu Zhi lightly clenched his fists, with murderous intent in his beautiful eyes, and said: "Attack the city! The first military tent and the second military tent will be the first to attack and kill. Bring your siege equipment, use your crossbows and arrows well.

Cloud ladder, whoever can be the first to rush to the city of Shanhaiguan will be given the opportunity to go to the fifth realm, and whoever can cut off the heads of Han Yetang and Chen Xi will be handed down as the demon ancestors!"

Immediately, the blood of the demon clan's three armies boiled. Countless demon soldiers rushed toward Shanhaiguan Pass, holding shields and daggers. Behind them, there were dense siege crossbows, siege ladders, etc. In the past two years, the demon clan has been in the northern border.

It is not surprising that many humans were captured and craftsmen were selected from them to build ladders, bed crossbows, etc.

This is also the place where Yuxi is most valued by Qingkui Demon Ancestor.

Other great monsters only think that if I have a high realm, a strong fist, and a powerful magic weapon, I can defeat the human world in one go. They rely solely on brute force. But Yuxi, she will consider all aspects of the matter, and even

Learn the skills, methods, and equipment of the human race and use them for your own use.

When it comes to siege, in the past, all the monster clans in the world would just rush in and be done with it, but now under the leadership of Yu Zhi, they have long been organized and know how to use ladders, siege crossbows and other equipment.

The demon clan's power is brought into full play. This is the only way for the demon clan to sweep the world away.

In the east, the war drums of the neon world also thundered. Countless demon cavalry held high battle flags and torches, and tirelessly launched an attack on Shanhaiguan in the middle of the night.

Suddenly, above the city gate, under Han Yetang's order, thousands of heavy artillery on Shanhaiguan and on the mountain spit out tongues of fire, and countless flame flowers bloomed among the crowds of monsters and demons.

Although there is a plain in front of Shanhaiguan, mountains protect it from both sides, so the number of troops that the demon clan can really attack the pass is not too many. Two military tents with 400,000 troops are enough. As for the demon clan, they only use

Fifty thousand cavalry, but with great momentum.

In the air, figures of big monsters stood across the sky. They kept a distance so that they would not be blocked by the human race's mountains and rivers. Some slashed out wisps of sword energy, some used magical weapons, and some punched and suppressed them ten miles apart. They were just separated by the air.

Bombings are constantly eroding the aura of the human race’s mountains and rivers.

On top of the city, all the players who were able to reach the top of the city threw themselves into the battle, using all their strength. Fire rain fell on the bottom of the city wall, burning a group of monsters and demons crying for their fathers and mothers.

This war is destined to be a protracted war of attrition, and once Shanhaiguan is breached, the human world's landscape aura will be exhausted in a short period of time.

Yangping Pass.

At the northwest gate of the Great Shang Dynasty, although it was late at night, there were iron cavalry in front of Yangping Pass. One hundred thousand demon cavalry lined up and camped outside the pass. Soldiers were sent overnight to fetch wood nearby and began to make siege ladders and other equipment.

Under the starlight, hundreds of demon cavalry protected the two generals.

One of them is Su Chan, the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the demon clan, and the other is Yu Feng, the captain of the divine cavalry who has made great achievements in battle.

Yu Feng's record was not outstanding. After he went south, he almost defeated all his enemies with overwhelming force, and all his defeats came from that Lin Baiyi.

In the court of Nishang World, almost everyone recognized Lin Baiyi as the "God of War" in the human world. Therefore, everyone recognized that it was not shameful to be defeated by Lin Baiyi's soldiers. They still believed that Yu Feng was

Nishang is the most capable divine cavalry captain in the world.

Although Yu Feng was dissatisfied and wanted to win back the city in Lin Zhao's hands, there was no chance. Lin Baiyi was already trapped under half of Wuwu Mountain. It was a situation where his energy was cut off and he had a narrow escape from death. For this reason,

Yu Feng actually felt like a fox was sad when a rabbit died. It was actually a pity that someone like Lin Baiyi died.

"Yu Feng."

Su Chan squinted at the male pass in the distance and said: "Starting tomorrow, you will lead five hundred cavalry to scold the formation in front of Yangping Pass every day, specifically scolding Li Chunyang's mother. If you can lure Li Chunyang out of the pass to fight in the field, you will have done a great job.

, If it fails, then we have to wait, we need enough ladders to attack the city, otherwise it will be a joke to attack the city with cavalry."

"Yes, Su Shuai."

Yu Feng frowned and said, "But a waste like Li Chunyang... may not have the courage to leave seclusion."

"It doesn't matter. It's a good thing to boost their morale."

"Oh, I see."

Yu Feng took a deep breath and looked at Yang Pingguan, but what he was thinking about was Li Chunyang, the chief executive of the Shang Dynasty. How much military merit could one of his heads be exchanged for in the court of Nishang World?

real world.

Late at night, East China Sea.

In a human marine fortress that looked like a bunker, the control hall was filled with dense traffic lights. Murong Feiyue, who was sitting on the commander's seat with her eyes closed and concentrating, suddenly raised her head and said, "What's wrong?"

"Leviathan Tide Warning!"

On the side, Ning Yu, who was dressed in a colonel's military uniform, frowned and said: "Cruiser Battleship No. 074 has just been attacked by a giant sea beast! Hurry up, connect the cruiser signal."

Soon, Commander No. 074 appeared on the big screen in front. The picture was very bumpy. He staggered around and said: "General, we have just been attacked. Something is approaching quickly from the bottom of the sea. One of our submarines has been hit.

It sank."

"Retreat immediately!"

Murong Feiyue stood up and said: "Release the drone, continue to monitor the tide of sea beasts, collect the attacker's data, and confirm his identity and energy level."


But at this moment, a sickle-shaped sea beast's body suddenly cut through the water. With a bang, it directly cut through the cruiser's shield system, and then cut the cruiser, which weighed at least 8,000 tons, in half.

, the screen is interrupted.


Murong Feiyue said in a deep voice: "Activate the battleship's lifesaving system and release all the lifeboats. The base immediately dispatched drone rescue aircraft to rescue people, and the nearby drones scanned the attacker's data!"


Ning Yu personally controlled the drone. After careful scanning operations, a figure that had been scanned in the deep sea appeared on the big screen. It was very large and covered with dense raw energy. For a moment, Ning Yu's face changed.

became pale.

"The initial energy level exceeds 12,000 points!"

"It's the legendary S-class Kui-armored female beast that has only appeared a few times, codenamed the God of Death. It should be the one that attacked the Sumerian homeport five years ago!"

This chapter has been completed!
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