Chapter 122 Dead for many years

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Battle between Yunzhou and Beixihe.

This battle lasted for a full month. The Yao clan dispatched eight military tents with a total of 1.6 million troops, while the Demon clan dispatched 100,000 cavalry. With an absolute strength advantage, they strangled the 200,000 Yunzhou cavalry.

At the same time, during this battle, the entire Beixi River was almost dyed red with blood. There were battlefields everywhere in the fertile snow forest of Yunzhou, and there were corpses everywhere.

A month later, the human race was defeated miserably.

In the early morning, clouds filled the small towns in Yunzhou. Almost every day, there were young wives outside the small towns eagerly waiting for their husbands to return. It had only been a month, but there was still no news.

However, on this day, when those young women were looking into the distance at the entrance of the town, figures came out of the mist. They were horses from the Yunzhou battlefield. There was no one on the horseback, and there was no one on the saddle.

The blood-stained red scarf spread out and fluttered in the cold wind of early spring.

These war horses appeared in groups and returned to their hometowns.

It's a pity that the old horse knew the way and returned, but his beloved did not return.

For a time, the territory of Yunzhou was filled with the cries of newlywed wives, as if all the men in Yunzhou had died overnight.

Soon after, news came back that Yunzhou was defeated, and the 200,000 Yunzhou cavalry who went to guard the border were wiped out!

The whole Yunzhou was in mourning.

Lin Zhao's mind wandered in the wind. Seeing the newlyweds crying silently, he couldn't help but blame himself. The fall of Yunzhou was a high probability event in his plan. In fact, they were just pawns in this protracted and fierce battle.

, Lin Zhao could think of that scene, but when he actually witnessed it, he felt surprisingly panicked.

He didn't want to look any more, so he flew to Beixihe.

At this time, the Beixi River was littered with corpses, and there was heavy snowfall. After a very difficult defeat of the 200,000 Yunzhou Iron Cavalry that the human race had improvised, the upper echelons of the demon and demon tribes sent orders to return to Shanhaiguan and rest for three days before fighting again. However, right after

As they headed north, a powerful force came out from the Hexi direction. Chen Xi personally led tens of thousands of Cangnan cavalry who had just finished resting to launch an ambush.

Several military tents of the demon tribe suffered heavy losses. Chen Xi killed nearly 120,000 demon soldiers in one battle. After that, Chen Xi led his troops to fight out from the crowd of demon cavalry, killing nearly 10,000 demon cavalry, and finally led

As the remnants of the Cangnan Iron Cavalry returned to Yunzhou, Chen Xi issued an order wherever they passed, and all the granaries in the counties and cities were set on fire. All the troops and people moved south, leaving no food for the monsters and demons.


Among the ruins, the demon clan built a temporary tent. At this time, the demon ancestor had led the big demon Ji'an, Chen Feng and others returned to Zushan to rest. The people who were in charge of the tent were Yu Xie, Liu Bai, Long Zheng, Feng Feng.

Quan et al.

"It's been a month."

Feng Quan frowned and said: "We, the soldiers of the three armies of the demon clan, have been fighting bloody battles for more than a month. Their food and grass are almost completely cut off. They can only survive by eating human corpses and war horses. Just yesterday, thousands more were weak and weak.

Many soldiers died of hunger and cold."

Liu Bai placed the Bibo mace across his legs and said calmly: "The world of monsters has been preying on the weak since ancient times. Those monsters who can't endure hunger or cold will die. Why should Lord Fengquan take it to heart?"


Feng Quan frowned and looked at Liu Bai. If his strength allowed, he wished he could cut down this arrogant and domineering beast with one sword.

Shi Jungang saw this and was afraid that Fengquan would be angry and hit the stone with an egg, so he smiled and said: "Master Fengquan loves his subordinates. This is understandable, but what Liu Bai said does have some truth."

Feng Quan continued: "In addition, there is something to make matters worse. Not long ago, we just received military information from the rear. The food and grass supply camp established by our demon tribe in the Mengzi Forest area was attacked by a human cavalry. The two men who stayed at the camp were attacked.

The Ten Thousand Monster Clan couldn't resist at all, and was swept away almost within a stick of incense. After that, the human cavalry set fire to the food and grass, and also looted a lot."

He sighed: "If nothing else happens, the food and grass that should have arrived in three days will no longer be counted on. Our demon warriors will have to continue to fight hungry."


Yu Xie's pretty face was shrouded in frost and said: "The grain and grass stored in Shanhaiguan were burned to nothing, the human army was retreating steadily, and they actually wanted to use this delaying tactic to drag us to death on the human territory? Nishang

Over there in the world, can Su Chan allocate food and grass?"


Feng Quan shook his head: "Several supply points set up by the demon clan in Dongwu Kingdom were also attacked by human cavalry. Many granaries were burned, especially the fodder needed by the war horses, which was almost exhausted. The demon clan is now better than us.

It’s still difficult, I even heard that the hearts of the demon army are shaken, and many people already want to retreat and go back to the world of neon clothes to sleep on the hot bed with their wives in their arms.”

"A bunch of worthless people!"

Yu Xie frowned and said, "What is the origin of that human cavalry?"

"Yu Zhi is from Tianchi in the Snowy Land."

Shi Jungang looked like Wang Yue's pretty face, still covered with a black veil, and said softly: "The cavalry has about thirty thousand people, and its commander is Zhi Zhi who has fallen to the Nascent Soul Realm. She has not shown her face in these years, so she should

He was planning this army, and in addition, Yu Wanning from the Rebirth Realm was also there, which is why our 20,000 demon warriors were killed in an instant."

Suddenly, Yu Zhi couldn't help but took a breath of cold air and said: "The strong walls and clear fields, plus the two chess pieces of Zhi Zhi and Yu Wan Ning have been deployed in the north. The human army is guarding every fortified city. It seems that Lin Baiyi originally

He had already laid out this plan before he died. From the beginning, he had no intention of a quick victory, but wanted to use up the luck of our demon clan through a war of attrition."

"whispering sound!"

Liu Bai lightly slapped his hand on the desk, his face full of hatred, and said: "It's been almost ten years since Lin Baiyi died, and his so-called conspiracy is still at work. It's a pity that I should have done it back then."

His head was completely smashed with one strike!"

Yu Zhi glanced at Liu Bai, with no concealment of disappointment in his eyes. If the ancestral mountain of the Monster Clan is full of such brave and reckless men, then the fate of the Monster Clan is really over.

"Senior sister."

Yu Zhi said calmly: "If you were to command our demon army at this time, what would you do?"

"Fight fast with fast speed."

Shi Jungang frowned: "After taking a short rest, I immediately sent my troops south to capture Yunzhou City, and then continued southward into Jezhou. I don't believe that the Great Shang Dynasty even lost Baidi City. What remaining power will it have to fight against us?"

Clan rivalry.”


Yu Xie slightly raised his eyebrows and said: "Come here, send a letter from Feiyu to Marshal Su Chan. Since they can't defeat Lanxi City after fighting for more than half a year, let them deploy 200,000 cavalry to march eastward and follow them.

We, the main force of the demon clan, will attack Yunzhou City together. We must capture Yunzhou City within a month, and then the whole army will go south to defeat the Great Shang Dynasty!"


A few days later, Tianji City, the capital of Yunzhou.

On top of the city, Chen Xi, who was dressed in dark blue military armor, held the hilt of his sword and looked towards the north with beautiful eyes. Behind him were a group of Yunzhou generals. She frowned and said: "The demon clan has issued a military order to go south. Not long after,

The time has come, and to make matters worse, there will be 200,000 demon cavalry from Yanzhou who will also rush into Yunzhou, and join forces with the demon clan to besiege Yunzhou City."

"Your Majesty."

A general said solemnly: "There is enough food and grass in Yunzhou City, we can fight!"

"Yes, your Majesty!"

A veteran holding a sword in his hand frowned and said: "Today in Yunzhou City, we still have one hundred thousand Cangnan Iron Cavalry. Brothers have finished recharging their strength and are just waiting for a decisive battle with the demon clan. In addition, there are fifty thousand Yun

With the patrol and defense troops in the state city, plus the local troops from various states and counties, our total strength is still over 200,000, which is more than enough to guard a Yunzhou City!"


Chen Xi nodded lightly and said: "By the way, are there any people who have evacuated in the city? If so, let them evacuate southward from the south city gate immediately. There is still a chance of survival if we leave now."

"Yes, the general has sent people to take care of it. Except for the military and civilian officials and craftsmen, almost all the people have evacuated Yunzhou."

"That's good."

In the city, Yunxiang Tower.

There was a lot of sound of horse hooves outside the building. My mother, dressed in fur, was constantly instructing her servants and servants to pack their bags. She glanced upstairs and saw that there were still lights there. She immediately stomped upstairs and saw

Looking at Shi Hanyin who didn't move at all, she frowned: "Sister, if you don't leave at this moment, it's too late. Although this Yunzhou City is guarded by Chen Xi personally, the monsters and demons are coming so fiercely that even Shanhaiguan City

If we don’t defend it, let alone Yunzhou City?”


Shi Hanyin turned to look at the woman he had known for many years and said, "If I don't leave, Hanyin is like a duckweed in troubled times. Where can I go to find my home? Hanyin likes this Yunzhou City and wants to stay.



Mom gritted her teeth and said, "You are the oiran of our Yunxianglou. How can you have the final say on such a major matter of life and death?"

Shi Hanyin gently pushed the brocade box forward on the table. After opening it, the golden mullet money was shining brightly, and it was full of golden mullet coins that everyone in the mountain dreamed of. She frowned and said: "Mom, these are 500 golden mullet coins."

With the money, Hanyin can redeem himself and his wealth, and I hope my mother will fulfill my wish."


Listening to the sound of horse hooves outside, my mother was very flustered, so she stopped thinking so much. She grabbed the brocade box and stuffed it into her arms. She stood up and walked a few steps, but then turned to look at Shi Hanyin and said

: "Although we prostitutes are like duckweeds, girl, I know that you like Lin Baiyi in your heart, but he has been dead for many years. Mom advises you, keeping one life is more important than anything else. Mom like this

Anyone who has no knowledge knows that it is better to live than to die."

"I got it, Mom, Hanyin won't send it."

Mom left with the brocade box in her arms.

Shi Hanyin looked at the mirror, but tears already burst into his eyes.

If her mother hadn't told her, she wouldn't have thought that Lin Zhao had been gone for many years, but... Shi Hanyin felt as if Lin Zhao was still living far away.

She wiped her tears, turned around and said, "Master Qin Cheng, you are the mountain god of the Mo family's ancestral family. Hanyin has something to ask of me."

This chapter has been completed!
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