Chapter One Thousand and Forty

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In Zhaoshan, it started to drizzle in the early morning.

Huang Lao Sect Master put on a raincoat and chanted words such as "The emperor guards the country's gate". He sat alone in the pavilion in front of the mountain gate and drank. There was a bonfire beside him and he was roasting a pheasant. There were some roasted peanuts, which were already a little burnt black at this time. Sect Leader Huang took a handful of them and turned them into something to drink with.


Suddenly, Old Sect Master Huang squinted his eyes and looked down the mountain. He saw a figure coming in the drizzle. It was an old man wearing a green gown. He was wearing a coir raincoat and bamboo hat outside the gown. He was leaning on a cane. Go up the mountain with one foot and one foot.

Zhaoshan Mountain is deep and originally uninhabited. After Old Sect Master Huang and others came, they opened a mountain gate. However, these few people were not capable craftsmen, so the stone steps of the mountain road were repaired extremely crudely. It was not even considered a serious repair, but Huang The old sect leader used his sword energy to cut it out, with different shades and extremely rough workmanship.

Even the pavilion that provides protection from the wind and rain is very simple. The rough structure is made of wood and the top is paved with wild grass. When the wind is strong, the grass will fall down. When the rain is strong, it will rain heavily outside the pavilion and light rain inside. Most of the main buildings were robbed from the defeated sects, and a house was directly moved from elsewhere and placed on the flat land cut out by the sword energy. As a result, the several buildings in Zhaoshan have different styles. Fortunately, several I don't mind it personally, just having a shelter from the wind and rain is enough.

"This fellow Taoist?"

Old Sect Master Huang narrowed his eyes and looked at the old man who was going up the mountain. The old man's aura was very weak, at most three realms, but he had the courage to go up the mountain. He must have been in the upper realm. From the beginning, Old Sect Master Huang also suppressed his aura. At the tenth level, at the same time, the few little guys on Chuanyin Mountain are not allowed to show their true abilities and try to suppress their auras.

"Don't dare!"

The old man narrowed his eyes and said with a frightened smile: "I heard that a group of old immortals came to Zhaoshan Mountain. Alas... I don't have any other hobbies. I like to visit mountains and look for immortals all my life. If the immortals can say a few words to me, , drink a glass of wine, or play a game of chess, that will be enough."

Huang Lao Sect Master laughed: "I am not a god on the mountain, but a demon monk on Zhaoshan Mountain. If you are looking for an immortal, there must be no one here."

"Is it?"

The old man smiled slightly, with some murderous intent hidden in his eyes. In fact, this old man is a twelve-level cypress tree spirit. He has been entrenched in the forest sea in the eastern border of Nishang Tianxia for many years. Recently, I heard that there are several upper five-level demon clans and human clans appearing in Zhaoshan Mountain. , being domineering everywhere, so he wanted to find out what was going on, so he came to visit him in his current disguise.

The cypress tree spirit looked at Old Sect Master Huang and felt that this person should be the most powerful person on Zhaoshan Mountain. He must be Huang Dali, but it does not match the legendary realm. He is not the Thirteenth Realm, but just a cultivation base. He is just a strong sword cultivator in the Tenth Realm. The legendary Thirteenth Realm must have been boasted. There are too many people in the world who are just trying to gain fame and reputation.

He tried again and said: "How long has it been since the old immortal came to this Zhaoshan Mountain? The little old man has lived for too long and his memory is not very good, but he still remembers that there seemed to be no one on Zhaoshan Mountain in the past. The mountain walls are steep and there is no way to stay here. It is a place where animals and birds cannot be stopped, and even hunters are not willing to come to such a place."


Huang Lao Sect Leader said with a smile on his face: "I have been here for about ten years. The mountains and roads were built here, which gave Zhaoshan its current climate. Fellow Taoist, there is a spiritual stream on Zhaoshan Mountain. The spiritual energy is extremely strong and is most suitable for vegetation.

As the essence grows, why not... Taoist fellow Taoist join Zhaoshan and become the master of our Zhaoshan Caomu Hall?"

"Don't dare, don't dare..."

The cypress tree spirit showed a bit of timidity and said: "It turns out that the sect leader has seen the true face of the little old man... He is just a little spirit in the mountains. He only wants a mouthful of moonlight, rain and dew, and the aura of heaven and earth. I still hope.

Friends, please don’t kill me.”

"What if I insist on killing him?" Old Sect Master Huang had already raised his hand to touch the hilt of the sword.


The cypress tree spirit's expression suddenly became fierce. At some point, a wisp of tree vines rose up and wrapped around the palm of Huang Lao Sect Leader's sword, making it impossible to draw the sword. Suddenly, the cypress tree spirit rose into the air with an incomparable expression.

He laughed ferociously and said: "A mere piece of garbage from the Tenth Realm actually dares to establish a sect in Zhaoshan. Do you really think that we, Nishang, have no one in the world?"

Old Sect Master Huang's eyes were cold, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Oh, it turns out he is a cypress spirit of the Twelve Realms. He is so powerful. No wonder he has such a loud tone, tsk tsk!"

"act recklessly!"

The cypress tree spirit suddenly raised his palm, and a palm full of vegetation spiritual energy went straight to the head of Huang Lao Sect Master.

"Girl Zhuang!"

Old Sect Leader Huang suddenly leaned back, and suddenly a blazing fist came through the wind. With a "peng" sound, it collided with the palm of the cypress tree spirit. It was the young martial artist in green clothes. Although she was not as good as the cypress tree spirit,

But with one punch, his body only swayed in the wind, but it shocked the cypress tree spirit to take several steps back.

"Tian Yuan Wufu?"

The cypress spirit's eyes turned cold: "Are you the legendary Zhuang Qingyi?!"


The corners of Zhuang Yirong's lips raised slightly: "Senior of the world of neon clothes, if you do something bad, you have to come to Mount Zhao to commit suicide. We don't even know you in the first place."

"Cut the nonsense."

Huang Lao Sect Master narrowed his eyes and looked at the storage bag on the waist of the cypress tree essence, and said: "There are at least three thousand gold mullet coins in this guy's storage bag. Don't let it go. Where are the guardians on the left and right of Zhaoshan?"


A young figure descended from the sky and struck the cypress tree spirit on the head with a fierce sword strike.


The cypress tree spirit's body whirled sharply, stirring up the leaves that flew into the spiral. He slapped away the young man's sword energy with a fierce palm. He only felt a stinging and numbness in the tiger's mouth, and his heart was suddenly filled with chills. This monk on Zhaoshan Mountain

What kind of monsters are they? This eleventh-level boy’s swordsmanship is so rich that he can actually compete with himself, a twelve-level spirit!

"Eat my sword - the evil dog grabs the shit!"

The young man fell from the sky and used a sword technique of his own creation. Suddenly the sword aura at the tip of the sword was extremely low and rich, like the head of an old dog, and the subsequent sword aura was dense and dense, like a waterfall rain.


"Little bastard..."

Old Sect Master Huang picked his nostrils and secretly cursed in his heart. Ever since Lin Zhao was crushed under Wuwu Mountain, Zhang Luobai, a little brat, had been practicing swordplay with Old Huang and Tongyu.

He has a little bit of style, some of Huang Tingyu's swordsmanship, and some of Lin Wanhua's exquisite swordsmanship. Fortunately, this boy is very talented and has his own style of swordsmanship. He combines several swordsmanships and creates some bullshit swordsmanship. This

The names of the moves are very specific, which is very disrespectful to the sect leader!

The cypress tree spirit hurriedly greeted him with both palms, and after hastily catching the young man's sword, he flew away in the air: "There are many of you today, how about we fight another day?"

"Senior, how can there be another day? If there is any revenge, I will avenge it today."

In the wind, a beautiful girl appeared, dressed in a long dress, and her long sword cut through the air.


The moment the sword energy fell, the artistic conception of vegetation sacrificed by the cypress tree spirit was instantly split into pieces. This sword had truly chilled him. If we talk about Zhang Abai, Zhuang Yirong is still relatively strong.

If so, he could still escape from their swords and punches, but the sword of this little beauty named Lu Zhaohua in front of him was irresistible.

In an instant, a sword mark was cut on the chest of the cypress tree spirit. The majestic twelve-level spirit charm encountered the opponent's twelve-level sword cultivator and couldn't even block a move. Sometimes things on the mountain are...

In this way, the combat prowess of the same realm may be vastly different.


Old Sect Master Huang picked his nostrils: "Tongyu, don't be too harsh. It's a pity to damage the twelve-level cypress material. If it is preserved intact, your brother Lin Zhao may be able to build you a huanghuali desk later."


"Fuck you..."

The cypress tree spirit was shocked: "I am a cypress tree, how can I create a huanghuali?"


Old Sect Master Huang stood up slowly. Immediately, the demonic aura erupted majesticly behind him, and a ten thousand-foot tengu dharma image quickly rose up. The moment he pulled out the amber fairy sword, his eyes were full of blazing light: "This fellow Taoist, I

After all, it is also a thirteenth realm, haven’t you heard of a saying that is spread in the world?”

"What are you talking about?" The cypress tree spirit looked desperate.

The old sect master said word for word: "The thirteenth realm is a saint. Since ancient times, saints cannot be insulted!"

As he said that, he flew away with his sword.

The head of the cypress tree spirit flew out in an instant, and its body flew out straight, turning into a cypress tree with rich spiritual energy. All the magical weapons and storage bags also fell out one after another, becoming the treasures of Zhaoshan's treasury.

Fusu Great Wall.

After the Fusu Sword was pulled away by the Soldier Saint Ding Muchen, the Fusu Great Wall lost a lot of sword luck and martial luck, but the outline of the entire city is still there, standing in the wilderness. Anyway, it can be regarded as

It was a fortified city, so the demons still sent a lot of troops to guard it.

Under the city, the colorful flags of the world were waving, and 3,000 demon cavalry were stationed. In the middle of the night, the neighing of war horses and the laughter of demon soldiers drinking and eating meat were heard.

On the top of the city, there is a middle-aged demon warrior sitting. He is quite handsome. He is wearing armor and holding a wine bottle. He is a sea warrior with the title of Captain of Ten Thousand Cavalry. He is the captain of Divine Cavalry.

Yu Feng's subordinates are now ordered to lead 5,000 cavalry to guard the Fusu Great Wall, trying to keep this city in the hands of the demons and monsters.

He looked at the north, feeling a little sad in his heart. The New Year had just passed. If it hadn't been for this protracted war, he would have been drinking wine in a restaurant in Shendu, hugging the singer's slender waist and enjoying himself. He frowned

She frowned, thinking that if she could go back this time, regardless of victory or defeat, she would squander all the military pay and plunder over the years. If you are happy in life, you must have all the fun. Those beautiful girls in the city of God will not sleep with her.

Eighteen hundred makes sense?

He narrowed his eyes, already fascinated by those beautiful girls.

But at this moment, an invisible sword light suddenly passed over the city.


Before the Sea-Treading Realm Ten Thousand Riders could even make a sound, his head slowly slipped from his neck, and his body collapsed to the ground, blood spurting out.

In the wind, a man wearing a blue gown slowly fell down, holding a sword in his hand. He was the fish in the pond that he had not seen in ten years. He had returned to the Fusu Great Wall, and had also entered the Twelve Realms.

He is a sword cultivator at the pinnacle of the Twelve Realms.

The fish in the pond looked into the city with a pair of handsome eyes, smiled faintly, raised his palms slightly, and immediately a group of figures walked away with their swords, heading straight for the 3,000 demon defenders in the Fusu Great Wall.

This chapter has been completed!
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