Chapter 147 Opening the mood

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Natural home.

Reunited after a long absence, Lin Zhao and Xu Ming'an sat by the lotus pond and chatted endlessly. When he thought of something, Xu Ming'an frowned, his eyes turned red, and said: "Lin Zhao, I didn't know much about many things before, let alone

Who are you? I just regard you as my best friend. I'm sorry, but there are some things I did that were not very sensible..."

What he was talking about was naturally Lin Zhao's identity as "Lin Baiyi in the Snowy Tianchi". It wasn't until Xu Mingan went south to travel around the world and occasionally heard the storytellers on the roadside in the mountains that he suddenly realized that his good brother was actually like that.

A man who held up the sky and the sea, so after learning that Lin Zhao was pinned to death at the foot of Wuwu Mountain, Xu Mingan secretly wiped away his tears many times.

"What's the word?"

Lin Zhao sat cross-legged by the lotus pond, watching the fish in the lotus pond drinking water, and said with a smile: "We are the best and best friends. We have a relationship that shares weal and woe. As long as the things we do do not hurt each other, we can talk about it."

There is no such thing as being ignorant, and there is no such thing as being ignorant among friends. To say so would seem to be out of touch."


Xu Mingan nodded and said: "After learning that he died in the Snowy Tianchi, I would take Xiaohan and Xiaoman to the Snowy Tianchi every year, and even sneaked to the foot of Wuwu Mountain a few times. At that time, it was really

I hope I can see you when I turn a corner on the mountainside..."

As he spoke, Xu Mingan's eyes turned red and he said, "I'm sorry, it was my Queen Mother who realized it later."

"No need to be sorry."

Lin Zhao said eloquently: "I hope we will always be friends like that. We cook soup and bake cakes around the bonfire at night, put our swords on our backs and walk side by side at dawn, slaying demons and demons for the world. Such days are the happiest!"


Xu Ming'an nodded heavily and said with a smile: "Will days like this happen again?"

"Yes, but it may be different."

Lin Zhao said with a smile: "When the world is peaceful, we will naturally have the opportunity to travel the world together, but by then it will no longer be two people walking in the middle five realms, but two gods in the upper five realms walking the world.

, dedicated to eradicating injustice in the world!!"


Xu Mingan laughed stupidly and said: "What you said is quite interesting. By then Xiaoman and Xiaohan will have grown up, and they will guard the Taoist temple. As a master, I can relieve myself of my burden and do my best.

There are some things I want to do.”


Lin Zhao laughed heartily: "All the burdens we carry forward are not just for the final pleasure!"

Xu Mingan looked delighted.

At this moment, he seemed to remember something, and hurriedly took out a fluffy storage bag from his arms. After inserting the spiritual energy into it and shaking it, the things fell down, and two of them were tied up.

The pheasant is still bouncing around its legs, and the chicken crop between its neck is full of wild grains. Obviously, although it is placed in the storage bag, there is no shortage of food.

In addition, there are a lot of wild potatoes, beans, wild vegetables, etc.

He scratched his head and said honestly: "You know, I am a dull person. I have no skills except learning the Danxia spectrum and alchemy taught by my master. I have traveled around the world with Xiao Man and Xiao Han in these years, and I have dealt with all injustices.

I don’t have time to make elixirs, and there aren’t many good things in the mountains, so I found these. If nothing else, the taste is actually pretty good.”


Lin Zhao smiled and said: "Not bad, not bad. Although they are not grown at home, the taste of these things in the mountains is definitely the same. Well... winter storage, come here and get a basket. Let's eat some healthy and green food for lunch today."

Dong Zang arrived happily and collected wild potatoes, beans, wild vegetables and the like. Then he carried two wild pheasants and looked at Lin Zhao with a smile. Lin Zhao ordered a few dishes, and then said: "Anyway, it's rich."

"Yidian, Xiaoman and Xiaohan are growing taller now and eating more."


Dong Zang turned around and left, while Lin Zhao stood up and took out his fishing rod. He wanted to catch a few big fish at noon today to entertain his friends who had reunited after a long absence.

At noon, a banquet was held in the natural residence.

Lin Zhao called Gu Lingyu, and Shi Hanyin went up the mountain to eat. At this moment, Shi Hanyin had been reading with Gu Lingyu for a few days. In addition to the charming aura of the peach blossom demon, Shi Hanyin also had the aroma of books.

, and Shi Hanyin herself is a talented woman who is proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting. Following Gu Lingyu, her talent will be further improved.

After finishing the meal, Gu Lingyu took his leave, saying that there was a debate among disciples in the academy in the afternoon, and that he, the teacher, was going to attend. Lin Zhao asked Shi Hanyin to go with him to warm up his aura of awe-inspiring power, and he would do it in the future.

The most unique peach blossom demon in the world, Shi Hanyin, was naturally happy to leave. She came to the mountain top garden as if she were going home, and she didn't care about it for a while.

In the afternoon, Xu Mingan was about to leave.

Wherever he looked, except for the natural residence on the top of the mountain, all the other houses had been razed to the ground by the demon clan. Now the natural residence was not well-off, so he could not stay there for a long time.

Lin Zhao didn't hold back. He took a lot of venison, bacon and vegetables from the warehouse, filled Xu Ming'an's inferior storage bag, and then personally sent Xu Ming'an down the mountain.

On the way down the mountain, Lin Zhao and Xu Ming'an walked in front, while Xiaohan and Xiaoman followed them from a distance, not disturbing the two elders.

"You can go back to Danxia Sect."

Lin Zhao looked to the south and said: "Nowadays, the main forces of the upper five realms of the demon clan are all staying in Wuwu Mountain and Zu Mountain. There are not many big demons that really roam the mountains and rivers in the north of the human world. And you are now in the twelfth realm.

The state cultivated by Wang Laodao's Danxia spectrum temperature will not be too low in combat power, and ordinary big monsters can't do anything about it. If the big monster is too strong, our snowy Tianchi will rush to help with swords, so it won't be a big problem."


Xu Mingan frowned, hesitated, and said: "Lin Zhao, you fighting skills are really strong now? In fact, I always thought that I was still in the middle fifth realm, at most the legendary purple

It’s just a mansion…”

Lin Zhao laughed angrily: "When you were practicing, did you ever feel like there was a little golden person deep in your heart, like another version of yourself?"

"Yes, I have."

"That's called Nascent Soul. After you refine Nascent Soul, you will already be in the Nine Realms of Nascent Soul. What's more, the strength of Nascent Soul is very high. It has reached the point where you can return to your original nature and merge with the Great Dao. This is the legendary Twelve Realm of Divine Transformation.



Xu Ming'an said: "If I fight with someone, just hit him with all my strength?"

"That's right."

Lin Zhao said with a smile: "Refine a few magic weapons, and when you meet those who deserve to be killed, just throw them at them. If it doesn't work, just run the spiritual energy on your fists and punch them out, just like my punch.

Just hit him and that’s it!”

As he spoke, he lightly swung his right fist, and a strong fisting intention suddenly surged through his body. It was the artistic conception of the Eighth Sea-Crushing Style of the Farmer's Nine Fists. The majestic fisting intention exploded one by one, accompanied by Lin's fist.

With Zhao's movement, an extremely pure punch exploded in the air with a "peng" sound, causing the mountains and fields to tremble.


Not only Xu Mingan, but also Xiaohan and Xiaoman were shocked. The mountain master is so powerful!

"I'll try too."

Xu Ming's mind was solemn, and he circulated wisps of spiritual energy in his right arm, and punched out. Suddenly, a fist force suddenly surged in the air. Although it was a burst of spiritual energy, which was different from that of a martial artist, it was after all.

The Twelve Realm, the Twelve Realm borrows a punch from spiritual energy, no matter how weak it is, it can't be any weaker.


Xu Ming'an looked at a stalagmite not far away that was shattered by the waist. He couldn't help but be stunned. Although he didn't know why this happened, he was greatly shocked.

Seeing his expression, Lin Zhao couldn't help but hold his forehead and said: "Okay, don't forget that you still have a sword inherited from the first master. You can also practice swordsmanship after returning to the mountain to practice."

"Okay, there are a few lines in the Danxia Pu that describe a section of swordsmanship and mental formulas. It's very simple."


Lin Zhao looked helpless. How could the swordsmanship taught by Wang Laodao be simple? Even if it is not as peerless as Zongheng Thirty-Six, it is at least enough for monks to look up to. He nodded: "Then practice your sword well and practice it repeatedly.

, I will teach Xiaoman and Xiaohan in the future, and now you can rely on your own strength to guard Danxia Sect, without having to rely on external forces."

He glanced at the two children. They were both in the Golden Core realm, but they were both in the Golden Core realm with empty aura but no understanding of anything. If they met enemies of the same realm, they might suffer a big loss in a fight. Thinking of this, he

He couldn't help but shook his head: "Remember, when you return to the mountain, not only do you have to practice your sword well, but Xiaoman and Xiaohan also have to start practicing swordsmanship."

"I know, I know."

Xu Mingan said: "Is there anything else you want to give me?"

Lin Zhao thought for a while and said with a smile: "The vegetable garden needs to be rebuilt. Don't give up on raising chickens, pigs and potatoes. The potatoes you grow are very fragrant. I haven't eaten them in a long time."


Xu Mingan patted his chest and said with a smile: "My potatoes are all re-cultivated from fine varieties of wild potatoes. The taste is natural and unique. Don't worry, I can supply Tianranju in as little as half a year or as much as a year."


"Hahaha, okay, okay, then I'll wait."

"Okay, no need to send it off, let's go."

Xu Ming'an waved his sleeves, and he soared into the air. The two disciples also rose up one by one. They used to hike in the mountains and fields to sharpen their minds, but now there is no need. Lin Zhaodu has returned. Now is the time.

Returned to Danxia Sect to reorganize the mountain gate.


A wisp of sword intent rose from the natural center, and Zhi Zhi refined ten outstanding demon soul swords. She had returned to the eleventh realm. At night, she refined three natal flying swords again, and once again

It has attracted countless strong swordsmanship, and it has returned to the peak of the 12th realm. As for the 13th realm, don't worry, let's warm up the sword a little and adapt to the upper five realms again.

Early next morning.

A wisp of a figure floated down outside Tiantianju. It was the fish in the pond of sword cultivators at the peak of the Twelve Realms. He cupped his fists and bowed his hands and said respectfully: "Master of the Mountain, the power of the Fusu Great Wall has regained all the territory, and has conquered the monsters and demons."

The army is divided and everything is ready. All that is left is a big battle. The fish in the pond is no longer needed there, so the fish in the pond returns to the mountain top garden and is at the disposal of the mountain lord."


Lin Zhao walked out of the study and said with a smile: "Well, then just stay and obey your orders."


The fish in the pond had a look of joy on his face. When he looked not far away, a beautiful figure in a red dress and holding a folding fan came towards him. The fish in the pond immediately felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his heart trembled.

"Mr. Chi."

Liu Liying smiled calmly: "Welcome back to the mountain, just don't pester Liying."

"Of course not!"

The fish in the pond strutted, clasped his fists and smiled: "From now on, Liu Liying is just a classmate of the fish in the pond, nothing more."

Lin Zhao smiled and nodded, finally feeling promising.

This chapter has been completed!
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