Chapter 1205 Fog

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 The continuous autumn rain finally stopped, the clouds stopped and the rain stopped, and the first ray of sunshine in the morning shone on the red walls of the Forbidden City, coating the palace with a thin layer of golden light.

In the Wuying Hall, Shen Shangshu of the Ministry of Revenue routinely reported on the progress of disaster relief. In the past two years, this has basically become a reserved part of the morning meeting.

"... In March of this year, the five prefectures in southern Jinan were hit by insect infestations and the spring silkworms were infertile. As a result, the price of local cloth was guaranteed. The Ministry of Household Affairs proposed to send a censor from Youqiandu to assist in the price of cloth in the five prefectures... Liu Bing'an, the prefect of Yizhou I reported that in early June, there were heavy rains and hailstorms in many places in Yizhou. For more than 200 miles, people and animals were struck by lightning and died. I begged the court to send personnel to provide relief... In early July, Ningguo Prefecture, Chizhou Prefecture, and Anqing Prefecture I wrote a separate book, saying that there was a locust plague in the area and the autumn crops were damaged, so I begged the imperial court to exempt me from taxes..."

Like the previous two years, the situation this year is not very good. Of course, compared to the previous two years, it has been much stronger, at least there has been no particularly large-scale disaster.

However, disasters, large and small, were reported one after another from various places, so that every morning, the Ministry of Revenue would spend at least half of the time reporting the situation.

Today was no exception. After listening to the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue talking about the disaster situation and the progress of disaster relief in various places, and then retreating, many ministers were refreshed.

It's not that they don't care about court affairs, and in the past few years, there have been too many disasters in various places, and these elders in the court have become accustomed to it. Of course, what's more important is that last year's several major cases, coupled with the suppression of The gold, silver and silk confiscated by the Japanese army really gave the Ministry of Household Affairs a windfall.

At least recently, although there have been many disasters, the person in the household department has not complained about poverty much.

Natural disasters cannot be stopped without human effort. For the imperial court, having provided disaster relief so many times, it has already been done for a long time. As long as the money and food are in place, it is not a difficult task.

Therefore, although disasters continue to occur in the local area, the ministers in the court have basically gone in one ear and out the other...

As Shen Shangshu returned to the class, the morning court officially began. The first was the official department. The Beijing inspection was now coming to an end. The list of people who should be transferred and promoted was also decided. The king of the official department The minister routinely reported a few minor and minor matters, but didn't say much.

However, following the official department, several more news came out. One was that the emperor chose an old man who was about to take office as the magistrate of Zhangzhou Prefecture. Originally, a mere fourth-grade magistrate should not cause any trouble to the courtiers. How did they react?

But this is Zhangzhou Prefecture. A few days ago, the Ministry of Revenue asked for the development of sea trade, and the first port is planned to be opened in Zhangzhou. It can be said that in the next period of time, Zhangzhou Prefecture will be involved in sea trade. Where national affairs are concerned, they will naturally receive more attention.

Secondly, news came out from nowhere in the court that the emperor had not planned to appoint the governor of Zhangzhou so soon. However, the beginning of this matter was actually the cabinet minister Luo Qi recommending someone, so the Ministry of Personnel also selected him. Such a person who is obviously a transitional person was chosen.

In other words, behind this matter, it is very likely that there are important officials in the DPRK playing a game, which has to attract the attention of many people.

Leaving aside the source of the news, the Zhangzhou Prefecture matter is not a secret among the high-level circles of the court. Therefore, the officials in the court each found their own connections and inquired about it, and they knew that the news was true.

In addition to the Zhangzhou Prefecture incident, the second incident was naturally that Yu Shan, the Minister of Civil Affairs, entered the cabinet to participate in politics. However, relatively speaking, the latter did not cause much trouble, although some people noticed that Yu Shan was the Minister of Civil Affairs.

Those who join the cabinet as ministers are not given the title of minister as usual, but this will happen sooner or later.

After all, the emperor's previous decree was there. Now that he has joined the cabinet, he will definitely be given a title, but it will just be a little later.

At the same time as Yu Shan's entry into the cabinet was announced, there was also the news that the Minister of War, Fang Si Lang Zhong, was promoted to the censor of Zuoqiandu. Three personnel changes were announced at the same time. Even the slowest person could react to it.

, things are a little unusual.

Thinking about the connection between these three things, let’s not talk about Zhangzhou Prefecture for the time being, Yu Shan and Gie Xi, they are both close confidants of Yu Qian who just left the capital. Thinking about the recent trend in the DPRK,

Many people immediately understood the emperor's intention.

It seems that Yu Shaobao still retains his honor and favor. Although he was sent to Beijing again, as soon as there was a slight disturbance in the court, the emperor immediately responded, which shows that his trust in Shaobao remains as strong as ever...

Originally, although these pieces of news were shocking, they could only be discussed at most, and there was not much room for discussion. After all, what the officials announced was finalized news, not nominations. Therefore, although the ministers had different thoughts,

Strange, but after a few brief discussions, they stopped.

However, at this moment, what they did not expect was that Wang Ao, the Minister of War, suddenly stood up and said.

"Your Majesty, I have this memorial."

This move immediately attracted the attention of many people, and many people cheered up. You must know that there is a certain order for performing things in court.

Logically speaking, after the officials have finished reporting their own affairs, it is the next minister's turn to come forward. Although the officials have almost finished speaking, Mr. Wang has not retreated yet. At this time, Wang Ao

If he didn't come forward to deliberately disgrace Wang Wen, it could only mean that the matter he wanted to report was related to the Ministry of Personnel.

The possibility of the former can basically be ruled out. Wang Jianzhai's reputation is well-known by both the government and the public. Although he has been practicing self-cultivation in recent times and has rarely cursed people in the court, Wang Ao has no reason to do so because of the shadow of a famous tree.

It's so ugly.

But if it's the latter, as a minister of the Ministry of War, what can he do related to the Ministry of Personnel?

The ministers below were confused for a while, but in the cabinet, Yu Shiyue narrowed his eyes and raised his vigilance to the highest level. He had a hunch that Wang Ao's purpose this time was not simple.

Sure enough, with everyone watching, Wang Ao stepped forward and reported.

"Your Majesty, Shen Shangshu of the Ministry of Revenue has just reported that the five prefectures in Jinan need to send ministers to assist in local cloth prices. In the past, merchants took advantage of the sterility of spring silkworms to drive up cloth prices, which often resulted in armed fights, and the army needed to be used to maintain order. Therefore, I believe that those who go to take charge of the affairs should not only be familiar with civil affairs, but also be familiar with the official and military garrison."

"I recommended Fang Gao, a doctor in the Ministry of War, to take over this matter. Fang Gao had previously assisted Shaobao in organizing the army and had made great contributions and had outstanding abilities. During this Beijing inspection, Fang Gao's evaluation was also among the best, so he was ordered to take charge of this matter. Things must be handled safely."

As soon as this statement came out, many people came to their senses. No wonder Wang Ao wanted to speak out at this time.

It would be fine if he recommended Fang Gao to take over this job, but the problem is that Fang Gao is now a doctor of the Ministry of War of the fifth rank, and if he wants to take on this job, he must at least be a censor of Qiandu of the fourth rank to have enough resources. prestige.

In this way, it is normal to have to go through the official department first. However, in the eyes of some people, his words obviously have a deeper meaning.

Yu Shiyue was one of them. He immediately realized what Wang Ao meant. He wanted to take this opportunity to transfer Fang Gao out of the military department.

You must know that although these three people, Fang Gao, Hong Chang, and Gie Tie, have low official positions, they are capable in doing things. They are Yu Qian's most valued subordinates, and they were also Yu Qian's biggest reliance in being able to command the Ministry of War.

After Wang Ao took over, he always wanted to find opportunities to promote his cronies to higher positions, but perhaps it was because the emperor transferred Sun Yuanzhen to the cabinet at that time, which gave him a warning.

Even if he wants to control the Ministry of War, the first thing he must ensure is stability. It has to be said that during this period of time, Wang Ao, Fang Gao and others have been getting along quite well. The operation of the Ministry of War is very stable, and even major events such as the Japanese Conquest , and did not drop the chain, so that many people felt that Wang Ao had given up his mind.

However, this is obviously not the case. Wang Ao's decisive move this time can only show that he was well prepared!

But... after hesitating for a moment, Yu Shiyue still stood on the same spot and did not move.

Because Wang Ao's behavior in the court cannot be regarded as deliberate targeting. After all, as a chief of the Ministry of Finance, he certainly cannot always have the confidants of other ministers under his command. It is natural to promote some of his own people. of.

If Fang Gao and others don't leave, then he will never be able to completely control the Ministry of War. If anyone else comes, his approach will probably be similar to Wang Ao's.

After all, Wang Ao was quite kind. Although he transferred Fang Gao out of the Ministry of War, he still gave him a promotion...

At the same time, seeing Wang Ao coming forward, Zhu Qiyu's eyes also flashed with a strange color. However, he didn't say much. He just turned his head slightly and asked Wang Wen next to him.

"What do the officials think?"

Wang Wen pondered for a moment and then said.

"Your Majesty, Fang Gao's evaluation during this Beijing inspection was indeed excellent. The Ministry of Personnel was originally planning to arrange for his promotion, but the specific position has not yet been determined."

The implication is that Fang Gao meets the criteria for promotion, but he will not interfere with the specific arrangements for where he will go.

However, in this case, not objecting is actually a disguised agreement.

Seeing this situation, Zhu Qiyu thought about it for a moment and asked again.

"Do you think anything is inappropriate, sir?"

No one answered, so Zhu Qiyu said.

"In this case, according to this report, Fang Gao was promoted to the censor of Youqiandu, responsible for handling the sudden increase in cloth prices in the five prefectures of Jinan."

"I accept the decree."

Wang Wen stepped forward and saluted, and the matter was settled.

However, just when he was about to retreat, another person in the palace came forward and said.

"Your Majesty, I also have this memorial!"

Everyone followed the call and saw that standing up this time was also one of the Seven Qings, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, Chen Xun!

Why did this old man show up?

You know, since the case of his unlucky son last year, this Chen Shangshu has been silent in the court for some time.

Why did they start to get involved again at this time?

But no matter what, what is Chen Xun's status? Since he has come forward, why is the lack of protection related to the Ministry of Personnel?

Everyone was confused, why are they having trouble with the officials today?

Also facing everyone's gaze, Chen Xun stepped forward and spoke.

"Your Majesty, after He Wenyuan was transferred from the capital, there has been a vacancy for a minister in the Ministry of Personnel. Now, Minister Yu has also been transferred to the cabinet, and only Wang Shangshu is left in charge of the Ministry of Personnel. The selection affairs are heavy. I think,

The post of Minister cannot be vacant for a long time. Zhang Rui, the censor of Youqiandu, is a humble man with many political achievements. I recommend Mr. Zhang to take over this position, and I hope your majesty will approve it."

Ah this...

Many people in the palace are confused about this change. However, whether they can figure it out or not, this matter is not a trivial matter. As the head of the six departments, the Ministry of Personnel is responsible for the most critical official selection, the Minister of Personnel.

It can be said that it is the third-grade official position with the highest gold content in the whole court.

Even when Yu Shan was transferred to the cabinet this time, many people felt that it might not be a good thing. After all, he was a real and powerful minister in the Ministry of Personnel. Everyone in the court would respect him when they saw him.

Although he seemed to have a higher status after being transferred to the cabinet, he was still the lowest-ranked bachelor. In terms of real power, he might not be as good as a minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

Back to the present, after Chen Xun said these words, the ministers who responded quickly immediately looked at Wang Wen, the Minister of Civil Affairs. As expected, this time, Mr. Wang's face became a little ugly.

Forget about Fang Gao, he was just a released censor of Qiandu. Since Wang Ao mentioned it himself and followed the tacit and unspoken rules of the court, then it was just a matter of giving him face.

However, this Zhang Rui is different. He is eyeing the Minister of Civil Affairs!


Wang Ao tried every means to transfer Fang Gao and the others out. Isn't it because these people were not his cronies and would not be easy to use?

Now in the Ministry of Personnel, it is naturally the same. He Wenyuan has been transferred for at least a year now. During this year, there has been only one minister, Yu Shan. The reason is that Wang Wen can't find anyone who suits him.

The person you like...

Now, as soon as Chen Xun comes up, he will take advantage of the opportunity of Yu Shan's transfer to stuff someone into the staff department. This is something that even my uncle can't bear but my aunt can't bear!

At that moment, Mr. Wang looked at Chen Xun with a somewhat unkind look.

Zhu Qiyu, the superior, also frowned when he saw this scene. Zhang Rui...isn't this the person recommended by Luo Qi to take over as the prefect of Zhangzhou?

Why did Chen Xun show up and recommend him as Minister of Civil Affairs?

For a moment, Zhu Qiyu was a little confused, but he was still in court, so it was not the time to think too much.

Therefore, after only pondering for a moment, he still turned his head slightly and asked Wang Wen.

"Master Wang, Chen Shangshu recommends Zhang Rui, the censor of Youqiandu, to take over as Minister of the Ministry of Personnel. What do you think?"

This chapter has been completed!
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