Chapter 451: For the glory of the family

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 As soon as they entered the British mansion, Jiao Jing and Zhu Yi felt that there was a depressing atmosphere in the entire mansion.

After entering the flower hall, Zhang Xi sat on a chair, staring straight at the tea cup in front of him, his face gloomy, and he said nothing.

What happened in the early morning has been spread by now.

The emperor issued a formal edict when he approved the execution of the criminals, leaving no room for mediation.

In other words, unless the British government was bold and planned to rob the prison, Zhang Fu would be dead.

But obviously, although Zhang Fu was important to the British government, it was impossible to sacrifice the entire family for him.

In the clan society, everyone's existence is for the continuation and glory of the family, and Zhang Fu is no exception.

The early protest was Zhang Shi's best effort to save his younger brother.

You must know that although most of the British high-ranking officers and generals hold middle and low-level military positions, there are still only a few who are qualified to serve in the early dynasty.

However, in the morning court at that time, except for Zhang Xi's in-law Zhu Qian, no one from the British government's military officials came forward to agree.

Even when Zhang Shi and Li Xian were arguing, no one came out to play a side role.

This state is not accidental, but inevitable.

These honorable ministers and generals want to protect the British government.

Because for them, their financial future was already tightly tied to the British government, so when Zhang Fu was arrested, they worked hard to defend Zhang Fu's innocence.

But that's because Zhang Fu's existence can unite the power of the British government and help each of them go further in the officialdom.

However, Zhang Fu was convicted.

Whether it was the so-called Eight Discussions or bringing out the achievements of his father and brother, all Zhang Fu could win in the end was a light sentence.

The so-called light sentence is just that compared to the death penalty, the best result is exile to guard the border.

To the British government, this result was no different than death.

In fact, for committing such a crime, Zhang Fu would be worse off dead than alive.

As long as he lives, someone will use his crimes to criticize the British government. Compared with living, the best way to maintain the reputation of the British government is to die for such a corrupt person.

For these honorable ministers and generals, the reputation of the British government they relied on was of course more important than Zhang Fu's life or death.

Therefore, in the morning court, only Zhang Fu, who was blinded by brotherly love and couldn't understand, and Zhu Qian, who couldn't shirk it and had to take action because of the affection of his in-laws, were still stubbornly trying to save Zhang Fu's life.

But in fact, even Zhu Qian was obviously not so willing. Otherwise, he would not have been so easily dismissed by Jin Lian without saying a word.

From the moment Tingju was convicted, Zhang Fu was destined to be abandoned by the entire British government!

Jiao Jing believes that Zhang Shi, who comes from a noble family, will not understand this truth.

However, looking at his current demeanor, it is obvious that he feels resentful because of this.

Sighing in his heart, Jiao Jing felt that he understood Zhang Shi a little more thoroughly.

This may be the reason why Zhang Fu did not hand over the British government to Zhang Shi.

Jiao Jing believed that if he were to change places and be imprisoned, and it was Zhang Fu who was convicted by the court, Zhang Fu would definitely give up the rescue without hesitation.

In fact, in order to maintain the reputation of the British government, they might even take the initiative to request execution as soon as possible to clear the door for the British government and show the British government's righteousness in exterminating relatives.

Two approaches and two people, Jiao Jing cannot judge which one is better.

However, from the perspective of a collaborator, Zhang Xi, who could not clearly see the situation and was easily trapped by his emotions, was obviously not as suitable as Zhang Fu, who was strategizing and decisive at the same time.

However, this also strengthened his idea, that is, in future cooperation, although he must continue to rely on the power of the British government, he must not continue to let the British government be in a dominant position!

After stopping for a moment, seeing that Zhang Shi remained silent, Jiao Jing glanced at Zhu Yi, so Zhu Yi took the initiative to speak.

"My nephew and Prince Consort Jiao have already heard about what happened in the morning. My condolences to the uncle. I believe that the third master is in prison. If he knew that the uncle is still running for him at this moment, he will definitely feel grateful for the brotherhood."

Zhang Min still didn't speak, so Jiao Jing frowned and said.

"Second Master, although there have been many twists and turns in the case of the mission, all the distinguished ministers and I and others have tried their best, and every step they took was done in accordance with the Second Master's instructions."

"However, the emperor was well prepared and had superior skills. No one could do anything about it. Xu Bin and others were injured, and the Madonna in the palace also felt very sorry for it. However, in any case, the case did not affect the British government. It is lucky."

"Now the negotiation is about to begin. If it goes well, the return of the Supreme Emperor is just around the corner. For the sake of the British government, the Second Master must not be so depressed!"

These words were soft yet strong, and seemed to be a tactful consolation, but in fact they had a hidden meaning of beating, causing a sudden flush on Zhang Xi's face.

"What does Prince Consort Jiao mean?"

Jiao Jing leaned back in his chair coldly and asked.

"It's not interesting. I just want to ask the second master if once the third master passes away, the British government will be in such a depression afterwards?"

Zhang Min clenched his fists and almost issued an eviction order, but in the end, he endured it.

The British government cannot be destroyed, and Zhang Fu cannot escape the death penalty, so the responsibility for maintaining the British government will fall on him.

Of course he understands this.

Jiao Jing is not just Jiao Jing, standing behind him is Queen Mother Sun.

Glancing at Zhu Yi who was standing aside, and then thinking of Ren Li who was still recovering from his injuries in the mansion, Zhang Mian had to admit it.

Today, the British government no longer has an absolute advantage when facing this Virgin.

The Duke of Chengguo, represented by Zhu Yi, has rich connections among civil servants. Although due to the issue of titles, the mansions of the ministers who were close to them some time ago were somewhat vacillating.

However, the Empress Dowager Sun's marriage decree made them settle down again, not only because the person getting married was the British Duke, but also because they saw the hope of the Chengguo Duke's revival.

As for Ren Li, although he has been running for Zhang Fu during this period, objectively speaking, by using the name of the British Duke to control the Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth Army, he is indeed cannibalizing the British Duke to a certain extent.

The power of government.

What's more, Zhang Mi has always had doubts about this person.

In his opinion, even if Ren Li is with the British government, he is not a true blood brother.

Although the power of the imperial ministers represented by Zhu Yi, coupled with the power of the military government gradually formed by Ren Li, could not completely replace the British government, at least it would not leave Empress Dowager Sun with no choice as before.

Especially when Zhang Fu no longer has the ability to turn around, in fact, what the British government needs more is the support of the Queen Mother Sun.

Because only in this way can the British government, the Chengguo government, and the relatives of Jiao Jing and others truly unite.

Although what Jiao Jing said was not polite, Zhang Xi had to admit that it was indeed the truth.

If everything goes well, then after the Emperor returns to the south, with his old man around, he will naturally be able to attract more courtiers.

By then, if you are still as you are now, the status of the British government will further decline.

Things have developed to this point, and the British government has already been completely tied to the Supreme Emperor, and there is no way out.

So, he really had to cheer up.

Even if the third brother dies, the honor and status of the British government must continue to be maintained!

This chapter has been completed!
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