Chapter 770: Summoned

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 "Yang Hong's memorial?"

In the Qianqing Palace, Zhu Qiyu raised his head from the papers, his eyes fell on the memorial that Cheng Jing had just handed over, and his tone was a little inexplicable.

Cheng Jing nodded, hesitated for a moment, handed over the memorial, and said.

"Yes, in addition to this, there are also the memorials of the eldest uncle, both of which are related to the Chengguo Palace. However, the eldest uncle is interceding for Zhu Yi, but Yang Hou is..."

"It is to vindicate the former Duke Zhu Yong!"

Originally, Cheng Jing said this because he hoped that the emperor would be prepared in advance, but unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, the emperor would continue.

For a moment, it caught him by surprise and he was stunned on the spot.

You know, according to several ministers in the cabinet, this memorial was sent this morning. Because it was of great importance, Wang Ao blocked the news immediately, and then asked him to bring it in together with Hu Hu's memorial. palace.

So theoretically, the emperor should not know the content, but now...

"Your Majesty is wise!"

He gently placed the memorial on the table, held it in for a long time, and then bowed his hands respectfully.

If the cabinet had not informed the emperor of the memorial in advance, then there were only two possibilities for this situation to occur.

First, this memorial was written by the emperor under the instruction of Yang Hong. Second, the emperor had known for a long time that Yang Hong would submit this memorial and was just waiting for the opportunity.

Cheng Jing prefers the first type, but no matter which type it is, it can be seen that the emperor has control over what is happening in front of him.

Therefore, he who originally wanted to persuade him on this matter gave up his thoughts.

Since everything is under the control of the emperor, all he has to do is follow orders and run errands.

Zhu Qiyu did not ask Yang Hong to read this memorial, but Zhu Qiyu did already know the content.

You must know that Zhu Yi and Yang Jie's plan had got his approval. One of the conditions in exchange was this memorial, which he naturally knew.

Of course, there are still surprises.

One of them is Hu Xi's memorial. Zhu Qiyu bets that this old fox must have smelled something.

Otherwise, with his cautious character, he would not be able to wade into this muddy water at this time.

In other words, based on the uncle's habits over the years, if he felt that there was no guarantee of success, he would not participate at all.

At this time, his submission of this memorial may seem like it will cause controversy, but in fact, it is also a statement of stance.

Therefore, after reading it and pondering for a moment, Zhu Qiyu picked up the ink pen and wrote a line of small regular script on it, and then handed it to Cheng Jing.

The latter took it and took a look, only to see the writing on it.

"This is an edict from the Lord. You have worked hard and served the country for many years. You are indeed the pillar of the country. However, you must manage your family affairs and state affairs clearly in order to live up to the divine grace."

These words are neither light nor heavy, but the knocking meaning is very obvious.

After Cheng Jing read it, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Sure enough, the eldest uncle relied on his qualifications to ask for this favor. Although the emperor was right, he pointed out the so-called "family affairs and state affairs." Obviously, he was still dissatisfied.

Of course, this is just Cheng Jing's idea, and I believe it is also the idea of ​​most people in the court. It is unknown what Hu Hui will think when he sees this memorial.

After putting away the memorial, Cheng Jing saw that the emperor picked up the second memorial, the one belonging to Changping Marquis Yang Hong, and frowned slightly, seeming hesitant.

Cheng Jing naturally knew what was written in this memorial.

It is not just as simple as complaining about Zhu Yong. In fact, the review of the Battle of Yaoerling is only the starting point of this memorial, not the core focus.

In this memorial, Yang Hong almost reviewed the entire civil war, with rare sharp words.

"...I believe that the battle at Yao'erling and the defeat of Tumu were not the fault of generals and non-military soldiers, but the fault of our dynasty for many years."

"In the fourteenth year of the Zhengtong era, San Yang, the former British Duke Zhang Fu, and the five ministers Hu Yi, the Minister of Rites, were ordered by the late emperor to assist in the government. They focused on internal affairs and neglected military affairs. As a result, the Beijing camp was full of abuses, the border military garrison was depleted, and the army was weak.

It's difficult to follow orders, that's one of the reasons."

"The Supreme Emperor succeeded to the throne at a young age. He was born in a deep palace. He was stronger than a woman's hands. He had little courage but admired the achievements of his father and ancestors. Sanyang taught him to focus on literature and neglect military strategy. As a result, the Supreme Emperor did not learn martial arts.

And there are disasters caused by civil engineering, which are the second one."

"After the death of the Empress Dowager, the king became more powerful, entered the court in a grand manner and overran the government affairs. Sanyang cared about his posthumous reputation and was afraid of the power of heaven. He allowed traitors to run rampant and deceived the emperor. Even one or two ministers in the court dared to speak out.

All of them were suppressed and exiled by Wang Zhen because of their weak power. Before the personal expedition, the court was dirty and everyone wanted to protect themselves but did not dare to remonstrate. This is the third reason."

"In the battle of Yao'erling, although Zhu Yong was a general, he was controlled by powerful officials and lost the right to lead troops. This was not the fault of the general, but actually the fault of the ministers who did not dare to remonstrate with the king. Even if Zhu Yong was not there, it would be wrong.

Farewell to generals, Tumu's defeat will ultimately be irreversible."

"Never forget the past and be the guide of the future. Now that your Majesty has ascended the throne, you are a sage and wise judge. You can set an example for all things. You are self-disciplined and cautious. You are far better than the previous emperors."

"However, the great plan of the country is to build military equipment, eliminate accumulated disadvantages, secure the people, and protect the frontiers. A wise king is the foundation of the country. Only when the ministers are virtuous and the king is wise, will it be the sign of a prosperous age."

"The Tang Dynasty was destroyed by strength, and the Song Dynasty was destroyed by weakness. The ancients said that history is a mirror, so I have the courage to admonish Your Majesty, and pay equal attention to civil and military affairs. This is a principle that has been passed down for generations."

It should be said that Yang Hong's memorial was very bold.

It was so bold that Zhu Qiyu was a little surprised. Moreover, after reading the entire article, Zhu Qiyu always felt that it did not look like Yang Hong's handwriting.

In this case, it must come from...

"Cheng Jing, you go and deliver the edict and order Changping Marquis Yang Hong to bring his son to the throne."

Putting down the memorial in his hand, Zhu Qiyu gave a faint instruction, which made Cheng Jing a little dazed.

After hesitating for a moment, Cheng Jing asked carefully.

"Your Majesty, you mean, bring your son?"

There is nothing unexpected about summoning Yang Hong to an audience, but bringing his son to an audience?

Seeing this situation, Zhu Qiyu glanced at Cheng Jing, but didn't say much, just nodded and said.

"Forget it, let's go to Wynn!"


Unlike Cheng Jing, Huaien did not hesitate at all to Zhu Qiyu's order. He bowed his hand and retreated.

Cheng Jing's body became a little stiff and he hesitated for a moment before he wanted to say something.

However, at this time, Zhu Qiyu's voice sounded first, saying.

"Cheng Jing, you don't have to worry about this matter. I'm busy with things outside, so you can go ahead."

"Your Majesty, minister..."

Cheng Jing stood there, seemingly struggling, but after a moment, he sighed softly and said nothing.

"The minister resigns..."

After saying that, he knelt down, kowtowed, and then quietly stepped out.

Looking at Cheng Jing's leaving figure, Zhu Qiyu couldn't help but sigh.

Everyone has his own path. Cheng Jing is not a person suitable to be a slave at heart. He is noble, self-respecting, ambitious and has character.

Such a person should have been a famous official in the court, but the dust of the times fell on him and became a huge stone that crushed him.

Cheng Jing had nothing to do with the Han Dynasty, but because he was sent to serve as an official in the Jin Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty was involved with the Han Dynasty, he was naturally sentenced to corruption.

If his life ends here and he is just the eunuch in charge of Prince Tan's palace for the rest of his life, then that's it.

However, fate is often so miraculous. Once Zhu Qiyu achieved enlightenment, the chickens and dogs of Prince Tan's palace ascended to heaven, and Cheng Jing smoothly became the eunuch of the chief eunuch and the eunuch of the ceremonial department.

Although it is said that he will never be able to stand in the court again in his life, he has regained the opportunity to display his ambitions.

However, ministers and slaves are different after all.

In his heart, Cheng Jing longed to become a minister of the emperor, not a slave. Cheng Jing could not change this, nor did he want to change it.

If this is the case, then he is destined to be unable to gain the emperor's unreserved trust.

Everyone has their own chosen path. If you choose one path, you have to give up the other path. This is a truth that no one can escape...

Zhu Qiyu knew what kind of person Cheng Jing was and understood that he could not lower his head, so he was unwilling to force Cheng Jing. After all, Cheng Jing had helped him a lot in his past and present lives. Since Cheng Jing wanted to be the emperor's minister, how could he do it?

That’s it.

However, after all, you can’t have your cake and eat it too…

After Cheng Jing left the Qianqing Palace, Zhu Qiyu sighed again and turned his attention back to Yang Hong's memorial.

If nothing else, this memorial should be from Yang Hong’s son.

After reading the memorial again, Zhu Qiyu couldn't help but touch his chin.

This young man is quite an interesting person!


Not long after, Wynn, Yang Hong and Yang Jie arrived outside the Palace of Qianqing. He cupped his hands and Wynn said to them politely.

"Yang Hou, Yang Gongzi, please stay here for a moment while we go to report."

"Thank you, Eunuch Huaien."

Yang Hong's expression was obviously a little anxious, and his eyes kept glancing at Yang Jie.

Just after receiving the oral instruction that the emperor was going to summon the father and son to have an audience, Yang Hong felt a little restless.

It's not that he is afraid of being criticized by the emperor, but... he is a little worried about Yang Jie.

Relatively speaking, Yang Jie's expression seemed much calmer, but if you look closely, you can see that his body was indeed shaking slightly.

"Marquis Yang, Your Majesty has issued an order to summon the eldest son to see you. Please ask Marquis Yang to wait in the side hall."

Not long after, Wynn came out to deliver the order.

After Yang Hong heard this, he was stunned. He was already a little restless, but he couldn't help but took two steps forward and asked.

"Eunuch Huai'en, this, my child is white. It's hard for me to go to see Your Majesty alone. I..."

Seeing Yang Hong's anxious look, Wynn smiled gently, cupped his hands and said.

"Yang Hou is joking, what difference does it make if the person the emperor wants to see is a white person or an official person? Is this good or not?"

"Besides, this is the palace, and the eldest son has an audience with you. Nothing will happen. Marquis Yang, please wait in the side hall for a while!"

"Dad, don't worry, Your Majesty will not embarrass your son!"

Relatively speaking, although Yang Jie was visibly nervous, he was still able to remain calm and even turned around to comfort Yang Hong.

"Jie'er, you...well, your preface is right, you must be respectful, do you understand?"

Obviously, Yang Jie's words did not relieve Yang Hong's anxiety. He hesitated again and again, as if he wanted to say something.

However, after all, I was worried that this was the palace, so I could only give a few words of advice, and then I cupped my hands towards Wynn and said.

"Eunuch Huai'en, this is my first time to see you, and I am very weak. If there is anything inappropriate in front of Your Majesty, please forgive me. Yang will definitely thank you very much."

"Don't worry, Marquis Yang, our family will do our best."

Hua En wanted to refuse, but seeing Yang Hong's demeanor at this moment and thinking of the emperor's tone just now, he hesitated for a moment and agreed.

Therefore, Yang Hong was slightly relieved and followed another chamberlain to the side hall, turning back three times.

As for Yang Jie, under the leadership of Huai En, he walked into the residence of the most noble emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

"Young man Yang Jie, I bow to your majesty, long live my emperor!"

Although he has never entered the palace before, as a member of a noble family, Yang Jie is naturally aware of the etiquette of audience visits.

He lowered his head deeply and followed Huaien step by step into the palace. Without daring to raise his head at all, he knelt down on the ground and spoke respectfully.

"No gifts, stay on your own terms!"

A clear and calm voice came and fell in Yang Jie's ears, making him a little more calm.

After getting up, Yang Jie still stood with his head lowered, waiting for the emperor to ask questions.

However, what he didn't expect was that there was no word from the throne for a long time, but there was a gaze that seemed to be looking at him up and down.

After a while, the holy voice sounded again, but instead of asking about the memorial, he said.

"Yang Jie, the legitimate son of the Marquis of Changping. You grew up in the capital. You are called Yang Shizi in the outside world. You are weak and good at classics. You studied under the great Confucian in the capital. People call you a bold man. Although you are not good at martial arts, you are quite capable of generals.

Feng, I have heard of you!"

These words were said with no trace of emotion or anger, making one unable to decide whether it was a compliment or a derogation.

Therefore, Yang Jie could only answer carefully.

"Your Majesty, it's just a nickname from outsiders. The common people are ashamed to live up to it."

"Keep your head up!"

It was still a calm and calm voice, but it had an inexplicable air of majesty.

So, Yang Jie gently raised his head, and what he saw was an equally young face, wearing a Yishan crown and a nine-dragon robe. His face was as white as jade, his sword-shaped eyebrows were bright, and his eyes were shining brightly, which made people feel awe.


After just one glance, Yang Jie lowered his head again, not daring to raise his head again.

Zhu Qiyu also saw this young man. He was dressed in Confucian clothes, and there was no hint of the aura of a general. His face was fair, but it was a sickly and abnormal white, with a slight flush, and his figure was not thin, but,

But it makes people feel a little weak.

It should be said that in his previous life, Zhu Qiyu did not pay attention to this young man from the Yang family. After all, among the many noble children, such a young man who could not bear the weight of his shoulders or lift his hands was not considered outstanding.

However, it is not entirely unimpressive.

In his previous life, Yang Hong did not return to Beijing so early and stayed in Xuanfu for a long time. Until August of the second year of Jingtai, he suddenly became seriously ill and became acutely ill. After a month of recuperation by the imperial doctor, he died. Yang Jie assumed the title of Duke.

The second generation Changping Hou.

However, he did not live long. He died of the same illness in the fourth year of Jingtai.

Although Zhu Qiyu didn't have a deep impression of Yang Jie, at least he still remembered clearly the conferment of the title of Marquis of Changping.

It seemed that he had to find time to let the imperial doctor take a look at him.

With this thought in his mind, Zhu Qiyu gently cast his gaze on Yang Jie, picked up the memorial beside him, and asked.

"Yang Jie, I'm here to ask you, is this memorial written by your father Yang Hong your handwriting?"

This chapter has been completed!
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