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Chapter 14 You may not believe it when you say it

 Reopen the book in your hand.

This "update" brought a large amount of information, and Meng Lang needed to sort it out one by one slowly.

First of all, my future rescue operations will undoubtedly fail...

Xiaoyu was seriously injured, knocked unconscious, and still framed. This should be the final outcome of the incident.

His fingers ran across the lines of text, finally stopping on his last words and tapping lightly.

[In this life, I have no ambitions, but I only regret that I have no power to tie a chicken. I hope that all of you are well in this time and space...]

This sentence seems to have been left to myself on purpose, specifically mentioning the concept of "time and space".

In addition, he also took the opportunity to point out the key to the failure of the operation...the inability to restrain the chicken!

Translated: If the force value is not enough, you will be KOed on the spot!

Well, the other party turned out to be a former criminal police captain, so this result is not surprising.

I was still too confident, thinking that I could deal with elite monsters by buying some novice equipment, but it turned out that I was overturned.

What Meng Lang didn't expect was that his "future self" had actually begun to consciously "leave messages" to himself in this time and space.

Although it is a last word...

But this also shows that there is the possibility of interaction between the future "self" and the current self!

So the question is, if I deliberately have the idea of ​​buying lottery tickets at this moment, will the next lottery numbers appear in the "autobiography" that will be updated tomorrow?

My future self is also me, with the same ID number, so there should be some tacit understanding, right?

Hmm! This is worth a try.

How much money can you make from stock trading? If you win the lottery, you can directly earn hundreds of millions!

He wiped his saliva, pulled himself out of Qian's eyes, and continued to analyze.

"Meng Lang" in "Delayed Justice" is obviously much smarter than the one in "Mein Kampf".

In other words, this "second entry into the palace" has made "him" aware of "his" limitations in prison.

Because he is in prison, his "future self" cannot obtain more information from the outside world, so the information that can be provided to his "current self" is quite limited.

For details, please refer to the version of "Mein Kampf". The second half of the prison career almost only uses the spring and autumn style of "ten years later".

Unlike this time, the main part of the chapter is in the next ten years, directly checking the opponent's background!

Let Lin Haitang ghostwrite his "autobiography" and use the other party's perspective to clarify the case. This is simply a stroke of genius.

Even Meng Lang, who seldom praised others, had to pat his thigh and say flattery...

As witty as me!

He opened his mobile phone and entered the keyword "Xu's Group".

Xu Group is one of the top ten private enterprises in Jiangsu Province. Its main business covers finance, real estate, hotels, tourism, medical care...

The group is headquartered in Zhongnan Building, Su City, with commercial tentacles all over Su City, Xu City, Tongnan, Qiansu and other places. Its total assets exceed 300 billion, annual sales exceed 50 billion, and it has more than 50,000 employees...

Hiss ~ so scary!

The further he looked down, the more frightened Meng Lang became.

Especially when I saw the three words "Xu Jinsong" written in the group CEO column, I suddenly felt dizzy.

Lin Haitang, Lin Haitang, what kind of existence have you provoked?

Continuing to read down, I soon discovered another piece of tidbits that was not very eye-catching.

[It is rumored on the Internet that Xu Jinsong, the head of the Xu Group, and his wife are getting married, and the Xu Group officially refutes the rumors...]

Thinking back to the "Xu Gao divorce case" mentioned by Lin Haitang in the book, Meng Lang had a guess about the general context of the matter.

The official refutation of the rumor really has to be heard in reverse!

But this Lin Haitang is indeed a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

Such wealthy divorce cases often involve the division of assets worth hundreds of millions or even billions.

And they all basically have one feature in common: the husband holds the company's assets and has actual control over the assets, while the woman has almost no understanding of the company's actual operations.

Therefore, in litigation, the man generally holds the initiative, while the woman is relatively passive.

In this case, it is very important to hire a good lawyer.

It's just that the benefits here are huge enough to make people take risks and use some unconventional means.

Future results also proved that Xu Jinsong just moved his little finger and used Yuan Li, a small "chess piece", to force Lin Haitang to give up the divorce lawsuit, and the illegal cost was almost zero.

Even after Yuan Li was arrested, the Xu Group remained firm.

Although Lin Haitang did not mention the final outcome of the "Xu Gao divorce case", since the other party spent so much effort to squeeze Lin Haitang away, there must be some back-up plan.

There is a high probability that Xu Jinsong will win in the end.

"No wonder he mentioned 'public opinion' both times he was imprisoned. With the energy of the Xu Group, it wouldn't be easy to hire some trolls to control the direction of public opinion?

I'm afraid that even the police force responsible for the case has a "traitor" who is responsible for cooperating with Yuan Li. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the other party to frame me successfully the second time I was prepared.

This unscientific!"

There's no way the "professional equipment" I bought would be useless at all.

Combined with the identity of the murderer as a "former criminal police captain"... there is only one possibility: someone from the police is helping the murderer "clean up the scene"!

I thought my only opponent was the murderer.

Unexpectedly, the other party did not respect martial ethics and started to fight in groups...

"What the hell is this..." Meng Lang rubbed his eyebrows.

I thought it was a simple vendetta case, but I didn't expect it to be involved in a "rich family divorce case."

Why is it so difficult to live a "long-lasting" life...

He felt like a small flying insect struggling in a spider web.

I want to break free from the shackles of fate, but I can't. Instead, I get entangled tighter and tighter with the spider thread of fate...


"In the eyes of those big men, the precious life of a little girl is just a stumbling block to achieve their goals?"

Meng Lang's senses for Xu Jinsong, whom he had never met before, were extremely different.

Even though the news is full of reports about "Confucian businessmen", "philanthropic entrepreneurs" and many other great people.

But...the devil puts on the cloak of an angel, but he still wants to drink human blood after all!

He thought for a while and took out the phone...

Zhongtian Law Firm.

"Lin Lu, here are all the information you want on the 'Xu Gao Divorce Case', including some asset certificates provided by Miss Gao Yuan herself."

The assistant pushed the door open and placed a stack of documents in front of Lin Haitang.

"Well! Thank you! You can go out first."


"Dong dong!" As soon as the assistant left, there were two knocks at the door.

Lin Haitang, who was buried in a pile of information, raised his head and saw an OL beauty with long wavy hair standing at the door with a smile.

"Lawyer Han, what can I do?"

Lin Haitang didn't show much enthusiasm towards the visitor, he just stopped what he was doing and looked at the other person.

Han Li didn't care, wiped off her sexy butt-covering skirt and sat on the chair opposite Lin Haitang.

Glancing at the information on the table, Han Li's eyes flashed with light.

"Lawyer Lin, I heard that you took over Xu Jinsong's divorce case from Xu Group?"

"Lawyer Han is well-informed. Yes, there is nothing to hide. I have accepted Ms. Gao's entrustment and officially took over the case.

The lawyer's letter was sent to the Xu Group two days ago."

"There really isn't a case you wouldn't dare to take on without Lawyer Lin."

Lin Haitang frowned, "What exactly does Lawyer Han want to say?"

"The Xu Group is a business giant in Su City and very influential in both political and business circles. If our Zhongtian Law Firm took this case, it is equivalent to offending the Xu Group. Do you understand this?"

"Of course I understand, I also analyzed the case in detail with the director, and finally the director agreed for me to take over.

With the strength of Zhongtian Law Firm, we are not afraid of offending the Xu Group."

She glanced at Han Li.

"No matter how powerful the Xu Group is, Xu Jinsong is still an individual before the law and has the same legal status as my client Gao Yuan. Does Lawyer Han have any problems?"

Han Li didn't say anything more when she saw this, she just smiled and nodded.

"Lawyer Lin's spirit of not fearing power is admirable. After winning this case, he will probably be promoted to junior partner. I would like to congratulate him in advance."

"I just did what I was supposed to do. Lawyer Han deserves the award."

Lin Haitang frowned as he watched Han Li twist her waist and leave.

"Sitting alone on the roadside corner, the cold wind blew me awake, silently accompanying my lonely figure. I just wanted to hug the guitar tightly and express my bitterness. At this moment, I thought of the past..."

The sudden ringtone from the cell phone pulled Lin Haitang out of his thoughts.

She looked at her phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hello! Hello, who are you?"

"It's me, the wild one."

Lin Haitang: "..."

"Hey! Don't hang up, don't hang up!" Meng Lang shouted quickly as if he knew Lin Haitang's next reaction.

"I'll just say a few words and then I'll leave!"

Lin Haitang said impatiently, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"Are you taking over the 'Xu Gao divorce case' recently?"

Meng Lang's words made Lin Haitang stunned on the spot.

"You...how did you know?"

Lin Haitang was shocked.

Forget it Han Li, you, an insurance salesman who has nothing to do with the legal profession, do you know that I took this case?

If he hadn't known that the case was still confidential, Lin Haitang would have almost turned on his phone to take a look.

Has this matter already become a hot search topic?!

"Ahem! As an insurance worker, your salary is low, so you can't afford to have a wide circle of friends!"

I'm so stupid for believing you!

"Are you investigating me?" Lin Haitang was shocked and angry.

But she couldn't figure out how long the other party had been away for? Was it even an hour?

In just such a short time, you have found out all the cases you are taking on? How much energy does the other party have behind it?

A child of an aristocratic family? A hidden wealthy family? Is he really the urban soldier king?

After all, he is not an ordinary insurance salesman!

Meng Lang's identity suddenly became mysterious...

"For Xiao Yu, I did a little research, but that's not the point. The point is Xu Jinsong.

This is not a fuel-efficient light, and the other party may not give you a fair duel."

"What do you know?"

"a lot of."

"Where did you know that?"


You may not believe it, but I spent a day and asked a gold-medal lawyer to work for me for ten years to produce a detailed case analysis report.

Not only did the lawyer not charge any fees, he was so grateful to me that he almost offered me his life.

Even my epitaph was written by her herself.

Just asking if you are awesome?

This chapter has been completed!
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