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Chapter 180 Treatment plan

 The car started slowly.

Lin Xiaoling looked at Meng Lang in front of her and whispered in Ou Lu's ear.

"Hey! I think this guy is pretty solid! (Awesome)

Besides, I have chased you from Wu City to Su City for thousands of miles, and I am dedicated to you. I still understand you so well, which shows that I really care about you.

If it had been me, I would have been so moved that I would have been taken down on the spot.

Are you really not going to give me a chance?"

"But I really don't know him!" Ou Lu couldn't laugh or cry.

"Pretending! He knows things that I don't even know, and you still say you don't know him?"

Lin Xiaoling looked at Meng Lang with sympathy on her face.

"Tsk tsk! People are full of memories, but you lost your memory on the spot. How pitiful!"

Ou Lu: "..."

Sioux City Cultural and Art Center Grand Theater.

"Wow~" As soon as everyone entered, the noise filled their ears.

Xiaoyu's information was correct. This art exhibition for elementary and middle school students in Suzhou City was indeed quite large in scale.

Three to four thousand spectators from various invited schools and units filled the huge theater to capacity. There was also a group of reporters who set up cameras in the last row.

Mixing in the group of doctors at the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University, watching Ou Lu looking for a seat with the ticket in his hand, Meng Lang took the "parent ticket" and thought about a very practical problem...

This one... seems to be reserved for reservations.

So here’s the question, if I’m separated by more than a dozen rows of people, how can I listen to Ou Lu’s “reviews” of “X-Men”?

Just when she was thinking about where there was any space around her that she could take advantage of, even if she was just a "little ear", someone tugged her clothes.

"Hey! What are you looking at!"

Meng Lang turned around and saw Ou Lu's best friend Lin Xiaoling.

She followed Meng Lang's gaze and suddenly showed a teasing smile.

"What? Do you want to sit closer to my little egret, near the water terrace?"


Although it is definitely different from what you think, I can't refute it...

"Here! Here you go!" Lin Xiaoling took the tickets from Meng Lang's hand and put her own.

"Ah?" Meng Lang looked at the ticket in his hand and was stunned for a moment.

Lin Xiaoling looked like she understood.

"Ah, what? We haven't seen each other for so many years. We must have a lot to talk about, right?"


"Okay, I understand! Since we are fellow villagers and you are so persistent, I will make an exception to help you!"

Meng Lang was immediately moved.

Good man!

"Is this...convenient?"

"It's just a few seats away, what a big deal!

Okay! Seize the opportunity, I can only help you get here!"

Patting Meng Lang on the shoulder, under the grateful look on his face, Lin Xiaoling retired with a very satisfied look and went to find a seat...

five minutes later……

Lin Xiaoling, who was seven or eight rows away from Ou Lu, looked at the parents who were mingling around her, asking "How did my child and your child do in the final exam?" with a blank look on her face.

Who am I? Where am I?

"Uh...why are you here? Where is Xiaoling?" Ou Lu looked at Meng Lang sitting on his left with a surprised expression.

"Oh! Maybe you think you can see more clearly from my position, so you changed positions with me."

Ou Lu: "..."

She couldn't help but helplessly hold her forehead.

That guy...

"Humph!" A dissatisfied snort suddenly came from the side.

It turned out that the person sitting on Ou Lu's right hand side was Dr. Fang.

There were originally three tickets, but he deliberately took one and sat next to Ou Lu. Unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin showed up halfway!

You must know that the ticket in Meng Lang's hand was obtained from other colleagues at the price of a dinner party...

So depressing!

Meng Lang didn't pay attention to Doctor Fang's hostile gaze.

He is thinking.

How can he disclose the key information he knows to Ou Lu to the maximum extent without leaving any trace, so that the other party can save more people in that disaster...

If you want to stir up the fate of fate, who is more suitable than Ou Lu who is at the center of the storm?

At this time, the surrounding noise gradually stopped, and two hosts, a man and a woman, came on stage.

Male: The spring light is bright, the orioles are flying, the grass is growing, the locust flowers are fragrant, and the catkins are flying, playing a spring symphony.

Woman: Spring is the season of poetry. Every leaf and flower in spring seems to be full of poetry.

Man: This season always reminds people of patches of green grass, singing birds, wisps of fragrant soil, and groups of running children...


There is a new message on the phone.

Lihua Daiyu: [Uncle, have you arrived yet?]

Meng Lang replied immediately after reading it.

Meng said: [We’re here, we’re listening to the opening remarks, come on Xiaoyu!]

Lihua Daiyu: [Heehee! Come on, too! 】


Several question marks popped up on his head.

When you perform on stage, what should I do to cheer you up?

At this time, the performance has officially begun.

Poetry recitation, solo dance, chorus...

A program that can stand out in various schools, I have to say that it is very enjoyable to watch.

"Doctor Ou, this sign language dance was performed by children from a school for the deaf and mute. I went there last time to show my love.

If you are interested, I will go with you next time."

"This national costume show is considered a traditional show. The sponsor is a well-known specialty store in the city center, which is near my home. If Dr. Ou likes it, I will be your tour guide and take you to pick out a few pieces."

"This chorus is a program of Jingwen Experimental Primary School. Dr. Ou is not a local and doesn't know much about this school. It is the best primary school in our city.

It just so happens that my uncle is the vice-principal of this elementary school, and every year those who want to get an admission spot almost break his family's threshold."


Doctor Fang kept being attentive there, and occasionally glanced at Meng Lang provocatively.

Meng Lang couldn't help but admire him when he heard it.

They've done a really good job of this.

When introducing the program, he also "accidentally" revealed his character, family background, and real estate in the city center, showing off the superiority of the indigenous people in the prosperous city in the south of the Yangtze River...

What a talent!

Looking at Ou Lu, he kept an awkward and polite smile, nodding in agreement from time to time, but he looked absent-minded and helpless.

This made Meng Lang frown.

You said you were chasing girls, but Meng Lang shouldn't have had anything to do with it.

Who doesn’t have the right to pursue happiness anymore?

But at a critical moment like today, what if your constant nagging affects Ou Lu's ability to absorb the key information in "Legends of X"?

You can fall in love if you want to, but falling in love shouldn't delay other people's learning and progress!

This is something that will affect people for a lifetime!

Meng Lang couldn't help but worry that if his little butterfly got in, Dr. Fang, the "peacock", would feel threatened and open his tail with all his strength, which would lead to Ou Lu watching today's program in vain...

Then wouldn’t her fate line return to its original point?

Then I am not here to expand my advantage today, I am here to kill people!

The possibility of being a disservice is entirely possible, just take Cheng Biao and Ah Xing as examples.

I originally wanted to save the other party from jail, but what happened?

After some manipulations, the two of them received the lunch boxes directly, and he even put his legs in it.

The weirdness and unpredictability of fate cannot be arranged at will by Meng Lang as he wishes!

In the puzzle of life, there are always some fragments that may seem inconsequential at the time, but in fact affect the overall situation...

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Meng Lang's face suddenly became serious.

"Doctor Ou, how is your auntie's health recently?"

For the first time after sitting down, Meng Lang took the initiative to talk to Ou Lu, and as soon as he spoke, he shocked the two of them.

Does he know my mother?

Does he know her mother?

How is this possible!X2

"Uh... pretty good." Ou Lu replied blankly.

"That's good. By the way, has Auntie introduced you to someone again? Or is she only looking for local sons-in-law?"

"Eh? You...how do you know?"

Ou Lu was completely stunned.

Then Dr. Fang was also stupid.

What? Only looking for local sons-in-law?

This sentence, which was "officially certified" by Ou Lu, was like a sharp arrow, piercing directly into his heart.

"Haha! You are an only child, so it's okay for your aunt to have this idea.

Dr. Ou is good at everything, but he is too filial and listens to auntie in everything."

Meng Lang glanced at Doctor Fang next door.

Yes! I checked the background and found that it is full of gray and white.

The world is finally clean.

Fortunately, the information retrieved from those vague and specious "blind date" memories in my mind is still very accurate...

Meng Lang breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Ou Lu was confused at this moment, and she was completely immersed in self-doubt.

If you know yourself and your mother, then forget it. Do you even have such clear requirements for choosing a mate?


Why do I have no impression of him at all?

This unscientific!

"You...what the hell..."

"Shh! Stop talking and watch the show seriously!" Meng Lang said seriously.

Ou Lu: "..."

I guessed the beginning, but not the ending.

So...you just spoke, but you didn't actually come to my rescue?

Just want us to be quiet?

One sentence succeeded in chatting to death, and Meng Lang stopped a nutritious conversation.

Ou Lu was originally a little concerned about Meng Lang's identity, but gradually his attention was attracted by the show, at least on the surface.

As for Dr. Fang, who is already wilting...

Anyway, judging from the fact that Ou Lu continued to return to Wu City for a blind date two years later, it was nine out of ten that it would not work out.

Therefore, I am not beating the mandarin ducks, I am just trying to make him recognize the reality in advance...

Not long after...

"Next, we invite the children from Class 2 and Class 3 of Qingsong Primary School to perform a popular science drama "X-Men" for us!"

Meng Lang's eyes lit up and he sat up straight.


In the theater, a female voice narrated the lines from the stereo loudspeaker.

[Our body is like a huge city, and every cell is a factory in the city.

The normal operation of the factory can maintain the normal operation of the city...]

[This is the lung area, the type II ACE2 cell factory in the alveoli, which is responsible for controlling the normal volume expansion of the alveoli to meet the oxygen supply needs of the human body's daily activities.]

Immediately afterwards, Xiaoyu, wearing a black dress and dark-style makeup, slowly walked out...

Hmm! These costumes and props are indeed much more sophisticated than those at the trial... so cute!

Meng Lang quickly took out his cell phone, adjusted the focus and clicked a few pictures.

Ou Lu looked strangely at Meng Lang, who was sitting on a soft chair just now, boredly watching the show. Suddenly, as if he was interested, he sat up straight and took a lot of shots at the children on the stage.

This guy is really weird.

But this show...

A popular science drama? It seems quite interesting.

"Yes! I am the incarnation of evil, Virus Queen X! I am here today to represent evil and destroy you!"

With this line, the whole audience was brought to a climax, and Ou Lu was gradually attracted by the show.

[When the virus is dissolved by lysosomes, it will take the opportunity to inject core RNA into our cells.]

[Once the number of viruses is large and mutates quickly, and ordinary immune methods cannot be effective, then the ultimate immunity, a cellular "factor storm", will be initiated.

A large number of immune cells rushing into the lungs will attack indiscriminately, leading to a series of serious consequences such as blood vessel rupture and lung necrosis.

Without lungs capable of breathing, the death of the body is only a matter of time.】

"Huh?" Ou Lu said softly.

[When the virus is too powerful, doctors can only choose to use hormone drugs to suppress human immune cells and use overly powerful weapons like ‘factor storms’.]

"Come on! In the end, only one of you and I can be left in this city!"

With the last line, good and evil collided fiercely, and the stage slowly came to an end...

After a moment, what followed was a long and warm round of applause.

Meng Lang ignored the comments and applause around him. He kept paying attention to the changes in the expression on Ou Lu's face.

Seeing that she seemed to have gained something, Meng Lang finally spoke tentatively.

"What do you think of this show, Dr. Ou?"

Ou Lu turned to look at him strangely.

I asked a question, but you asked me not to speak, but you asked the question very naturally...

"Yeah! It's educational and entertaining, and... although it doesn't have any profound medical theory, it's quite interesting and novel in terms of combating certain specific viruses.

It can be seen that the screenwriter is quite attentive."

Is there something gained? It’s good if there is something gained!

"I remember well, Dr. Ou is a graduate student at the School of Communicable Diseases, right?"

"Yes!" Ou Lu nodded calmly.

I even know my family’s requirements for recruiting a son-in-law, as well as the school and major I graduated from, so it’s not surprising at all...

Ou Lu discovered that after just a short while, he was already somewhat immune to Meng Lang's omniscience...

"Then what do you think should be done if a similar situation occurs?" Meng Lang was persuasive.


Ou Lu thought carefully for a moment.

"If the virus really triggers a factor storm, then the cytokines and activated immune cells in the human body will reach various organs in the body, including the brain, liver, kidneys, and cardiovascular systems, along with blood circulation.

Once this kind of attack is excessive, it will attack one's own substances as foreign matter without distinguishing between friend and foe, causing damage to organs.

However, many times, the damage to organs caused by this excessive immune response is mistaken for damage caused by viruses.

Therefore, the ideal treatment plan should be two steps!

It is necessary not only to fight against viruses, but also to prevent immune overstimulation.

The main focus in the early stage of the disease is anti-viral and not allowing too many viruses to replicate in the human body.

After the initial stage, the purpose of treatment is to calm the immune storm.

At this time, the titer of the virus may be very low, and the virus may even be undetectable. However, if an excessive immune response occurs, it will cause damage to organs.

At this time, some treatment options are needed to properly control this immune storm and reduce the damage caused by the overactive immune system to various organs.

So...the key is..."

"It depends on the timing of controlling the immune storm! It cannot be used too early, otherwise it may suppress the immune response and be detrimental to the elimination of the virus.

You can't use it too late, otherwise the immune storm will cause a lot of organ damage, right?" Meng Lang laughed.

"Eh? You know this too?" Ou Lu said in surprise.

This man always seems to be able to surprise people.

"Know a thing or two."

Meng Lang brought the question back to the treatment plan.

"This key is simple to say, but difficult to do. How to judge the timing of treatment requires a mature detection method. As far as I know, there does not seem to be one in China at present."

"Well! You are right. The treatment of calming the cytokine storm can currently be achieved through IL-6 inhibitors and IL-1 inhibitors.

However, the effects and timing of use of various inhibitors are indeed a subject worthy of study..."

"There are also GM-CSF inhibitors and JAK inhibitors. I think they can all be included in the research scope..."

Then, the two had a detailed and in-depth discussion on the specific research methods and treatment procedures.

Ou Lu only felt that the other party's words occasionally hit the nail on the head and often hit the key points. He immediately felt like he had found a like-minded person, and the more we chatted, the more speculative he became.

Doctor Fang, who was standing by, saw Meng Lang and the goddess chatting enthusiastically about medicine there, and he immediately came out of his depression.

Damn it! I must have been deceived by him!

Are you trying to take advantage of this?

That’s right! Recruiting a son-in-law is recruiting a son-in-law. This does not prevent me from picking up girls!

I was almost bypassed by the other party!

This bastard!

However, just when Dr. Fang, who was belatedly aware of the situation, wanted to intervene in the conversation between the two of them and try to use his profound knowledge to win back the victory academically, he suddenly discovered...

What are they talking about?

Why do I, a surgeon, want to come to learn about infectious diseases...

This chapter has been completed!
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