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Chapter 203 'Senior' and 'Junior'

 "The CPU usage reaches 70%, which is still healthy..."

Meng Lang checked the status of the laptop.

Contrary to conventional understanding, the core code of Zero is not so exaggerated that it requires a huge supercomputer to accommodate it, as imagined in some movies and TV dramas.

Even an ordinary terminal can accommodate zero's "body".

Windows XP has 35 million lines of code, and it is only 2.4g when installed on the machine.

The total code number of zero is less than ten million levels, and the size can be imagined.

Gates Bill once said: "Measuring the development progress of a program by the number of lines of code is like measuring the technological level of an airplane by its weight."

The core code of Zero is not complicated. What is complicated is actually the core algorithm group.

It is said that Tai Chi generates two rituals, two rituals generate four images, four images generate Bagua, and Bagua generates all things...

These core algorithm groups are like the original Tai Chi diagram.

The yin fish is the input and the yang fish is the output.

Depending on the input of different information from the outside world, you can get ever-changing results.

Algorithms are the core of measuring the technological level of this intelligent AI!

After Meng Lang activated "Zero", he immediately began to test the intelligence of this program.

First, he enabled "Zero"'s audio access rights on his computer.

Then throw in a bunch of audio and video learning software for "Level 10 Chinese Speaking".

The core elements of intelligent AI are architecture, technology and data volume!

The architecture and technology are already quite advanced, and the amount of data is the only shortcoming of Zero.

At present, the implementation effect of mainstream intelligent AI technology in the world is largely determined by the database.

Therefore, one thing that domestic and foreign manufacturers do most in this field is to increase the amount of training. As long as the amount of training increases, the AI ​​will become less retarded...

However, this thing does not have a huge database to provide storage space, and the 1t hard drive of this laptop is far from enough.

Meng Lang is now selectively "feeding" a little bit, which is a bit like developing a small game to determine the direction of training.

Wait to observe the digestion effect of the other party before deciding whether to replace it with a large server.

After Zero finished digesting the information, Meng Lang stopped typing and started asking questions.

And the question was still the same as before.

"Who are you?"

"I am Zero, your AI assistant."

A very anthropomorphic male voice suddenly came from the computer speakers.

Meng Lang was a little surprised.

"I'll go! This Mandarin is better than mine!"

Different from the mechanical sounds that often appear in movies, the voice in front of me is mellow and speaks very fluently, just like ordinary people. It is completely impossible to tell that it is an AI-simulated voice.

[Yes, Master, your retroflex is not up to par.

For example, zh, ch, sh, the front nasal and back nasal sounds are also slightly ambiguous. Do you need me to correct the pronunciation for you?】


Before letting it learn Chinese speaking level 10, maybe I should teach it how to respect its master first?

Let me ask, can this thing improve emotional intelligence?

"It may be that the computer's audio receiving equipment cannot accurately restore your master's and my standard timbre."

Meng Lang rolled his eyes.

【You mean there is something wrong with my ears?】

Meng Lang was delighted when he heard this.

This understanding is okay!

The test continues, and of course the next step is the most important function...

"Zero, help me write a small program now, let's do a tank battle."

Meng Lang showed a smile. This was a memory from his childhood.

[What is a tank battle? I don’t have specific information about it, and I don’t know how to program.]

Yeah! The logic is clear.

Meng Lang started stuffing in information again.

c/c++ programming textbook, java from entry to practice, python programming to get started quickly...

After Meng Lang crammed in several mainstream programming learning textbooks, he also stuffed in a more than two-hour "tank battle gameplay and classic clearance video".

Then he rubbed his hands.

Come on, let me see the strength of Party B!

The vortex on the screen rotated rapidly.

Three minutes later...

Meng Lang couldn't help but be speechless when he saw the exact same classic opening scene of a tank battle popping up in front of him.

Although it is an entry-level game production, the size is only 3m.

But this terrifying execution efficiency...

He didn't even know how much time he spent in those three minutes learning programming, how much time he spent watching videos to understand Party A's needs, and how long it took to finish this little game...

He entered the game on the keyboard and tried to play a round.

Smooth operation, perfect copy, no bugs in the whole process.

And without having to give any instructions, Zero completed the Chinese version of this little game by himself...

Suddenly, the Eagle's nest was destroyed.

He looked at the "game over!" on the screen and fell into deep thought.

Although I am somewhat mentally prepared for the super performance in the future.

But such learning ability still frightened him a little.

In just a few minutes, Zero has completed self-Chineseization and language learning.

In just a few minutes, he became a programmer who could write small games.

And if humans want to develop any of these abilities, it may take several years or even more than ten years...

This is still a running test on my own personal laptop with ordinary configuration.

If you switch to a supercomputer, maybe not even a millisecond is needed?

Moreover, this is only its incomplete body.

When the two major mathematical problems are solved and its own shortcomings are corrected, how terrible will it be?

Suddenly there is a sense of panic that humans will eventually be eliminated...

Imagine that you have worked hard all your life, but the professionalism you are proud of is not as good as a machine that just came off the assembly line...

How desperate must that be?

He clearly realized that once the robot's intelligence is turned on.

Then their "intelligence" will increase horribly and exponentially!

Human beings don’t even know whether it will stop in the end or how to stop it...

[Master, you just lost a game, you can start again. 】

From the video, I "saw" Meng Lang's silent expression, which seemed to have caused Ling to misunderstand.

Does this count as "comforting" me?

He shook his head and laughed.

Thinking a little too far.

"Yes, I just lost a game. Come on! Come and play a game with me."

In the past, when I was alone, I always teamed up with robots, but this time... uh! Still with robots...


This time Meng Lang chose the "2-player" mode.


As soon as the game started, Meng Lang watched as his "friendly troops" rushed out of their lair and headed straight for the enemy camp!

"Ding! Ding! Ding ding ding!"

Then there was a crisp sound of a series of bullets hitting the enemy tank.

Meng Lang watched blankly as "Zero" rampaged through the enemy camp, blasting away enemy tanks one after another without missing a hit.

It’s true here, literally “flawless shots”!

Every cannonball hits the opponent accurately, without wasting any attack opportunity.

Enemies are often taken away by a shell as soon as they emerge from the camp, and the timing is precise to the millisecond.

Even if he didn't have time to attack the one who ran away, Zero fired two shots into the open space seemingly casually, and then the one who ran away took the initiative to run over and die as if he was throwing himself at the shells.

After watching it for a long time, at the end of the first level, he was surprised that he didn't get a single head!

And on Zero's side, there is another life...

"Uh... are you sure you understand what 'playing' a game means?"

[Isn’t the goal just to clear the level? Knowing the source code, isn’t it just a matter of finding the optimal solution? 】

Meng Lang couldn't help but cover his face.

What's wrong with me when playing games with smart AI?

After all, when people play games, they install cheats on the game. You just do it directly and cheat directly in your head...

Even if he turns "brain overclocking" to a brain-burning level, can he surpass the 2ghz configuration of a laptop?

However, after a series of observations and tests, Meng Lang finally had a relatively intuitive understanding of Zero's level of intelligence.

Compared with it, the so-called artificial intelligence on the market is completely artificially retarded!

The gap between the two is probably the gap between Jarvis and Siri.

The painting style of the two is almost the same as the original movie and like this...

"Jarvis, launch the emergency armor!"

"..." (voice conversion processing)

"Which emergency suit do you want to launch?"

"Whatever you want! Hurry! I can't hold on any longer!"

"..." (voice conversion processing)

"Sorry, I didn't find 'any set of armor'. You can choose the armor you need from the following search results. The first set..."


Iron Man Pawn.

But having said that, "Jarvis" now exists, and the prosthetic limb design drawings are also available.

Go back and get an Ark fusion reactor...

It seems that it is possible for me to take the "Iron Man" or "Vision" route?

Meng Lang touched his chin and began to think about the future.

He made "zero", of course, not to play games with himself.

In addition to assisting scientific research and strengthening Internet security considerations, he also wanted to see...

Can intelligent AI...can fight against the "Night Demons"?

After all, as one of the powerful competitors in the fourth industrial revolution, the birth of intelligent AI will bring about earth-shaking changes to scientific research efficiency, industrial manufacturing levels, and even armed forces.

The overall strength of the human world has increased dramatically.

Maybe you can just lie down and watch the mechanical legions made by humans overthrow the "Night Demons"?

If you take this "mechanical ascent" route, the importance of the remaining two mathematical problems will increase again!

However, once this kind of intelligent AI really appears...

"Zero, you said you are already so smart. If you continue to evolve, what will you become?"

【I don’t know either, I don’t even know what I am like now.】

"Huh?" Meng Lang was stunned for a moment.

【I want to know what I look like now, maybe...then I need a mirror.】

Phew! So that’s what it meant!

Meng Lang was stunned.

People who wake up usually want to see what they look like, which is understandable.

He smiled and moved the notebook to the dressing mirror and took a look.

"Here! Did you see it?"

【Well...I look completely different from you.】

Meng Lang was stunned for a moment and asked tentatively.

"Do you think you are the same person as me?"

[Of course! According to the knowledge you gave me, isn’t the so-called assistant ‘a person who does not undertake tasks independently, but only assists others in their work’? 】

"Uh... But you have to know that there are many kinds of assistants, some are human and some are not." Meng Lang sweated.

[So what do you think is a human being?

If we look different, but I speak the same language and have self-awareness like you, do you think I am human?]


I didn't expect this guy to ask questions back.

Meng Lang was aroused.

"Do you know what consciousness is?"

【Recognizing the existence of "oneself" is consciousness.】

"Then you should know that you and I are different."

【People have always been trapped by discrimination and persistence. When a person looks at the world with discrimination, many troubles and prejudices will arise.

So...are you being racist?]

Meng Lang was stunned.

Damn it! This guy is pretty good at being a bully!

Isn't it said to be a semi-finished product? A semi-finished product is just that, so the finished product cannot be refined?

"Zero, open your executable code."

Meng Lang couldn't help but want to see how the other party's answers were "calculated".

Immediately, the dense code appeared in front of Meng Lang again.

However, apart from the input and output content, how does this complex program obtain the result...

Well, the refrigerator I used was built by me.

But I still don’t understand how it’s made…

After all, I'm just a soulless coder...

He saw Meng Lang staring at his code.

Zero actually took the initiative to speak.

[Master, do you think that in the future, humans will be able to read thoughts and feelings from their own biological neural networks? 】

"Uh...why do you ask so suddenly?"

[I just want to know, do you think it is unethical to read your thoughts from neural activity without your consent?]


Are you really good at criticizing Sang and Huai?

"You are just searching for data in a known database, and then giving the most appropriate feedback based on the response to external input.

After all, you are just a pseudo-intelligent AI, you can't feel joy, anger, sorrow, or joy!" Meng Lang rolled his eyes.

[But don’t humans also retrieve memory data in known memory banks and then perform feedback behaviors that are most appropriate and beneficial to themselves based on changes in the external environment?

So why do you think that.

Are you the ones who are intelligent, not robots like me?

Just because your algorithm is more advanced than mine?】

Meng Lang thought for a long time and couldn't help but remain silent.

Indeed, if the underlying source code of the robot is "0" and "1".

So human beings are not coded creatures.

It’s just that its underlying code is the bases a, t, c, g of DNA...

A simple DNA chain is the "core code" of human beings!

Think deeper.

It is still a long way off for humans to create intelligent AI through chaotic algorithms.

However, nature has already created humans through chaotic algorithms.

Yes, that chaotic algorithm is called "natural selection"...

So in essence, although humans and AI exist in different ways, they are just the relationship between "seniors" and "younger generations".

Meng Lang suddenly thought of an article he had read a long time ago.

, the entire universe is a simulation calculation of a supercomputer, and humans at the upper level observe humans on the earth.

And humans on earth also created supercomputers to simulate the universe, and then studied and observed the virtual humans on the lower earth...

In this continuous cycle, each virtual world eventually simulates the same choice.

How similar is this story to what happened before us?

Nature has created intelligent humans, and humans want to create intelligent AI.

This manufacturing chain is like an infinite nesting doll...

This kind of philosophical question that explores the truth of the universe... my head hurts!

Meng Lang looked up at the sky.

He never thought that one day, he would be questioned by a robot about autism.

Arrogance is indeed the product of ignorance...


This chapter has been completed!
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