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Chapter 337 I just want to buy a good gun

 "How ridiculous! This is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world!"

"Is this Chinese scholar serious? I think this scholar has not considered the entire research background at all. He may not have even read Professor Sylvan's works."

"Why did he have the courage to send it to our mailbox?"

"You also said that multiple sets of comparison experiments were repeated and the experimental accuracy was 100%? Doesn't he know that fraud can best be described as a model?"

"Maybe he remembered the wrong day and thought today is April Fool's Day? Hahaha..."

"Zheng Dalu? Why haven't I heard of this scholar's name? Does anyone here know him?"

"The signed workplace is Huaguo Evergreen Biotechnology...Has anyone heard of this company?"

"Please forgive my ignorance."

"Obviously, this is a bad speculator."

A group of blond and blue-eyed expert editors are sitting around a horseshoe-shaped table, holding an internal draft selection meeting.

"Liu Ye Feidao" is recognized internationally as one of the most influential and top medical journals.

This seemingly ordinary meeting held in front of the editorial office of "The Flying Knife" is well-known in the medical research community around the world.

The special editors here are all well-known scholars from all over the world. They select about 30 papers from a large number of submissions every week and select the breakthrough academic research papers for publication.

Unlike most of the expert editors below, the somewhat rigid-looking German editor-in-chief Hoffmann, who was sitting in the main seat, frowned as he looked at the article in his hand.

"Gentlemen, if you can, put aside your prejudice against this paper, and I would like to ask you to re-evaluate it objectively."

"Editor-in-Chief, you are also an expert professor in neurology. Do you really think this is necessary?"

"Yeah, who does he think he is? A fighter who wants to challenge authority?" Another editor also sneered.

In the eyes of many people, this is a waste of time.

Hoffman was not entirely surprised by the reaction of his colleagues.

After all... strange animals will be protected, but strange people will be ostracized.

The same is true in academic circles.

However, he still shook his head seriously.

"Authority? For us scientific researchers, authority is the last thing that should appear unless it finally becomes the truth.

We are professionals, so we must analyze each paper carefully.

Determine whether it is a clinical advance, a plagiarized paper, or a study truly worthy of publication.

Of course, it also includes whether the author has actually completed the research work he mentioned in the paper...

But obviously, we have not yet completed any of the above.

At least in my opinion, this paper provides us with another novel research idea, which is very enlightening. It does not seem to be something written by an unlearned speculator.

Research in the field of Alzheimer's disease can be said to have made no progress for decades. I think we may need such different voices to emerge.

That’s why I got it past the first draft.”

In fact, as an expert in this field, Hoffman was originally very dissatisfied with the slow progress in Alzheimer's disease treatment research and development.

after all……

A hint of darkness flashed in his eyes.

It goes without saying that the editor-in-chief of a top journal is of high quality. When I saw this paper for the first time, I didn’t know why, but I felt instantly amazed.

It's like being in a maze where you can't find your way, and suddenly someone opens a door for you...

Even if that door looks so illusory...

“Objectively speaking, I don’t see anything imprecise in this paper.

Even...I can't find any suspicious loopholes in it, and as the editor-in-chief said, its research ideas are quite groundbreaking!

If the experimental data of this paper are true, and there is no need to modify it, I would recommend making it the front page."

A younger editor saw the editor's support, so he stood up and truthfully expressed his thoughts.

"Cake seller! Front page? Are you kidding me? It's going to cause a stir!"

"However, purely in terms of theory, this article does have its scientific research value.

Well... I should say that the value is subversive..."

"The premise of your suggestion is the authenticity of this paper. If such an unconfirmed paper is published, once it is confirmed that the data is fraudulent, it will be a heavy blow to the credibility of our Liuye Feidao!

Have you forgotten that Harvard Medical School’s cardiac stem cell research paper was falsified not long ago, leading to a large number of retractions?”

"Yes, the aftermath of that incident has not yet passed, and those media with a keen sense of smell are still staring at us all day long. I do not recommend publishing such a sensational and very vulnerable article at this time."

"It seems that this paper is very controversial, so I reserve my opinion. After all, neurology is not my area of ​​expertise."

"Well... my suggestion is to provide an opportunity for the author to answer questions about the experimental data..."

"I think……"

After several minutes of discussion, Hoffman nodded, hesitated for a moment, and finally made a decision.

"Then I will put this article on hold for the time being. I will ask my friends at PFE to help me conduct an independent review of it."

(PFE: International pharmaceutical giant Ruihui)

"Independent review?" All the editors were a little surprised.

Ordinary manuscripts do not need to use this level of review specifications.

After all, independent review…that costs money!

However, considering the condition of Hoffman's wife, everyone has some understanding of his behavior.

"Although I think this is a bit redundant, according to Professor Zheng, this kind of experiment is reproducible, so it shouldn't be difficult to verify it."

"Okay! I agree!"

After the manuscript selection meeting ended, Hoffman opened his computer and sent the relevant information of this paper to the email address of his friend Richard.

Then I made an international long distance call...

Across the ocean, Gotham City.

PFE headquarters, R&D center office.

“Richard, you failed again! Again and again!

How many years has it been? Your bad news is just like those little ghosts who come knocking on the door on Halloween to trick-or-treat!

How much budget do you want to take away from me this time? Ah!

Well, I have to tell you good news. The president's office has decided to cancel your group's scientific research funding for the second half of the year!

Stop! Don't tell me how promising it is. I know better than you that it can make us a lot of money, but only if you research this damn Alzheimer's disease targeted drug!

If you can't get it out, you are just a bottomless pit that you can only get in but cannot get out of!

If you don't want the entire team to pack up and leave, then quickly submit a feasible research project to me.

Remember! Don’t let me hear that damn word ‘Alzheimer’s’ again in this project, not a single letter!

Now, close the door and leave me alone to calm down!"

After a while, a bald, middle-aged white man who looked to be in his fifties walked out of the office with a somewhat gray face.

Richard returned to his office dejectedly, leaned back on his chair weakly, and looked at the messy documents on the desk in front of him in a daze.

Yes, how many years?

It seems like sixteen years...

He has been immersed in this field since he graduated with a Ph.D., thinking that one day he would become famous.

However, after so many years, he seemed to have embarked on a path of no return.

There was always someone telling him in his ears... It's almost here, it's almost there...

However, more than ten years have passed, and there is still no end in sight...

Should I... really give up...

"Professor, how are you?" The assistant in the office came over cautiously and asked.


A long sigh said it all.

The young assistant also sighed when he saw this.

It may not be long before I start sending out resumes again...

"Jingle Bell!"

At this moment, the phone on the table suddenly rang.

Richard picked up weakly.


[Richard, it’s me, your old friend Hoffman.]

"Hoffman, if you're here to reminisce, unfortunately, I'm not in the mood today..."

[Oh! That’s unfortunate. I’m not here to catch up with old times, but to discuss business with you. Do you want to accept an independent investigation worth ten thousand dollars? 】


Considering the team's limited funds, Richard suddenly became enthusiastic.

"Of course, my old friend, it seems that your journal has encountered a valuable research paper?"

[Well...it's hard to say yet, but I am willing to make some efforts towards this...

I have already sent the materials to your email, and I’ll leave the rest to you!】

Richard immediately turned on the computer...,

"Yeah! I've received it, let me take a look first... uh..."

After quickly browsing the abstract of the paper, Richard's eyes suddenly widened.

"I said, are you kidding me? Don't you know that Professor Sylvain is my best friend?"

[Hypocritical pandering is the poison of friendship, and sincere criticism is a friendly gift. I think your close friends will not mind.]


After being choked, Richard could only roll his eyes and drop the sentence.

"For the sake of the lovely 'Dao Le', I will give you an answer as soon as possible!"

Richard hung up the phone, reluctantly steeled himself, and began to carefully read the contents of the paper in the email...

Half an hour later...


Although Hoffman is also an expert in neurology, how can he compare with Richard who is working on this track day and night?

These data seem to have no trace of fraud at all...

And... would anyone be so stupid as to tell a lie that could be exposed almost instantly?

Even without experimental verification, Richard has already made his own judgment intuitively...

But...how is this possible?

That is a pioneering paper that ranks among the top five cited in related fields and has been cited more than 2,300 times!

Holding the printed document, his expression changed.

This paper was like a bolt of lightning piercing his deep and dark night sky!

The road of no return before us is still the road of no return, with no end in sight.

However...another road suddenly appeared in front of him...

"What's wrong, Professor?" The assistant looked at him with some confusion.

"Go! Prepare for verification experiments!"

"Huh? But it's almost lunch time?"

"Immediately! Immediately! Call everyone, I want you to get the results as quickly as possible! Otherwise you will go out to have lunch with the homeless!"

"I'm...ok, professor! I'll go right away!"

Seeing the professor's red eyes and the ferocious look staring at him, the assistant who had never seen such a posture was immediately frightened and hurried to the laboratory...

Sunrise and sunset...

Until eight o'clock in the evening.


Richard, who was standing by the test bench, had bloodshot eyes. Before the data in the printer was printed out, he couldn't wait to pick up the file and compare it with the paper data in his hand.

PFE is worthy of being an international giant, and the laboratory equipment is luxurious, far beyond what Evergreen Biotech's fledgling laboratory can compare to.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguoyuedu recently to read and catch up on new books. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. www.yeguoyuedu.com is available for Android and Apple.]

Even many materials and samples are readily available.

In addition, we were doing similar related research.

It only took less than a day for Richard's team to repeat the experiment as described in the paper.

Richard looked at the still warm data for a while, and then looked at the data in the paper. His eyes gradually widened, and then turned red...

"What the fuck!"

Listening to his mentor's foul language, the assistant, who probably already knew what happened, couldn't help but swallow.

"Professor, this paper...is it true?"

What answered him was Richard's face that gradually turned ferocious...

"Where's my gun? Where's my gun? I'm going to kill that bastard!"

Sixteen years of youth and hard work!

Are you telling me now that everything is fake?!

Richard's sanity collapsed instantly!

"Professor! Calm down! Calm down!" The assistant was so frightened that he quickly hugged Richard.

"Professor Sylvain is your best friend!"

"Hell, even if he is my beloved relative and friend today, I will kill him with one shot!" Richard struggled crazily.

Sixteen years of hard work vanished...

If you don’t make any money, what you do is all in vain!

It's a pity that we have wasted our good time and have no hope for our country and our family...

So what is the meaning of my life?

It turns out that in the beginning, the path I took... was really a road of no return...

How many sixteen years can a life last?

My aunt has become a mother-in-law and her hair has turned gray, but you tell me... I waited in vain?!

This kind of pain...who the hell can understand?!

The assistant was worried that his mentor would be impulsive, so he hugged him and quickly comforted him.

"Professor! Professor, listen to me, let's think in a good direction, this is not all bad.

Doesn’t it mean that we have a new research direction?

Our team still has a future. When the company heard this news and saw new hope, it will definitely continue to invest more!

By the way, the most important thing now is to report it to the company quickly. This is also a great achievement!

Otherwise, once the news leaks out, not only our company, but all the companies that have organized related research will definitely wail, and maybe the stock prices will plummet, and we have to remind the company to stop losses quickly!"


Richard immediately stopped struggling.

"what did you just say?"

"Uh... I said remind the company to stop losses?"

"No, go ahead."

"The previous sentence... maybe the stock price will have to..."

Having said this, the assistant was stunned for a moment, and then slowly widened his eyes.

The master and apprentice looked at each other for a moment...the atmosphere suddenly became weird...

"Professor you..."

"Ahem! Don't get me wrong, I just want to buy a good gun."


Think about it.

"Um...Professor, you know I'm short of money just now at work, and your salary is so high. Can you lend me some money first?"

"You..." Richard stared.

"Hey! Professor, please don't get me wrong, I just want to hire a good lawyer for you..."

Richard: "..."

This chapter has been completed!
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