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Chapter 428: Level of Thought

 The intelligence authority that Meng Lang granted Gao Yuan was not inferior to the intelligence organizations of those large agencies.

He gave Gao Yuan great support in terms of business news.

Especially when it comes to targeting and searching for certain specific intelligence.

As long as there is a slight disturbance on the Internet, Zero can provide timely feedback.

In the past, hundreds of intelligence personnel were needed to sift through the massive amounts of Internet data.

The 10 billion euros before was not Gao Yuan's big talk.

The current Evergreen Biotechnology may not be worth this price, but if Bai Yeji’s shares are included, it is definitely worth it!

After all, the Internet's reputation is more imaginative than biotechnology.

Just one "Star Array" sold for 1.8 billion, which shows the popularity of Internet investment.

Even the smart voice product "Bajie" with its performance castrated has a much better ability to search and organize information than today's search engines.

For example, this inconspicuous piece of news in front of her could allow Gao Yuan to be one step ahead and seize the opportunity...

"What is supposed to come has come..."

Also reading this message was Meng Lang.

The African Z virus was first seen in "Apocalypse", telling the story of a catastrophe encountered by the second senior brother...

Judging from the fact that many brothers mentioned this matter before and after, we know that this wave of ecological disaster is definitely not a small matter.

But... in the final analysis, it is just a wave of ecological disaster in the breeding industry.

For Meng Lang, who has been "reincarnated" N times, the main contradiction in survival is no longer such a trivial matter.

X-Virus, Night Demon Clan, and Three Wars, which one is not N times more serious than this?

The experts are right, we don’t eat pork, we can also eat beef and mutton!

But speaking of it, this year the second brother suffered a disaster, next year it will be humanity's turn to suffer a disaster, and in a sense, the forms are so similar...

It really turns out that the tides are turning, who will God spare...

Looking at the pile of related plans sent by Gao Yuan, he didn't even look at them.

But he casually picked up a copy of "Zhuangzi, Neipian, Health Preservation Master" on the right side of the desk.

"My life also has a limit, but I know it has no limit. If I have a limit, I will follow the limitless, which is almost... Hmm! That's so well said!"

Why bother pursuing infinite knowledge with a limited life and making yourself exhausted?

If you can’t finish learning, why should you learn from him?

It is indeed the way to happiness!

If this was placed among Chinese middle school students, there would definitely be a market for it!


At this moment, the communication page suddenly popped up, showing a new message, and the sender was Gao Yuan.

[Regarding the influx of Z virus from Africa, do you have any further instructions?

For example, what effect needs to be achieved?

Should we allow technology to spread and minimize losses, or should we prepare to maximize profits?]

Probably because it had been a long time since Meng Lang expressed his opinion on his plan, Gao Yuan asked him directly.

Meng Lang could naturally understand the meaning of her words.

The so-called technology diffusion means that Brother 2's losses can naturally be minimized and profits maximized. There are many ways to operate.

For example, hunger marketing, price gouging, holding back on sales...

If the operation is good, it will not be a problem to double the profit.

In terms of technology monopoly and urgency of use, Evergreen Biotechnology can definitely make a lot of money with this technology!

For example, Northland, which is deeply troubled by the African Z virus, immediately offered Evergreen Biotech a price of US$500 million to buy this technology after seeing the results of the second trial.

Of course, he was directly rejected by Gao Yuan.

Evergreen Biotechnology, which is investing wildly everywhere, is in desperate need of cash flow, but of course it is impossible for her to sell vaccines, which are gold and silver coins that can be enjoyed for decades.

Not to mention that the profits from selling vaccines are several times higher than selling technology.

Naturally, she would not kill the goose to lay eggs.

"As for the instructions and no instructions, there is no need to force anything, just let nature take its course." Meng Lang replied.


The other side sent me three consecutive question marks.

[According to you, if this thing is not good, it will be a disaster, right?

For such an important matter, I feel that I have a heavy responsibility. You let me just let it take its course?

Besides, didn’t you give me this technology so that I could save the world...at least save a certain biological group?]

When Meng Lang saw this, he couldn't help but sigh.

[I used to have the same idea as you, thinking that I was the savior. But later, I discovered that everything in the world has its destiny to come and go.

What you gain may not be a blessing, and what you lose may not be a disaster.

Maybe those disasters you think are actually salvations?】


Opposite Gao Yuan was obviously confused.

[Actually, have you ever thought about it, essentially, there is no difference between humans and pigs. 】


[We are all members of the big family living on the blue planet, and the genetic similarity between humans and pigs is as high as about 98%.

In other words, there is actually not much difference in biological status between us and pigs when dealing with crises in their own biological chains.

The only difference is that we have the wisdom to understand how to minimize the losses of our own tribe.

So in a sense, pigs and humans have common experiences in responding to crises in certain situations.】

[...Crisis response under certain circumstances...Do you mean that humans may also encounter similar situations?]

[I didn’t say, this is all your own guess.]

[So what you’re saying is that letting humans accumulate more experience in this area...isn’t actually a bad thing?]

[What I mean is, you don’t have to carry any unnecessary responsibility or baggage.

Human beings may not be strong enough, but they are not as fragile as you think.

The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency when there is excess damage.

If you look at it over a long period of time, every crisis and loss is not a precious wealth of mankind.]

Meng Lang's remarks were definitely made out of emotion.

After so many reincarnations, he vaguely understood a truth.

Sometimes the more you do, the better the outcome may not be.

You thought you were helping humanity escape, but little did you know that you might be pushing it into a more tragic abyss...

On the contrary, if people live too comfortably, they will lose the sense of crisis.

Natural disasters, diseases, wars...those who have survived crisis after crisis are the human beings now, aren't they?

After all, I am just a support player. If I want to save humanity, I have to rely on humanity's own strength.

Experience in dealing with crises is also a type of soft power.

If you take too much medicine, your own immunity will decrease.

The African Z virus this time is just a small cold on the earth at best...

I don’t know if it’s because he’s been reading too many books recently, but Meng Lang seems to have a slightly different perception of the world.

[Sounds a bit like ‘governing by doing nothing’? So now you are no longer a wall-facer, but a saint?] Gao Yuan asked.

Meng Lang smiled.

[I have no intention of being a saint. Zhuangzi said: Once the saint is dead, the robbers will not be able to stand up, and the world will be peaceful for no reason.

As long as the saint does not die, thieves will continue.

What I want is exactly a world without saints...]

[So...you stopped studying history and started studying philosophy?]

【The end of the world is philosophy...

To tell you the truth, I have recently finished reading the Buddhist scriptures and the Tao Te Ching, and I am trying to use Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism to help me study the ultimate mystery of the harmonious coexistence between man and nature!]


Looking at the last "haha" who was chatting to death, Meng Lang sighed.

You see, why lie? No one would believe the truth anyway...

Even Gao Yuan, a legendary figure in the business world, can no longer understand his own "level of thought", right?

It's hard to find a close friend...

Meng Xiaolang inexplicably thought of the incredible Ding in "The Distant Savior".

The heroes of the world, Wei Lang and Yuan Ying'er...

"Ding~" Just as he was narcissistic, Gao Yuan on the opposite side sent another message. When he opened it, he found that it was a photo.

Meng Lang clicked it open with some confusion.

emm...it actually looks a bit familiar...

Huh? Isn’t this my bedroom at home?!

That's right! That desk, that bookshelf, those various martial arts novels and detective classics...

Meng Lang's eyes widened instantly.

[So...you stopped studying history and started studying philosophy?]


He suddenly realized...

My own "thought level"...seems to be exposed...

This chapter has been completed!
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