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Chapter 488 First Impression

 Beijing West Railway Station.

"You just take selfies, why are you posting them in the group?" Lin Haitang was furious as he looked at his phone.

"Ah? Is there anything wrong with posting a selfie? Isn't this a regular check-in operation for you girls? Is it because I didn't take the photo?"

Meng Lang pretended to look at the photo.

"It's no problem. I'm positioned far back, there's no perspective of death, the composition is quite reasonable, and my expressions are spot on. My photography skills have improved a lot..."

"Is this a problem with photography technology?"

"Oh, don't worry about these details. It's your first time in the capital. Why don't you take some more photos and post them on WeChat to show off?"

"The question is, are you showing off yourself..."

Lin Haitang looked helpless.

If you stimulate your circle of friends so much, aren't you worried that the "travel frog" at home wants to travel far away again?

In this regard, Meng Lang said that he had already figured it out. Just because he had a "traveling frog" at home, he couldn't be single for the rest of his life, right?

If nothing else, just because Lin Haitang dared to entrust his "future" to himself, he felt that any thought of stepping into two different boats would be a betrayal of this firm trust!

He glanced at Lin Haitang and said quietly.

"Sometimes posting selfies is not to show off, but to express a position..."

Lin Haitang was stunned, his expression was a little unnatural, and his heart was a little touched, but he pretended not to understand and raised his wrist to look at his watch.

"It's still early today. Let's take a taxi now. If we hurry, we should be able to return to Suzhou City in time tomorrow after meeting the people."

"Hey! Don't be in such a hurry, right? We finally came to the capital. You have to take me to visit the Forbidden City, walk through the alleys, or even climb the Great Wall, right?" Meng Lang was speechless.

"Do you really think we are here for a trip? Besides, I have a meeting next Monday, and I have to work overtime even on the weekends these two days..."

Meng Lang's eyes widened.

"Is there such a way to exploit labor force? I mean, you are a lawyer after all, so you can't take up legal weapons to protect your legitimate rights and interests as a worker?

Do you believe I called 12333 to complain?”

"Then I thank you for your contribution to the legal popularization work... stop talking nonsense and leave quickly."

Meng Lang did not move, but spread his hands helplessly towards her.

"Then I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. We probably won't be able to go today."

"Ah? Why?"

Lin Haitang was stunned when he heard an old voice coming from his ear.

"Hello, is this Mr. Meng Langmeng?"

Lin Haitang looked up in confusion and saw a silver-haired old man on crutches standing in front of the two of them, looking at them with a smile.

Another short-haired woman in her twenties, who was wearing sunglasses and a suit and was smartly dressed, looking quite heroic, was one step behind and stood upright next to the old man.

Lin Haitang turned to Meng Lang with some doubts, and opened his eyes to ask.

Didn’t you say this is your first time in Beijing? Do you know anyone here?

Meng Lang returned her look.

All my clients are abroad, but I have business in Beijing. Is it strange?

This is called "the wise are known in the deep mountains"...

"I am Meng Lang, you are..."

"Haha! My surname is Hu..."

Meng Lang looked at the old man for a moment, then smiled and stepped forward to shake hands with the old man enthusiastically.

"It turns out to be Mr. Hu, whom I have admired for a long time!"

However, before he got close to the old man, the woman beside him immediately took a vigilant step forward and stopped Meng Lang.

Even one hand instinctively pressed on the waist...

No matter how bizarre his resume is, the seemingly ordinary man in front of him is undoubtedly a top martial arts master!

Lin Haitang on the side immediately noticed that there seemed to be several people in black around him, and they suddenly surrounded him, and he immediately became nervous.

"Stop!" the old man shouted with some dissatisfaction.

"We are here to invite people to a banquet. What are you doing?"

Soon after, the two were taken into an off-road vehicle with military license plates.

Lin Haitang, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked at the woman in sunglasses who was driving on the left, and then looked at the black SUV following behind her in the right rearview mirror to make sure that she felt right about being "taken into the car."

She has interacted with many celebrities. Judging from their appearance and temperament, you can tell that these young and old people are definitely not ordinary people.

What's more, he also has a group of bodyguards who look very capable...

How could that guy Meng Lang know such a big shot in the capital?

Fortunately, the old man didn't seem to have any ill intentions. On the contrary, he seemed very enthusiastic?

Her strong curiosity made her prick up her ears, trying to hear clearly the conversation between the two people in the back row...

"Dong dong~" There was a sound of knocking on the glass.

"Mr. Hu, is this car bulletproof?"

"Uh... haha! It's a bulletproof car. Even a sniper rifle can't penetrate the steel plate of the car body at close range."

"Tsk tsk! Military supplies are good..."

"Oh, you can tell I'm a soldier?"

"The person next to you has such a standard posture, it's hard to figure it out, right?"

"Well... you don't seem surprised by my appearance today?"

"Hey! I've experienced so many things in my life, and there are fewer and fewer things that surprise me. I have to say, this is not a big or small regret."

Mr. Hu was a little stunned. How old are you that you dare to show off your life experience in front of yourself?

Putting aside his skill, his tone is a bit like being the best in the world.

"It seems like this is your first time in the capital?" he said with some humor.

"Oh! Mr. Hu is just kidding. My life experience is mainly in 'reading thousands of books', but in the aspect of 'traveling thousands of miles', I am indeed very lacking."

"Uh... haha! That's interesting. What do you think? What's your first impression of the capital?" Mr. Hu asked with a smile.

Meng Lang glanced at the other party and knew it well.

This seems to be a question for free points, but if the answer is not good, then it may be a question for free...

He turned around and looked out the window at the tall buildings and the endless traffic. He looked like he was in a prosperous world and couldn't help but nod.

"Yeah! One word! Good!"

"Haha! Where is the best place?" Mr. Hu continued to ask as if he wanted to get to the bottom of it.

"There are so many high-rise buildings! The office buildings are magnificent! Also, the traffic flow is orderly, which shows that the traffic laws are well enforced!"

Traffic laws?

Mr. Hu looked a little strange.

Not only does this young man have a strange resume, but he also has such a different perspective on problems?

"Then what do you think...is there anything wrong with it?" Mr. Hu seemed to have no intention of letting Meng Lang go.

"Yes!" Meng Lang nodded immediately, looking distressed, and pointed at the urban white-collar workers in suits and ties outside.

"Look at how many people are still going to work this weekend, which shows that the enforcement of labor laws is... quite poor!"

Mr. Hu: "???"

Lin Haitang: "..."

The latest update has pulled my hips, and I am too embarrassed to see people. I will try to speed up slowly after the holidays. Thank you to my friends who have persisted until now!

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to all the readers who are on holiday, especially those who work overtime during the holidays like the author~

This chapter has been completed!
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