Chapter 1716 Reversal

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Although there are souls from the late Yueyao clan, Lu Ye has just been promoted to Yueyao in the final analysis. With such a combination, although he can kill the upper Yueyao in the middle stage, it shouldn't be so easy.

But from Xu Yuan's point of view, Lu Ye didn't waste much effort at all in killing the star beast, and the battle was resolved in just a few breaths.

This guy... seems to be a bit weird.

While Xu Yuan was thinking to himself, Lu Ye had already entered Ma Shangsi's sea of ​​blood, and his opponent had been dealt with. The next thing to do was to help other Yueyao on his side to open up the situation and continuously expand the advantage.


Ma Shangsi is the best choice. The spread of his blood sea technique can create a huge geographical advantage for himself, and in terms of strength, he is also one of the only two months of Yao peak, so it is most cost-effective to open the situation from his side.

The most secure.

This is what Lu Ye did the last time he competed with the Gui clan, and it's still the same this time.

The master and servant had cooperated before, so as soon as he realized that Lu Ye had broken into his sea of ​​blood, Ma Shangsi knew his plan.

There are three auras of Yueyao from the dirty tribe in the sea of ​​blood, and all of them are at the level of Yueyao in the late stage. At this moment, they are fighting fiercely with Ma Shangsi.

With Ma Shangsi's own ability, he would undoubtedly be under a lot of pressure to face three enemies like this, but with the souls possessed by the soul clan, not only did he not feel the pressure at this moment, but he also felt more at ease.

I felt emotional for a long time. I had long heard that the Soul Clan's soul-possessing technique was mysterious and unparalleled and could greatly improve the strength of monks. However, the Vampire Clan had no chance to try it, but they didn't expect that they would have such an opportunity.

He is probably also the first vampire in the world to be possessed by a soul clan.

The pressure here was not great. When Lu Ye arrived, Ma Shangsi became even more relaxed and used all his strength to mobilize the power of the sea of ​​blood to assist Lu Ye in killing the enemy.

After a while, the aura of Yueyao from the dirty tribe died in the sea of ​​blood.

After solving one Yueyao from the dirty tribe, Lu Ye's spiritual thoughts immediately locked onto the second one.

This is a stone tribe. The whole body is filled with the luster of stone. It is tall and has sharp edges and corners. At first glance, it looks like it is made of piled stones.

Lu Ye had a deep memory of this race. When he was in the Taichu Realm, he had fought against a stone race named Baoshi. There was only one word for him, hard!

Looking at the entire starry sky, when it comes to the protective power of the physical body, the Stone Clan is ranked second, and no other race dares to be ranked first. Not only that, they are born with infinite strength, coupled with their own strong physique, it can be said that they are born with physical fitness.

In some battlefields, the best thing to do is to attack the enemy.

In the starry sky, although the Stone Clan is not a big clan, its overall strength is actually not weak. They have a top-level realm of their own, and there are many strong people in the clan.

With Ma Shangsi's assistance, Lu Ye easily touched the stone tribe's side. Before the opponent could react at all, the Panshan Sword blessed with a divine edge had already slashed it down.

This knife struck the opponent's back. The stone tribe staggered due to the huge force, but Lu Ye's brows furrowed slightly.

Because the effect of this sword was much worse than expected. As expected of the Stone Clan, which is famous for its protection, even the Panshan Sword blessed with a divine edge only left a wound of less than a foot on his back.

And it's still very shallow.

The Stone Clan was in pain, roared and turned around. Just when he was about to throw out a punch, the invisible power of the soul surged and rushed forward. The Stone Clan could not help but pause slightly.

Yueyao, the soul clan whose soul was possessed by Lu Ye, took action.

Seeing this opportunity, Lu Ye danced with the long knife in his hand, the light of the knife flashed, and in an instant, wounds appeared on the stone clan's body.

The strong ones fight, and life and death are only on a thin line. If it were another race, the short-term slowness just now would be enough to cost them their lives, but although the stone race in front of them was injured, it was not serious at all.

After getting rid of the influence of the soul clan's soul skills, the punch finally came down.

Lu Ye pulled back, only to feel the violent fist force and ferocious magic power sweeping toward him like a sudden wind. His skin was sore from the blow, and his whole body was pushed back several miles in a sea of ​​blood.

Ma Shangsi's blood drawing technique has no effect on the Stone Clan, because the Stone Clan is a rare race without blood. It can be said that at this point, the Stone Clan is very restrained by some of the Blood Clan's methods. Ma Shangsi obviously also

Knowing this, he didn't put any effort into this stone clan at all. He only handed it to Lu Ye, while he stared at the other Yueyao and killed him in the later stage.

After a fight, Lu Ye felt how powerful this stone clan was. Looking at it now, if he wanted to defeat the opponent, he had to dismantle it.

But considering how tough this guy's body was, Lu Ye felt that it was better not to waste time on him.

It’s not too late to deal with the easy-to-solve issues first, and then come back to the hard nut at the end.

That's what he thought, but the injured Stone Tribe was obviously irritated. His mind locked onto Lu Ye's position and he came across the sea of ​​blood.

Lu Ye didn't want to get entangled with him and was about to leave when suddenly something occurred to his mind.

The next moment, he used the technique of plundering and rushed towards the stone tribe.

In an instant, the two figures collided with each other. While Lu Ye moved to avoid the opponent's blow, the Panshan Sword fell again.

But when he cut it off this time, the Panshan knife suddenly burst into flames, as if it was burning.

The long knife struck the opponent's chest accurately, leaving only a shallow scar, but the effect of this knife was completely different from before.

When he was injured before, this stone tribe didn't react much at all, but when the knife was struck, he seemed to have received a huge impact, and his tall body froze slightly, and then he roared in pain.

He instinctively wanted to fight back, but the soul clan's soul technique was used just right, impacting his soul and causing his movements to freeze for a moment.

In this moment of delay, Lu Ye's second sword had already been slashed.

The scene became comical. The Stone Clan seemed to have turned into puppets, and their movements were stuck. Under such a situation, facing Lu Ye's violent attack, how could he fight back.

This is the power of the Soul Clan. They use soul-possessing techniques to attach themselves to other monks, which not only greatly enhances the strength of the possessed souls, but the Soul Clan itself can also activate soul techniques to attack the enemy. This is not a simple joint effort.

, this is a deeper level of cooperation.

Unless the Stone Clan can resist the Soul Clan's soul attack, this is a dead end.

But looking at the starry sky, which race can compete with the Soul Clan in the same realm in terms of spiritual soul cultivation? The situation may be better for other races, but for people like the Stone Clan who are naturally physically strong, the foundation of the Soul Clan is destined to be a shortcoming.

Roaring one after another, the stone tribe seemed to be enduring great torture and pain, with wounds all over their bodies.

But such injuries were simply not enough to kill him.

Lu Ye didn't come with the mentality of taking his life. Just now, an idea flashed in his mind and he thought of a possibility. Everything he was doing now was just an attempt.

After ten breaths, there were almost no intact parts of the Stone Clan's body.

But strangely, the Stone Clan no longer roared, but there was a fierce struggle in his eyes, and the originally thick filthy power on his body became extremely weak.

Until a certain moment, he suddenly stood still and stopped chasing Lu Ye. Instead, he clenched his fists tightly and his body trembled violently, as if he was fighting against something.

Lu Ye stood not far from him, watching intently, with a look of anticipation flashing in his eyes.

After three breaths, the stone tribe suddenly looked up at Lu Ye and said in a humming voice: "Excuse me, fellow Taoist, please chop a few more times!"

Lu Ye was overjoyed, knowing that his guess was correct.

These dirty people who have been eroded and transformed by the power of filth can be reversed!

The stone tribe in front of us is the best proof.

He had never thought about this before, because subconsciously, he regarded all the evil tribes that invaded this galaxy as enemies that must be killed, and he did not hold anything back during the fight.

If this stone clan hadn't been tough enough, he would have killed him long ago.

But if you think about it carefully, the reason why the Stone Clan was transformed into the Dirty Clan was because of the erosion of the power of filth, and the power of the talent tree can burn out those filthy powers.

So if we use the power of the talent tree to burn out the filth in the bodies of these transformed filthy people, what changes will occur?

With this idea in mind, when Lu Ye was fighting against this stone tribe, he poured out the incineration power of the talent tree into every sword strike. While cutting the opponent, it was also incinerating the filth in the opponent's body.

Now that the effect has appeared, the Stone Clan has undoubtedly recovered part of its own sanity. Instead of fighting Lu Ye again, it instead begged him to chop more, obviously wanting to completely get rid of the control of the filth.

This is a groundbreaking discovery.

Without any hesitation, Lu Yeshan stepped forward, raised his hand and pressed it on the head of the stone clan. The power of the talent tree was activated, and the body of the stone clan trembled, and the filth in the body was quickly burned away. The struggle in his eyes

and confrontation gradually dissipated, replaced by endless clarity and exhaustion.

He completely recovered and felt as if he was in another world. He nodded slightly to Lu Ye and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist."

Lu Ye nodded: "We'll talk about it later." He had many things he wanted to ask this Stone Tribe.

He turned to look in the direction of Ma Shangsi and shouted: "Don't kill me!"

Since we can use the power of the talent tree to rescue these dirty tribes, there is no need to kill them all. It is undoubtedly better to save their lives than to kill them directly.

As he spoke, Lu Ye rushed towards Ma Shangsi.

There is still the late Yueyao period here, but the situation is precarious at the moment. One-on-one, he is no match for Ma Shangsi, especially in a special environment like the blood sea.

When Lu Ye rushed over, the two masters and servants worked together and easily suppressed the dirty tribe completely. The sea of ​​blood turned into a cage, leaving the evil tribe in the late Yueyao period without the ability to resist. Lu Ye came to this place in a flash.

Next to the Hui clan, he raised his hand and pressed it on him, activating the power of the talent tree.

The power of filth was burned out, but the result made Lu Ye frown.

Because it was different from the situation he expected to deal with this filthy tribe. As the power of filth in the opponent's body was burned out, the filthy tribe lost its vitality at the same time, leaving only a physical body.

This chapter has been completed!
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