Chapter 1718: Cang Dang

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The relationship between Lu Ye and Ma Shangsi is not a simple friendship, but a master and servant, and the other is his blood servant. This connection is basically impossible to cut off, unless Ma Shangsi dies.

Lu Ye is not worried that he will be affected by the reputation of the vampire. Ma Shangsi's disguise ability is very good, and even Xu Yuan can't detect the clues. Unless he takes the initiative to expose the identity of the vampire, there is basically no big problem.

The reason why he was noticed by the soul clan this time was actually because Yueyao, a soul clan, used the soul possession technique on him.

Xu Yuan spoke again: "There is one more thing that I should keep in mind, little friend."

Lu Ye said seriously: "Elder, please speak."

"You have just purified the filth, and you have the means to reverse the filth clan. Try not to expose it to too many people. You should also warn the people here not to leak the information at will."

Lu Ye was puzzled.

Xu Yuan sighed: "Your method is a big taboo for the Hui tribe. If they know your existence, they may have some thoughts that they shouldn't have. In short, it's better to be careful."

Lu Ye thought about it carefully. Xu Yuan was right. He just activated the power of the talent tree to purify the filth. Medical cultivators can also do it. It is just that the efficiency is much lower. In fact, the filth can be reversed.

It's a bit unbelievable. It's just that the Hui clan didn't know about this. If they knew about it, they would definitely regard Lu Ye as a thorn in their side.

Being targeted by such a huge creature hiding in the dark will not be easy in the future.

"I understand." Lu Ye nodded.

The Soul Clan did not stay here for long. The Hui Clan had retreated and the Insect Path had disappeared. They had nothing to do next. After chatting with Lu Ye for a while, Xu Yuan took the Soul Clan Yueyao and set foot on the road.

On the way home.

Lu Ye was in no hurry to leave. After all, after a big battle, many things had to be sorted out.

There was also the Stone Tribe who was rescued by him. Lu Ye wanted to talk to him.

In the battle with the Hui tribe, Yuluo Realm actually suffered little loss. No one on the Yueyao level died, but Xingxiu did lose some people, but not many.

Even though he knew that after the insect tunnel disappeared, there was basically no risk here, Yuluo still arranged for manpower to be stationed here to be responsible for monitoring.

Ten days later, in the Yuluo Realm.

Lu Ye and Cang Dang sat across from each other.

Cang Dang was the name of the stone tribe he rescued. Within ten days, with the soul jade donated by Lu Ye, his damaged soul was completely restored.

Under normal conditions, Cang Dang's body size is very large, but at this moment, his body size has been reduced to about the same size as a normal human race. It is obviously a secret technique.

Cang Dang came to see Lu Ye today because he wanted to express his gratitude to Lu Ye. After all, if Lu Ye had not used his magical methods, he would still be driven by the Hui tribe to fight in all directions, and he might have died somewhere one day.

Such kindness is like a new life, and I am extremely grateful.

But now, he can only be grateful and has nothing to repay.

Lu Ye didn't care about this. It was just an accident that he saved Cang Dang before. At first, he just wanted to use the power of the talent tree to kill the Wei clan more conveniently. Who knows, Cang Dang recovered after a while.


And in the subsequent battles, Cang Dang also exerted a lot of effort.

"Brother Taoist, what are your next plans?" Lu Ye asked.

Cang Dang thought for a while and said in a low voice: "I want to go back to the Five Colors Realm. I haven't been back for too many years and I don't know if any relatives are still there."

The Five Color Domain is the only top realm occupied by the Stone Clan, and it is famous throughout the starry sky.

Cang Dang was born in the Five Color Realm. Many years ago, when he was traveling and passing through a starry sky, he accidentally got involved in the war invaded by the Hui clan. He couldn't bear to see the creatures in that galaxy being slaughtered, so he took the initiative to join the battlefield.

, as a result, it was already too late to escape.

At this point, he entered the dirty land and became a member of the dirty tribe. Over the years, he had fought for the dirty tribe in all directions, but now he suddenly looked back, filled with guilt and uneasiness.

After wandering for many years, it is natural for people to want to return to their hometown and have a look.

"I wonder if you know how to get to the Five Colors Domain from here?" Cang Dang asked. He came here today to thank Lu Ye in person and to find out the route back.

Lu Ye shook his head: "This galaxy is relatively remote. It didn't even have the ability to communicate with the outside world more than ten years ago, so I don't know where the five color fields are."

Hearing this, Cang Dang was not disappointed. He had obviously expected this situation. If there was no correct route, then he could only take one step at a time. But in this way, if he wanted to return to the Five Color Domain, there would definitely be many challenges.

There are twists and turns, and I don’t know how much time it will take.

"Although I don't know where the Five Color Domain is, I am going to the Vientiane Galaxy next. If Brother Dao is willing, I can go with him. There should be an insect tunnel connected to the Five Color Domain over there in the Vientiane Galaxy." Lu Ye said again.


The reason why he said this is because Lu Ye knew that there is a spiritual island in the Wanxiang Sea, which is occupied by the Stone Clan. If this is the case, then the Stone Clan must have a convenient way to enter and exit the Wanxiang Galaxy, even if there is no directly connected insect path, near the Five Color Domain

There should be such a worm passage in the galaxy, otherwise the Stone Tribe would not be able to enter the Sea of ​​Vientiane on a large scale.

Cang Dang's eyes lit up when he heard this: "That's great. Once you get to the Wanxiang Galaxy, it will be much easier to return to the Five Color Domain."

"Brother Dao, get ready. I will set off in the next few days."

Cang Dang thanked him, stood up and was about to leave. However, after walking a few steps, he suddenly turned around and said seriously: "Friend Lu Dao, Cang Dang will bear in mind the kindness of rebuilding. Cang Dang will never do anything in the battle with the Hui clan."

Let others know."

Lu Ye was startled, then nodded slightly.

Cang Dang probably didn’t hear Xu Yuan’s instructions to him, but the method that could reverse the Gu tribe was really unbelievable. Cang Dang obviously knew that this matter was important, so he specifically expressed his attitude to Lu Ye and told him that he would keep it secret.

, will never reveal even a single word to the outside world.

It can be seen from this that although Cangdang, a member of the Stone Clan, is naive, his mind is still very flexible.

Lu Ye actually thought about wooing Cang Dang. In the late Yueyue Yao period, he would not be considered weak anywhere, but the Stone Clan is not a race without followers, and he and Ma Shangsi were different. Simply wooing him would not work, so he simply gave up.

Two days later, Lu Ye was ready and about to set off.

He came to Yuluo with the original intention of bringing another group of Yuluo monks to the Sea of ​​All Things. However, it took a lot of time to cast the scabbard of the Panshan Sword, and then he encountered the invasion of the Hui tribe, so it was delayed for a few days.


Yuluo is very interested in sending more manpower to the Wanxiang Sea. If there had not been an accident like Tianshuang's cold weather before, this matter should have been finalized long ago.

It's not too late either.

This time, Yuluo Realm and Qingli Dao Realm only sent out a hundred stars, but Yuluo also sent out a Yueyao!

This is Lu Ye's suggestion.

According to the rules of the Wanxiang Sea, non-local sunshine is not allowed to stay longer on the Wanxiang Sea. When Daluo's Luo Xie escorted the fleet to the Wanxiang Galaxy, he only stayed on the Wanxiang Sea for a few days and then left in a hurry.

It's impossible not to leave. If the time limit is exceeded, it will be a provocation to the local forces in Wanxiang Galaxy. Wanxiang Rizhao will definitely come out to deal with him.

So Luo Xie could only quickly appreciate the magnificence of the Wanxiang Sea and broaden his horizons.

This rule is mainly set by the Wanxiang Galaxy for the convenience of management. The environment of the Wanxiang Sea is too complicated. I don’t know how many forces from the galaxy are stationed here. It is very involved. Many forces have Rizhao behind them. If this force comes to Rizhao,

Stay, that force comes to stay in Rizhao again... The local forces in the Wanxiang Galaxy cannot manage it at all.

That's why we set such a rule. To put it simply, it doesn't matter if you come over and have a look. Just leave after you see it. Don't stay, otherwise don't blame us for being rude.

This is just one of the rules of Wanxianghai.

Another rule is that each force can only have five Yueyao at most. As for the stars, the number is actually unlimited, because no matter how many stars there are, their strength is only the same, and they can't make too much noise in the Wanxiang Sea.

Big movement.

This rule was also set by Wanxianghai for better management considerations.

The Yueyao people's fight is different from that of Xingxiu. If there are too many Yueyao from various forces stationed in the Wanxiang Sea, and one order makes a fuss, the commotion will be huge.

If there are only five people, no matter how loud the noise is, there is a limit.

These are the two rules that all forces need to abide by and pay attention to if they want to survive in the Wanxiang Sea. They are also the rules that everyone has acquiesced to. Throughout the ages, no force has dared to violate them.

Based on the second rule of Wanxiang Sea, Lu Ye proposed to let another Yueyao from Yuluo Realm follow him.

Lu Ye's initial plan was to have Yuluo dispatch the two Yueyaos.

Because there are only two Yueyaos on the Three Realms Island, Luan Xiao'e and Tang Jun.

Although the mermaid tribe can help at critical moments, the mermaid tribe is special after all. As long as it can be done without being exposed, Lu Ye does not want to expose their existence to avoid being coveted by others.

He himself has now been promoted to Yueyao, which means there are three.

If Ma Shangsi had not been conquered by chance, Yuluo could indeed dispatch two more Yueyaos, but now that Ma Shangsi is there, Yuluo only has one quota.

He Baichuan is the candidate selected by Yuluo this time.

Yueyao's later cultivation level was in his prime, and he was still cultivating individually, so he was undoubtedly very suitable.

The last time Yuluo cooperated with Lu Ye, there were actually some concerns because Lu Ye himself didn't come to Yuluo, only Wu Zhuo made a trip.

Although she has concerns, Yuluo is still very interested in the Wanxiang Sea, so Luan Xiao'e led a hundred stars to follow Lu Ye to the Wanxiang Sea this month.

Now everyone has experienced a battle against the Hui clan. From this battle, Yuluo and Yueyao not only vaguely glimpsed Lu Ye's powerful potential, but also confirmed that there is indeed a strong person from Rizhao behind Lu Ye. Therefore, for such cooperation, it is

Rushing like a duck.

As soon as Lu Ye suggested it, Yuluojie readily agreed.

This chapter has been completed!
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