Chapter 1752 Pixiu

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In two months, many formations and defenses on Sanjie Island have been arranged. Luan Xiao'e and others are still stationed on Lingdao. Lao Tang is running around outside every day, which is very hard.

He is not worried about his own safety at all now, because on the surface he is not the guard Yueyao of Three Realms Island, so even if someone wants to take advantage of Three Realms Island, they should not attack him. If he is not guarding Yueyao, he will be killed.

It is of no use to kill him, and it will not weaken the defense of Three Realms Island.

And after what happened in Baiyue last time, Lao Tang felt that anyone with some sense would not have any thoughts towards him.

Now everyone knows that the cause of the battle between Three Realms Island and Baiyue was Baiyue Yueyao's sneak attack on Tang Jun. Of course, this was only the apparent reason, and only a few Yueyao knew the deeper reasons.

In a sneak attack, a high-class spiritual island changed its owner, and the lessons learned from the past will be shared by future generations.

On this day, Lu Ye, who was practicing peacefully under the Wanxiang Sea, suddenly felt a move in his heart and felt the call of the clone of the talent tree.

The sea water of the Vientiane Sea has a very strong isolation force. Normal musical note transmission cannot be transmitted, but the connection between the talent tree clone and the original body will not be severed.

Therefore, if the clone gets any news, it can contact the main body.

Lu Ye immediately understood that something serious must have happened, otherwise the clone would not contact the original person, so he immediately left the Wanxiang Sea and hurried back to Three Realms Island.

The place where he practices is just below the Three Realms Island, so he comes back very quickly.

The next moment, he learned the specific reason from the clone, his face could not help but darken, and his expression became tense and serious.

When he has reached this level of cultivation, there are very few things in this world that can make him feel nervous and apprehensive, unless it concerns the few people closest to him.

In the area where monks were stationed on the main island of Three Realms Island, Lu Ye flew straight towards a bamboo building.

The shape of this bamboo building is exactly the same as that of a bamboo building in Cui Zhufeng of the Kyushu Blue Blood Sect. It is Hua Ci's residence. Next to this bamboo building, there is another one, which is Lu Ye's residence.

However, Lu Ye has been busy practicing recently and basically doesn't live here.

With a figure like the wind, he rushed straight into the second floor, where two figures, one big and one small, stood here.

In addition to the talent tree clones, there are also Shuiyuan and Yaya.

When the original deity arrived, the clone jumped over and disappeared.

Lu Ye looked forward intently, his eyes narrowed: "What's going on?"

There was a translucent amber-like thing in front of him, the size of a water tank, and a figure inside the amber was sitting upright, as if asleep, with a peaceful expression and a dignified temperament. It was Hua Ci!

Lu Ye tried to use his spiritual thoughts to sense Hua Ci's state, but was surprised to find that his spiritual thoughts were unable to break through the amber blockade, so he didn't even know whether Hua Ci was alive or dead at the moment.

Lu Ye's heart was a little confused for a moment.

There are not many people he is close to in this world, only a few people from the Blue Blood Sect, and he and Hua Ci are in love with each other, they are in love with each other, and they have already made a lifelong commitment.

Although Lu Ye has been running around since leaving Kyushu, and the two of them have few opportunities to meet and communicate, they will not feel alienated from each other even if they don't see each other for a long time.

It was selfish to bring her to the Wanxiang Sea, because she could see her frequently, and since she was a medical practitioner, she did not need to face too many dangers.

Lu Ye never thought that Hua Ci would have an accident, and it was still within the island!

Seemingly aware of Lu Ye's eagerness, Shui Yuan quickly reassured: "Junior sister is still alive, little junior brother, please calm down first!"

"Are you sure?" Lu Ye asked quickly.

Shuiyuan took out the musical notes: "Junior sister's musical note imprint is still there!"

Lu Ye suddenly realized that the note mark was there, which meant that he was fine. He forgot about it in a hurry, otherwise he could have verified it himself.

After calming down a little, Lu Ye asked, "What happened?"

Shui Yuan smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I don't know, it was like this when I came here."

She and Hua Ci were in charge of the alchemy room, and were responsible for refining various spiritual elixirs for the monks on the island to use in their practice. Their daily tasks were relatively leisurely, and they had a lot of time at their own disposal.

Today, according to the plan, the two girls were going to refine a batch of divine elixirs. However, Shuiyuan waited in the elixir room for a long time but did not see Hua Ci arrive. She also received no response when he called her, so he came to check it out in person.

, and as a result, Hua Ci was sealed in this piece of amber.

She didn't know what was going on, so she quickly sent a message to Lu Ye, who then hurried over.

After listening to Shuiyuan's explanation, Lu Ye frowned even more. He took a step forward and touched the amber. His hand was warm, like a piece of topaz, activated by mana. As a result, Lu Ye found that his mana was quickly absorbed by the amber.

Devoured, it quickly disappeared.

With his eyesight, he couldn't tell what the amber was.

Unwilling to give up, he activated his magic power even more fiercely, but no matter how hard he tried, the amber was like a bottomless pit with no depth at all.

"Junior brother, look!" Shuiyuan suddenly made a discovery and pointed to the inside of the amber.

Lu Ye looked intently in the direction of her finger and saw something on Hua Ci's knees inside the amber.

After another closer look, Lu Ye recognized what this thing was.

This is clearly Hua Ci's toad monster.

This woman had collected many poisonous monsters in Kyushu back then, and toads were just one of them. Lu Ye remembered that there were also things like scorpions, poisonous snakes, and spiders.

The last time Lu Ye went back to Jiuzhou to see Hua Ci, he was made trouble by these little people under her.

However, as far as Lu Ye knew, Hua Ci sent away most of the monsters before coming to the Wanxiang Sea, leaving only this toad by his side.

When Lu Ye was here, he had seen this monster several times, but it was usually the same as a door god, the size of a house, but he didn't expect that at this moment it was only the size of a rabbit, crawling quietly on Hua Ci's side.

On the knees.

What concerned Lu Ye was not its size, but the fact that the toad had obviously undergone some unusual changes.

In the past, this thing was covered in lumps and didn't look pleasant at all. It was hard to imagine that someone as gentle as Hua Ci would like such a poison, but considering her status as a poison doctor, it was understandable.

At this moment, the toad has obviously changed a lot. The bumps on its body have disappeared, its whole body is glowing with a layer of gold, and there are also strange marks on its body.

Lu Ye looked at those marks intently, and somehow they looked familiar...

Isn't this mark... the shape of the treasure I gave to Hua Ci for safekeeping?

Thinking of the amber wrapped in Hua Ci's ability to swallow his own mana, Lu Ye's heart skipped a beat, and he turned to look at Shui Yuan: "Where's that precious coin?"

Shui Yuan was one of the only people who knew about the existence of the treasure money, because when Lu Ye handed the treasure money to Hua Ci for safekeeping, Shui Yuan was beside him.

Shui Yuan was stunned for a moment and said quickly: "The treasure money has always been in Hua Ci's hands."

Lu Ye turned to look at the golden toad on Hua Ci's lap, and vaguely realized one thing. This incident may have something to do with that precious coin!

He had always thought that the treasure was a special kind of treasure that could even suppress sunlight as long as it absorbed enough energy, but he never expected that it would cause such a change.

Lu Ye could think that the change in Hua Ci was related to Bao Qian, and Shui Yuan naturally thought of it too.

She quickly remembered another thing: "Junior brother, the toad monster owned by junior sister seems to be very interested in treasure money. Several times when junior sister took it out to play with, the toad kept licking its tongue and seemed to want to eat it.

It’s like getting treasure money.”

Lu Ye turned to look at Shuiyuan.

Shuiyuan asked suspiciously: "Could it be that... the precious money was eaten by it? That caused these things?"

This is not impossible.

Treasure money is something obtained from the body of a star beast. Star beasts can eat it, and monster beasts can naturally eat it, but... what is this layer of seal-like amber? Why does it cause such a change?

The star beast that ate the treasure money at that time could only activate some of the power of the treasure money, but it was not sealed.

"Pixiu!" A milky voice suddenly came from the side.

Lu Ye and Shui Yuan turned around and saw Yaya standing aside, tilting her head and looking at the golden toad sealed in amber.

Yaya has always been taken care of by Hua Ci and Shui Yuan, so she stays with them for a long time. This time Shui Yuan came to see Hua Ci and brought her with her. The little girl had not spoken before, Lu Ye

He didn't care either, but he unexpectedly said something shocking at this moment.

Lu Ye calmed down, squatted down and said, "Yaya, what did you just say?"

Yaya is Rizhao. Although her mind is impaired, she is like a child on weekdays, but her experience and experience are beyond his comparison. Maybe she is seeing something.

"Pixiu!" Yaya pointed at the golden toad, "It is getting back its own power!"

Lu Ye was sure he heard correctly this time.

brave troops!

This is an existence on the same level as the dragon, phoenix, and white tiger in legend.

By the way, Pixiu seems to look like a golden toad.

The toad monster that Hua Ci subdued in the Yunhe battlefield was actually a Pixiu?

This is not impossible. The former Kyushu was extremely powerful, and it is reasonable for many ferocious beasts to survive in the realm. Just like the Phoenix True Fire that Lu Ye obtained in his early years, it is a legacy of the former Kyushu era.

There is also the Xuanwu Demonic Pill from Jujia, and the White Tiger Bloodline from Amber.

The toad that Hua Ci conquered may not be the real Pixiu, but it must have the blood of Pixiu!

This woman may have been vaguely aware of this, or simply noticed that the toad monster was different, so she left it alone before leaving Kyushu.

If that's all it is, then as the strength of this toad continues to improve, it may slowly awaken the bloodline of Pixiu and possess some of Pixiu's abilities.

But Lu Ye handed over the treasure to Hua Ci for safekeeping!

Yaya said that Pixiu was getting back his own power, and Shuiyuan also said that the toad was very interested in treasure money.

Doesn't this mean that the treasure is the manifestation of the power of Pixiu?

By chance, a monster with the bloodline of Pixiu swallowed the treasure condensed by the power of Pixiu, which triggered this incident!

This chapter has been completed!
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