Chapter 2205 Your Excellency is Highly Righteous

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In the state of hard training, Lu Ye can gain a little bit of Tao power almost every day. Such efficiency is incredible at the level of Taoism, but for his own needs, what he gains from hard training is better than nothing.

In his current state, if he wanted to polish it into a Taoist bone, it would cost as much as four to five thousand Taoist power. It would take more than ten years to improve his Taoist power just by practicing hard.

A few days later, Na Du Quan came again and went straight to Lu Ye. He raised his hands and said, "Commander Lu, please invite me!"

He was humiliated at Heyi Camp a few days ago. After he returned, he had a heated argument with Du Feng, saying how arrogant Lu Ye and others were and how arrogant they were. Du Feng had no reaction after hearing this.

But knowing his nature, he would definitely not let it go.

As expected, Du Feng will summon Lu Ye alone today.

Lu Ye slowly opened his eyes, pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "Lead the way."

He stood up and followed Du Quan forward. Wang Xun and others on the side frowned and looked uneasy, but when Du Feng summoned him, it was impossible for Lu Ye not to go. Even if they were worried, it would be of no use.

There is a simple garrison in the stronghold, where Du Feng and his cronies usually live here.

Du Quan brought Lu Yelai here and introduced him into a large hall.

"Sir, Commander Lu is here." Du Quan said, cupping his fists.

Du Feng was sitting there drinking tea. Hearing this, he looked up, laughed loudly, stood up and hurriedly greeted him: "Our great hero is here, please take a seat!"

Du Quan was a little dumbfounded when he saw this. He knew the temper of his guard best. He thought that Du Feng would not give him a good look when he summoned Lu Ye this time, but what is the situation now? He was a little confused.

"I've met you, sir!" Behind Du Quan, Lu Ye cupped his hands and clasped his fists.

Over the past few days, Du Feng's condition has improved significantly, probably because the lost Dao power has been replenished. After all, he has collected 20% of the loot from the entire stronghold. Even if the need for Dao fusion is large, it is enough for him to recover.

Even his broken arm grew back.

Today, Du Feng is no longer as embarrassed and desolate as he was a few days ago. At least he looks like a Rongdao guard.

His enthusiasm not only confused Du Quan, but even Lu Ye was a little surprised.

After sitting down, tea was served immediately.

Du Feng looked at Lu Ye with a smile: "The Japanese guard has been recuperating in the past few days and has not had time to see you. Today, Commander Lu is indeed extraordinary."

Lu Ye remained calm: "Thank you, Lord Guard."

Du Feng waved his hand and said: "I speak from the bottom of my heart!" He sighed, "I am ashamed to say that in the last battle, although I fought bloody battles, I was still no match for the Zerg Fusion Dao. I even had my arm broken off, was seriously injured, and was almost involved.

The stronghold was breached."

As he spoke, he quietly looked at Lu Ye's expression, but to his disappointment, Lu Ye looked like he was looking at his nose and heart, and his expression was like a puddle of stagnant water.

I immediately understood that it would be better to say some things directly, and there is no point in saying them in a roundabout way.

"The battle report of the previous battle has been reported to Huangquan. I think someone will come to verify the details in the next two days. I have also reported the success of your Heyi battalion in killing Rongdao.

There will definitely be a reward from Huangquan in time."

Lu Ye blinked, cupped his fists and said, "Thank you for your kind words, sir."

He knew in his heart that even if Du Feng wanted to falsely report the battle situation, it would only be a false report. There were some things that he couldn't turn right and wrong. For example, the Zerg Fusion Road was killed by the Heyi Camp!

It was impossible for him to take the credit for this achievement. After all, so many monks participated in the battle that day.

"This is what it should be." Du Feng said with a righteous attitude, "This guard never does anything to steal credit."

The main reason was that it was not easy to grab. If Lu Ye and others had no background, it would be nothing more than a word from him to grab the credit. But after doing some research in the past few days, he found out that Heyi Camp was directly under Ziying.

He didn't have much contact with Ziying, but he had heard of this woman's name at least. Heyi camp had Ziying as his back, so many things were difficult to do.

Not only that, Lu Ye himself seems to have some relationship with the Yan family. He is considered a general of the Yan family, and he is the kind of general who doesn't listen to orders!

Also, the Military Aircraft Department seems to value Lu Ye very much.

Various reasons made Du Feng realize that the commander of Heyi Camp, who only had Taoist cultivation, was not a soft persimmon that could be easily manipulated.

That's why he specially summoned Lu Ye today, without even mentioning the matter of paying a debt of gratitude before.

Suddenly he lowered his voice again: "But there are some things that I hope Commander Lu will understand. As the guard of this stronghold, I, Du Feng, have the responsibility to protect the stronghold. In the previous battle, temporarily leaving the battlefield was not an escape, but a last resort.


Lu Ye finally knew what he meant.

Du Feng was probably afraid that the events of that day would be verified by people coming from Huangquan. In any case, it would not be shameless to escape while guarding a stronghold.

Although there are many monks in the stronghold, they will definitely not offend Du Feng, but it is different here at Heyi Camp, so Du Feng called Lu Ye over to say hello.

The thoughts in his mind changed, and Lu Ye looked at him: "The guard fought with the enemy to the death that day. Not only was he seriously injured, but his Tao power was also exhausted. However, he still cared about his officers and men and tried his best to lure away the Zerg Fusion Tao. Give it to me.

When we create an escape opportunity, we will naturally know that you are not running away, you are so righteous, and we admire you."

Du Feng was stunned for a while after hearing these words, and then laughed loudly, raised his hand and patted Lu Ye on the shoulder: "Sure enough, only Commander Lu can appreciate the good intentions of this guard."

"Of course." Lu Ye nodded, "Your Majesty, before escaping, you have sent a message to our Heyi Battalion, telling us that the enemy Rongdao is at the end of its war effort. Thanks to your bloody battle, our Heyi Battalion has a chance to kill Rongdao."

Get up, it was our Heyi Battalion that took advantage of you, and you should take the lead in the battle that day!"

There is no benefit in offending a Rongdao, so why not give him a favor? There is no loss anyway.

Du Feng became even more excited after hearing this. He was originally a little worried that Lu Ye was ignorant, but now it seems that he was completely overly worried.

It turns out that the Heyi Camp also knew that being able to kill Rong Dao was at their own advantage. To put it bluntly, Commander Lu had a clear mind, so how could he not see the truth clearly?

When Du Quan came back a few days ago to add fuel to the fire, he did have a lot of dissatisfaction with Heyiying and Lu Ye, but after today's conversation, those dissatisfactions had long since disappeared, and he felt that Commander Lu in front of him was becoming more and more pleasing to the eye.

"What a pity!"

"What are you regretting, sir?" Lu Ye was puzzled.

Du Feng sighed: "It's a pity that Commander Lu is a Taoist friend of Ziying. If not, Du would have taken you under his command no matter what. Commander Lu is a talent!"

"I can't thank you enough for accepting your great love!" Lu Ye handed over his hand.

After a conversation, the host and guest enjoyed themselves.

When Du Feng sent Lu Ye out with a smile on his face, Du Quan, who was guarding outside, almost had his eyes bulging out. He had no idea what the situation was. Why did the guard look like he was about to become a brother to Lu Ye?


After a while, Lu Ye returned to the Heyi Camp. A group of people gathered around him and looked at him with concern, fearing that their leader would suffer a loss from Du Feng.

Lu Ye felt a warm feeling in his heart and said, "Nothing, the Lord Guard just called me over for a casual chat." He waved his hand: "Wang Xun, come here."

Wang Xun stepped forward quickly.

Lu Ye pulled him aside and gave him some instructions.

Wang Xun’s expression is extremely wonderful.

If you don't want to offend Du Feng, you can only cooperate with him. Anyway, the credit for killing Rong Dao will definitely be counted on Heyi Camp. All the cooperation only allows Du Feng to avoid some punishment. Heyi Camp has no

actual loss.

At the same time, in the Yinshuo Battle Star, deep in the core of the star, the bloated body of the insect mother stretched across like a mountain of flesh, with pure soul fluctuations flowing all over her body.

In the divine sea, a scene is repeatedly demonstrated.

It was exactly what the Zerg Rongdao saw before he died, and it was also the scene of his head-on fight with the Heyi Camp. It didn't last long, only about five breaths of time.

In front of this scene, a plump and graceful body stood without any trace of hair. It was the manifestation of the soul of the insect mother.

Compared with the ugliness of her real body, this soul body is extremely beautiful and charming. Anyone who looks at it will be attracted by her charming aura.

A scene that lasted less than five seconds, the insect mother had watched thousands of times over the past few days.

But she still couldn't figure out how a group of Taoists killed Rongdao!

"Is it possible...that the oil has really run out?" She pointed at her red lips and murmured to herself.

Although the Zerg Fusion Dao who was killed by the Heyi Camp was stronger than Du Feng, his strength was actually limited. A battle between these two Fusion Dao would inevitably lead to an evenly matched situation in a short period of time.

Although Du Feng was beaten away in the end and was even seriously injured, the Zerg Fusion Dao should not have an easy time. If the battle was exhausted, it would be fair to say that the Heyi Camp took advantage of him.

Although she could see the brief scene of the Zerg Fusion Dao before his death, she could only see it and could not have any specific personal experience.

After studying for these days, I could only come to this conclusion, and the insect mother was a little helpless.

But it is undeniable that the Heyi Battalion played a huge role in the battlefield. At the level of entry, it is simply invincible.

This is not good news for the two insect-blood tribes.

As early as half a year ago, there was news from the Blood Cloud Battle Star that a battalion of a hundred people formed a formation on the human side and started killing on the battlefield. The defeat of the Blood Cloud Battle Star was directly related to this formation.


In that battle, the Zerg tribe even lost an insect mother. Although Fei Lian of the Vampire tribe survived, he was also seriously injured. In the end, the Blood Cloud Battle Star was destroyed. To this day, that battlefield has not been recaptured.

Over the years, there has been fierce competition in the colorful starry sky, but it is rare for the Battle Star to be destroyed. It can be said that the destruction of the Blood Cloud Battle Star is a great loss to the Insect Blood Clan.

This chapter has been completed!
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