Chapter 91 Angry Cao Ye

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Cao Ye was really angry: "Ziyi is not a disciple of the Nine Star Sect, could it be that he is from your Wuya Island?"

The sect's headquarters was attacked by Xuanmen, and he was already in a state of distress. At this time, Luo Ji suddenly did something like this, which really made him angry. If Luo Ji hadn't come from an extraordinary background, he would have already taught him a lesson, so he wouldn't be allowed to make noises.

Luo Ji said lightly: "Yes, Ziyi has promised me to come with me and have nothing to do with the Nine Star Sect in the future."

"Joke!" Cao Ye laughed angrily and looked coldly at the woman in purple behind Luo Ji. The woman had no expression on her face and looked up at the sky in a daze, as if this matter had nothing to do with her.

She is not ignoring Cao Ye, nor is she getting rid of the relationship, but she is born like this. Although Cao Ye and the woman in purple are from the same school and have known each other for several years, they never exchanged more than three sentences from beginning to end. Because no matter what

She always looked like this all the time, and ignored any questions she asked.

Cao Ye has always felt that his junior sister is a very strange person. She is not cold, but indifferent to everything in the world. It seems that nothing can interest her.

So Cao Ye would never believe what Luo Ji said she promised to do. How could such a woman casually promise anything to others?

Looking away, Cao Ye said with a cold face: "Luo Ji, I think you are a disciple of Wuya Island, and I have been tolerant to you again and again, but you should stop messing around."

Luo Ji sighed and said, "Why can't you explain it if you try hard..." He suddenly took a step forward, almost face to face with Cao Ye, looking directly into Cao Ye's eyes: "I want to take him away now.

Ziyi, do you dare to have any opinions?"

Cao Ye was furious, secretly thinking, is this guy trying to bully others? Although Luo Ji is only at the second level, but behind him is Wuya Island. If he wants to take Zi Yi away by force, he really can't stop him. He can't take action to take Luo Ji.

How about a beating with a halberd? In that case, Wuya Island will definitely not give up.

He could take action to take down Ziyi, but Luo Ji would definitely not sit idly by and do nothing. It would be embarrassing for everyone if there was a commotion.

After thinking this, Cao Ye said: "You can leave if you want, but Ziyi can't leave! If you insist on doing this, then you can only take away a useless person!"

Saying this, Cao Ye raised his right hand, and the red battlefield brand appeared. He looked at Luo Ji and said lightly: "Don't forget, I am the deputy garrison of our sect. If Ziyi dares to betray

Sect, I can respectfully ask Tianji to abolish her cultivation!"

Luo Ji was indifferent: "You try it!"

"Don't force me!" Cao Ye gritted his teeth.

"Get away!" Luo Ji pushed Cao Ye's shoulder, trying to push him away. However, how could he, a second-level Dharma cultivator, shake Cao Ye, a sixth-level physical cultivator? This push was strong.

The opponent's figure remained motionless.

Luo Ji didn't bother, he took the purple clothes and bypassed Cao Ye, heading towards the main hall ahead.

"Zi Yi, it's still too late to turn back now." Cao Ye turned around and looked at the junior sister who was following Luo Ji step by step, preparing to give the other party a last chance. The other party still looked up at the sky and turned a deaf ear to his words, but Cao Ye knew that the other party was listening.

When it comes to my own words...

Cao Ye sighed and shouted: "Nine Star Sect Lan Ziyi ignores the sect rules, is greedy for vanity, and intends to betray the sect. Disciple Cao Ye respectfully asks Tianji to abolish his cultivation!"

After saying that, he looked at the junior sister who was walking along the way with some sadness...

Although this junior sister is a little indifferent, she is from the same sect as him after all. If the current situation is not wrong, he will not take such drastic measures. However, Xuanmen is attacking the station at the moment, and he has no time to worry about it. What's more, he

You want others to know what will happen to you if you dare to betray the sect at this time.

Luo Ji pulled Nalan Ziyi forward and soon entered the main hall.

Cao Ye's expression changed and he suddenly realized something: "Change of mark?"

Logically speaking, it is true that Lan Ziyi betrayed the sect. If he, the stationed deputy envoy, respectfully requested Tianji, his cultivation would be abolished. However, the other party did not respond at all. This was simply impossible.

Unless Lan Ziyi is no longer a disciple of the Nine Star Sect and is not restricted by the Nine Star Sect.

Only by changing the battlefield mark can she break away from her identity as a Nine Star Sect disciple.

However, changing the battlefield mark requires a huge amount of merit, which is simply not something that an ordinary Lingxi realm monk can bear...

In the flash of lightning, Cao Ye figured out many things.

Just talk about how Luo Ji suddenly came to the territory of Jiuxing Sect to gain experience. Coming from a top power like Wuya Island, he will be welcomed wherever he goes. It turns out that this guy came well prepared. From beginning to end, his goal was

They are all dressed in blue and purple!

But why did Lan Ziyi make him pay such a high price? Cao Ye previously thought that Luo Ji was coveting Lan Ziyi's beauty, but now it seems that it is obviously not the case. How could a person like Luo Ji be seduced by beauty?

"Wait!" Cao Ye yelled angrily, and rushed out into the hall. At a glance, he saw Luo Ji wearing purple clothes. They each put their hands on the Tianji Pillar. The Tianji Pillar was already blooming with light, gradually covering their figures.


"You can't just leave like this!" Cao Ye raised his hand to stop him.

Luo Ji pointed at him and nuzzled his chin: "I advise you to evacuate this place quickly, otherwise a disaster will be imminent."

"What?" Cao Ye was shocked.


The mountain was shaken for a while, and Cao Ye was unsteady on his feet. He turned around and saw a slim figure floating in the air outside the sect-protecting formation. It was that cheap maid from Xuanmen.

At this moment, nine colorful spiritual dragons were intertwined with each other in front of this humble servant. Their bodies were spinning and turning into a violent attack, as if a drill was attacking the Nine Star Sect's sect-protecting formation.

"What... is this?" Even with Cao Ye's knowledge, he couldn't recognize what kind of technique it was. What is certain is that it is impossible for that humble maid to perform such a technique with her cultivation level.

The power of Zhong's attack is no less than that of a Yunhe Realm monk.

This is the power of the spiritual talisman! It is the spiritual talisman flowing out from the core circle!

To obtain such a spiritual pattern, it must take a lot of merit.

Where did you get this? Wang Pan? But Wang Pan has never been to the inner circle, how could he get such a talisman?

Cao Ye could no longer think any more, because under the constant impact of the power of the Nine Dragons, the Jiuxing Sect's protective formation had begun to collapse. I am afraid it would not be long before it was broken, and by then the entire Jiuxing Sect's station would be in danger.

Cao Ye smiled bitterly, staggered, and asked why Luo Ji ran so fast. He obviously saw signs that the other party would activate the talisman. This level of talisman was activated by a sixth-level magic cultivator, and it took a lot of time.

After a long period of preparation, Luo Ji was born in Wuya Island and had more experience than him, so he naturally recognized the magic talisman.

This chapter has been completed!
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