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Chapter 1086: Western Expedition (continued 2)

The sky is high, the clouds are clear, and the sky is clear.

Under the Muller Snow Mountain, the green grassland stretches into the distance, dotted with wild flowers, creating a peaceful and tranquil scene.

Aguda waved the long whip in his hand and drove the sheep towards the distant stream.

This young man from the Tulu tribe has just turned fifteen this year. According to tribal customs, he can already marry a wife and have children, and then leave his parents to start a new family.

Aguda originally hoped to marry a girl of the same race, and then use all his savings to buy two Eastern female slaves and give birth to ten or eight children.

However, this Tulu boy's dream was shattered more than ten days ago, because the Tulu tribe rebelled against the Great Zhou and formed a coalition with several other tribes to raid the home of the Great Zhou.

Everyone thought that the tribal army could bring back a large amount of gold, silver, treasures and women, but what happened was a disastrous defeat.

Of the 70,000 warriors who participated in the battle, only less than 40,000 returned, almost half of them were damaged, and many of those who came back alive were injured. During this period, almost every household in the tribe hung white linen on their tents.

Only one of Muller's two brothers returned, and one had a broken arm. The atmosphere in the family was extremely depressing.

It was precisely because of this that Aguda took the initiative to take over the job of shepherding sheep, so as not to feel uncomfortable staying at home.

He couldn't help but look back at the tribal village in front of the Snow Valley. Looking at the green smoke rising from the village, he felt extremely heavy.

Damn Zhou people!

Aguda clenched the whip in his hand and secretly vowed that one day he would avenge his family.

Kill all the Zhou people, occupy their land, and enslave their wives and daughters!

At this moment, Aguda suddenly felt the ground shaking slightly.

He suddenly became confused and looked around, but he didn't find anything. It was just that the sheep in front of him were a little uneasy.

Soon the shaking gradually became violent. Aguda realized something and immediately quickened his pace and rushed up the hillside in front.

The next moment, he was stunned.

I saw countless iron cavalry appearing on the grassland in the distance, as if a black torrent swept across the earth. The leading knight stepped through the clear stream and rushed towards Aguda's place.

The crimson battle flags were flapping in the wind!

On each battle flag, there is a huge word "zhou" written on it.

Great Zhou Iron Cavalry!

Seeing these fierce battle flags, Aguda's blood froze instantly. He opened his mouth, but could not speak.

And thousands of cavalry were approaching at an alarming speed.

After a while, the Tulu boy woke up as if from a dream, hurriedly dropped the whip in his hand, turned around and ran away, while shouting loudly: "The enemy is attacking..."

He must warn the ignorant tribesmen, otherwise...


An arrow struck through the air and instantly pierced Aguda's body.

The Tulu boy fell headlong into the grass, his limbs twitched a few times, and immediately became silent.

Just as he breathed his last, dozens of cavalrymen holding battle flags rushed up the hillside, looking sharply at the Tulu tribe's stronghold not far away.

This walled city was built in the snow valley and accommodated tens of thousands of Tulu people.

Outside the walled city, there are a large number of earthen houses and tents, inhabited by a larger number of middle- and lower-class people.


The powerful charge horn suddenly sounded, and many hardworking Tulu people raised their heads blankly and looked in the direction of the sound.

Then they saw the most horrific sight they had ever seen in their lives!

Thousands of iron cavalry swooped down the long slope and charged towards the outer areas of the tribal walled city.

When the tribal warriors came to their senses and tried to organize a team to resist, countless bullets poured in like a violent storm, beating them into pieces.

Thin leather armor and inferior shields were unable to withstand the power of fire guns, and the Tulu people who were caught off guard were even less able to compete with the Zhou cavalry, which were armed to the teeth.

The originally peaceful home suddenly turned into a hell on earth.

Countless Tulu people were crying and running away, some kneeling on the ground begging for mercy, and some hiding in mud huts and tents.

But these people have all become the dead souls under the sword of the cavalry.

No matter men, women, old or young, no one will be spared.

When the upper-class elites of the Tulu tribe discovered that the Great Zhou Iron Cavalry was attacking, they immediately closed the gates of the city, locking out hundreds of thousands of middle- and lower-class people.

Many ethnic people rushed to the gate of the village, banging the copper-wrapped gate desperately, crying and begging to be let in.

As a result, this door was never opened.

However, many tribal warriors guarding the city appeared on the walls and towers, trying to attack the cavalry outside with bows and arrows.

As a result, they immediately became the targets of fire cannons, were beaten to death and wounded, and had to retreat.

Not only that, fireballs roared and bombarded the towers inside the walled city, causing the wooden buildings to collapse and ignite, causing them to fall and smash to death and injure many people.

The Tulu elders and leaders inside the walled city were all in disarray, and they were all like ants on a hot pot.

Some of them wanted to lead people to rush out for rescue, some wanted to raise the flag to surrender, and some planned to break out, but none of them had an authoritative claim.

As time passed, raging flames ignited outside the walled city.

Almost all the tents and thatched mud huts were set on fire, and those hiding inside who did not escape were burned alive, while those who escaped were beaten to death with firecrackers or hacked to death with swords.

Blood dyed the earth red!

The Great Zhou Iron Cavalry did not loot, but simply massacred, so the efficiency was very high.

An hour later, the outer area of ​​the city, which housed more than 100,000 Tulu people, turned into a red field, and no ethnic group could be seen standing.

When the battle was almost over, thousands of cavalry retreated to regroup, and everyone looked towards the walled city ahead.


At this time, a Tulu elder appeared on the wall of the village, waving a white flag and shouted desperately: "Stop killing, we surrender!"

The next moment, the formation of the Zhou cavalry separated to the left and right, and a chariot broke out of the formation.

Wang Chen, who was standing on the chariot, smiled coldly and said, "Kill."

As soon as he finished speaking, a tough military general next to him immediately threw a short spear towards the wall of the village, killing the Tulu elder on the spot.

Surrender was impossible to accept. Wang Chen personally led 50,000 cavalry on a westward expedition. The first target was the three major rebel tribes and their vassals.

The most correct way to deal with these treacherous and treacherous barbarians is to annihilate them all!

Wang Chen jumped down from the chariot, waved his hand and took out a large field artillery piece from the Cang Qing Ring.

There are also matching ammunition.

In less than half an hour, hundreds of artillery pieces aimed at the Tulu Walled City roared in unison!

The end is coming.


The first update is sent.

This chapter has been completed!
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