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Chapter 1088 The Western Expedition (Continued 4)

The next morning, Wang Chen left the camp under the escort of a group of elite cavalry and headed towards Gujin Pass.

The war horse he was riding stopped about five or six miles away from the city wall, and he carefully observed the magnificent fortress ahead.

According to the local guide, this large fortress was built in just two years, and Great Qin used huge manpower and material resources for this purpose.

And under the city wall of Gujin Pass, there are also a large number of Yan people's bones!

From the outside, this fortress looks impeccable, with towering snow-capped mountains on both sides. Even apes would find it difficult to climb up. Its walls are more than a hundred feet high, and there are densely packed defense towers behind it.

Heavy crossbows were placed behind each wall stack, and artillery was set up at regular intervals. Qin warriors wearing black armor patrolled back and forth holding long halberds, creating a heavily guarded scene.

The Qin soldiers soon discovered Wang Chen and others snooping in the distance, and immediately blew the whistle to warn them.

The sharp whistle sounded in all directions.

Not long after, several people who looked like generals appeared on the city wall, pointing at Wang Chen.

After a while, a cannon mounted on the city wall suddenly spewed out hot smoke, and a black cannonball shot out instantly, roaring towards Wang Chen's position.

"Sir, be careful!"

The cavalrymen around Wang Chen were all frightened and hurriedly rode in front of him.

This is an indestructible artillery!

However, Wang Chen's expression did not change, and he watched motionlessly as the flying cannonball landed a mile ahead, bounced and rolled forward for some distance.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Several more artillery pieces fired, but none of the cannonballs could reach the edge of Wang Chen and others.

Now everyone also understood the range of these city-defending artillery, and couldn't help but smile contemptuously.

You must know that the range of the field artillery carried by the Western Expeditionary Army, or Wang Chen, is much longer than that of the opponent.

One of the cavalrymen sneered: "You are so short and weak!"

Everyone burst out laughing!

Maybe they were laughing too loudly, or maybe the Qin people who were locked up by Gujin saw their expressions. In short, a Qin army general was furious and personally loaded ammunition for a cannon next to him.

In order to increase the range, he stuffed twice the amount of gunpowder into the barrel.

The gunner next to him tried to dissuade him, but he was slapped to the ground by General Qin and then inserted a solid shell.

He also took the torch himself and lit the fuse.

There was only a loud "bang" sound, and the cannon exploded into pieces in an instant. The surrounding gunners were unable to dodge, and were concentrated by large pieces of debris, causing immediate death and injury in a mess!

Although the Qin general who was the instigator was extremely skilled, he could not escape the disaster and one of his arms was cut off.

The Qin army on the city wall was in chaos.

Although the knights around Wang Chen couldn't see it clearly, they could understand what was happening and laughed even louder!

Wang Chen nodded.

Although Da Qin has mastered the production methods of artillery and musket weapons, their craftsmanship is still in its infancy, and both its power and quality are quite poor.

There is a threat to Da Zhou, but not a big one.

However, Wang Chen will never underestimate the other party because of this, because once a huge empire goes all-out into a war, the energy it unleashes is extremely terrifying.

If it doesn't work now, it doesn't mean it won't work in the future. After their craftsmen master the basic methods, they will definitely continue to study and improve, and eventually catch up with Dazhou's technical level.

This was an important reason why Wang Chen organized this Western Expedition. He could not give the other party too much time to develop new technologies.

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

Thinking in his mind, Wang Chen led the crowd back two miles to ensure sufficient safety.

Then he ordered people to draw eight squares on the ground and arrange them evenly facing the direction of Gujin Pass.

Next it’s time for Wang Chen’s performance.

He stood in the middle of one of the squares, holding the Qijue sword, and began to cast spells.

The next moment, the ground shook, and the soil beneath Wang Chen's feet slowly rose and solidified quickly to form a stone platform.

As Wang Chen continued to activate his magic power, the stone platform rose higher and higher, and finally exceeded a hundred feet in height!

And this height is almost the same as the Gujinguan City Wall.

The surrounding knights were all dumbfounded. They were extremely respectful to Wang Chen who stood on the high platform like a god. They wished they could kneel down and worship him on the spot.

Such a miracle can only be created by the supreme national master!

But this is just the beginning.

From morning to afternoon, Wang Chen spent a day building eight high platforms.

The reason it took so long was because he needed to constantly restore his mana, otherwise he would not be able to sustain the consumption.

In order to speed up the recovery, Wang Chen also took out the spirit gathering array and put in the spirit stones to replenish himself with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Since there was a vast plain in front of Gujin Pass and there was no obstruction, his astonishing move was also discovered by the Qin army guarding the city wall.

The people of Qin didn't know what was going on, and they didn't dare to risk going out of the border, so they could only watch and watch without interfering.

In fact, if the Qin army really wants to send troops out, they will definitely be greeted by raindrops of bullets and cannonballs!

When night fell, Wang Chen asked people to light bonfires around the high platform to guard against sneak attacks by his opponents.

It wasn't until the next morning that he showed off his big dick.

Eight powerful cannons weighing several thousand kilograms were placed on eight solid high platforms by Wang Chen!

Different from the lightweight field artillery, these eight divine cannons are specially used to guard city fortresses. They are extremely heavy and powerful, and their range is beyond the range of ordinary artillery.

The Shenwei Cannon was not cast for field use because it was too difficult to transport it. However, Wang Chen, who had the Cang Qing Ring, was able to ignore all the shortcomings of these heavy cannons and bring them to the front line of the war.

The eight powerful cannons were specially prepared by him to attack enemy cities.

Each Divine Cannon is equipped with dozens of gunners.

Following Wang Chen's order, they began to skillfully adjust the gun position and shooting angle, and then loaded ammunition.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

A mighty cannon suddenly unleashed its power, firing cannonballs weighing hundreds of kilograms at Gujin Pass.

Since all the cannons were set up on high platforms, there was no problem of attacking from above. Three of the eight cannonballs in the first round landed accurately on the city wall, and the other five all landed inside the fortress.

There was a violent explosion instantly!

Although the Qin army was on guard, they could not stop the falling shells, and were suddenly blown up to the point where they screamed and wailed.

"Keep up the fire and continue the attack."

Wang Chen said in a deep voice: "The cavalry is ready to intercept!"

He wanted to see how long the enemy huddled in Gujin Pass could endure under the bombardment of the eight mighty cannons!


The first update is sent.

This chapter has been completed!
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