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Chapter 1224 Star Sea (twenty-eight)

"Forward, forward!"

The radiance of the star's red sun shines on the earth, pouring endless heat onto the dry Gobi desert. The wind that can bake eggs sweeps past, kicking up countless amounts of sand and dust.

The surface temperature has exceeded 70℃!

However, in such a scorching sun and high temperature environment, groups of young men and women wearing reserve military uniforms marched forward in neat lines while shouting slogans.

Their faces were covered with salt particles left after the sweat had dried, mixed with the sand, and they looked very dirty.

But no one dared to wipe it with their sleeves!

Because at the front, back, left and right of the queue, there were fully armed supervisors and instructors holding long whips.

If anyone is lazy, or moves out of step, or fails to keep up with the team, he or she will be whipped.

The whips used by these supervisors and instructors are specially made. The length of the whip can exceed thirty meters. They are thin, tough, accurate and severe. The whips can make people wreak havoc on their bodies.

And their eyes are very poisonous, even if they are mixed in the middle of the queue, they will not be immune!

The targets that these supervisory instructors are eyeing are the freshmen who just entered the Empire's First Higher Military Academy a week ago.

According to the regulations of the academy, every new student must receive three months of basic military training.

During this period, everyone's identity is that of a new recruit of the Imperial Army.

The training content includes long-distance running, equipment, fighting, shooting, tactics and military literacy, etc., and focuses on cultivating the discipline and will of the new students.

In the interstellar age where light years are no longer far away, such "ancient" training methods still have practical significance and role.

But for thousands of new students, it is nothing less than a trial in hell!

From time to time, someone would fall to the ground while running. Even if they were hit by a long whip, they could not stand up again and fell into a complete coma.

They will then be quickly sent to a nearby tent for treatment.

The empire's technology is extremely advanced. Not to mention fainting caused by lack of water and strength, even a broken arm or thigh can be fully recovered, so the supervisory instructors will never show mercy.


But when the forest gets bigger, there are all kinds of birds, and there are tens of thousands of new students participating in military training, so some real thorns are inevitable.

One of the freshmen was whipped for making a mistake, and he broke out on the spot.

He rushed out of the queue, eyes blazing, and sternly cursed at the supervising instructor who slapped him: "Do you fucking know who I am? My father has never beaten me, so what the hell do you think..."


Another whip came and hit him hard on the face.

The freshman immediately fell backwards, with a shocking scar on his face, and blood with broken teeth spurted out of his mouth!


At the same time, a strong voice suddenly sounded: "Stand at attention, everyone turn to the right!"

Under his command, the long queue of freshmen suddenly came to a screeching halt.

Everyone stopped and turned around in a very neat manner.

And this kind of neatness, as if the arms are moving and the fingers are moving, has been developed over the past five days.

Only five days.

A supervising instructor who was over two meters tall and wearing an exoskeleton armor came to the front of the fallen freshman under the watchful eyes of everyone, raised his foot and stepped on the latter who was about to struggle to get up, back to the ground.

His newborn face rubbed against the rough sand and gravel, and the severe pain made him scream in agony.

The freshmen who witnessed this scene were all silent.

These supervisors and instructors are really inhumane!

The tall, burly, rough-looking instructor twisted his ankle before retracting it, and then spat thick phlegm at the wailing freshmen on the ground, his expression extremely disdainful.

He looked around and said in a deep voice: "I don't care what your original identity is, which family you are from, you are all new recruits under my control here. I want you to live, you can live, I want you to die,

You have to die for me!"

The rough instructor's voice reached everyone's ears clearly, with a strong sense of threat: "Don't act like a nobleman with me. I have killed two counts of counts and viscounts. Whoever is...

If you are not convinced, just give it a try."

"Remember my name, Zhao Zhenyu!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly kicked out and hit the recruit on the ground in the head.

The latter fell unconscious instantly.

Zhao Zhenyu didn't look at it, waved his hand and shouted: "Listen to my command, everyone turn left and start running!"

The recruits obeyed his orders completely and continued to run forward.

It's just that everyone's steps have become a lot stiffer. Those who can't hold on anymore seem to have been given a shot of stimulant, and their lips are chapped and bleeding, but they are gritting their teeth to hold on.

At this moment, Wang Chen, who was in the queue of new recruits, took a deep look at Zhao Zhenyu.

In Wang Chen's perception, the instructor's life energy was extremely strong. The whole person seemed like a blazing furnace. The powerful breath of blood even penetrated the exoskeleton armor, causing an invisible effect on the surrounding space.


He made Wang Chen feel extremely threatened!

And when Wang Chen was observing Zhao Zhenyu, the latter seemed to notice something and turned his head to look over.

But Wang Chen had already retracted his gaze, and he and the other recruits took heavy steps and ran endlessly.

In fact, for Wang Chen, this level of training is nothing at all, and he can withstand ten times the load.

It's just that he deliberately kept a low profile and behaved neither well nor badly. He neither received a whip from the instructor nor gained any limelight. He was like a grain of sand falling into the desert.

The reason is very simple. More than 70% of the freshmen who can enter the Empire's First Higher Military Academy are children of nobles, noble families, or come from military families.

There are many talented people among these people, many of whom are arrogant and arrogant. Under the circumstances of being repeatedly suppressed and tortured by supervisors and instructors, if Wang Chen performs too well, he will easily become the target of public criticism.

He was so full that he allowed himself to be a target!

Fortunately, the basic physical training only lasted for three weeks, and the tanned freshmen then began training in fighting, shooting, etc.

Relatively speaking, it is not so hard.

However, the effect of three weeks of hell-like training is very obvious. Many new students have lost their immature air and have been stimulated to their potential, and they have become somewhat like real warriors.

Among them, many outstanding figures stood out in the subsequent military training and became the center of attention!

There are twelve of them in total, and they are praised as the Twelve Kings of the New Generation of the First Military Academy.

Although this title sounds like a high school sophomore, it is recognized by hundreds of thousands of freshmen and supervisors.


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This chapter has been completed!
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