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Chapter 1,259 Star Sea (64)


The Gray Fish's close-in defense gunner, Landno, was about to collapse.

The Gray Fish was originally a decommissioned light frigate. It was dismantled and taken away by a resource recovery company, and then fell into the hands of the Sirius Pirates several times.

This light frigate has undergone extensive modifications and its combat capability is quite strong. In addition to two main guns and five secondary guns, the entire ship is also equipped with 76 close-in defense guns and a multi-tube space torpedo launch system.

It can be said that he is armed to the teeth.

However, facing the two new high-speed destroyers of the Seventh Fast Anti-Counterattack Fleet, the Gray Fish's firepower was completely insufficient.

Despite this, its close-range anti-gun interception effectiveness is not bad.

However, despite the help of the auxiliary shooting system of weak artificial intelligence, Landno, who was responsible for controlling the two close-in defense cannons, was unable to do anything against the mecha that came by surprise.

He did not hesitate to increase the firing rate of the close-in defense gun to the highest level. As a result, no matter how hard he aimed and locked, he could not hit the SPB17 Phoenix within a distance of 100 kilometers!

The pilot piloting this phoenix seemed to have the ability to predict the future. He was always able to evade Landno's artillery salvos in advance, and every time he was in danger, he could not even scratch the surface.

Not only that, the opponent also destroyed two Gray Fish mechas in succession.


Landno's eyes inside the turret were red, and he never let go of his finger on the trigger, intending to use the most intensive firepower to shoot down the SPB17 Phoenix that had embarrassed him.

But his madness brought disaster upon himself.

The Phoenix, which destroyed the second Star Thief mecha, suddenly changed its flight direction. The two engines it carried ejected blue flames at the same time, drawing a faint trajectory in the deep starry sky in the blink of an eye.

Approaching the Gray Fish.

The next moment, the mecha pulled out the super-wave ship-cutting knife mounted on the rear wing and suddenly struck the energy shield of the Star Thief warship.

As a light frigate, the Gray Fish's defense was quite weak. This knife directly opened a large hole in its shield, causing a local energy collapse.

Before it could recover, the SPB17 Phoenix nimbly and quickly broke into the shield, slashing through the Gray Fish's outer armor again.

The location is just above the close defense turret!

The long super-wave ship-cutting sword sliced ​​through the thick armor plate without any hesitation, then suddenly twisted to widen the gap.

The ultra-wave ship-cutting sword is a black-tech weapon that the Holy Light Empire is proud of, and its technical level is unparalleled in the world.

Although the SPB17 Phoenix is ​​not the latest model, its shock wave frequency is as high as more than 30,000 times per second, and it has a strong ability to cut energy shields and metal armor.

Withdrawing the ship-cutting knife, the 150mm high-energy particle cannon loaded in the right arm was aimed at the gap just created, and the trigger was suddenly pulled.


Landno in the turret witnessed this scene and immediately let out a heart-rending scream.


The close-in defense turret exploded directly under the attack of the high-energy particle beam, and the energy blocks stored inside exploded, instantly tearing a large hole on the upper starboard side of the Gray Fish.

The SPB17 Phoenix, which succeeded in one blow, first swept back dozens of kilometers away, and then rushed into the internal area through the gap in the battleship, completing a standard and beautiful boarding tactical maneuver.

The person controlling this SPB17 Phoenix is ​​Wang Chen.

Although this was his first actual combat in the sky since he officially joined the army, the entire process from ejection out of the cabin to infiltration into the enemy ship was smooth and perfect.

And he was also the first pilot among the hundreds of mechas deployed by the destroyer Jiangyuan to successfully board the ship!

Just entering this Star Thief battleship does not mean that Wang Chen's mission is completed.

The intricate internal structure of the ship blocked his way to the command module. The wings of the SPB17 Phoenix unfolded at the same time, and miniature missiles shot out one after another.

Along with a series of explosions, a passage riddled with holes appeared in front of Wang Chen.

He switched the phoenix to land combat mode, strode forward, and waved his ship-cutting sword to clear away the obstacles in front of him.

The onboard computer has completed the analysis of the enemy ship and projected its structural diagram on the screen.

At this moment, the Gray Fish was already in chaos.

Although the light frigate was not bombarded by the main guns from Jiangyuan and Jiangyang at the first time, hundreds of imperial mechas were like vicious wolves, biting it to pieces in a short period of time.

Full of holes.

The main engine of the Gray Fish was first attacked by concentrated fire, and its operating efficiency dropped by 90%. Although it has not turned into a dead fish, it is not far off.

If the Seventh Fleet hadn't intended to capture this star pirate ship, it would have fallen under the siege of the imperial mechas at this moment!

Puff puff!

Inside the Gray Fish, the star thieves, aware of the impending disaster, desperately tried to stop the invading SPB17 Phoenix.

It's just that the particle beams fired by the assault rifles they used were like scratching the phoenix's outer armor, unable to scratch away any of the latter's blood.

Wang Chen, on the other hand, rushed towards the command cabin unscrupulously, mercilessly slaughtering all enemies who dared to stand in front of him.

At this time, a small combat mecha suddenly rushed out from the side channel, raising a 100mm caliber particle cannon in an attempt to sneak attack the SPB17 Phoenix.

Although it appeared extremely suddenly, it did not escape Wang Chen's psychic detection at all.

As a result, before the small mecha could fire, Wang Chen's big guy bombarded it first, directly piercing it!

The 150mm high-energy particle cannon mounted on the SPB17 Phoenix has a rate of fire of six rounds per minute and requires 10 seconds of energy storage to fire once, but its power is more than ten times that of the 100mm caliber particle cannon.

The Star Thief's mecha weighs only three or four tons. Although it is flexible and convenient to move inside the battleship, the armor is so weak that it cannot withstand a thunderous strike from the 150mm high-energy particle cannon.

The Star Thief pilot sitting in the cockpit was blown up on the spot, and countless pieces of flesh and blood flew everywhere along with the metal fragments, spraying all over the faces and bodies of the surrounding Star Thief sailors.

Screams kept coming and going!

The Star Thieves' will to fight collapsed.

Facing the unmatched SPB17 Phoenix, they all dropped their weapons.

Although some pirates continued to resist without fear of death, most people began to flee towards the escape cabin.

Wang Chen ignored these guys, ignored the little miscellaneous fish blocking his way, and dashed all the way to the command cabin.

Because the size of the phoenix exceeds the size of the frigate's internal passage, it was completely demolished using ship-cutting knives and particle cannons.


A thick metal hatch was violently opened, and all the people hiding inside were exposed.

"Everyone, the game is over!"


The first update is sent.

This chapter has been completed!
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