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Chapter 1,295 Star Sea (100)

Inside the cabin, Wang Chen leaned on the gravity chair and flipped through the information displayed in the field of view.

The Holy Light Empire is the undisputed overlord of the ancient galaxy. Its territory once reached half of the galaxy, and it continues to expand outwards.

But this powerful empire is now facing internal and external troubles.

The internal worry lies in the conflicts between the major constellations, as well as the nobility, gentry and common people, which have accumulated for hundreds of years, like a dormant volcano, and no one knows when it will suddenly erupt.

The foreign invaders are the alliance and alien races!

Leaving aside alliances of the same origin and species, the alien race is undoubtedly the enemy of the entire human race. The war between the empire and the alien race has lasted for many years. Although the empire has defended its territory, it has also lost the ability to expand.

The alien race is also called the Nether Race. They are not carbon-based organisms. They are shaped like a mutated octopus, with four front and rear eyes and eight tentacles. Not only do they have strong defenses, but they can also enter a virtual state.

Very difficult to deal with.

The scary thing is that such strange creatures also have their own civilization and can build large space battleships. The strongest ones can even fight against the Imperial Titan ship.

As of now, the Nether Clan controls twenty-seven star gates and five star clusters in the ancient galaxy.

Although the territory they occupy is completely incomparable to that of the Empire, the endless stream of Nether Legions not only restrains most of the Empire's military strength, but also puts great pressure on the Empire's border security.

Over the years, countless Imperial warriors have died fighting against the Netherworld invasion.

And this situation will continue, no one knows when the war will end!

The scientists of the empire tried to figure out the origin of the Nether Tribe, but unfortunately all efforts ended in failure, but what is certain is that they first came from an undiscovered star gate.

It's just like……

Another invader from another world!

Wang Chen's knowledge of foreign races was very limited before, but this time he got the empire's confidential information and gained more information about the Netherworld race.

The Tempus planet he was heading to had once fallen into the hands of the Netherworld tribe. Although it has been recaptured now, this living planet has become a place of radiation where modern civilization cannot exist.

The Empire suspects that the Nether Tribe has carried out large-scale transformation of the planet Tempus to make it suitable for their own survival and habitat.

But this is just speculation without any scientific basis.

In fact, the Nether Tribe itself went against a lot of scientific common sense, allowing the empire to fully realize the complexity and diversity of the universe!

In addition, there is intelligence that there may still be some living humans on Planet Tempus.

When the Tempus cluster was about to fall, the Empire launched an emergency evacuation operation from this living planet. Although most of the citizens were evacuated, some people were still essentially abandoned.

There are also some people who are unwilling to leave their hometown and choose to continue fighting in their homeland.

It is unknown how many of these remaining people are still alive, because the communication between the Empire and Planet Tempus has long been cut off, and it is estimated that the surviving people are also lingering in the underground base.

All in all, the current planet Tempus is like a piece of chicken ribs to the empire. Giving up means sacrificing so many soldiers in vain, but it cannot re-immigrate and build again, and can only leave it there and watch.

At least until the Nether Tribe is completely driven out, it is impossible for the empire to invest huge manpower and material resources to rejuvenate this planet.

"Major, we are about to arrive in the outer space of Planet Tempus."

A noncommissioned officer came to Wang Chen and said in a deep voice: "The landing craft will be launched in thirty minutes. Please be ready."

Wang Chen nodded: "I understand."

Wang Chen is currently aboard an Imperial Shinkai-class frigate. The mission of this warship is to send him to Tempus Planet to perform a landing search and rescue mission.

Of course, this mission was approved by the empire's high-level officials, which also demonstrated the Xu family's energy.

You must know that Wang Chen is no small person now. As the strongest superpower known to the empire, he has received the attention of His Majesty the Emperor and is by no means a cannon fodder that can be sacrificed at will!

For such a dangerous mission, even if Wang Chen agreed to it, Xu Shaocheng had to pay a huge price to convince the empire's senior officials.

Twenty minutes later, Wang Chen, who had put on a new set of combat equipment, entered the landing craft.

Due to the special circumstances of Planet Tempus, he did not carry any electronic equipment, and the battle suit, weapons and life support packs he wore were all specially customized.

Ten minutes later, the Shinkai-class frigate, already in the synchronous orbit of the Tempus star, launched a high-speed landing craft to the planet.

The landing craft carrying Wang Chen and one person was like a meteor falling towards the ground. The hull and the thick atmosphere caused violent friction, and finally it crash-landed on a rolling highland like water.

The long shuttle-shaped bow plowed deep marks on the ground and rowed for several thousand meters before stopping.

Thanks to the special design, it did not disintegrate due to violent impact, perfectly protecting the passengers inside the boat.

With the sound of the airtight door opening, Wang Chen jumped out from inside.

The gravity of Tempus Star is not much different from that of Holy Light Star, so there is no adaptation problem. The natural environment on this planet is actually very good. 70% of the land area is covered by forests and grasslands, and the oxygen content is slightly lower.

Higher than the Holy Light Star.

So even without a filter, Wang Chen can still breathe and move freely.

He looked around and observed his surroundings.

On the surface, today's Planet Tempus does not seem to be particularly different from other living planets. Although it has been occupied by the Nether Tribe for a long time, the natural landscape is still there.

However, Wang Chen noticed that the plants here not only grew extremely lush, but also had a clear tendency to mutate.

The most important thing is that Wang Chen did not sense the existence of the source of the world after landing, but an invisible energy fluctuation was silently affecting this living planet.

It made Wang Chen feel like he was being suppressed!

Wang Chen tried to expand his spiritual energy, but found that the spiritual energy was also suppressed, and the range that it could be transmitted was greatly reduced.

This is tantamount to weakening his power.

Fortunately, the Xinghai Ring can still be opened normally, and the materials stored inside can be accessed at will.

Wang Chen tidied up the equipment he carried with him, and then trudged forward into the distance.

He only walked a few kilometers when he discovered a landing ship completely covered in vines.

The surface of this landing ship is severely corroded, but the number on the bow is still vaguely identifiable. It was the one Xu Chengzhi used for landing three months ago!

But it looks like it has been eroded by wind, frost, rain and snow for hundreds of years.

It's a bit difficult to handle.

Wang Chen thought secretly.


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This chapter has been completed!
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