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Chapter 1315 Star Sea (120)


Tempus planet, landing site near D01359 base.


Wang Chen looked at the cloudy sky and said two words in a deep voice.

The more than twenty people behind him were all in great spirits.

Except for Xu Chengzhi and several other task force members, all of these people are survivors of the b00785 reserve base.

As soon as Wang Chen finished speaking, a spaceship broke through the dark clouds and fell towards the ground at high speed. Its surface rubbed violently with the air, like a large meteorite burning with flames.

Landing scenes like this can usually only be seen in documentaries from hundreds of years ago!

Just when the spacecraft was about to hit the ground, dazzling flames suddenly shot out from its bottom. The resulting reverse thrust offset the inertia of the fall, and at the same time it deployed four supports and landed steadily on the ground.


Wang Chen immediately took long strides and rushed towards the "unsophisticated" spaceship, followed closely by the others.

The next moment, the hatch of the spacecraft opened automatically and a gangway was lowered.

Wang Chen was the first to step onto the gangway and enter the interior of the spacecraft.

"Hurry up!"

He stood on the inside of the hatch, urging and guiding the people behind.

There is no way, due to the existence of special energy radiation from Tempus Star, high-tech equipment will soon fail.

Although the spacecraft that came to pick him up had undergone special modifications and had its structure simplified to the extreme, no one could guarantee how long it would last in the atmospheric environment of Planet Tempus.

The people who left with Wang Chen knew the dangers well, so they all rushed into the spacecraft as quickly as possible.

The last member of the task force to board the ship was carrying Xu Chengzhi on his back.

Wang Chen brought the two people into the cabin, then manually pulled up the gangway and closed the cabin door.


He slapped a red button on the right bulkhead.


The bottom of the landing spacecraft once again erupted with flames, trying to escape the shackles of the planet's gravity and soaring straight into the sky.

The people in the cabin were crowded together, and everyone looked extremely nervous.

Everyone knows that now is the most dangerous moment. Once there is a problem with the spacecraft, it will inevitably result in the destruction of the ship and the loss of lives.

Fortunately, the worst did not happen. This specially-built spacecraft was quite reliable and successfully entered low-Earth orbit after consuming all its fuel.

Through the transparent portholes, you can see the scene of the outer space.

The survivors who were out of danger floated weightlessly, and invariably let out cheers of joy.

Some even shed tears.

After the fall of Planet Tempus, they dreamed day and night, hoping to leave the planet occupied by the Nether Tribe and return to the safe star domain of the Empire.

Now that my dream has come true, my joy cannot be described in words.

At this time, Xu Chengzhi, who had been unconscious, groaned lowly and moved his eyelids, as if he was about to wake up.

Wang Chen slapped him down without hesitation, knocking him out again.

With this kind of love brain, it’s best to continue falling asleep!

Xu Chengzhi's comrades looked at each other in shock, but no one came forward to defend him.

After the unpowered spacecraft floated quietly in space for a few minutes, an Imperial Shinkai-class frigate slowly approached and stretched out its long mechanical arm to capture it.

It was successfully put into the ship's cabin.

The hatch of the landing spacecraft opened, and Wang Chen was the first to step out.

Outside is a team of heavily armed Space Marines and medical rescue personnel.

Five minutes later, Wang Chen was sitting in the lounge and contacted Xu Shaocheng through the Xinghai network.

After receiving Wang Chen's communication, the Imperial Major General looked quite calm, but the hope in his eyes could not be concealed.

Wang Chen said bluntly: "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

Xu Shaocheng immediately broke his defense: "Thank you!"

It took him a lot of perseverance to control his emotions: "I will wait for your return on the Holy Light Star."

Xu Shaocheng wanted to pick up his son in person, but as an imperial major general, he could not leave his post lightly.

At this moment, the powerful ion engine of the Xinhai-class frigate sprayed out a faint blue light, turned around and flew towards the star gate, and the speed suddenly accelerated!

Three days later, Wang Chen returned to the Holy Light Star.

Take Xu Chengzhi with you.

Xu Shaocheng came to the airport to greet him in person. He ignored his dejected son and stretched out his hands to shake Wang Chen's hand: "Chief Wang, your life-saving grace will never be forgotten by the Xu family and I!"

Wang Chen smiled and said: "Your Excellency, you are serious."

Xu Shaocheng shook his head.

He is very aware of how dangerous Tempus is currently. Although the Nether Legion has been driven away, the Nether Race remaining on the planet is still a huge threat.

And because of the special energy radiation, the empire is unable to carry out large-scale rescue of this planet.

Wang Chen's action was actually extremely experimental in nature.

Wang Chen personally verified the reliability of the specially-built landing ship, providing valuable experience for the Imperial Army's subsequent operations.

The most important thing is that Wang Chen rescued Xu Shaocheng's only son!

Everyone previously believed that Xu Chengzhi, who disappeared on Tempus, had no chance of surviving.

The imperial major general said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, the Xu family's promise will not change in any way!"

He had previously promised Wang Chen that as long as Wang Chen rescued Xu Chengzhi, the Xu family would fully support Wang Chen to become a glorious nobleman - a nobleman among nobles.

Wang Chen smiled.

In fact, he didn't care about the so-called glorious noble title at all. The real reason that made him go to Planet Tempus to save people was his interest in the special situation of this planet.

But Wang Chen's trip was not in vain, and the harvest this time can be said to be extremely huge.

In comparison, what does the Xu family’s reward count?

Of course, it is a good thing that Xu Shaocheng can keep his promise, and there is no reason to refuse.

Wang Chen knew that the imperial major general must have a lot to say to his son, so he said goodbye and left.

"Chief Wang..."

When leaving, Xu Shaocheng suddenly lowered his voice and said: "Please keep Chengzhi's matter a secret. Thank you."

On the way back to the Holy Light Star, the father and son had already communicated through the Xinghai Network, and with the information he learned from Wang Chen, he knew all about Xu Chengzhi.

His son actually got involved with the rebel forces and was even brainwashed.

If this matter is leaked, it will definitely be a shame to the Xu family!

Wang Chen nodded: "No problem."

He doesn't mind his own business!

In fact, Wang Chen was not the only one who knew the situation, the people who rescued him together also had a lot of knowledge.

As for how Xu Shaocheng dealt with those people, that was not Wang Chen's concern.

Returning to the Holy Light Star this time, Wang Chen planned to take a good rest.

Prepare to return to Haotian Realm.


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