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Chapter 132 Naive

In an instant, all the pores in Wang Chen's body were closed.

The flow of mana in his meridians became extremely slow, as if it was about to freeze completely.

The breathing-like rise and fall of Dantian disappeared.

At the same time, Wang Chen's heart stopped beating, and his powerful energy and blood seemed to be sealed.

Not a trace of breath leaked out of the body.

The few strange glances that fell on him naturally passed by.

No one paid attention to Wang Chen anymore.

He was clearly walking in broad daylight, strolling on the street.

But all the passers-by ignored him.

It seems to be a transparent existence!

This does not mean that Wang Chen is invisible and everyone cannot see him.

But Wang Chen's sense of presence was reduced to the lowest level.

Even if it falls into the sight of others, it will be ignored directly and will not appear in consciousness at all.

This is the power of the Dzogchen level breath gathering technique!

Wang Chen's previous guess was not only confirmed, but the actual effect was even better than he imagined.

Wang Chen suddenly took two steps sideways and stopped an internal guard monk who was patrolling by.

He saluted and said: "Senior brother, how can I get to the inner hall?"


The inner guard monk was startled and almost slapped Wang Chen with his palm.

He didn't notice Wang Chen at all before, and he felt as if he had encountered an evil spirit.

After coming to his senses, the inner guard monk said angrily: "Keep moving forward to the end!"

Wang Chen smiled and said, "Thank you, senior brother."

Then step aside.

"Who is he?"

The inner guard monk muttered and continued walking forward, immediately forgetting about Wang Chen.

Wang Chen stood by the road with a smile on his face.

Dzogchen is indeed an extraordinary level. It gives a low-level spell special effects.

With this characteristic, it will be much easier for Wang Chen to act transparent among the crowd in the future.

In addition to hiding your true cultivation level, I believe it is also very good for sneaking and hiding!

These hundred points of human virtue are spent correctly, and they are really spent on the blade.

Unfortunately, he doesn't have many moral points now.

And many master-level spells are almost full, and I don’t know what kind of Dzogchen-level Geng Golden Finger, Fire Crow Technique, Spiritual Light Shield, Shadowless Divine Movement, Giant Strength Technique, Spiritual Eye Technique, etc. will be available.

Special power!

Be stable first, and then look for opportunities to brush up on your moral character.

Wang Chen thought to himself, suppressed his excitement, and strode forward.

The inner gate main hall is located in Yunlong City or the innermost part of the valley.

When he reached the end of the road, an open dojo and a complex of palace-like buildings appeared in front of him.

Its layout and grandeur far exceed that of the main hall of the outer gate.

Wang Chen, who had just arrived, first found Zongshitang after making inquiries.

The number of halls in the inner hall is much less than that in the outer hall, and it is mainly divided into the war hall, the punishment hall, the Wei hall, the Zongshi hall and the general affairs hall.

Zongshitang is in charge of the library, and he is here to receive another benefit.

According to the rules, any inner disciple can learn a spell for free when he or she starts.

But only for Qi training level.

The Dharma transmission elder who is in charge of the library is an old monk from the Zi Mansion.

After checking Wang Chen's identity plate, he lazily asked: "What spell do you want to learn?"

Wang Chen has already thought of the answer: "This disciple wants to learn the art of sword control!"

Sword control, a fighting technique that can only be mastered by advanced Qi practitioners.

If there is no benefit of free learning for entry, then Wang Chen would have to spend a thousand merit points to redeem it!

The opportunity was rare, and of course he made such a choice after careful consideration.

Currently, the combat skills that Wang Chen has mastered, whether it is Geng Golden Finger or Fire Crow Technique, including his Talisman Tactics, and Ruyi Golden Needle, the attack range is very limited.

Even if he brushes all these skills to the master level, he won't be able to improve much.

Although this is directly related to Wang Chen's cultivation level, the spell itself also has great limitations.

The previous battles that Wang Chen had experienced all broke out at close range.

So his weaknesses in combat were not exposed.

But Wang Chen cannot expect that all the enemies he encounters in the future will fight him in close combat.

Therefore, it is imperative to master long-range attack capabilities.

Sword control is undoubtedly one of the most powerful long-range attack spells!

It is also a basic skill that swordsmen must master.

Only when you have mastered the art of sword control to a certain level can you continue to learn various flying sword techniques.

Wang Chen has no intention of becoming a sword cultivator.

Although the swordsman's fighting ability is said to be the strongest.

But this road is the most difficult and dangerous, requiring you to sharpen your swordsmanship and Taoism in constant battles. If you fail once, you may break your sword and die, and there will never be a chance of recovery!

Wang Chen learned the art of sword control just to enrich his fighting skills.

Moreover, he has already mastered the art of controlling animals to the master level, and if he then learns the art of controlling swords, he can get twice the result with half the effort.

Sword Control is actually an upgraded skill of Object Control.

The most important thing is that it is expensive!


The elder who transmitted the law was not surprised or confused at all, and immediately took a jade slip and threw it to Wang Chen: "Learn it."

He has seen too many young disciples like Wang Chen.

Among those who come to the library to learn spells for free, seven out of ten will choose sword control.

Because everyone has a dream of being a swordsman.

Riding the wind and wielding a sword, he travels in and out of Qingming. With one sword, all the magic is darkened. What a grace this is!

However, when they really started to practice sword control and flying sword skills.

Only then will he realize that he has wasted an opportunity.

It is precisely because he has seen too much that the Dharma Master is too lazy to persuade and wastes his words in vain.

How did Wang Chen know what the elder of the Zi Mansion was thinking.

He took the jade slip of the exercise method and placed it between his eyebrows, injecting magic power into it to activate it.

The jade slip instantly glowed brightly, and countless information poured into Wang Chen's sea of ​​consciousness like a flood.

A group of spiritual light magic seeds then condensed, and then blessed with shackles.

Wang Chen was already very familiar with this. After the method was stabilized, he immediately let his mind escape from the sea of ​​consciousness.

He respectfully returned the jade slip to the elder who taught the Dharma: "Thank you, senior."

The elder who taught the law nodded and waved his sleeves and sent Wang Chen out of the library.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Chen went to the General Affairs Hall next to the Zongshi Hall to buy spiritual rice seeds.

As a result, he found out that he was naive again!

The steward of Zongshitang told Wang Chen.

According to the rules of the inner sect, only yellow rice and black sesame rice can be grown in the middle-grade spiritual fields in his manor.

The price of both rice seeds is five xialing per mu.

In addition, if you want to ensure the growth of spiritual rice, you must purchase spiritual fertilizer.

Then learn two spiritual cultivation techniques, "Spring Breeze Transforms Rain into Fertilizing Technique" and "Autumn Sun Shines on Trees to Grow Hair".

Otherwise, it will be difficult to grow yellow rice and black sesame rice.

Although fruit trees do not require seeds, fruit trees consume more spiritual fertilizer.

Otherwise, there will be no fruitful results at all!

In addition, Wang Chen had to pay half a year's rent of the manor first.

A whopping two hundred and five merit points.

Regarding this, Wang Chen's mood can only be expressed in one word.



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