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Chapter 340 Roots


The iron grille, which was as thick as a child's arm, was torn off abruptly, twisted into a twist and thrown to the ground.

When the cell door opened, the prisoners inside cheered in unison, and many cried with joy!

The robbers were the most brutal. They all thought that they and others were doomed, but they didn't expect a savior to come from the sky.

Therefore, I am extremely grateful to Wang Chen.

Faced with Wang Chen's questions, everyone knew everything and spoke up.

Wang Chen learned from this that all those captured by the bandits were people from nearby villages. Like the two villagers in Datian Village, they were also attacked in the mountains.

The first one to be arrested was just two days ago!

As for more of the situation, they don't know, and they have been in fear for the past two days.

This made Wang Chen very confused.

Because the prison built by the bandits is very large, hundreds of people can be crammed into a dozen cells.

These villagers were definitely not the first ones to be arrested, so where were the people in front of them?

There is another problem.

After the previous group of bandits captured Xu Laosi and two others, they did not return to their lair immediately. They only sent people to escort them back. Others, including the leader, were waiting in the forest for Wang Chen to appear.

It was obviously premeditated!

After thinking about it, Wang Chen turned around and went out to pick up someone.

This was a bandit with scars on his face, his eyes were closed tightly and he was unconscious, with blood oozing from his mouth, nose, eyes and ears.

Wang Chen threw the bandit to the ground and stepped on his left hand.


The sudden severe pain caused the bandit to let out a shrill scream.

Wang Chen moved his feet and asked, "What's your name?"

This guy was the one he left alive on purpose.

The bandit who had just woken up first looked around in anger and confusion. He quickly understood his situation and said with a sad smile: "I am your father, and you have even forgotten your father's name, hahaha?"

"court death!"

Before Wang Chen could say anything, Xu Laosi next to him stepped forward, reached out and lifted the opponent to the left and right and opened his bow: "I'll tell you to be mean!"

He really hated these bandits. Thinking that he had almost fallen into a desperate situation, he slapped them very hard.

Although this thief is a monk at the fifth level of Qi training, his Dantian and meridians are all blocked, making him worse than ordinary people.

A face quickly swelled and deformed.


Wang Chen signaled Xu Laosi to put the other party down, and then asked: "Where are you going to send them?"

Many bandits rob villagers in order to enslave them to do hard work.

But Wang Chen felt that the behavior of this group of thieves might not be that simple!


Even though he was slapped into a pig's head, the bandit was still very tough. He stared at Wang Chen with unruly and resentful eyes: "Kill me if you dare. If I snort, I will be your grandson!"

He had seen Wang Chen's brutal methods and knew that there was no chance of him being spared, so he gave it a go!

"very good."

Wang Chen raised his hand to pick up the tough-talking robber from the air, and instantly hit the man's forehead with his right index finger.

Infused with a touch of mana.


The bandit was unable to move due to the invisible force. He felt as if thousands of fire ants were burrowed into his head, causing him unbearable pain.

However, his consciousness was extremely clear, and he did not become comatose due to the pain that exceeded the limit.

Not only that, the "fire ants" that burrowed into his head also burrowed into his spine, all the way down to his internal organs, limbs, and bones. His whole body began to experience the same pain.

Marrow-sucking soul-piercing finger!

This is not a spell, but a spell-casting technique specifically used for torture.

Wang Chen learned it when he was the Guardian Heavenly Master. He had no chance to use it before, but now it comes in handy.

This kind of torture technique is simply unbearable for ordinary people, but it has a miraculous effect on the monks. The bandit only persisted for a moment. His face turned purple, his eyes bulged, foaming at the mouth, and his limbs twitched involuntarily.

If Wang Chen hadn't used magic to seal his body cavity, I'm afraid he would have been peeing and pooping all over him by now!

Seeing how miserable this guy was, Xu Laosi, who hated the bandits so much, quietly took two steps back.

Not to mention the other rescued villagers, they all showed awe.

Wang Chen retracted his finger and asked, "What's your name?"

The bandit looked like a drowning man who had just returned to the shore. He was panting greedily. His face was pale and his eyes were broken. He subconsciously replied: "Chen, Chen Hu."

"Where are you going to send them?"

With the same problem, the bandit Chen Hu no longer had the previous unruliness, and looked like a drowned dog with his back broken: "Mine, mine."

He lowered his head slumped.


This answer was very different from Wang Chen's expectation. He frowned: "What mine?"

Chen Hu is as obedient as a kitten: "Copper Mine."

It’s actually copper ore!

Since copper can be used to refine weapons, its essence can also be extracted to refine elixirs of metal and stone attributes, and it can also be used as a carrier of spiritual talismans or even treasure talismans.

Its uses are very wide, and its value is naturally very high. It is a war preparation material for the Xianjia sect.

A group of bandits actually opened a copper mine in the mountains. Even if it is a small vein, it is very impressive.

This makes sense.

Mining is a very dangerous job. The veins of copper ore go deep into the ground, making mining very difficult. The work of digging ore is hard and tiring, and you are always faced with the danger of landslides or attacks by monsters.

Some special monsters live in the mineral veins and are extremely aggressive towards miners.

Even if a monk encounters it in a mine, he will die if he is not careful.

The casualty rate among miners has always been very high. It is normal for the bandits who occupy the mines to rob villagers to fill the mine holes in order to make huge profits.

But Wang Chen still felt that something was wrong!

He dispersed the magic power and threw Chen Hu back to the ground: "Take me to that mine and spare your life."


Chen Hu couldn't believe his ears and suddenly raised his head.

He thought he was dead, but he didn't expect Wang Chen to want to let him go. Although he couldn't believe it, a glimmer of hope still rose in his heart.


Xu Laosi next to him spat: "This is our village chief, the Master of the Purple Mansion, your lord has a golden tongue. Can you, a scumbag like you, question this?"

It's quite a compliment.

Wang Chen nodded: "As long as you take me to the place, I will let you go."

He flicked out a ray of mana with his fingers and unlocked the opponent's meridians.


Chen Hu immediately struggled to get up: "I will take you there now!"

He knew very well that if he took Wang Chen to the mine, his accomplices stationed there would definitely die.

But people don’t want to be punished for themselves. As long as they can survive, they don’t care whether others live or die!


The first update is sent.

This chapter has been completed!
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