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Chapter 403 Take action

The east is rich and the west is rich, and the Xu family with considerable assets is located in the west of the city.

It was only after Wang Chen accepted Xu Xinlan's appointment letter and became a worshiper of the Xu family that he learned that this widow's net worth was much richer than what was announced to the public.

Therefore, it is natural for the Xu family to own a large house with a large area in the wealthy area of ​​Wanling City, where land is extremely valuable.

The purple chariot pulled by four mixed dragon horses stopped steadily in front of Xu's house.

At this time, the sky was just getting dark, and the obsidian lamps hanging under the eaves of Xujiazheng's porch were all lit. The door was completely opened inward. The veiled Xu Xinlan and a group of servants stood on the steps to greet her.

When Wang Chen stepped off the purple chariot, she immediately knelt down and saluted: "I have met the Master."

The housekeepers and servants following behind all saluted: "Meet the Immortal Master!"

The etiquette is so high and impeccable!

Wang Chen smiled: "No courtesy."

There is no doubt that this widow put on such a big show. In addition to flattering herself, I am afraid that the most important thing is to use his name to scare the unscrupulous people.

Wang Chen didn't care about this.

He took advantage of the Xu family, so he should protect the latter from the wind and rain.

"Thank you, Master/Immortal Master!"

Xu Xinlan respectfully welcomed Wang Chen into the house and walked through the front yard to the main hall.

To Wang Chen's surprise, Xu Xinlan did not hold a banquet for him in the main hall, but instead entered a small building in the inner courtyard.

Inside the three-story pavilion, there was already a table of delicious food and two charming maids.

"Master, please."

Xu Xinlan first asked Wang Chen to take a seat, and then sat opposite him.

The widow smiled brightly: "Thanks to the Master's care, I have prepared a small amount of wine tonight to show my respect."

As she said that, she picked up the white jade jug and poured a full glass of spiritual wine for Wang Chen.

Wang Chen smelled a faint fragrance.


He calmly picked up the glass and took a sip of the drink.

His eyes fell on Xu Xinlan's face.

Wang Chen secretly felt strange. He had met Xu Xinlan twice, and the other person had always been veiled.

It was understandable last time in public, but tonight in the inner courtyard of a private house, Xu Xinlan still refused to take off her veil, which seemed a bit disrespectful to him, the Master of the Purple Mansion.

Xu Xinlan noticed Wang Chen's eyes. She hesitated for a moment, then reached out and lifted half of the veil.

Wang Chen was stunned for a moment.

Because the exposed lower half of Xu Xinlan's face was actually covered in red spots, which was shocking to see!

"After my late husband died, I was poisoned by an adulterer at home."

Xu Xinlan put down the veil and explained: "Although I was lucky enough to save a life, the toxin seeped into the bone marrow and relapsed from time to time, so I have to wear a veil for fear of staining the Master's eyesight."

That’s why!

Wang Chen didn't feel that his eyes were polluted. Seeing that Xu Xinlan was clearly a stunning beauty with a good temperament and figure, he didn't expect to suffer such a disaster.

He asked: "Is there no way to cure it?"

"As long as you give up your family wealth, there are still ways."

Xu Xinlan whispered: "But I feel that it is better to cure it if it cannot be cured than if it is cured."

Wang Chen understood immediately.

Xu Xinlan's face was ruined. She was rich but not lusty, and she was already coveted by others.

If your face is cured, you will have both wealth and beauty. I’m afraid those who want to have both wealth and beauty will have to pay several times more!

It’s really not easy for this widow!

Wang Chen nodded to express his understanding: "That's right."

At this time, he suddenly heard a noisy sound coming from outside, which should be at the gate of Xu's house.

After a while, I heard hurried footsteps again.

Immediately, there was a gentle knock on the door.

"Report to Madam."

An old voice sounded outside the door: "Master Chen is here again, clamoring at the door to see you."

Xu Xinlan frowned: "Uncle Zhong, please block him first, I will come right away."


The footsteps left.

Wang Chen's eyes flashed and he asked: "What's going on?"

Xu Xinlan smiled bitterly and said: "My family is unfortunate."

It turns out that Mr. Chen, who came to cause trouble, is the younger brother of Xu Xinlan's late husband, that is, her brother-in-law.

This man was a playboy by nature, uneducated and very fond of gambling. Before Xu Xinlan's husband passed away, she would often come to ask for money for her to squander.

After Xu Xinlan's husband passed away, he was instigated by others to compete with Xu Xinlan for family property, and they have been entangled with each other endlessly!

Xu Xinlan's unwillingness to have her face treated has something to do with her brother-in-law.

"This man is a scoundrel!"

She said helplessly: "I give him five hundred spirit stones every month, and he can spend them all in three days."

He is proficient in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, and he also learns how to smoke Five Stone Powder.

"I'll let Uncle Zhong send him away now."


Wang Chen stretched out his hand to stop it: "Let me, the worshiper, handle this matter."

Xu Xinlan's intention was obviously to spend money to avoid disaster, and she didn't want such a shabby character to ruin her fun.

But Wang Chen felt that such an approach would only make the other party more aggressive and unscrupulous!

He stood up, jumped out of the window in an instant, and shrunk to the door of the front yard.

I saw a circle of people gathered in front of Xu's house. One of them, a young man with a thin body and swollen eyelids, stood on the steps and shouted: "Call Xu Xinlan out quickly. I just saw her putting the adulterer in the door."

"How long has it been since my brother died? She doesn't follow the rules of a woman..."

This man had a good appearance, but unfortunately he looked like he had been drinking too much. He was gesticulating at an old man guarding the door, spitting all over his mouth!

And the few people watching behind him were smiling. Judging from their attire and temperament, they should be his friendly friends.

Seeing such a scene, Wang Chen didn't hesitate at all and slapped him in the air.


The crisp slaps could be heard clearly from three streets away.

The young man was like a kite with its string cut off, spinning and flying out involuntarily.

Blood and broken teeth spurted out of the mouth!

He fell to the ground, his face swollen into a pig's head.

This is the result of Wang Chen's mercy, otherwise it would not be a problem to directly blow up the pig's head!

There was sudden silence in front of Xu's house.

Wang Chen stepped over the threshold, his cold eyes swept over the crowd of onlookers, and finally landed on the young man who was wailing in pain.

"I am Wang Chen, an inner disciple of the Xihai Sect, and the Xu family worships the Master!"

"If you dare to speak rudely again, don't blame me for being ruthless!"


His words were like hammers, hammering hard into everyone's heart. Not only did the onlookers fall silent, but the howling young man also shut his mouth tightly.

An inner disciple of the Xihai Sect!

Who would have thought that the Xu family's newly recruited worship master would have such a powerful background.

The young man cursed first, so there was no problem in punishing him with disrespect. Even if Wang Chen shot him to death on the spot, he would not be severely punished.

I only got one slap now, so I am very lucky!


The first update is sent.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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