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Chapter 537 Dilemma

Weifa City was shrouded in a colorful halo.

This is the characteristic of the city defense array being fully activated, which shows that the most important stronghold of Xihaizong in the underworld has encountered great danger and has to upgrade its defense level.

Above the city wall, a series of heavy crossbows were pushed into the middle of the wall stacks, with gleaming metal arrows pointing toward the outside of the city.

On the higher imperial tower behind the city wall, a divine-killing cannon pointed directly at the sky.

The heavily armed Taoist soldiers, the solemn-looking war cultivators, and the tense atmosphere are suffocating!

Outside the city, a large number of monks have gathered.

Like Wang Chen, they were all disciples of the sect who were pioneering outside the country and risked their lives to come to Weifa City to seek refuge.

But he was turned away!

After Wang Chen and Li Mengyan got off the airship, they came to the city gate.

"Open the door!"

"Let us in quickly!"

"The disciples of the sect are here to help each other, but you don't save me until you die. This is against the sect's rules!"

"Let me in, I am the nephew of Elder Zhang Delong!"

"What do you want to do?"

There were four to five hundred monks who were blocked from the door. Everyone was excited, some were yelling, some were begging, and some were threatening.

But the war cultivators stationed at the city gate remained indifferent and scanned the crowd with cold eyes.

There was no mercy in his eyes.

Some monks got angry and jumped up into the air, trying to force their way up the wall.

As a result, he hit the mana barrier of the city defense formation and was immediately bounced to the ground, falling to pieces!

This is actually the result of the mercy of the monks who defended the city. Otherwise, under the counterattack of the large formation, the middle-level Zifu would have been wiped out.

With such a lesson, other monks no longer dare to act rashly, and at most they curse.

Seeing this situation, Wang Chen, Li Mengyan and others stood on the edge of the crowd and watched what happened.

A disaster broke out in the underworld, and evil spirits were raging. It was unknown how many pioneering disciples were killed. The monks who were able to escape here were either very lucky or outstanding in strength.

It is absolutely impossible for the sect to abandon all so many elite disciples and leave them to fend for themselves outside the city.

Sure enough, only half a stick of incense had passed when a purple-robed monk appeared on the wall of the city gate and said loudly: "According to the order of Master Bai, all disciples must obey..."

The master of the sect's Dharma Hall in Weifa City, a high-level Jindan monk, ordered that all pioneering disciples be allowed to take refuge in the city.

But they have to come one at a time, and they need to undergo an evil identification examination.

This is to prevent evil spirits from attaching themselves to the disciples and mixing into the city, so as to create chaos inside and outside.

After listening to Master Bai Jun's order, everyone no longer felt so anxious.

Then the purple-robed monk asked everyone to hand in the pioneering order and decided the order of entering the city by drawing lots.

Soon an ancient mirror shining with golden light was suspended above the city wall.

The disciple who is drawn needs to stand under this ancient mirror for a while, and then he can enter the city without any hindrance or harm.

The dozen or so people in front all passed the appraisal safely.

But when a tall and thin monk stood under the mirror and was illuminated by the mirror, he suddenly showed a look of great pain. Black smoke came out from all over his body, and his expression became extremely ferocious.


There is obviously evil hidden in this monk's body!


He let out a shrill scream, held his claws in both hands and tried to attack the monk standing in front of him, but a bolt of thunder suddenly crashed down, turning him into smithereens.

The monks who witnessed this scene were all filled with awe.

The evil spirit is so weird that it is difficult to guard against it. Most of the possessed monks are unconscious and have no idea that they have been attacked. They only suddenly wake up when they are taken away by the soul.

This was the case for this unlucky monk, otherwise he wouldn't have dared to stand under this Double Ninth Festival Mirror carelessly.

The Chongyang Mirror is an excellent magic weapon, specially designed to defeat evil spirits and identify evil spirits!

The monks climbed the wall in an orderly manner to receive instructions, and after passing, received their pioneer orders.

Later, two monks who were possessed by evil spirits were discovered.

Wang Chen, Li Mengyan and others all successfully passed the Chongyang Mirror appraisal and entered Weifa City.

"Senior Brother Wang, it's really thanks to you this time."

Yun Feifei said to Wang Chen gratefully: "Do you have a place to stay in the city?"

Wang Chen thought for a moment and said, "I'll find an inn to stay in first and understand the situation before making plans. Junior sister, you can do it yourself."

Yun Feifei and others obviously had their own plans, and he was always embarrassed to join in.

"Senior brother's kindness, my little sister will always remember it in my heart!"

Yun Feifei took out a jade talisman and handed it to Wang Chen: "We will keep in touch at any time."

Wang Chen smiled and said: "Junior sister, you are serious."

He accepted the jade communication talisman from Yun Feifei.

This thing is like a mobile phone in the previous life. It can communicate with each other, but it has limitations on distance and frequency of use. It is also very expensive and most monks will not use it.

However, the jade talisman is more convenient and safer than the hexin and flying talismans.

After parting ways with the three female nuns, Wang Chen came to a tavern in the city.

This pub is quite large, with dozens of wine tables in the lobby.

When Wang Chen came in, most of the wine tables were occupied by customers, and business was very busy.

Among the drinkers were both indigenous residents of the city and pioneer monks of the Xihai Sect. Everyone gathered in small groups, whispering and discussing in low voices, and the atmosphere was tense and depressing.

There were worried looks on many people's faces.

Wang Chen chose a seat in the corner and sat down, ordering a pot of spirit wine and two plates of dried meat.

Just such a small thing actually cost him fifty times!

Prices in Weifa City are really expensive, and they seem to be even more expensive now.

Wang Chen didn't care. He came here mainly to inquire about some news.

After listening for a while, Wang Chen received two important pieces of news.

First of all, this disaster was not anticipated by the City of Defense. They did not react until it broke out and immediately opened a large formation to seal the city gate.

The second is the teleportation array that connects the mountains and seas. Due to the influence of the evil spirit, it cannot be used normally!

This latter piece of news is particularly important, as it means that everyone is now trapped in the Yin and Underworld, and even Master Jindan cannot even think of returning to the Mountain and Sea Realm for refuge.

Among the drinkers were several monks who, like Wang Chen, had broken through the siege of evil spirits and escaped.

They recalled how the disaster broke out, and all of them were filled with lingering fears.

Although it is safe now, an ominous cloud hangs over everyone's heart, and everyone looks very heavy.

"If, if the teleportation array is always unavailable..."

A monk whispered: "Then what should we do?"

His words pierced the minds of many people, and resulted in a pair of angry stares!

What should I do if I can’t go back?

Wang Chen drank the spiritual wine in the cup, feeling extremely calm inside.

The only option is to fight to the end!


The first update is sent.

This chapter has been completed!
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