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Chapter 642: The daily life of a jailer

Wang Chen's eyes suddenly turned cold.

He tightened his right hand, and the powerful magic power poured into the Tianluo Evil Killing Net with the force of a long river.

This treasure immediately lost its dull appearance, revealing an unprecedented light, and its convergence and sucking power surged.

At the same time, Wang Chen suddenly turned around.

Slap the palm behind you!


The palm strike was silent, but when it hit a nearly transparent evil snake, it seemed like thunder exploded in the passage.

The ground is shaking!

There was obviously more than one evil snake entrenched in the passage, and the one attacking from behind was even more cunning. However, its appearance could not be concealed from Wang Chen's super keen sense of danger.

A stroke of the Heavenly Dragon Vajra Palm instantly beat the evil snake to pieces.

【Human virtue +3278】

Wang Chen's eyes couldn't help but light up as the information flashed out simultaneously in his field of vision.

It has been a long time since he earned his moral points, especially since he came to Yongle Fairy City and there was no chance for him.

It's normal to gain virtue points by killing the evil snake in the dungeon. What surprised Wang Chen was that the evil snake's points were actually as high as 3000+, which was just a small experience package!

Unfortunately, the evil snake that fell into the net has been completely sucked dry by the Tianluo Evil Killing Net.

Disappeared into nothing.

But there is also a large amount of extremely pure spiritual power in Zhuxie Net, so in short, there is no loss at all.

The capture of the two evil snakes at the front and back made Wang Chen suddenly realize that the Yongle Dungeon, which other monks avoided and regarded as as terrifying as a flood of ferocious beasts, was probably the paradise of paradise that he cheated on!

Whether he is isolated or excluded, not only is it irrelevant, but it actually increases his chances of earning points.

Otherwise, if there were other jailers accompanying him, it would be absolutely impossible for Wang Chen to reveal the Tianluo Evil Killing Net.

This new patrol route is really good!

In fact, from another perspective, bad things can turn into good things.

Of course, the premise is that you have the strength.

Putting away the evil-killing net, Wang Chen continued to move forward.

He had just warmed up a bit, and now the energy and blood in his body was boiling, dissipating outside without deliberate control.

The evil force that fills the surrounding space will automatically disperse when it encounters Wang Chen.

As for the evil spirits and weirdness, they never appeared before Wang Chen's eyes again.

He successfully reached the end of the new patrol route.

The sight in front of him surprised Wang Chen!

If the road map is fully expanded, Wang Chen's location at this moment is the lower right corner of the map.

Since Jijiu District is the border area of ​​Jiu District, this location is actually the most remote corner of Jiu District.

The prison here holds a black-robed monk.

Calling it a prison is actually not very accurate, because it is a completely open cave with an area ten times larger than Wang Chen's current residence.

However, at the connection between the cave and the passage, beams of light emerged from the ground, forming a blocking fence!

Obviously there is a special magic circle set up in this cave.

The black-robed monk was seen sitting cross-legged on the ground, with his long black hair hanging down to the ground. He closed his eyes tightly and seemed to be practicing his luck. His pale skin was in sharp contrast with the robes he was wearing.

When Wang Chen's eyes stayed on the other person for more than three breaths, the black-robed monk suddenly opened his eyes.

He frowned, not hiding the bored look on his face.

"New jailer?"

The black-robed monk asked directly: "What is your name? How old are you this year? What skills do you practice..."

His name and age are easy to tell, and I have to ask him about the exercises he practices. He is really a good guy!

Wang Chen ignored the other party and just looked around to make sure there were no safety risks before turning around and leaving.

He has to continue patrolling today.

The daily life of a jailer is so boring and monotonous!


Seeing Wang Chen's figure almost disappearing into the passage, the black-robed monk became a little anxious: "Come back quickly, I have something to tell you!"

At this point, he was obviously begging for help, but his tone sounded like Wang Chen owed him 1.8 million.

Wang Chen has seen more than one or two such arrogant and arrogant monks.

As long as you ignore them, they won't be able to sing no matter how many plays they have!

The next day, when Wang Chen came to the lower right corner of the ninth district again, the black-robed monk finally lowered his head and said in frustration: "I apologize to you, I shouldn't have asked so many questions yesterday."

You know that too?

Wang Chen almost laughed out loud.

The black-robed monk swallowed his anger and continued: "I..."

However, Wang Chen has left.

The black-robed monk was instantly furious.

There was real smoke, just like a short circuit in the wires, and it almost burst into flames!

Wang Chen didn't care about this guy's thoughts and intentions. Anyway, unless the "True Fragrance" law came into effect, don't expect him to take chestnuts from the fire for a prisoner.

Yu Fei can learn from her mistakes!

It must be said that Wang Chen's thoughts are now very close to those of an old jailer.

Of course, only work-related ideas.

After a hard day's work, Wang Chen returned to his residence and rested for a while before heading to Xiaoyin Mountain.

Different from District C, District No. 1 has a place similar to a commercial street or market in addition to the supervisory hall, residential areas and prisons where prisoners are held.

This place is not marked on the map, but as long as you are not deaf or blind, you will know of its existence sooner or later.

Of course, Wang Chen didn't go to Xiaoyinshan to go shopping at the market. What he really wanted to go to was the nearby tavern.

The only pub in the entire district.

You can order a pot of spiritual wine here and sit there for as long as you want, and the tavern owner will also thoughtfully serve you a plate of fried peanuts.

Xiaoyin Mountain is actually also a cave, with an area larger than that of the black-robed monk.

As the saying goes, although the sparrow is small and well-equipped, all the facilities in Xiaoyinshan are available, but the prices of pubs and restaurants are several percent higher than normal.

There are even ones that can be doubled several times!

A pot of ordinary spirit wine required Wang Chen to drink fifteen times.

That's quite dark!

The tavern owner actually gave me a plate of peanuts as a gift, which were fried to a shiny and fragrant color.

Wang Chen chose a hidden corner to sit down, drinking peanuts and drinking slowly.

Listen to other people's boasts and farts, and sift through the crowd to find useful information.

You must know that Xiaoyin Mountain is open to all jailers. Even colleagues from other areas can come here to squander spiritual stones.

Therefore, the popularity here is pretty good, especially among a group of jailers who, like Wang Chen, had just gotten off work and came to Xiaoyin Mountain to relax and start chatting after a few glasses of spiritual wine.

"Hey young!"

Just when Wang Chen was listening with interest, a strange and sinister voice suddenly came from beside him: "Isn't this Wang Chen, who is new to District 9? I heard that you were punished for having an affair with a prisoner. Is this true?"

The other party's voice was extremely loud, and everyone in the tavern could hear it clearly.

Everyone's attention was focused immediately.

Wang Chen, who was sitting in the corner, became the center of attention!


The second update is sent.

This chapter has been completed!
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