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Chapter 927 Wuzong

Linjiang Health Center, secret training room.

The bright glow illuminates every detail of the space hidden ten feet underground.

It also shines on Wang Chen.

The light comes from the moon fluorite inlaid on the four walls. After being carefully polished and exposed to the sun for a long time, this milky-white mineral can emit light permanently and stably in the dark, making it the first choice lighting tool for many wealthy families.

This underground secret room was opened when the Linjiang Guards was first established. It was specially used by the leaders of the Xueyi Guards to practice their skills. The floor and walls were all paved with hard Qinggang stone. Once the passage door was closed, it would be extremely difficult for external forces to


Three days ago, Wang Chen specifically applied to General Banner Pang Tai for the right to use the secret practice room.

Used to break through!

[Name: Wang Chen (Ling Zhiyuan)]


[Cultivation: Military General]

[Kung Fu: Xuantian Seven Evil Wheels (Swallowing Thieves): 399/400]

[Skill: Qi Watching Technique]


【Luck: 10】

In the past three months, he had been cultivating in the guardhouse without any distractions, until yesterday he finally reached the limit of the experience value of the fourth level of the Xuantian Seven Evil Wheel.

For Wang Chen, there is nothing more important than improving his strength at the moment.

Although there was no movement from the Qianlong Society after the Chunyue Tower assassination that day, Pang Tai repeatedly reminded Wang Chen that this powerful assassination organization would never give up.

Once they accept the mission, they must assassinate the target three times.

The interval between the first and second attacks may be long and often occur suddenly after the target has relaxed their vigilance.

The Bloody Guards have had many tragic examples in this regard.

The person who assassinates Wang Chen next time will definitely be a master from the Qianlong Club!

Once they find an opportunity, Linjiang Health Center may not be able to keep Wang Chen.

And Wang Chen couldn't stay in the guardhouse for the rest of his life. He could quietly cultivate for three months, which was almost the limit.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Chen closed his eyes to activate his potential.

The life energy hidden in the internal organs and limbs suddenly burst out, flowing into Wang Chen's lower abdomen.

His navel suddenly began to swell.

The fifth wheel of Xuantian's Seven Evil Wheels is called Feidu and is located in the Dantian area of ​​the lower abdomen. Once the evil wheels are formed, Wang Chen will naturally enter the ranks of the Wuzong.

The fifth-level martial sect, the first-class warrior in this world, has the qualifications to establish a sect!

As long as he achieves Wuzong, Wang Chen will have the strength to defeat the masters of the Qianlong Society.

But the difficulty of condensing the non-poison evil wheel is far more than the first four wheels.

Within his Dantian, a cyclone gradually formed, and the powerful attraction it produced was like an insatiable glutton, greedily devouring Wang Chen's life energy.

Unless the non-poison evil wheel is successfully condensed, this process cannot be interrupted.

The consequences of forced interruption will be extremely tragic!

Therefore, at this point, Wang Chen had no possibility of turning back. When the life energy accumulated in his body was consumed, he began to burn his potential without thinking.

[Potential-1], [Potential-1], [Potential-1]...

Messages flashed across Wang Chen's vision. The potential points he had accumulated in three months and a large amount of wealth were declining at a rapid rate.

Not only that, during this process, Wang Chen clearly felt the impact of the condensed non-poison evil wheel on himself.

He is getting weak!

Wang Chen raised his hand and wiped his mouth, and a thick slice of ginseng appeared between his lips and teeth.

A strong medicinal power instantly exploded in his mouth.

The ginseng slices Wang Chen just chewed came from the most precious collection in the Ling family's secret vault.

A 500-year-old wild ginseng!

Old wild ginseng of this level is rarely seen on the market. It is usually kept as a treasure at the bottom of the box by wealthy families or powerful organizations, and is only used in the most urgent circumstances.

A thin slice is enough to hang a dying person's life for three to five days!

For warriors, it is also a truly genius treasure, a rare medicine that can only be encountered but cannot be found.

After Wang Chen obtained all the collections in the Ling family's secret vault, he was reluctant to use this five-hundred-year-old wild ginseng.

But considering the difficulty and danger of this promotion, he deliberately cut out one third.

I didn't expect it to come in handy so quickly.

With the injection of ginseng's medicinal power, Wang Chen's whole body became warm, and the nearly depleted Qi and blood in his body were greatly replenished in an instant, completely dispelling the negative effects caused by the condensed non-toxic evil wheel.

Now Wang Chen can continue to focus on breaking through the realm.

As time passed, his potential dropped below two hundred points.

The Dantian cyclone, which has absorbed a huge amount of life energy, has now condensed into substance, taking on the shape of a crescent moon!

At the same time, Wang Chen's zenith, eyebrows, throat and heart, corpse dog, fuyao, bird yin and swallowing thieves all appeared, which resonated strongly with the non-poison evil wheel that was about to take shape.

An invisible evil spirit burst out of his body instantly!


A slender crack suddenly appeared in the Qinggang stone slab on the wall to Wang Chen's right.

[Potential-10], [Potential-10], [Potential-10]...

The consumption of potential has increased tenfold!


Wang Chen suddenly opened his eyes, uttered the mantra and pressed the pressure on his dantian, and the non-poisonous evil wheel instantly solidified!


He suddenly stood up, his body rapidly inflated like a balloon, and the clothes he wore silently turned into powder.

A violent storm suddenly arose in the closed secret room, and the surrounding wall panels and floors all made unbearable creaking sounds.

Several of the Qinggang stone slabs showed signs of cracking.

Fortunately, this situation only lasted for a moment. Before the secret cultivation room was destroyed, Wang Chen suddenly retracted his outward energy, and the shining light in his eyes instantly converged and disappeared.


[Name: Wang Chen (Ling Zhiyuan)]


[Cultivation: Wuzong]

[Kung Fu: Xuantian Seven Evil Wheels (non-poison): 0/500]

[Skill: Qi Watching Technique]

【Potential: 58】

【Luck: 15】

In one fell swoop, he formed a non-poison evil wheel and officially entered the realm of fifth-level martial arts.

To this end, Wang Chen consumed nearly 500 potential points and half a 500-year-old wild ginseng plant.

But it's totally worth it!

He felt stronger than ever before.

The most important thing is that with the formation of the non-poison evil wheel, Wang Chen simultaneously opened up the Dantian space, and the connected acupuncture points and meridians accounted for most of the body.

The life energy that his body can hold has increased by at least ten times!

The gap between the fifth-level martial sect and the fourth-level general far exceeds the sum of the first four levels!

In this world, Wu Zong is also known as the "enemy of ten thousand people", and it is difficult to defeat him simply by relying on the number of people.

At this point, Wang Chen truly has the foundation to gain a foothold in this world.

He spent another three days consolidating his realm and used up the remaining ginseng tablets before leaving the seclusion.

This chapter has been completed!
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