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Chapter 1137 Promoted to the first level

 The chaos and madness brought about by the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence Seven are much stronger than before. Fortunately, the two of them have adapted to the Extraordinary characteristics of Sequence Eight. In the confrontation with chaos and madness again and again, their own spirits

The will has been sublimated again and again. Now, although the whole body has begun to mutate, eyes have begun to grow on the body, and limbs that do not belong to him have grown, but the mental level is suppressing the madness.

And this time, the chaos seemed to have broken through a certain critical line. Klein truly felt the threat to his life. With the desire to survive erupting, his eyes suddenly became blank. In this extremely special state, Klein

His mental will has been greatly strengthened.

At the same time, the mutations reflected in his body began to be gradually controlled. At first, his body continued to develop towards a giant, that is, his body size became larger and larger. His maximum height was more than two meters.

Five, this is a mythical creature form that gradually moves closer to this sequence.

And as his eyes were blank and the distortion on his body disappeared, his height began to gradually recover. In the process, he sounded the clarion call for counterattack. Klein himself didn't know what kind of state he was in now.

He just followed his own intuition, controlled his own power, controlled his mental power and spirituality, and fought back in the direction in which the chaos and madness spread.

There seemed to be an invisible fortress in front of him. Within the fortress, there were thousands of troops and horses fighting towards him, but he was single-handed.

No matter how he looked at it, he was certain to die, but his instinct told him that retreating at this time would mean death, and only moving forward would have a chance of survival. Following his instinct, Klein fought towards the thousands of troops, going upstream all the way, passing by.

There were corpses all over the field. Before the army could reach the fortress, he smashed the gate of the fortress and entered it head-on. The moment he smashed the gate, he suddenly had a realization. He seemed to have successfully completed the task.

Digestion of potions.

But this time is different from the past. In the past, when he digested the potion, he pretended to be the same as the potion, and then sneaked into the fortress to complete the assassination.

But this time, he was like a god of death, killing all the troops in the fortress. He even smashed the gate of the fortress and broke in with an extreme, domineering and arrogant attitude.

When he woke up, he had already accumulated too much knowledge in his mind, which was knowledge about the extraordinary characteristics of the weapon master, the control and use of various weapons, the most experienced one was cold weapons, and the second was

Various types of firearms, including the control of a considerable number of artillery-type weapons, as well as a very small amount of mecha control experience.

The last mecha control experience basically has no effect on him, because this part of experience is not as much as his own experience, but what he doesn't know is that after he accommodates this extraordinary characteristic, the God of War also silently

In an instant, I gained some experience in mecha driving from him.

This is the control the gods have over their own sequence. Not only can they rely on their own power to influence their own sequence, but they can also interfere with the knowledge and memory of the inheritance of extraordinary characteristics, including some inherited abilities. They can also obtain their own knowledge to a certain extent.

Although the knowledge mastered by the extraordinary people in this sequence can only obtain part of the surface level, the small amount adds up to the greater amount. Over a long period of time, every god is a polymath.

"Congratulations, you are even better than we imagined. Not only did you successfully absorb the extraordinary characteristics, you also directly completed the digestion process and shattered the resistance within the extraordinary characteristics.

Judging from your performance this time, there should not be much danger in absorbing the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence Seven in the future. I will gradually reduce the assistance to you during the absorption process, so that you can slowly adapt and fight against the madness of the Extraordinary characteristics of Sequence Seven on your own.

, after completing these, your spirit will still be further improved. As for whether you choose to continue to be promoted next, it depends on you. If it were me, I would definitely give it up as soon as it is good. After all, the dangers of the fourth stage of advancement are

The sex rate is so high that the mortality rate is not 15%, but close to 50%."

Klein was still a little dazed at this time. He moved his limbs, then quickly curled up into a ball, hugged his body, and covered his chest and crotch with his hands...

The reason is very simple. Just now, his height increased to a maximum of two and a half meters, and his body size also expanded with it. He hadn't paid attention when he absorbed the extraordinary characteristics. When he came back to his senses, he realized that his clothes were already green.

It was like a giant transformation, everything was stretched out, and only one pair of underwear was left open.

"Ahem... There are spare clothes in the cabinet next to me. This kind of forced absorption of extraordinary characteristics and explosion of clothes happens from time to time. I will go out first. You can come back to me after changing your clothes. Your spirit just now,

Although you are not injured, your body still needs to be recuperated. At this level, it is impossible for you to absorb one extraordinary characteristic in two days on average like before. It is best to absorb one portion in a week, otherwise even if your spirit can

If you can bear it, physical damage is inevitable."

When Klein left the Mohist Building, he saw FG running in circles in the parking lot. The parking space was too small for him, but he would not go out of the circle drawn by the white line.

, causing trouble for his own driver, just like family members waiting for the results outside the operating room.

After the monitor scanned Klein, surprise words appeared on the screen: \(≧▽≦)/

He ran directly out of the parking space, stretched out his arm and threw Klein directly onto his shoulder.

It can be seen that his artificial intelligence has been cultivated to a quite humanized level. This aspect is not due to the program design of Lanno. With the computing power of computers in this era, it is basically impossible to create strong artificial intelligence.

Possibly, FG's IQ increased so quickly because he had the extraordinary characteristics of the machine installed in his body. Just like animals will increase their IQ and even become able to speak after absorbing the extraordinary characteristics, machines will increase their IQ after absorbing the extraordinary characteristics.

, similar situations will also occur. A considerable part of their wisdom is given by extraordinary characteristics.

Not to mention machines, with extraordinary characteristics, even if they possess pots and pans, they can produce wisdom to a certain extent. Many sealed objects have other personalities, such as 008's quill, which has a very special personality.

Bad, in addition to likes to write his master to death, he also likes to make his master look embarrassed in various ways. For example, during the battle, a gay guy suddenly pulled the chain of my pants and made them fall off. This kind of personification

The higher the sequence of the performance, the more obvious it is, and most of the extraordinary characteristics of the personification seem quite evil, which makes people have to wonder if the original creator of this world also had a similar personality?

Klein and Zhou Mingrui have developed a tacit understanding with their mechas, so now they rarely need to actively input instructions, and the mechas can guess what they want to do.

For example, now, without saying anything, FG stretched out the tire by himself, carried him on his shoulders and drove towards his home. After all, he took leave from both sides today, so it was considered a good thing for him.

It's a life and death test, there's no reason to tolerate having to go back to work after you succeed.

The two of them did not notice that after successfully accommodating this time, their spirits had undergone qualitative changes. If they faced the test of life and death again, whether in the process of accommodating extraordinary characteristics or fighting against powerful enemies, they would have a great probability

Entering the state where their eyes were blank before, and in that state, they will perfectly integrate all the abilities they possess, and then become supermen who must survive no matter what, seizing any possibility of survival.

An opportunity to go down.

After returning home, Klein indulged in a rare act of indulgence. He brought two large barrels of cold beer downstairs in his neighborhood and drank until he became delirious with his family of three in the pavilion of the community.

It was FG who carried him to the door of the corridor. When the three of them were eating barbecue, FG was squatting next to him, and the monitor kept reading: (ˉ﹃ˉ)

However, FG, who had no mouth on his body, could only watch. When Klein was in a daze, he was still considering whether he should suggest that the Mo family add a digestive system to the mecha. However, after thinking about it, he felt that this suggestion was a bit outrageous.

.The setting that the mecha still needs to eat sounds too ridiculous.

But what they didn't know was that Lan Nuo was actually considering related matters.

To be precise, Mendel is currently developing corresponding technologies. Over the past few days, he has been iterating on his own biological population in the God-Forsaken Land, which has increased the complexity of the insect swarm to an incredible level.

Thousands of species of insects are each engaged in different tasks, and the division of labor and cooperation form a complex and huge work system. They have begun to directly extract the magma underground and extract the radioactive substances in it as the energy source for some industrial furnaces.

The biological mecha itself was an important part of Mendel's combat power before. Even if he can no longer use it, it does not prevent him from using his powerful abilities to design biological mechas for other members of the Mo family.

He can now freely write biological genes like programming code, including those genes that have not evolved in nature. He can also write them, so that it is not difficult for him to develop biological mechas. And the predator module,

It is also among the default modules of future biological mechas, but the relevant modules will not be activated when there are sufficient logistical supplies.

This kind of situation actually exists widely in nature. The most common one is that animals will molt in the cold season and hot season, that is, they will replace the modules that they cannot use. Most of the time, the predator module will look like our tail.

It's the same, it doesn't develop, and it doesn't play any role.

When the food supply is sufficient, the biological mecha is equivalent to carrying an extra 500 grams of weight. However, once the logistics are insufficient and cannot be obtained in a short period of time, this module will develop rapidly and build a

A digestive system used to digest organic matter with more complex structures in animals and plants. It has developed from 500 grams to tens of kilograms in a short period of time, which is enough to digest most organic matter in nature, and even the fiber of trees can be digested.

So FG’s dream of having a bite of barbecue is not impossible to achieve.

Klein is getting stronger in an orderly manner, while Ins Zangwill, who is hiding in the dark, is puzzled by this existence that is beyond his own script.

The ultimate goal of all his actions is to weaken the power of the Church of the Goddess of Night in Tingen. By weakening their power, he can achieve his purpose of stealing the ashes of Saint Selena, the sealed object. The initial plan went smoothly, Dunn

Smith had gradually lost control after taking a look at the Antigonus family notes, but after Klein vaguely revealed the acting method to him, his state was gradually recovering.

Old Neil would have performed the ritual of resurrecting his relatives under his arrangement before he grew old, but was killed by his teammates under the influence of the Hidden Sage. Unfortunately, this guy participated in experiments related to rejuvenation, and his physiology and

His mental state has been greatly improved, and he is currently preparing to be promoted to sequence eight. After he has enough lifespan, he will not be in a hurry to perform the resurrection ceremony.

The only thing that went smoothly was the success of the transfer. The most troublesome Leonard Mitchell and his grandfather went to Backlund, but this guy Klein is getting stronger at a rapid rate. Today, not only

He has a powerful mecha that even Ins Zangwill is not confident of dealing with, and he has been promoted to Sequence Seven. Although the extraordinary characteristics do not belong to him, his strength is not because this extraordinary characteristics is in public ownership.

has been reduced.

Fortunately, he never thought about attacking from the beginning, otherwise he might have been beaten violently by FG ​​and Klein, becoming another victim of this guy's over-level challenge.

Now, he is writing a script in the house with the red chimney: "Dunn Smith must be closer to losing control, so that he will make the wrong decision at the critical moment.

I have to let him take an extra copy of the Beyonder characteristics of the Midnight Poet or the Sleepless Man. He has the habit of taking the Extraordinary characteristics of his teammates. In this regard, he can do this by arranging the death of a teammate. But...Klein...really

It's very difficult to handle! If the evil god is not strong enough, he might be killed before he is hatched. His relationship with the Mo family is too close, so using coincidence to weaken him is really troublesome.

So...should we find a way to enhance the strength of the summoned evil god? Arrange some coincidences so that the evil god in Megause's body can hatch faster, or hatch more powerfully? This...may be feasible."

Because Zangwill was worried that the evil god he summoned was not strong enough, but he did not know that a crack had been opened in the God's Abandoned Land. What he should be worried about was not that the evil god he summoned was not strong enough at all, but that he was worried about the evil god he summoned.

The thing was so strong that it razed the entire Tingen to the ground along with him.

[To be continued]

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