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Chapter 1016 Chain reaction, a little shock!

"If I find out who is spreading the news, I will skin him and hang him on the wall!"

Uncertain light flickered back and forth in the empty tactical hall.

Commander Edmund's face was as gloomy as water, and his wolf-like eyes looked around at the dozen or so people standing below.

Surprisingly, among the dozen or so people there was no psychiatrist watching over those on the plane.

Obviously, Edmund's current pursuit does not really want to find the person who spread the news.

Even this news.

"It's good now. The stupid pigs hiding in the underground and not daring to come out finally know the danger of the situation and require us to find the radioactive beasts who stole the plane within three days and send them to the underground research room for slice analysis.


"Come on, tell me, who has the confidence to capture these two monsters in this foggy day?"

Edmund slapped his big hands on the leather seats, looking extremely irritable.

The people below wanted to open their mouths, but seeing his appearance they could only shrink their heads and pretend to be dead.

After a long while, when Edmund was tired of scolding, someone "timidly" poked his head and said:

"Lord Commander, if the underground wants the Radiant Beast so much, why don't they go out and find it themselves?"

"Well said, you said it well."

Edmund sneered: "But you shouldn't ask me this question. You should grab the collars of the rats below and ask them what they are thinking in their heads."

"It's been almost three months, and they still refuse to open the underground passage for us to go down, and they still refuse to transport underground supplies to support us. Do we really have to wait until Lord Hades wakes up?"

"Lord Hades will definitely punish them."

"Yes, by doing this, they are dividing our Sunny Harbor Sanctuary."

"These are two radiation beasts that are more terrifying than the undead. Oh my god, if we don't find them as soon as possible and nip them in the bud, what if he comes with a group of radiation beasts who can use weapons and attack?"

"It has only been a short time since they learned how to fly a plane. If we give it a few more months, what advantage will we have!"

"They must open the underground passage. This is undisputed. Otherwise, they will make everyone die with them!"

"Protest, we must protest!"

At first there were only one or two scattered voices, but as the slogans started to be shouted, the faces of everyone present became solemn.

Including those who always kept silent in the past, and also rarely supported that the underground passage must be opened.

In a sense, this has nothing to do with the struggle between above-ground and underground rights.

That terrifying radioactive creature really brought a fear that made people tremble uncontrollably.

They can use weapons.

Can open vehicles.

And he also has extremely powerful learning ability.

And the most important thing is that they actually learned a "foreign language".

As one of the standards for measuring the upper limit of biological civilization, the intelligence of these guys is no less than that of humans, or even one point higher than that of ordinary humans.

After the excitement passed, the hall fell into a brief silence.

Edmund pointed his finger at the leather chair and said slowly with a relaxed expression.

"Well said, it seems that you all realize the importance of this matter, but I hope you can all remember what you are saying now!"

"In two weeks, I don't want to see anyone change their tune on the emergency resuscitation proposal."

"What, emergency resuscitation proposal?!"

"This is inappropriate. It's not yet time for Lord Hades to come forward."

In an instant, a senior noncommissioned officer from the neutral faction on the ground exclaimed.

Over the long years, Blue Star humans have come a long way in scientific and technological research, but that was on the road to artificial intelligence.

In terms of biotechnology, there has been progress, but it is not enough to extend human lifespan indefinitely.

Coupled with the outbreak of nuclear war, basic science was destroyed.

Those humans who were almost at the top did not want to die like this, so they took a crooked path.


They chose to use this high-risk method of approaching "death" to extend their lives, hoping to restart biological research on the day when the war ends and society prospers again.

Under special freezing methods, human life span can be extended from the limit of 113 years to about 400 years.

Of course, this so-called extension is not unlimited.

Once entering the frozen state, humans will enter a hibernation mode similar to suspended animation, as if they are asleep.

To wake up, you need to use a special electrical stimulation to wake up.

As a technology that is not yet fully mature, every sleep and wake-up is not 100% safe.

Hades set a deadline for himself to wake up once every thirty years.

And now it's been eight years since the last time.

Waking him up early means that Hades will have to bear the risk of dormancy again before the end of his life.

No one can guarantee whether waking up the manager over such a trivial matter will make him furious.

"My child, it's time. It's the last time. It's the last time for all of us."

The sharp sound was like a sword being unsheathed.

Hearing Edmund's repeated repetition, the sergeant who had previously retorted trembled slightly in his heart. He subconsciously lowered his voice and replied cautiously:

"But the awakening proposal requires the approval of the deputy manager below. They can't."

"So, we need to find a way to get them to agree, right?"

At some point, Edmund already held a silver-white pistol in his hand.

Anyone with sharp eyes will immediately feel shocked when they see it.

This thing is a weapon specially awarded by Master Hades in recognition of young Edmund's contribution after he woke up last time.

Take it out and its meaning is self-evident.

"If they don't open the door, it's time to let these gophers know."

"This Clear Harbor Sanctuary is our ground and their underground, not just their underground!"

The border of Tianyuan territory.

Two months have passed, and although the stretching city wall is only two meters high, the distance has reached a full three kilometers.

The entire area close to Qinggang City was blocked to ensure that no one or radiation beast could rush into the rear territory without any hindrance.


"This is actually a territory built by us earthlings!"

After being inspected by the armed guards, he took his belongings close to the back of the wall and leaned against the rough concrete wall.

From the moment he entered, the expression of surprise and surprise never disappeared from Qi Jie's face.

In fact, they lied about the information they just reported to the guards.

After stumbling all the way here, they have been staying on the far side of the high wall for more than thirty hours.

During the day when the guards patrolled, they hid quietly without leaving any trace.

Wait until night, then get a little closer to observe whether the humans above are good or bad.

At first, when they saw this high wall, more than 90% of the people in the team thought this was Aboriginal territory.

But as the number of observations increased, I even overheard a conversation.

By daytime, everyone finally couldn't bear it anymore!

"Who would have thought that no one would promote this unfamiliar territory on the World Channel!"

A straight gravel road appeared at the end of the field of vision, leading from under the high wall to the depths of the thick fog that could not be seen to the bottom.

It can be seen that this road has not been built for a long time and has not left many marks.

But only the obvious ones are not difficult to distinguish. They are actually the marks left by large vehicles!

And a human territory that can build walls, build gravel roads, and even have vehicles.

This is undoubtedly a very strong impact on the human beings coming from overseas.

"Could it be that we humans on earth have joined the aboriginal gathering place? This place looks too advanced."

"It's impossible. The captain just said that the lord of the territory will be here soon."

"Do you think the lord here will take us in? Will he ask us to hand over all our supplies?"

"As long as I can stay here, being protected by these people and handing over supplies doesn't seem to be a hard thing to accept."

Leaning against the wall, the disheveled refugees were whispering to each other, with the same irrepressible curiosity.

When they left the deep sea for the New World, they still regarded the materials they had finally accumulated as treasures.

Many people also shouted the slogan: Materials are here, people are here.

It's a pity that the ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny.

Supplies that could be easily transported by ship at sea immediately faced the problem of difficulty in transporting them once they arrived in the New World.

Even if you prepare a unicycle in advance, it will immediately become a nightmare once you encounter a rough road.

So, the choice was between 'staying where you are and establishing a gathering place' and 'going to a farther human territory'.

Everyone had no choice but to hide about one-third of the supplies in a hidden place with great heartache, hoping to dig back in the future.

Carrying the remaining food, they traveled all the way through mountains and rivers, and finally arrived here.


The clear coughing sound attracted the attention of all the refugees.

A big pot that exuded a 'stinky' smell was carried over by four guards. The one in front was the guard captain Qi Qin who accepted everyone in.

"Sir, this is"

As the leader of the refugees, Qi Jie stood up with a fearful expression.

He instinctively felt that the other party did not mean any harm, but the pot was simply too smelly and had a strong bitter taste.

If I had to describe it, I would probably put it in for a few days to get the smell.

"This is a herbal decoction to dispel dampness and strengthen the body. It can alleviate your current infection symptoms and prevent them from getting worse."

"Want treatment."

"Forget it, you can't go to the village yet because the infectious disease is too serious."

Qi Qin frowned and explained.

This group of people actually felt good about themselves, and they all tried their best to pretend that nothing was wrong.

However, what can be seen from the outside is that almost every refugee's skin is covered with large, itchy, rotten red spots caused by the spread of moisture, as well as black-red holes that are almost rotten to the depths of the flesh and bone.

The hole was only wrapped with a simple cloth, and as it moved, patches of shocking blood seeped out.

Moreover, many people were coughing and looking ashen, obviously suffering from severe influenza.

"Speaking of infectious diseases," Qi Jie was shocked and quickly explained: "Sir, we have a total of more than 600 people who came ashore, and now there are only 227 people left. Many people were infected along the way.

"Hell Flower" virus. We have tried to treat it with herbal medicine and even tried based on the treatment methods published on the World Channel but all failed."

"But don't worry, we people are definitely not infected with the hell flower!"

No one would let a group of infected refugees enter the territory.

Capturing the key word "village" from Qi Qin's words, Qi Jie was slightly happy, but his face still showed inexplicable fear.

The "Hell Flower" virus is almost incurable at this stage.

If someone accidentally gets it, they can basically take care of the funeral.

Along the way, many people were infected.

At the beginning, I discovered that the refugee team would stop and treat as many patients as possible.

But as time went by, as more and more people became infected, no suitable treatment was found.

Qi Jie could only announce a change in treatment methods.

A batch of supplies is left for the patient to struggle alone while others continue on their way.

This choice seems cruel, but now the benefits are immediately reflected.

When facing this captain, as the leader of the refugee team, he no longer had to worry that the other party would kick everyone out because of the "Hell Flower" virus.

However, what is surprising is.

The guard captain raised his voice and continued.

"I know that the Hell Flower Virus is nothing new. You can still tell whether you are infected or not. What's more, we are just afraid that you will bring strange infectious diseases to the village and infect healthy people."

"If someone is really infected, we have already found a suitable treatment method, so there is no need to worry."

As soon as the words fell, the refugee group began to commotion uncontrollably.

Surprise suddenly appeared in the eyes of more than a dozen severely infected people, like a person walking many people in the desert seeing an oasis.

Although this tone sounded a bit "arrogant", it gave everyone present great confidence.

Including Qi Jie listening to the news, making Xingcai send his troops to the rescue?

"Sir, can hell flowers be cured in our territory?"


Qi Qin nodded without any doubt: "As early as half a month ago, our Dean Yan had perfectly treated six cases of Hell Flower infection without leaving any sequelae. In addition, there was a new patient a few days ago.

Calculating the time, it should be time to be discharged from the hospital."

"Very good!"

Qi Jie's heart moved, and he hesitated for almost a second before saying: "Sir, along the way, we have left behind many Hell Flower-infected people on the road. If the territory can treat them, what price will we have to pay?"


"If you leave infected people alone on the road, aren't you leaving them to die?"

Before he finished listening, Qi Qin looked shocked: "Why didn't you tell me earlier? What are you waiting for? Go and pick them up now!"


Qi Jie was stunned for a moment and wanted to say something else, but he saw that Qi Qin's eyes had lost focus and he had obviously entered the game panel.

When Qi Qin came to his senses, a slight roar suddenly sounded at the end of the fog.

The roar comes from far to near.

When they got closer, three trucks with caterpillar tracks suddenly jumped out of the fog.

It's like the three heads have just woken up


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