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Chapter 1028 We voted before we even saw anyone?!


Edmund certainly doesn't think he's crazy, nor does he think there's anything wrong with this bold decision.

Standing in the command hall and watching dozens of delayed images transmitted back through the collector, the smile on his face never stopped.

If the purpose of starting a war is just to win or lose, then it is such a stupid and childish idea.

Most of the time, losing does not mean that the person has lost forever, and winning does not mean that he has won real benefits.

Even a fool like Yehu knows that the ultimate goal of force is to get what he wants.

For Edmund, what he wanted was simple.


Or let’s talk about interest binding in more detail!

Although the new wanderers who join the shelter seem to be hard-working and hard-working.

But in essence, this group of people is still the same as before, they are just parasites lying on the host's body constantly sucking blood.

When in danger, they will not hesitate to abandon their shelter and fly away to a safe place.

If there is a conflict of interest, they will never defend the share of Qinggang Shelter. They will only care about whether there is less stuff in their pockets.

Under such circumstances, let alone letting them go to the battlefield to fight other gophers.

Edmund can guarantee that if those gopher guys really unite to attack Sunny Harbor Sanctuary, the wanderers' escape speed will definitely not be half slower than the speed at which they came to settle here.

Of course, after tonight, he believed that the probability of this happening would be much smaller.

"It was so intense, it was hard to imagine they were just a bunch of homeless people who had been training for a month."

"Tsk, tsk."

In the picture, except for a few shelters like Pingtan that are good at fighting, they can still maintain full suppression of the Rangers.

Other shelters that do not focus on armed combat can only draw a tie or even fall behind.

This was a situation that Edmund had never expected before, and he couldn't help but nod with increasing satisfaction.


"What the hell, this Pingtan Shelter is a tough nut to crack. Why is this Tianyuan Shelter so hard to crack down on?"

In the scene at the back, I saw a fierce battle breaking out in front of a low wall.

Edmund hadn't spoken yet, but the deputy commanders next to him started to discuss it one by one.

"Those Rangers have never learned how to fight in an open area. They are so stupid. They want to use firepower to suppress the stronghold. Why don't they choose to move to open up the offensive space?"

"If it were my command, all it would take is one round of shell coverage to turn their wall into a tomb."

"Their firepower doesn't seem weak, but the number of people seems to be smaller?"

"Don't worry, as long as we can attract their attention, our other attacking teams can easily break through to the hinterland."

"You're so naive. You're even imitating our lightning wall. Who can stop such a low wall?"


Although the defenders on the city wall had an absolute advantage, the fierce firepower covered the wilderness in the distance like a dense rain curtain, and the Rangers' attacking team was retreating steadily.

But in fact the casualties among the homeless were not serious. These guys who could forage in the city sewers were smart.

They skillfully used the induced bombs in their tactical bags to block infrared vision and threw them into empty areas where there was no one.

The defenders on the city wall had limited vision due to the heavy fog, so they could only cover the light spots with fire at random.

Even a few random shells fired from time to time can cause the defenders to disorganize their positions and cause the firepower to stagnate.

What is the best way to check training results?

Of course it’s actual combat!

The tactics that can be used in daily training and the tactics that can be used in real battlefields are completely different things.

Even if an excellent veteran enters the battlefield, he may not perform as well as the new recruits due to various inexplicable reasons.

The performance of the border guards in the first battle was obviously extremely poor. Some of them could not hold their guns steadily with trembling hands.

Especially when the opponent's bullets sweep past you, you will be shocked and your whole body will tremble uncontrollably.

If it weren't for the on-site command of Longming Team, they probably wouldn't have been able to completely block the attack of this group of wanderers.

And on the other side.

On the wilderness bypassing the warning wall.

Thousands of wanderers carrying rifles were walking on the fog-shrouded dirt with their heads covered, moving forward with extreme caution.

After living in a "small" city for a long time, I suddenly came to this open area without shelter.

Most people are severely uncomfortable and forcefully suppress their inner fears.

What is especially troublesome for homeless people is that they have to walk nearly 100 kilometers to get behind this warning wall.

Good guy, including the marching time, this must be at least three hours, right?

If all the comings and goings were counted, it would be daybreak by the time they evacuated this place.

But this is not the biggest headache for the homeless.

What was really uncomfortable was that they had serious differences on the direction of the march.

The tactical attack manual obtained before departure did not have clear landmarks marking the direction of the gathering place at all, and most of the information was collected by the Typhoon Bird helicopter before.

How can the one in the air compare to the one on the ground?

Even the compass has shifted to a certain extent due to the interference of the fog.

No, we only walked less than twenty kilometers.

The team of thousands of people broke up unhappy and accelerated their pace in the direction they thought was right.

"These idiots, whose cerebellums are not fully developed, do they think that the people living here are really a group of primitive people?"

Listening to the faint sound of fierce exchange of fire coming from the other side of the security wall, Ram cursed and had a vague intention of retreating.

This seemingly simple task is actually not that easy.

The commander didn't set any punishment anyway.

Or should I just sneak away without firing a shot?

The moment he had this idea, Ram couldn't help but pause.

But before he could really make a choice, the silence in the wilderness was instantly broken.


Snap, snap, snap.

The gunfire that suddenly appeared in the mist was like lightning piercing the sky, followed closely by the muffled thunder.

"Enemy attack!!"

"The enemy is coming, they have found our traces!"

"They have vehicles, we can't run away, we have to fight them!"

"Kill, kill, kill!!!"

"Tear them apart and let these primitive people see how powerful we are!"

The battle at the security wall only broke out for about half an hour.

Shielded by heavy fog, I don’t know how the news was transmitted back to the opponent’s gathering place, and reinforcements were even sent.

Now that they have been discovered by the other party, the Rangers simply no longer cover up.

Simple defense facilities were quickly set up, and a scattered line of thousands of people formed a strong counterattack.

They are also humans who have received brief training, but the tactical quality of the Rangers is obviously much higher.

On the battlefield that spreads out, they not only have the high-quality weapons provided by Qinggang Shelter, but also have a sense of danger that they have developed in the ruins of the city for a long time.

Even though the specific location of the enemy was still not visible, under the cover of firepower, the newly formed encirclement was finally broken.

"rush out!"

"Don't let them surround us!"

With a strange roar, the wanderers who had just gathered dispersed and went in different directions.

Ram and his men had just arrived at the edge of the battlefield with their heads covered, when they saw the people in the center of the battlefield running in all directions.

There's no way around it, this is a common tactic used by wanderers when facing enemies.

First use a dispersed formation to prevent the opponent from focusing on one area, then exhaust your patience through layer upon layer of breakthroughs, and finally deliver a fatal blow when the opponent is tired.

In the past, when faced with teams of homeless people from other cities coming to "grab food", the homeless people in Qinggang City would often resort to this trick knowingly.

And now, facing the invisible enemy, this method has worked again!

Hand grenades causing chaos exploded on the ground from time to time, and flames from Molotov cocktails flying out from nowhere further obscured the view. The hurried figures looked like wind-blown grasslands, with swaying shadows everywhere.

The whole plain is in chaos!

"Come out!"

"Fight back! Fight back!"

As the covering firepower suddenly shrunk, the Rangers team who recovered their senses immediately formed a counterattack team.

However, under the cover of the free firepower from the opposite side, these counterattacks not only failed to cause damage, but also exposed their position again.



Just when a few unlucky wanderers raised their heads, their chests were pierced by stray bullets scratched in the fog.

A rocket as thick as an arm flew over from nowhere and exploded against an unlucky team of wanderers.

The flames were steaming and the screams were terrifying.

Seeing that the counterattack failed, the strange scream could only be heard again.

"Run to the west, where their firepower cannot reach!"


Ram paused, gritted his teeth and looked at the muzzle of the gun that kept spraying flames in the distance, and could only lead the people to change direction.

Damn it, he originally planned to run in the direction he came from.

But since the opponent has discovered the attack route, there is a high probability that an ambush will be set up on the way.

"Help me, I don't want to die."

I ran past a homeless man who was accidentally shot. His leg was covered in blood. He endured the pain and waved to Ram.

"Their firepower was too intense and what we received was false information."

"Help me, I will give you all my savings, all of them!"

Not to mention the injured, even the stragglers, Ram was too lazy to risk his life to save them.

Kicking away the opponent's grasping hand, he gritted his teeth and made a decisive decision, shouting in a long voice.

"Shut up, you. If you say less, you might still be a prisoner."

After the words fell, the wanderers who were still struggling around them actually stopped a lot, and the eyes of some of the slightly injured ones suddenly lit up.

Indeed, it seems good to be a prisoner, right?

At least you can survive.

There is hope if you survive!

Seeing that the group finally stopped blocking the evacuation route, Ram breathed a sigh of relief and led the people to evacuate to the west.

Fortunately, this group of people thought that they were going in the right direction and ran into the opponent's gun without knowing it.

If we go together.

Blocked by the reinforcements from the shelter, the one lying on the ground was none other than him.

As they continued to retreat to the west, the firepower subsided a lot, finally giving everyone a chance to breathe.

If you can't see the enemy, the battle is impossible to fight.

On the chaotic battlefield, there were only flashes of fire and thick smoke, and only the flickering figures of people could be seen in the occasional explosion light.

What makes the wanderers helpless is that if they want to fight back or evacuate in this wilderness, there is no bunker they can use.

This is not the time for a show of courage.

In other words, the emergence of firepower weapons has made the key to victory or defeat on the battlefield more complicated.

"Captain, it's an armored vehicle!"

Suddenly someone in the team screamed strangely, and Ram quickly turned his head to look in the direction of his finger.

Sure enough, in the light of the fire, there was a vehicle traveling at high speed, crushing over everything in its way like a giant.

"Oh, my God!"

Ram's face changed wildly.

Especially when he roughly saw the appearance of the armored vehicle and the weapons on it, his legs and feet began to tremble.

It was a tracked armored vehicle that could only be found in Sunny Harbor Shelter, and it could completely ignore small-caliber bullets.

Damn it, aren't they primitive people? How could they have such advanced vehicles?

There is also the machine gun mounted on the roof of the car. The flames it sprays have been connected in a straight line, moving like a sickle to harvest.

Hit by this bullet, a team of wanderers who had no time to dodge were directly shot down. Most of them were cut off at the waist, and they paid a heavy price for the invasion without even letting out a scream.

"Surrender, we surrender!"

"Put down your weapons, everyone, put down your weapons. No prisoners will be killed in Tianyuan Sanctuary!"

The battle situation took a turn for the worse, and the familiar strange screams appeared again.

But this time, there was finally a reply that sounded like "the sound of nature".

It was like a nightmarish fight.

Most people, no, I should say everyone, didn't even see each other's figure clearly, so they reached the end of their rope.

Especially when six armored vehicles sprang out from different directions and vaguely surrounded the Wanderer's location.

They were shocked to discover that while retreating to the west, they unexpectedly entered a low-lying terrain that was easy to attack and difficult to defend.

Here, as long as the enemy occupies high ground, they cannot escape unless they can escape through the ground.

Otherwise, even if it grows a set of wings, it will still be penetrated by the covering firepower.

"Captain, do we still want to resist?"

Several timid wanderers around them had already chosen to drop their weapons under the strange screams.

They were kneeling on the ground looking at each other, seemingly not feeling ashamed of the defeat at all, only filled with surprise and confusion.


What to resist?

If a complex terrain with many buildings suddenly appeared in this wilderness, coupled with twists and turns of sewer pipes.

They might also be able to take advantage of their geographical advantage and evacuate before the opponent's encirclement is over.

But now.

Looking at more and more armed guards appearing on the upper edge of the depression, Ram opened his mouth and suddenly felt like he had eaten Shet.

Indeed, there was not much difference from the previous idea. Ram Team managed to achieve a real shot without firing a single shot.

He was guided to run here and there the whole time, and he was surrounded without even seeing the enemy clearly.

As a result, he hasn't spoken yet, or even had time to think.

These stupid teammates just voted?

Ram was stunned when he saw the wanderers kneeling around him looking at him strangely.

"Surrender, we surrender now!"

This chapter has been completed!
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