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Chapter 1040 The message was sent but rejected, the darkness in the deep sea!

I don't know about the midnight flight.

Just when he was working hard to "wash away the shame", the mood of the "big guys" who had given him the shame at this moment was not much calmer than him.

The magical inspiration, like the spring breeze, blew throughout the entire Tianyuan territory overnight.

Longteng Village, Madman Weapons Factory.

"Damn, you are such a fucking genius!"

"Look, let me tell you, this will definitely work."

"But are you sure that even if it doesn't follow the regulations, it can still pass the review of the Tianyuan Army and be purchased by them?"

"What are you afraid of? If they don't purchase it, when the plane comes, it will be a great opportunity for me to make use of it!"

The Doomsday Madman and the Spicy Hammer squatted in front of a gun mount that looked quite sci-fi, discussing in surprise.

This 55mm anti-aircraft gun, named Ye Ming-1, looks exactly like the guy from the Allied camp in a certain Red Alert game.

The base of the five-pointed star can be firmly attached to the ground, fixing the entire fort without shifting.

The electric bomb loading device only needs to gently lift the shell to the bullet entrance below.

Upward, there is a thick barrel, with an auxiliary frame beside it to help support and ensure accuracy.

If the territory's development in electronic equipment had not been too slow, the doomsday madmen would have wanted to make this cannon fully electronically controlled.

Now, the aiming and firing of this gun are manual.

Nature brings an inevitable problem.

Which "genius" can use this anti-aircraft gun to shoot down a plane from a distance of several hundred meters?

"Midnight Plane", the only life-long tester in the weapons factory, has not been able to test new weapons with him for a long time because of the tight workload at the tank factory recently.

The doomsday madman found the guy with the nuclear rifle and wanted him to test it.

But when the latter heard this, he quickly used the excuse that he had recently suffered from a "terminal illness" and needed to go to the hospital for treatment quickly.

Before he could complain about the poor excuse, the other party disappeared without a trace.

With no other choice, the doomsday madman had no choice but to place a reward and invite people to come to the weapons factory to test this new weapon.

However, when I heard that an anti-aircraft gun was used to shoot down a vehicle several hundred meters high,


"It's best not to let me catch the chance. Next time I will let all of them see the power of the Yeming anti-aircraft gun!"

The doomsday madman turned slightly red and coughed dryly.

"If nothing happens, forget it, just ask for your blessings."

Spicy Iron Hammer clicked his tongue twice, and finally stopped wanting to complain.

I have to say that Brother Kuangren is indeed an out-and-out "genius".

Not in a derogatory sense, but as a special genius in another dimension.

Because the Ye Ming anti-aircraft gun cannot hit the enemy, it can be described as waste to a certain extent.

Therefore, you can either choose to increase the killing accuracy or choose the killing range, but there is no other way.

Among these two choices, Brother Madman decisively chose the latter when he woke up.

And the method he took was also very simple.

The main ingredient used to cause damage in the artillery shell has been changed!

Now, in addition to the necessary push explosives, the shells contain a specially developed fluorescent liquid.

It only needs to be exploded at high altitude, and this thing will explode and cover a surrounding area of ​​at least one hundred meters.

If it sticks to it, unless you use a special cleaning agent, you can only use the most primitive method of slowly digging with a scraper.

Strangely enough, the "Ye Ming" in the name of this cannon does correspond to its true function.

But if it wants to play a real role on the battlefield, the success rate is still unknown.

"Don't worry, lend me some more, and I'll pay you back as soon as I develop a hit product!"

The doomsday madman stood up and confidently patted the big guy next to him.

However, before he could finish speaking, Spicy Iron Hammer interrupted him, shaking his head like a rattle.

"Go away, you already borrowed four thousand coppers from me. Didn't the lord own your factory as a shareholder? Go and apply with the territory?!"

After several shareholding mergers, 60% of the current steel plant shares have been replaced by Sumo with new technologies.

Of the remaining 40% of the shares, 10% belongs to Hope Village and the other 10% is given to Longteng Village to facilitate the acquisition of high-quality and low-cost raw materials.

After this calculation, only 20% of the people actually got into the hands of Spicy Iron Hammer.

For this 20%, he also has to be responsible for the expenses of the more than 90 people in the current factory, as well as the updating of equipment and production losses.

"No, if the lord knows that I am tinkering with these things every day, he will definitely skin me."

"Please, please lend me some more for the last time. I have a feeling that the Ye Ming-1 anti-aircraft gun will definitely become popular."

Look at the confident look of the doomsday madman.

Spicy Iron Hammer was about to speak but stopped.

No matter how he looked at it, he didn't think that this thing could be used by everyone and become a hit.

Would anyone carry a bulky, heavy anti-aircraft gun home?

No, you don’t even have room to put this thing after you buy it, right?

However, when I think about the 3,000 coppers I have paid, what if the weapons factory of this doomsday madman goes bankrupt.

Even if it is a waste of time, even if the subsequent director of the weapons factory acknowledges the previous debt, it will probably take a long time to repay it.

"Okay, one last time, I'll lend you another thousand!"

"two thousand!"

"No, at least 1,500. The production cost of this Ye Ming anti-aircraft gun is 300."

"Fuck, who fool would be willing to buy this? Forget it, one thousand and five, just one thousand and five!"

Triumph Hospital.

Tian Dadong, wearing a white hospital gown, sat on the hospital bed, flipping through the magazine in his hand out of boredom.

I heard that this territory was acquired from the aborigines nearby, and it records the glory of Blue Star three hundred years ago.

In order to prevent everyone infected with the Hell Flower Virus from panicking, Dean Yan specially applied for a copy to be distributed to everyone.

But unfortunately, the book he was given was just tidbits, filled with gossip about celebrities.

What a skinny traffic boy is actually a senior agent who has been trained for two and a half years, hiding in his crotch a hidden secret that he wants to steal intelligence.

The fringe female celebrity who calls for a ban on weapons is actually an arms dealer in the Middle East, selling large amounts of arms to support the war behind her back.

Good guy, you’re going to be ridiculous as soon as you hear it!

Tian Dadong simply couldn't use these gossips to construct his understanding of the Blue Star team.

On the other hand, the old Liu next to him, who had reached the end of his life and was almost dying, was imitating the movements in the book with great energy, making hey hey hey sounds from his mouth.

"I said, Lao Liu, are you sure you won't take a break? You are a patient!"

Tian Dadong couldn't help but complain.

"Young man, life lies in movement. As long as I can move, I will never rest."

"If you don't exercise well now, you won't tell lies when you get out of the hospital. No one will want you when you go to the territory to find a job!"

Lao Liu was practicing on his own without any intention of stopping.

The people who were practicing with him also kept talking, and they all agreed with Lao Liu's idea.

"Yes, yes, what are you doing free? During this time, we must quickly return to normal levels."

"It's amazing to say that Dean Yan gave me an injection last night and I felt much better immediately!"

"No, I heard that Dean Yan is a national treasure. We are all lucky people."

"Just Lao Liu, the one who was brought here was about to die, but Dean Yan pulled him back from the gate of life and death."

"So, we should exercise even more!"

Performing a difficult movement, Lao Liu even felt like he was back in his youth.

Of course, it's no wonder he feels this way.

Anyone who has experienced a trip through the gate of life and death will have a similar wonderful feeling.

It is as if the whole person has been reborn, both physically and mentally, there will be miraculous reverse growth.

"But...you are practicing based on comic books?!"

When it comes to learning Blue Star language, some people are slow and some are fast.

Tian Dadong belongs to the faster group. Although he cannot speak, he can already understand the meaning of most of the Blue Star texts.

At this time, he didn't know how to refute Lao Liu. He glanced at the logo above the magazine and almost spit out the water he just drank in his mouth.

"What, a comic book?"

Old Liu was stunned. No wonder the little man in the picture looked so miniscule.

It turned out to be a comic book?

The scene was a little awkward for a while.

Fortunately, the ward door opened, and Yan Xiaqing, wearing a white coat, walked in with a group of intern doctors, attracting everyone's attention.

"Good guys, you recovered very quickly, you can even exercise!"

A young doctor was amazed, unable to imagine that these people were near-death patients more than ten days ago.

"No, Dean Yan's treatment is too powerful!"

"I feel like I'm doing so well that I can even go to work in the fields."

"Can I find a job? I want to find a job in advance now. Otherwise, I would be embarrassed to eat for nothing every day."

Players from the Harvest Tribe are almost all honest people.

Most of them were middle-aged men who had some strength and knew how to do farm work. Only then could they prepare supplies in advance and set off to land in the New World.

Unfortunately, our luck was not so good and too many people got separated along the way.

Seeing the radiant faces of this group of people, Yan Xiaqing also felt a little emotional.

"You guys are so lucky, you just happened to catch up with us to finish testing the first phase of the treatment plan."

"Now, the second phase is now available for you to use in the first batch. It seems that the effect is extremely good."

The road to success is a winding one, especially when fighting a new virus.

There are not many instruments and time for Yan Xiaqing to study slowly, so the first phase plan is very strong.

Either it's broken into pieces or it's completely broken.

Directly use psionic water to support the base, and rely on stimulating the body's own immunity to forcefully survive the hell flower.

Until last night, a researcher accidentally mixed up the bottles while centrifuging serum from recovered patients.

I also took a nap during the centrifugation process, which made the centrifugation time several times longer.

It is very miraculous that a small amount of psionic water was mixed with the patient's blood at high speed, and strong antibodies were produced.

No one expected that the effects of simply processing strong antibodies and mixing them into the human body would be astonishing.

The people in the ward who were close to recovery recovered to normal people after just one night.

When I checked the virus content in my body, I found that it was negligible.

"We have to report this news to the territory quickly and see if we can notify the people going to the deep sea."

After recording the status of each patient, Yan Xiaqing walked out of the door and hurried towards the village chief's office.

Being able to barely heal Hell Flowers and being able to completely heal Hell Flowers are two different concepts.

If this good news can be conveyed to the deep sea, it may be possible to bring back more talents to the territory.

However, what she never expected was.

Now that the communication team has quickly arrived at the edge of the deep sea, they have encountered unexpected big trouble!

"Good morning, fishermen who come to trade, please pay attention to your words and deeds, do not try to have any conflict with anyone in the station, let alone disobey the requirements of the manager. Otherwise, we will confiscate all the fish as punishment, and

If you are blacklisted, you will never be able to enter the sea station."

"As usual, the next time is the broadcast time of maritime news. Please pay attention to the content of the news. Those who are interested can go to the broadcast office to learn more."

"The first one is news about a family search in Hong Kong and Macau waters three hundred nautical miles away. The publisher is Joyce Pamela. Let's hear what happened to this poor man. Well, the principle is because of a

As a result of the wasteland earthquake that broke out, their family was accidentally swept away by ocean currents while fishing. Now they spend a lot of money to find their lost daughter Joyce Emily, who is characterized by: blond hair, blue-green eyes,

He is 1.6 meters tall and 21 years old. He was wearing a yellow water plant vine suit when he went missing."

"The second article is also 300 nautical miles away in the waters of Hong Kong and Macau. This is an advertisement. A recruitment advertisement issued by the pufferfish tribe who is about to leave for the New World. What follows is their original words: We have three hundred young and strong men.

And we have accumulated enough supplies for half a year. We have a safe, strong and reliable sailboat, which will not roll over even in an earthquake. Because the sea environment is getting worse now, we have recruited a group of mercenaries with considerable combat capabilities to resist the attack.

Pirates, protect us on our way to the New World, we are willing to provide weapons!"

"The third article, haha, this is actually a message from the giant tree root sea two thousand miles away, and it has to be relayed even further! It's been a long time since I've seen someone use a post station to deliver a message so far away. It seems like they

My brain finally opened up and I found that the Yi Station is much easier to use than the World Channel."

"Let me read the content of this message."

"Ahem, dear compatriots on Earth, we are a tribe from the New World, and our tribe's name is 'Tianyuan'. I believe you will be heading to the New World soon, and here we wish you a successful arrival. There is one more thing

It may be important to you that we have great medical capabilities if anyone is unlucky."

"Damn it, isn't this an advertising message? The sender didn't pay enough and just wanted to take advantage of the loophole to promote it. This is simply the stupidest thing to do!"

"Okay, today's news broadcast is over. I am your dear announcer, Dorothea Jay."

"The fog is almost over, but the mission of the inn is far from over. Everyone is welcome to come here to exchange news before heading to the New World. We will open a new channel in a few days specifically for sending and receiving news from the New World, but please note that this

It’s not free. If the choice is the same as that of our friend from the giant tree root sea area, then we will directly choose to reject it~”

"Thank you for listening, see you tomorrow!"

This chapter has been completed!
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