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Chapter 1095: Be careful, the righteous Captain Bao Lei!

Xu Leguo originally thought that he would have to suffer some physical pain before his nephew would be willing to pay his gambling debts.

Five thousand seashells is not a small amount. He was able to export it simply because he was being teased by others and was unwilling to give in.

However, what surprised him was that when he heard about the location of the supplies, Richard agreed to pay off the debt without any hesitation.

Why is it so neat and tidy?

Being dragged towards the water prison by Bao Lei, Xu Leguo became increasingly uneasy.

He is not a fool. If that material had not been so important, Richard would never have performed as he did now.

If this makes him think that I will use these material points to threaten him in the future,

"You should be glad that you were imprisoned in the water prison today, otherwise these people would have killed you on the spot."

"What?" Xu Leguo, who was still thinking about how to reassure Richard, was stunned and quickly looked up at Bao Lei.

The latter did not speak, and pouted angrily at the surrounding people.

Ever since the two of them came out of Richard's office, more and more travelers with strange looks appeared around them.

Because the people here still give Bao Lei, the guard captain, a bit of a thumbs-down, so no nefarious people have come around yet.

"You still don't know, right? When you were drinking and going to the casino, the news that you were colluding with pirates had already spread in the inn. Now it is estimated that 80,000 people in the inn know that you, Xu Leguo, secretly sell the inn and surrounding areas.

The fleet's defense plan is given to the pirates."


What pirate?

Xu Leguo's mind was a little confused and he shrank back.

He quietly looked around and saw that something was wrong with the eyes of the people around him. When he thought about what Bao Lei had just said, he suddenly felt a bitter taste in his mouth and his stomach felt like it was turning upside down under the influence of the nervous state of mind.

"I didn't collude with the pirates. How could I not deploy it? I don't even know how to deploy these things."

"Oh, do you know it's important? Richard's uncle is a close confidant of the inn manager. They don't think you are a brainless bad gambler."

Bao Lei grinned and retorted without hesitation.

Since foreign travelers pass by the inn every day, it is basically impossible to control public opinion here.

Especially the manager Richard didn't put his mind on this at all, so once there was any public opinion, it grew almost wildly.

Bao Lei didn't care whether these people would rob the water prison and kill Xu Leguo with anger.

Just die, you're not a big shot.

It just gave him an excuse to raid the casino in the inn and collect some supplies to support his "family".

"No, this must be someone deliberately framing me. Yes, there must be someone who does this deliberately!"

Although he didn't know exactly what happened, his intuition told Xu Leguo that the person who released the news that he was colluding with pirates must have an ulterior motive.

Could it be that his nephew wanted to use this excuse to get rid of him?

Subconsciously thinking of the previous threat to Richard, Xu Leguo suddenly trembled.

"Captain Bao Bao, you can't look at me like this. Watch me die. You know, I'm just a bad gambler. I'm definitely not the kind of mole who can collude with pirates to murder one of my own people. There must be something wrong with me."

The real mole wants to get rid of me and use me to cover up the crimes he committed."

"Shut up." Bao Lei almost wanted to give this drunkard a slap in the face.

He got angry when he talked about this. Some time ago, Richard asked him again and again to take people out to duel with pirates.

But based on the news that is now circulating, it is inferred that there is really an insider at Jushugen Station.

If he had been forced to go out and fight the pirates at that time, I am afraid that the news would have been passed on to the pirates before they even got close.

"If you want to live, go and talk to Richard. It's useless to talk to me. I'm not your nephew."

"No, even if I were your uncle, I wouldn't save your nephew who is a gambler. I think you might as well die early, so that you can save some supplies for the inn, and don't lose everything to those water ghosts who set up a trap.

As a result, the salary of our guard force has to be raised by me, the captain, from all over the place, which is really troublesome."


Xu Leguo was anxious.

However, Bao Lei's reaction did not surprise him.

If anyone in the whole station has the most qualifications to deny him, then it is probably the powerful captain.

The two hundred people he recruited are all retired soldiers from the earth. Not only do they have strict military discipline, but their combat prowess is also ridiculously high. All of them can fight one against three.

The only drawback is that it is very expensive to maintain these people.

After all, there must be an adequate supply of food, an attractive enough salary, and frequent training.

It is completely impossible to accomplish this without enough sea shells.

Although Richard would allocate funds to the Guard, most of that money was reserved for the people led by his close aide Marcus.

No wonder Captain Baole wanted to kill him on the spot when he heard that he had lost five thousand seashells in a bet.

It turns out that we are too short of money?!

Realizing this, Xu Leguo immediately thought of the only way to survive.

He turned his head and glanced at Richard's office, which had disappeared from sight, gritted his teeth and said suddenly:

"Captain Bao Lei, don't be angry. Although I am a bad gambler and a spendthrift. But don't worry, I am completely different from my nephew Richard. I am very aware of the current difficult situation of the Guard, and I also know how you usually behave.

How difficult the work is. Like this, as long as you can protect me, I will tell you a secret spot where the supplies are hidden."

"There are two hundred thousand there. Yes, there are at least two hundred thousand seashells' supplies!"

Two hundred thousand, that is a month's rations for four thousand people, which is a huge amount of supplies.

And this was the amount he saw two months ago. Now that Richard is making money like crazy, it may be even more than this amount.

"Two hundred thousand seashells?"

Bao Lei's brows twitched.

If there was really so much money, it wouldn't be a problem to expand the number of guards to a thousand or even more.

But how could Xu Leguo have such money? If he did, would he go to the casino to owe money and wait for Richard to pay it back?

Wait, Richard?

Bao Lei suddenly reacted and sneered: "Xu Leguo, you are not going to use your nephew's secret material points to negotiate terms with me, are you?"

"Strictly speaking, that's not his supply point."

Xu Leguo coughed lightly.

"Ahem, Captain Bao Lei, maybe you don't know what happened when the inn was established, but I can assure you that these materials were found and accumulated by all of us founders, not by Richard alone."

"But it's his now, isn't it?"

Bao Lei paused and continued to retort.

"Besides, you also know the current situation at the inn. Your good nephew will not watch me go to his supply point to wreak havoc, let alone bring the things back to trap the guards. Of course, if you can move the supplies in front of me, maybe I

I will really save your life."

Bring supplies in front of you?

Xu Leguo felt a little numb.

This Bao Lei is really unskilled. The secret material points that outsiders would break their heads to know about actually sound worthless to him.

Why don't you try to trade with people outside to see if they can save your life?

After having this idea, Xu Leguo immediately rejected it.

The reason is very simple. Although the forces in this station are complicated, there is really no one who can conquer the whole crowd.

Public opinion is so bad now, if everyone knew that he was colluding with pirates.

Then let Richard know that the condition of his exchange turned out to be his secret material point.

Open up.

Finished offending.

When the pressure comes down and the other party can't bear to hand him over, he's probably really looking for death.

After thinking about it, Bao Lei was the only one who could save his life at Jushugen Station.

what to do?

Xu Leguo's head was spinning rapidly, and with the alcohol in his blood, a bold idea came to him.

"Captain Bao Lei, do you want to be the manager of this giant tree root sea area?"


"I mean, aren't there rumors that I am a traitor to the pirates? But if these people outside know that Richard, the manager, is actually the real traitor, he is colluding with the pirates and selling fleet information.

Is there a possibility that you, a righteous guard captain, can naturally become the new manager of our Giant Tree Root Station?"

"Tsk, tsk, you mean you want me to kill your nephew?"

We were about to arrive at the guard station, and Bao Lei didn't worry so much when he spoke.

"You are so courageous. If Richard knew what you were thinking now, I'm afraid there would be no need for anyone from outside to take action. The people he sent would kill you later that night."

"I know, of course I know."

"But even if I don't say this now, Richard won't give up. He knows that if I'm cornered, I won't be able to go to hell with this secret."

"Are you sober?"

Bao Lei stared at this guy intently, feeling surprised in his heart.

In fact, when Xu Leguo said this just now, he was really tempted.

If you can get rid of Richard as the manager, you can naturally take possession of his material warehouse.

And once the guard force expands smoothly, the Giant Tree Root Station can also end the current chaos to a certain extent.

The inn next to the coastline?

Eighty thousand people have gathered now, and the number of people will only increase in the next one to two months.

If you can earn as many as ten seashells from these people.

Thinking of the original intention of applying to come to Haiyu this time, Bao Lei got excited for the first time and began to think about Xu Leguo's proposal.

The main goal of giving the territory to him was publicity, and the secondary goal was to develop branch forces along the coastline.

After all, no one would want to stay here for a long time without exploring a new continent that is more mysterious and has more opportunities.

But if we can catch up with the arrival of the great migration, we can occupy such a big station in advance.

Absolute credit!

Perhaps it is not impossible to establish a sub-territory based on the inn.

"Tell me what you think?"

"It's very simple. Don't they think I am a traitor? Then I will stand up and identify Richard as the traitor!"

"So simple?"

"Yes, everyone knows that I am his uncle. Since they think that I know the defense plan, is it so incomprehensible that I know Richard's secret?"

It sounds simple, but in fact it is not a simple thing to implement.

First of all, we must control Richard as the manager and ensure that he will not take any action when public opinion is mobilized.

The premise is to get rid of his cronies Marcus and some of the guards, which is equivalent to a civil war.

Secondly, how to stabilize the travelers outside when the civil war breaks out.

Some of these people are watching the excitement, while others are waiting for the opportunity for the bird to occupy the dove's nest.

The Giant Tree Root Station is a hot spot. Even if the plan goes well, two hundred guards may not be able to defend it.

You must apply for support from your territory!

The last raid on pirates could be delayed, but this time the battle for managers has a different meaning.

Bao Lei made a decision in his mind and looked up at the guard on duty not far away.

"Someone, take him to the water prison and lock him up."

Hearing Bao Lei's arrangement, Xu Leguo had a trace of bitterness on his face.

Did it still fail?

To be honest, the only value point on his body is probably the location of the supplies, but looking at the current situation, even if he told the other party immediately, nothing would change.


"By the way, arrange for more people to keep an eye on him for me. Don't let the little guys outside put their hands in without my instructions."

"Okay." A soldier smiled.

Under Xu Leguo's surprised, surprised, and uneasy expression, he pushed him.

"Why are you still standing there, expecting to be beaten here?"

"Go, go, I'm leaving now!"

Captain Bao Lei didn't make any promises, but these words were like the sound of nature.

Although the other party has not made up his mind whether to activate his plan, or in other words, the other party has not yet decided how much he is worth.

But Xu Leguo knew that he had finally survived for a few days!

In the New World, the rainfall is progressive from the edge to the center.

The further toward the center, the heavier the rain becomes.

It is also accompanied by extremely fast cooling stimulation.

In order to prevent this heavy rain from spreading into floods like the last time the fog dissipated, Tianyuan Territory once again organized thousands of people to start the second phase of the river widening project despite the low temperature.

This time the river will start from the Fishman Village and lead directly to the warning wall.

With a total length of nearly 80 kilometers, it is truly a big project!

Although the salary for this kind of collective disaster relief work is not much, there are special contribution points that can be obtained. All the participating players are very active and show their willingness to give up the work.

The aboriginal Barren Bone Village and Huo Village did not stop either.

They all sent people to learn about it, and then imitated it and wanted to build a floodway near the gathering place.

Just now the temperature has dropped and the crops in the fields have stopped growing.

Idle time is also idle. Being able to do this kind of infrastructure work and get satisfactory remuneration is more comfortable than lying on a small bed in a daze.

In this regard, the lord Sumo also expressed his opinion and made a generous response to the distribution of cold-resistant materials.

Free for the first time.

The temperature drop this time was too sudden, and it was extreme weather that the indigenous people had never experienced before.

Asking them to bring supplies to garment factories to purchase them is inevitably suspected of taking advantage of the disaster to make money for themselves.

And taking advantage of the fact that there weren't many people around, he just wanted to show off his kindness as a lord.

When there are more people in the future, he can use the excuse that they were once free to reclassify the charges for those anti-disaster supplies.

This chapter has been completed!
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