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Chapter 1119 Ask yourself, why are you fighting!

What is dignity?

If you ask this vague question on the street, a thousand people may have a thousand different questions.

But on the screen, a group of silent veterans got their answers.

Ye Chu and Yin Xing were warmly received by the workers.

The two people were warmly invited by the plantation farmer to rest.

Two people were generously given material assistance by passing villagers.

They were even found by patrolling guards and were eventually taken to the Public Security Department to take charge of the meal.

More and more eliminated veterans were discovered, and were then enthusiastically taken to different places to receive hospitality.

Although everyone goes to different places, one thing is certain.

All this is free.

And it was because of their status that the other party got it for free.

Of course, no veteran suspected that what was displayed on the screen was just a show, just to deceive them.

Again, it's not necessary.

Every gopher family in this world has never treated soldiers like this before. Even the residents of Clear Harbor Shelter look down on the guards who protect them.

Only in some small gathering places of wanderers will they worship those with force.

But is this Tianyuan territory comparable to those small gathering places?

"I think hunting tigers are always telling you that you have to fight for the refuge, you have to fight for the residents."

"But ask yourselves, are you really fighting for those unarmed ordinary people? Are you really fighting for the sanctuary that has been passed down for hundreds of years? Or is it just that you want to protect yourself yesterday?

Don’t your benefits disappear?”

"Do you really know what you are fighting for?"

Is it clear?

In fact, it's not clear at all.

The reason why most people ignorantly change from residents to soldiers is because soldiers do not have demanding monthly tasks and can enjoy the preferential treatment of a slightly larger living space.

A small number of people actually wanted to defend something, but as the years went by, they gradually forgot all about it.

They just lived in confusion, training day after day according to the requirements of the shelter, and were ready to go out at any time.

"You don't know, right? Then let them tell you what you should fight for!"

The picture changed again.

Ye Chu and Yin Xing walked out of the cafeteria after eating and drinking.

After a period of psychological construction, they were embarrassed to continue hesitating when they thought that they both didn't mind when the other party saw them eating garbage.

Looking at Wang Yulong who was waiting not far from the door, Ye Chu walked over as a bachelor.

"To be honest, we have been tested and eliminated."

"According to regulations, the military camp will not accept us and we have to return to Pingtan shelter."

"Eliminated?" Wang Yulong adjusted his glasses, with an unexpected look of surprise on his face.

No wonder these two people ended up looking for garbage in the trash can at the door.

Is the selection of Tianyuan Army so harsh?

"I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to return to the shelter like this, right?" After looking at the disabled parts of the two people, Wang Yulong nodded and turned around without knowing what he discussed with the other workers.

After a while he came back and comforted:

"We have helped you raise funds for the lizard car to go back to the refuge. We are scheduled to pick you up tomorrow morning. Well, we can take you all the way to the border wall, so it should be much easier."

"Don't worry, we'll treat you to tonight's meal and tomorrow's breakfast too!"


This time it was Ye Chu and Yin Xing's turn to be stunned.

They have prepared the other party to get angry when they hear that they have been eliminated and want to kick them out.

But who would have thought that these people would actually be willing to raise funds for them.

"But we have been eliminated and cannot stay here as volunteers."

"What's the matter?" Wang Yulong waved his hands indifferently, and quickly walked between the two of them and hugged Ye Chu and Yin Xing respectively.

"Brother, I'm not talking about you two. We are almost the same age. Look at your legs like this, and you still want to be a volunteer army to protect us. How can we afford this, a few meals and a return trip?

If I continue to be irresponsible about my ticket, I won’t be stabbed in the back by others when I go back to the village.

Furthermore, when you return to Pingtan this time, don’t impulsively sign up for this kind of thing. That’s what young people should do. You guys, take good care of yourself and be responsible for some easy logistics and production work like us!"

Wang Yulong is almost forty.

Standing between the two of them and calling them brothers at this time, the scene is not considered out of harmony.

However, the more he said this, the more Ye Chu and Yin Xing suddenly felt a little sour in their noses, wanting to say more about what they really wanted to say.

Damn it.

It would be fine if they volunteered to become volunteers. The key point is that all of this was forced on them by predators.

At this time, Wang Yulong's words were like a sharp knife, piercing the two people and not knowing how to speak.

Still hearing the commotion, the director of the Underworld Factory, "No one knows better than me," came out and rescued the two of them.

"What are you yelling about? Why don't you do your work?"

"I remember you guys were lazy, you have to work overtime tonight to make up for it before you can go back to rest!"

Brother Dong walked vigorously and cursed, just like those black-hearted factory bosses who exploited their employees.

But just by looking at the smiles of the workers next to him, you can tell that he has a pretty good reputation in the factory.

Come all the way.

After seeing Ye Chu and Yin Xing surrounded by the crowd, Brother Dong couldn't help but frown.

"Where did these two people come from? Didn't they say that idlers should never be brought into the factory?"

"I think you are itching. This is the lord's order. If anything is lost in the factory, whoever is responsible will get out of the territory."

The importance of the underworld factory is self-evident.

Don't look at it. The entire 'True World' system has not yet been put into official operation, and is still being tested on a small scale.

But it can be seen from the test results that are getting better and better each time that this system is far from reaching the edge of the limit.

In order to strive to produce products and finished products, finished products and explosive products.

Unlike the adventurer terminal that was distributed before, it is still only a toy for a small number of people.

Even during the Metal Sigh disaster, the Jifu factory did not stop operations and was still producing and deploying production lines stably.

What if a stranger comes in and steals the information inside, or exposes the true world to the enemy.

Let alone an employee, even if he is the factory director.

I'm afraid they are all to blame.

"No, we have to recruit some guards."

Brother understands that he has made a decision in his mind.

The factory in the underworld is not profitable yet, and if one more person is hired, the expenses on the account will become even more ugly.

So before recruiting a doorman, I mentioned it to Li Hu, but the latter just laughed and said he would see if there was a suitable candidate when he got back, then let it go.

Moreover, the territory used to be very safe, and Longteng Village also had guards patrolling around the clock.

Underworld factories really don’t need extra janitors.

Now that many people have suddenly entered the territory, it is time to put this matter on the agenda.

However, no one expected that after hearing Wang Yulong's explanation, his frown suddenly relaxed.

"Team Leader Wang, are you saying that these two are volunteer veterans who came from Pingtan and were eliminated because they failed the test?"

"Yes, they said they would return to Pingtan after being eliminated, but..." Since Ye Chu and Yin Xing couldn't understand Chinese, Wang Yulong simply told what happened when they met them.

When he heard that the other party had inconvenient legs and feet and wanted to join the volunteer army, and was reduced to having to go to the trash can at the back door of the factory to find something to eat, Brother Dong's expression changed slightly, and his eyes couldn't help but soften a little.

However, as the factory director of the underworld, he still did not carelessly listen to Wang Yulong's words.

He calmly called up the game panel and contacted Lu Zhou, the guard captain of Longteng Village.

"Captain Lu, I have two people here. One is named Ye Chu, and the other is named Yin Xing. They seem to be volunteers who were eliminated from the military camp. Could you please help verify their identities."

After a few seconds, as if the other party was waiting, the message in the private chat box came back.

"No problem, my identity has been verified and I am a volunteer who came to take part in the test this time."

"Okay, I heard that they are going back to the Pingtan shelter, so I will arrange for someone to send them back."

"Uh-huh, don't worry. Your place happens to be short of doormen. I think these two are quite suitable."


Brother Dong was stunned for a moment, unable to react.

"Aren't these two people eliminated and going back to Pingtan Shelter?"

"So I said you can ask them first. Although the two Tianyuan Army people will definitely not be able to participate, as far as I know, returning to Pingtan Shelter is not a mandatory requirement. It just depends on whether they are willing to stay."

"Okay, but..." At the end, Brother Miao still added uneasily: "Can these two people be believed?"

"Of course, I have been screened to be able to come to you. Otherwise, do you think the guards in the village are all fools?"

This is true.

When Ye Chu and Yin Xing entered the Desolate Bone Village, their identities had already been identified by the guards hiding in the dark.

Because of the excellent performance of the two people in the test, and the fact that after entering the village, they still went to the trash cans to look for food, instead of going to the closed factories to rob.

That's why he finally got close to the Underworld Factory, and was even discovered by Wang Yulong and invited in.

"I understand."

Saying the mantra, Brother Dong smiled and closed the game panel.

The players understood that he had opened the game panel for verification, but the Blue Star people did not know about the game.

They only saw Brother Dong stunned, as if he was thinking about something, and then he walked towards Ye Chu and Yin Xing enthusiastically.

"I am the director of this factory. You can call me the director, or you can just call me by my nickname. No one knows better than me, or understands me."

"I understand your situation for the time being. I heard that you are going back to the shelter?"

Ye Chu and Yin Xing agreed angrily, and then nodded honestly.

To be honest, they don't know where else to go now.

Eliminating them and returning to Pingtan Shelter is the last possible escape route among all options.

However, what surprised the two of them was that upon hearing their answers, Brother Dong's eyes couldn't help but light up:

"If you just go back like this, the people in the shelter won't laugh at you, right?"

Good guy.

If you don't open the pot, you won't be able to lift it, right?

Not to mention the reactions of Ye Chu and Yin Xing, the nearly two thousand people still watching in front of the screen were a little confused.

"You should be able to, right?"

The honest Yin Xing scratched his scalp and replied awkwardly.

Unexpectedly, the light in Brother Dong’s eyes became even more obvious!

"Then why are you going back? Isn't it better to stay in our Tianyuan territory?"

"But we." Pointing in the direction of the military camp, Ye Chu's eyes dimmed: "We were eliminated."

"Look, your brains haven't turned around yet!"

Brother Ming laughed loudly: "You have come to our Tianyuan. If you don't want to be a regular volunteer soldier, why don't you become an irregular soldier? I mean, do you still have to hang yourself on the tree of volunteers?"


"Well, I see you don't have anywhere to go for the time being. My factory happens to be short of two doormen, who are responsible for guarding the front and rear doors. Well, three meals and accommodation are included, and there is also a salary of ten iron coins a day!"


The sound of gasping air came out at the same time.

Workers like Wang Yulong were surprised by Brother Dong's evil heart, and he was able to get paid with ten iron coins.

You must know that the average basic salary in the territory has now reached 19 iron coins. Even if it does not include three meals a day, it will still be around 15 if it is full.

This is a direct loss of one-third of the salary for hiring illegal workers!

Ye Chu and Yin Xing were surprised that the other party not only did not intend to drive them away, but even offered them a job, including food and accommodation, and even a salary. Is this what really happened?

As for the veterans watching in front of the screen, their faces also showed shock.

Especially Yu Ran.

He saw the price list for the afternoon meal. A serving of vegetarian ramen only cost two iron coins.

For ten iron coins a day, wouldn't it be enough to eat five bowls of ramen?

Moreover, the other party also provides food and accommodation, so the money can be saved.

In one week, that’s thirty-five bowls of ramen!

Give such a generous reward to two cripples, or to the eliminated cripple?

For a time, many veterans even had some thoughts, wishing they could replace Ye Chu and Yin Xing to join this underworld factory.

"I know. Why would you still choose the two of us who were eliminated and have obvious physical problems?"

In the picture, after being briefly surprised, Ye Chu still did not lose his mind.

There will be no pie in the sky.

If so, it only means that it’s not time to pay the price yet.

And will the two of them be worthless enough to pay for it?

"The answer is very simple, because I feel that you two, after being eliminated like this, must really want to prove that your abilities are enough, and you will not be returned to the shelter so simply."

"So I am willing to give you a week to do this job. If you do well, I will stay and prove your ability. If you do not do well, I will still send you back to the Pingtan shelter, and I will also deduct your salary for this week.

Consider it as food and transportation expenses.”

He doesn't just give alms blindly, Brother understands is very smart.

He preserved the dignity of the two of them very well and gave them enough respect.

But something surprising still happened.

Ye Chu and Yin Xing knelt down on one knee without hesitation and dropped their right hands on their left knees.

This is

The highest etiquette of Blue Star soldiers!

Even though I am hunting tigers, I have never really enjoyed it in more than ten years!

This chapter has been completed!
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