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Chapter 1129 The disaster ends and chaos begins!

February 20th, Year Two of the Wasteland Calendar, is an anniversary that occupies more than ten pages in the history of the Wasteland.

Some people call it the ‘Day of Destruction’ because it was from here that the original civilization of mankind began to collapse.

All the remaining laws and rules of the 'previous' era have become a thing of the past, and chaos has become the mainstream of the wasteland.

Human beings began to kill each other, distrust each other, and even launch large-scale wars with each other.

Sacrifice and casualties have become the mainstream in the era of survival.

But at the same time, some people call it the "first birthday" because as the ruins of the old rules continue to collapse, new rules emerge.

It gives survivors hope to live and helps more and more people find the talents buried deep in their body's genes.

If we say that the first five thousand years of human evolution were an adventure chapter called "taking risks".

So from this moment of birth.

A brave chapter called 'Despite one's own safety' has officially begun!

The sea of ​​giant tree roots.

Before the disaster ended in the early morning, the station became deserted in advance.

Except for a few daring drunkards hanging out on the pier, the only remaining workers who were still cleaning up the transferred garbage dared to stay outside.

The reason is quite simple.

Because no matter who becomes the owner of this inn, the most basic structure will always be needed.


Other insignificant survivors have long since retreated to their hiding places, waiting for the chaos that is about to begin to end.

Maybe three days, maybe five days, a week, or even longer.

No one knows how long this chaos will last.

But as a component not worth mentioning under the torrent, most survivors can only 'wait'.

"Captain, it seems that the people from the Fan Gang are going to attack the security team. Should we bring someone to help?"


On board the huge Tundra, Zhang Long reported to Lu Yongyi respectfully.

As long as metal has no 'meaning', it will not be affected by this sighing disaster.

Therefore, you only need to disassemble the gun into different parts and save them before the disaster strikes, and then you can reassemble them for use after the disaster.

Of course, let alone ordinary people, even these gangs definitely have few guns in their hands.

After all, even if everyone knows the construction principles and how to build a gun, you can’t just make it out of thin air, right?

Without the power of modern industry, a seamless pipe alone would stump most people.

In addition, although the gun can be disassembled and stored without being affected, the bullets are different.

Even if the cartridge case is opened and the gunpowder inside is poured out, the single cartridge case will still be affected by the disaster.

So the next period of time.

In an area with barren industry and almost no giant tree roots, firefights may break out from time to time, but the probability of large-scale battles should be very low.

And this was one of the reasons why the survivors did not leave immediately and were still hiding in the room.

"Help?" Lu Yongyi picked up the telescope and looked at the crowded place.

After a while, he put the telescope aside and pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers.

"Take some people, bring them all. Remember, don't get really angry."


Watching Zhang Long's figure go away, Lu Yongyi sat down expressionlessly, his mind still thinking rapidly.

If only a few hundred people from the Fan Gang are dispatched tonight, it may be just a small test to see what the strength of the security team will be after the disaster is over.

But seeing that at least two to three thousand people have gathered now, this is no longer a simple test.

Obviously they wanted to take this opportunity to test the true strength of the tundra fleet.

The order is really getting more and more chaotic.

There are so many people who want to dominate the mountain and become kings.

I remember when I first traveled to the wasteland, everyone was working hard and just wanted to survive.

But only a year has passed, and the huge threat of the alien race has clearly not disappeared, but human beings have already started to have civil strife.

Thinking of this, Lu Yongyi couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and his eyes wandered in the direction of the New World.

Migration is a heavy topic.

It is still controllable at sea. You only need to command every ship in the fleet, not specific people.

But once on land, the difficulty will undoubtedly increase tenfold.

Putting aside how to mobilize personnel, material transportation is an issue that cannot be ignored.

But think about it.

If it were really so easy to log into this new continent, humans wouldn't all be gathered in this inn.

I don’t know when I can find out the news about Sumo.

Lu Yongyi thought secretly in his heart.

At this moment, the members of the Fan Gang in the distance finally gathered and started walking towards the slum where the security team was located.

Snap, snap.


The sound of scattered footsteps came and went one after another, and it seemed to be playing a symphony along with the surging sea water.

Many fearful survivors have hid under the bed or in the cupboard, chatting and browsing the world in fear, while secretly praying that they can survive until dawn.

No one expected that as soon as the clock turned, unprecedented chaos would break out in dozens of sea areas.

Among them, there are several large sea areas with a population of about three million. The major forces within have already fought together, and they all want to gain an advantage as soon as possible.

Although ordinary survivors have not been affected yet, if they really get angry, who can predict whether they will suddenly go crazy and target ordinary people?

And those who were a little bolder quietly clung to the doors and windows, opening a small crack to peek out.

The neatly dressed members of the Fan Gang had already formed a team, holding either prods or various newly assembled iron tools in their hands.

Mostly axes, mixed with some long knives and crossbows.

Under the swaying ship's lantern, the ax head emitted bursts of cold light, which made people shudder.

Even if they find someone hiding and peeking, these people will not shy away from suspicion. Instead, they will approach them with an evil and terrifying smile.

"Boy, are you considering joining the Fan Gang?"


Screams came one after another, causing waves of sinister laughter that made people feel chilled all over.

Since the annexation of the Chuyang Gang, the number of Fan Gang has surged to around 25,000, which is more than double the number of the previous third force, the 'Luo Gang'.

If it hadn't been for the arrival of a dragon crossing the river like the Tundra Fleet, no one would have dared to speak out even if Valentine announced that he had become the manager of the station.

Of course, even though there was a numerical disadvantage, Valentine did not give up his ambition.

The temptation to take advantage of the end of the disaster is the first step to launch an attack.

"Damn it, these people are too arrogant!"

At the security team station, a total of 508 members have been assembled and are standing guard in the station's defense facilities.

Looking at more and more Fan Gang members arriving in the distance, they sat down and rested as if nothing happened.

Many newcomers have already fought with each other, and they feel that the weapons in their hands are a little unsteady.

But there is no way, not everyone has the ability to fight one against three, or one against four.

Even the two captains, Bao Lei and Li Feng, thought it would be difficult for them to do it.

After all, they had already retreated from the territory before they came out.

Although this avoids the physical limitations of leaving the territory for too long, it also loses the bonus of the route, resulting in a sharp decrease in combat effectiveness.

By this time, nearly 3,000 people from the Fan Gang had arrived, counting one against six.

No matter how much they cursed or hated in their hearts, no one dared to actually step out of the bunker and engage the opponent in hand-to-hand combat.

"Calm down, everyone, our goal is just to hold the bunker."

"We are afraid of death. They are not robots, so of course they are afraid of death!"

Seeing that more and more people were panicking behind the bunker, Li Feng had no choice but to stand up and comfort them.

He had already anticipated this situation when he first chose to build a residence.

Therefore, all configurations are built with the goal of defense first.

Now if the enemy wants to rush in, they can either rush over by boat from the sea behind the security team's station and attack in a sneak attack, or they can only attack from the gap in the front.

The former is an offensive method that completely breaks the skin. Once used, it means life or death.

The people from the Fan Gang were just testing it out, so naturally they wouldn't use it.

So now only the front side needs to be defended, and the pressure is not too great.

Even if the opponent really wants to test the security team's background, Li Feng is confident that he can command these newcomers to win the battle.

However, judging from the current scene, the person in charge of the Fan Gang is not stupid either.

After all the gang members were in place, they just rested in place and had no intention of coming over to attack.

Block the door?

Or delaying time?

Bao Lei, who was sitting in the temporary command room, had a cautious expression on his face, and his eyes occasionally glanced at several rooms in the station where there were slight noises.

When they left the territory, they carried a total of sixty Wolf fang rifles.

After being dismantled in time, the disaster did not affect the condition of the rifle, and it can still be used today.

But there was trouble when it came to bullets, and the Metal Sigh disaster destroyed the entire inventory.

Even though the security team had recruited ten craftsmen in advance, they began to hand-make raw materials and roll bullets as soon as the disaster was over.

The output per hour is only about two hundred rounds at most.

It was eight hours before dawn, and the maximum number of rolls was about 1,600, which was not enough for sixty guns and one magazine per person.

Of course, this does not take into account losses and errors.

Hand-rolled bullets inherently have large and small errors. Even if the AK-imitation Wolf Fang rifle is not picky, some obviously problematic bullets must be removed to prevent jamming.

This back and forth will lead to a decrease in output.

"We should have hired more people at that time."

In a hurry, the first rolled bullet was finally delivered, with signs of beating on it.

Hearing what the guard said, Bao Lei smiled, picked up the bullet and looked at it, and said helplessly:

"We are not here to fight. Is it possible that you really want to start a life-and-death war?"

"But the people from the Fan Gang outside have blocked the door, making it clear that they want to have a fight with us."

"Don't worry, it's just a bunch of rabble. Do they really dare to come in?"

Bao Lei curled his lips disdainfully.

If these gang members really need the positive status of the security force, delaying the action until now is obviously not a good time.

As early as a few days ago, when the security team was still expanding in size, Bao Lei was even willing to give up.

After all, the manager position has been vacant for so many days, and no one has been able to replace it.

But the reason why they haven't taken action yet is very simple.

Not only is it unprofitable, but it will also harm your own interests.

It is said that all the bustle in the world is for benefit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world is for benefit.

The Giant Tree Root Sea Area is not a stable gathering place, and ordinary people living here do not have any means of production in their hands.

There are three main reasons why they still stay here.

First, because the environment is relatively stable, there is a righteous "sweeping team" to maintain simple order, and there is a group of less violent similar people staying there, and there is no threat of death if you say the wrong thing anytime or if conflicts break out.

Second, because the Metal Sigh disaster is not over yet, many people are afraid to hit the road rashly until the next disaster occurs.

Third, the situation in the New World is not yet clear, and many people are waiting for official forces to come in to investigate clearly before making a decision.

Once someone comes forward, break any of these three reasons.

The survivors are not like those refugees in ancient times who guarded a third of an acre of land and were unwilling to leave their homes even if they were oppressed to death.

If Valentine becomes the manager and announces that everyone will need to pay a sum of materials as a price for staying.

Don't worry, a large number of people will choose to leave the next day, even if they join forces to kill him.

In the same way, if the Fan Gang dares to attack now, the security team will replace them.

During the day, there were definitely many people who hated the Fan Gang and immediately packed up and left to avoid being bullied even more.

The remaining ordinary people will feel uneasy and leave as soon as they find that a group of beasts are responsible for order.

It won't take long before the entire inn will be filled with people leaving for tea.

As for using force to suppress it.

Although 25,000 people is a large number, it is not worth mentioning in front of the 800,000 people in the post station.

If they really want to leave in large quantities, there is absolutely nothing the Fan Gang can do.

"Then we are blocked like this?"

The guard opened his mouth, then blushed and asked.

If the Fan Gang deliberately created a feeling of even power, the ordinary people in the inn would still have a glimmer of hope.

In a sense, the security team becomes a tool in the opponent's hands.

A tool used to extract materials from ordinary people!

This is simply too frustrating.

"Of course not, I have my own way, but it's just not the time yet!"

Bao Lei's eyes were filled with confidence and his voice was full of unquestionable determination.

Everyone who came from the territory had been notified that support was coming, but these new guards were still kept in the dark.

First, because we can't explain the reason for our support to them, we can't be said to be Su Shen's people.

Second, Li Hu did not clearly explain what the support was. He only said that the lord had already arranged it, so they could just wait and feel at ease.

Even though we knew that given the size of the territory, we would only be able to send a few hundred people at most, and it would be very difficult to influence the situation.

But since I got acquainted with the vice-captain of the tundra fleet in the past two days.

Bao Lei suddenly understood.

Thousands of kilometers apart, if you want to break the situation, you cannot completely rely on the support of the territory.

Using limited power to leverage more possibilities was the only way for him to complete his mission.

I hope more people can come, preferably with some weapons and equipment!

That tundra fleet wanted to enter the New World. It would be great if they could be deceived into thinking that they came from some large gathering place.

When the time comes, with the help of the other party's strength, it will be easy to restrain and balance the Fan Gang.

When the migration wave starts, the number of people in the station will become smaller and smaller and it will no longer be able to sustain the material consumption expenditure. The Fan Gang will not be able to maintain such a large scale for a long time and will inevitably fall apart.

And then, it’s time for the security team to make a comeback!

This chapter has been completed!
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