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Chapter 1141 Species invasion, selling vegetables in the wasteland!

The answer is of course no.

After all, transport aircraft is actually a general term, which includes more than hundreds of aircraft types.

It can be as small as an agricultural aircraft that spreads pesticides in the fields weighing tens of kilograms, or as large as an An-225 strategic transport aircraft weighing 640 tons soaring in the blue sky.

The size difference between the two is simply too exaggerated, and the level of sophistication cannot be compared to the same.

A truly mature large transport aircraft can even be used as a bomber in wartime. Its range exceeds tens of thousands of kilometers. After aerial refueling, it can completely transport the aircraft around the world without landing.

It would be too perverted if the rewarded primary production line covered this kind of stuff.

If we really had to calculate it based on scale, Sumo estimated that it would be at least an intermediate or advanced level starting point.

Owning it is equivalent to owning the most cutting-edge industrial production line on earth.

"It's better to check their progress first."

After finishing the hot pot, Su Chan was left to explain the source of meat to the melon eaters in the village.

Sumo walked slowly towards Longteng Village.

After capital injections from dozens of companies in the territory, the current Qunxing Chariot Factory has established a special manufacturing plant outside the original factory building, called the 'Qunxing Manufacturing Factory'.

After absorbing the previous lessons, this time Sumo invested the most, reaching 500,000 copper coins.

But in the end, only 51% of the equity was used as a controlling stake, and the rest was used for distribution.

And this 49% equity really brings great convenience to the manufacturing plant.

Not only did it attract more capital injections.

It is worth mentioning that Ji Yang and Bai Yiqi also participated in this project with great interest.

The former is good at aerospace science and has a deep understanding of aerodynamic physics. With the help of the virtual world, he can conduct simulation research at an exaggerated speed. By the way, he can also conduct wind tunnel experiments that are difficult to carry out in the wasteland.

The latter is good at physical communications and originally had nothing to do with manufacturing aircraft, but after hearing about the concept of manufacturing aircraft in a factory, he happily chose to join.

The two people each hold 0.5% of the shares through technology investment, which sounds like a small number.

But when Somo actually stood in front of the large construction site of the manufacturing plant, 0.5% quickly increased.

This is a manufacturing plant that initially covered an area of ​​more than 500 acres and was divided into six different areas.

From technical project establishment to concrete implementation, from material research to organizational assembly.

The purpose of the manufacturing factory is not to simply 'build aircraft', but to promote the development of the territory's manufacturing industry in the process, trying to restore the industrial power of the earth as soon as possible.

If I had to use a familiar term to describe it, it would be

Industrial upgrade!

It is completely foreseeable that when a large number of survivors enter the wasteland, these manpower manufacturing industries with almost no threshold in the territory will soon receive continuous impact.

After all, there are more than two billion survivors, and even if only 0.1% of the survivors are engaged in these industries, there are still two million people.

Faced with huge market temptation, price wars are inevitable.

Some people even sell at cost price or at a loss in order to win business and gain reputation, so as to impact the market more intuitively.

At this time, if the territory still participates in similar competition, it will gradually fall into a production trap. The more it produces, the less it earns. The less it earns, the harder it is to transform.

And once the production of these gadgets stops, residents' income will immediately drop sharply.

It didn't matter when there were only more than 10,000 people, but what about 100,000 or 1 million?

Therefore, it is very important to upgrade the industry in advance and always occupy the leading position.

This is also the biggest reason why there are still snowflakes in the sky and there are still hundreds of little fishmen working hard in the construction site.

There is less and less time left for the territory!

Before the end of this winter, the construction site must complete at least the most basic construction and set up the framework, so that jobs can be provided when a large number of survivors arrive in spring and the wave of development can be caught up as soon as possible.

Only when the research on basic industries is complete, subsequent technological upgrades will not become castles in the air that collapse at the first touch.

Without going up to disturb the work of these little fishmen, Sumo stood on the outside and carefully observed the construction of the manufacturing plant, then slowly came to the tank factory next door.

Knocking on the door of the factory director's office, the midnight plane was indeed sitting inside.

Sitting opposite him were two well-dressed residents, who seemed to be discussing cooperation?

When the two of them turned their heads, Somo was happy.

Isn’t the guy on the left just full of blood? How could he, a farmer, go to the chariot factory to discuss cooperation?

"Ah, Lord, why are you here?"

The chicken blood was surging and he was startled. He immediately stood up and gave up his seat, his face was full of respect.

"It's okay, I just came over to see the construction progress of the manufacturing plant." Sumo narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile: "Besides, I still have 70% of the shares in this tank factory."

"Hey, the lord is the big boss of our tank factory."

Compared with the two people's restraint, the midnight flight seemed much more casual, and they even dared to joke.

One is because he knows the temper of the lord of his territory.

The second reason is that when the chariot factory just launched its plan, Somo came to the door proactively.

The two of them stayed up several nights just talking about the design concept of the tank, and they had the same interests.

"What, the farm also needs to buy a car?"

"Hey, isn't there a huge demand in Qinggang City now? We are thinking about buying some trucks to do the transportation ourselves." Ji Xue Peng said with an embarrassed smile: "The quotation of the transportation team is too high, let them make more money

In order to reduce costs, it will be more difficult for us to set up our own transportation company in the future."

"You are quite smart."

Sumo nodded slightly, a little surprised that the business environment in the territory has developed to such a mature stage, and even the vegetable sellers are like starting a business and working alone.

But it’s not surprising if you think about it carefully. In the past, there were many uncertain factors on the road to Qinggang City, and hungry radioactive beasts would often attack the convoy.

That's why a transport team with guards and vehicles is needed to take care of transactions.

But now with the arrival of winter, many radioactive beasts have entered a semi-sleep state. In order to train new recruits, the hunting tiger took the initiative to sweep the surrounding areas two or three times.

As long as you don't risk your life and run to the ruins outside Qinggang City, you will basically not be in danger.

There are even security companies now operating in the territory, and all of them are bodyguards with gun licenses.

If you are really worried about the risk, the price of hiring two bodyguards is within the acceptable range.

To sum it up, even if the midnight flight is not willing to pay the group purchase price.

It only takes about three months of operation, and the real cost will drop to half of the current level.

"Give them a 10% discount and put it on my account." Sumo's calm voice floated into their ears, like the wind blowing slowly, warm but powerful.

"No need to thank me, you deserve this. The greenhouse developed well last time, and I always said I would give you some rewards. Now is the time."

"Thank you, Lord, you have helped our agricultural company a lot!"

The man on the right whom Somo didn't recognize stood up, his face flushed with excitement.

"We plan to open a distant agricultural company. This is the director unanimously elected by our farmers route players, Sha Kang. The channel nickname is." Ji Xue Peng introduced quickly from the side, but he still hesitated when mentioning the nickname.

Finally, he said sheepishly: "He screamed on the channel. He's so fat."

"The one who advertises every day?"

Sumo was stunned and immediately reacted.

Since the fog disaster ended and short-range radio communication resumed.

Because of the high fees, he had no intention of renewing the subscription for territorial channel chat.

But the recent two disaster harvests have been good, with thousands of disaster points earned each time.

In today's version where the points are almost useless except for upgrading the shelter, Sumo didn't think about saving this thing for anything, so he just kept investing in the channel, and now the time has extended to the end of the year.

And these geniuses in the territory, as they were unfamiliar at first, gradually understood the channel chat.

Especially Chen Shen, for the sake of the income of the village committee, he even opened a special advertising channel in the chat, where everyone can enter and advertise their own shop for free.

However, Sumo went in several times, and almost every time he saw this guy "fat and oily" advertising, and the most annoying thing was that the advertising words were different every time, and even the categories were different.

"Hey, I didn't expect the lord to know about me."

Sha Kang's chubby face forced a smile and looked quite excited.

"The advertisements they ran were not very effective, and they were complained about by the residents. My advertisements were very interesting and everyone liked them, so after a few times they asked me to cooperate with them in advertising. Now there are 18 companies.

It’s over!”

"That's right." Sumo nodded in surprise.

"Is it possible that they are looking for you because they want you to promote the agricultural products from the territory?"

"Yes, after our current agricultural scale is expanded, the output is actually very considerable. Even in winter, we can still have a lot of margin while meeting the needs of the territory and the needs of our allies." Mentioning the profession,

Shakan's face was filled with excitement, completely forgetting the respect he showed to the lord just now:

"You know, the factory director must also know. Although our territory has gradually entered the stage of large-scale industry, we have begun to use machines to eliminate backward manpower. Especially in Hope Village, we have even begun to eliminate the planting industry, leaving only farmers.

Players on the route are still holding on.”

"But if more survivors from the next migration tide enter the territory, for example, can the factory solve the employment problem of bringing 50,000 or 100,000 people?"

Sha Kang looked at Midnight Plane, who slowly shook his head.

"No, the scale of my chariot factory in the territory is already quite large, but it can only accommodate 500 to 800 people at most. Otherwise, I won't be able to manage more, and it will affect the production efficiency. As for the Star Manufacturing Factory

, this will accommodate more people, but not too many."

"If 100,000 people really come in, no, 50,000 people come in, I estimate that two-thirds of them will not be able to find a job."

"That's right!" An expected expression appeared on Sha Kang's face.

"This is actually a deadlock, whether it is in the wasteland or on the earth. The more advanced the industrial development, the lower the requirements for manpower. When more and more automated production lines are established, a large number of people will be laid off and unemployed.


"So how can we turn a blind eye to the most important agriculture because of these current developments? You must know that even if China was so developed before we traveled through time, there were 500 million people, and nearly half of them took root in the countryside!"

"Continue talking." Sumo became interested and his face showed contemplation.

Since the supplies in the territory's warehouse were close to being exhausted, he did not attach as much importance to the demand for agriculture as before, almost treating it with a free-range attitude.

But now when I hear what Sha Kang said, whether he is alarmist or he is actually telling the truth.

Sumo would never arrogantly choose to ignore such positive development suggestions.

"Yes, Lord!" Now that Sumo was interested, Sha Kang cleared his throat and decided to use more realistic data: "Now the output margin of Hope Village is about 600 kilograms a day. Our deal with our allies

The cycle is seven days, so Hope Village alone can trade four tons of supplies a week, which can fully meet the allies' requirements for vegetables. After all, not every gopher has money to eat vegetables."

"Although the output of Barren Bone Village is small, they don't digest it internally in order to make money, so now the surplus is 650 kilograms a day, and five tons of fresh vegetables are brought into the warehouse every week."

"I initially thought that they would soon slow down their farming speed because of vegetable rot and plant other crops with longer cycles and higher economic value. But after investigation, I found that they did not do this, and the excess vegetables were all used in logistics.

Everything was recycled at the market price, which is simply nonsense.”

"They don't think this is funding for the development of Barren Bone Village, do they?"

"No, the person in charge of the logistics department must have never seen a case of species invasion. They don't know what kind of disaster over-stimulation will bring to this land."

Shakan showed a worried expression and further explained the reason.

The development speed of Barren Bone Village is indeed very fast. In a sense, the villagers there are more diligent than the little fish people. Even when winter comes, the average working hours per person is more than fourteen hours.

However, what they were doing left people speechless for a while.

He repeatedly searched for new ownerless land, fenced it and wrote his name on it, then hired captives to cultivate it at a low price, and finally planted vegetable seeds.

Take the unique "Wasteland Kuai Cai" as an example. If there is sufficient rain and the environment is not extremely harsh, Kuai Cai can reach the unearthed standard in twelve days.

The continuous acquisitions by the logistics department will only allow these people to continue to increase the scale of fast food.

Until one day, the Logistics Department no longer chooses to acquire, and the people of Desolate Bone Village may be in trouble.

"There are only two ways now."

"Either curb their situation from the root, such as asking the logistics department to lower prices, or simply choose to stop acquisitions, and do it harshly. Or we can open up a larger market to find a better destination for the output of these people.


"As long as we expand the market fast enough, their efforts will actually accelerate the development of the territory. If we can expand the market of two million people in Qinggang City, I have calculated that at least two-thirds of the territory must be used

The current situation will only occur if we grow vegetables, which is almost impossible."

Although there are many exaggerations in Shakon's description, for example, unsaleable vegetables will lead to market collapse, this will basically not hold true in the wasteland, because hoarding food resources is always the eternal theme.

If you can’t eat fresh vegetables, you can still eat pickled vegetables.

If you can’t eat pickled vegetables, you can also use them to dehydrate them and make them into dried vegetables.

There are always more solutions than difficulties. The transportation of dried vegetables is more efficient and will surely bring income to farther places.

But it has to be said that if you want to get money from the outside, selling vegetables may seem like a meager income, but in fact it is far beyond imagination.

Especially after the scale is spread, the climate of the wasteland makes it almost impossible for vegetables to be out of stock.

If I could really do what Sha Kang said, every shelter in Qinggang City would be willing to come and buy.

There's something going on!

This chapter has been completed!
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