Chapter 1153 Talent market, debtor system!

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After all, Wasteland is not a real computer game, and territory is not one of its features constructed by code.

The humans living there are not labeled as ‘farmers’, ‘soldiers’, ‘businessmen’, ‘engineers’, etc. from birth.

They have different thinking and independent lives that are difficult for anyone to control.

Naturally, formulating a complete territorial system has become a very contradictory and cruel matter.

Such a large human gathering needs people to take the initiative to become farmers, soldiers, and low-level labor force.

Maybe someone needs to become a lower-level existence and sacrifice their own interests.

Sumo did not think about using strong means to arrange it, because past history has proven more than once that dictatorship will only lead to the inevitable demise of the collective.

Therefore, a beautifully packaged 'beautiful system' is very necessary.

It will lead the survivors who continue to join, willing and willing to enter those complicated low-end industries and become a part of them to shine.

Ideally, as long as this complete set of reward and punishment rules can continue to operate, the following system will also be used until the end of the game, or...

Humanity perishes!

"This system is much softer than the identity system I originally conceived. It is even softer than the modern system on our planet. In modern times, workers have to bear the burden of thirty years just for a house. Ahem,

It’s too far, too far.”

"In short, debt is a relatively soft term, and it will divide the residents of the territory into several levels."

"The lowest level is also the one who owes the most. I call them 'third-level debtors'. These people will have different low-end jobs to choose from, but if they choose jobs that are risk-free, they will face the possibility that their debts will never be fully repaid.

There are even more and more dilemmas. That is, no matter how far the territory develops, these people will always keep working, otherwise they will be kicked out of the territory because of excessive debts. As for high-risk jobs that can repay debts, we

We will not be stingy in paying them corresponding remuneration, but there will be a tax system to ensure balance, so I won’t go into too much detail.”

"As for the 'secondary debtors' further up, the debts of these people have reached a relatively harmonious balance with their income. That is, as long as they work hard at their jobs, they can keep their debts shrinking and eventually become

Zero. Of course, this is when they do not make any consumption. Once there is consumption, whether it is a large amount or a small amount, the debt will only increase and not decrease. This will continuously ensure that they have a continuous enthusiasm for work and their minds are always

Believe that hard work can bring wealth and lead to a better life.”

"As for the 'first-level debtors', people who can reach this level are basically either survivors who entered in the early stage, or survivors with certain professional abilities. These people already have the ability to solve debts, even if they have to spend a certain amount of money

Consumption can also be covered by income. The reason why I also list them as debtors is very simple. According to our current development, as long as these people do not have the means of production, they still cannot use their income to satisfy their needs.

Their own desires, maybe the desire for safety, maybe the desire for survival, as long as they stop, they will still fall into an income dilemma and be reduced to the second or even third level."

Qiao Yuansheng was talking eloquently without even a pause in the process.

Obviously, these systems have been sorted out and modified in his mind countless times.

However, everyone present, including Sumo, shuddered when listening to his seemingly peaceful but in fact cannibalistic remarks about the system.



Playing with human nature!

This is a system completely based on logic, set from the most fundamental aspects of human nature.

Compared with direct plunder, this seemingly peaceful debt is more ruthless.

It will allow a 'human being' to be squeezed willingly until all value is contributed.

Of course, perhaps it shouldn't be said to be squeezing.

After all, compared to those of the same kind who are wandering in other parts of the New World, living the same life but still precarious, it may be a blessing to be squeezed sometimes.

At least in terms of living standards, the gap between the two is as vast as heaven and earth.

"The higher the debtors are, the more we are the ones?"

Marshal Wang asked thoughtfully, in exchange for Qiao Yuansheng shaking his head slightly.

"How can it be"

"There are many levels higher up for debtors."

"As the saying goes, debts have owners and injustices have ends. Above the debtor is the debt issuer, above the debt issuer there is the creditor, and above the creditor there is also." Looking at Su Mo who was sitting upright, Qiao Yuan said sarcastically.


Now that the basic system of composition is in place, the subsequent systems can be slowly formulated.

After all, Sumo's attitude towards the first batch of factory owners to emerge in the territory, at least now, is still extremely gentle and he has not shown any other thoughts.

And the territory also needs these people to bring together the funds to continue to develop.

While we can still conduct hands-on supervision, we just need to ensure that the factory owners' funds are spent in the right places and that they are not lining their own pockets to steal supplies and prepare to run away.

In a sense, factory owners are actually on the same front as managers and everyone.

They are both the rentier class and the class with the heaviest burden.

Because if others are not careful, they will only end up with more debts.

But if these people are not careful, they may have to be sent to a hard labor camp, or simply sent back to "Earth".

It sounds very realistic.

However, Chen Shen was sent away and Qiao Yuansheng was retained in order to test a system suitable for Tianyuan territory.

Sumo naturally supports his current decision.

In addition to the scope must be clearly defined, start slowly with these newcomers, otherwise the old people will become debtors in a short time, and this territory may be in trouble.

As for whether the newcomers will have any opinions, it is unfounded to worry about this.

To put it mildly, after wandering for so long, the survivors longed for a group to exploit them.

As long as you can ensure safety and have a peaceful sleep, working day and night is actually no problem.

This can also be seen from the implementation of the perverted ‘identity system’ in Future Relics.

The vast majority of human beings don't have much opinion on the identity system, and many people even think it is reasonable.

They can use their labor surplus over several years to willingly exchange for a spot.

Even if they moved to a new place and were still squeezed in the same way, these people would not complain.

After all, this is a worse wasteland era.

There is no big bad, medium bad, small bad, only worse!

No matter how cruel the system of Tianyuan Territory is, it can't compare to the gathering places of Zhongda and Zhongda that Somo saw along the way down the Youlongxian River.

As for smaller and medium-sized gathering places, let alone that!

Compared with those gathering places where you can't even get enough to eat after working all day, in Tianyuan Territory, if you work hard, you can at least have enough to eat, wear good clothes, own a seemingly good property, and start a new family.

With different ideas, everyone who was shocked by Qiao Yuansheng's system left one after another.

"First use this system to test on a small scale. If the effect is good, then we will talk about other things."

"If the effect is not good, it will be abolished immediately."

Sitting behind his desk, Sumo raised his pen and added his name to the permission application form.

With this authority letter, Mr. Qiao can control market prices to a certain extent.

Of course, materials related to people's livelihood are definitely not allowed.

A hard currency like food, even if it increases by one iron coin, will have an impact on the situation in the territory.

But there are other things. For example, various commodities produced in factories, such as firearms and bullets in arsenals.

These things can be sold in the wasteland only at cost price, or they can be sold for an exaggerated and sky-high price.

They are not necessities for survivors, but they are things that survivors desire.

Playing with the prices of these things will have some impact, but they are still within the acceptable range.

"I know this, Lord, don't worry, I will definitely be careful and careful."

Dean Qiao nodded carefully, wrapped the permission letter in plastic, and placed it carefully in his wallet.

Of course, control reform is something that makes people explode with endorphins and feel so happy that their scalp goes numb.

But the consequences are often very simple. Most of them feel good and then lose their own people.

For example, Shang Yang's reform was a great success in history, making Qin the most powerful country at that time, but the end was that his body was cut into pieces and displayed to the public.

Zhang Juzheng, who used a whip, hurt the interests of the feudal nobles and was eventually resented by the nobles.

Not long after his death, his house was ransacked and his account was banned. One of his sons committed suicide, and the other did not end well.

Qiao Yuansheng did not want such an end. Although he had never thought about returning to Earth, being able to live to see humans resettle in the wasteland was indeed one of his biggest wishes now.

Next, three days in a row.

The newcomer reception area, which had been idle for a long time, began to operate continuously. About 1,800 people were rescued from all over the territory and became one of the newcomers.

Among them, the expedition team rescued the largest number of survivors, totaling 1,100 people.

Even excluding the 300 Blue Star natives, nearly 800 earth players have joined the territory.

Without exception, everyone was disabled from world chat the moment they entered.

So even though the influx of people slightly exceeded the capacity, it did not cause any chaos.

Early morning on March 9th, Year Two of the Wasteland Calendar.

Not long after the genius was dimly lit, the open space in front of the isolation accommodation area was already a bustling scene. Many survivors who could not sleep had arrived early and gathered in groups to discuss the difficult questions in the answer book.


Although the staff has stated more than once, the final result of answering the questions will not affect their treatment.

But the simple and innocent survivors still retained their consistent understanding.

Since there is no restriction on everyone's discussion, there is no force that everyone cannot discuss together.

The higher the score, the more questions can be answered, and the better.

There is no harm in getting high scores.

As for assigning appropriate jobs, assigning appropriate route guidance, etc., the survivors didn't take it into consideration at all.

In their view, no matter what work they are assigned to do in this territory, it is the right thing to do.

As long as we can survive safely, no matter how hard it is, is it still difficult to migrate all the way?

"Do you have any brothers who understand mechanics? Let me see your answers to the mechanical part. I have the answers to the chemistry part for you to look at. Don't worry, I am a chemistry teacher, so the answers are true!"

"Are there any math experts out there who can discuss this? The questions above are really interesting."

"Damn, you must be poisonous, and you've even studied it."

"Brothers who came together on the first day, look here. Let's check each other again?"


Not only Lin Cheng and the first group of people who arrived were discussing, but there were also many people who came on the second and third days.

Because 8,000 questions in three days is really scary.

Most people have extraordinary willpower if they can think seriously about thousands of ways.

Even if they copy each other's answers, one-third of the questions in the question set are still empty.

no way.

Cheng Fei turned in his answer book at eight o'clock in the morning and after repeatedly ensuring that he would not be kicked out of the territory, Cheng Fei felt relieved.

For three days in a row, almost all the information that could be unearthed was achieved, and the rules of this territory were basically clarified.

Except for complying with more stringent regulations on public security, other aspects are basically the same as those on Earth.

Having the same business environment also has a certain degree of freedom.

"Take it, this is your initial survival fund, two copper coins per person."

"There is no doubt that this is also borrowed from your future salary and must be repaid."

An answer book can be exchanged for two copper coins.

Corresponding to daily necessities, it is about a week's food money.

After becoming familiar with the operation mode of this territory, the survivors no longer made the initial fuss.

After taking the money, they stood around the staff and waited quietly for the next process arrangement.

"Today is the third and last day of your quarantine."

"Except for critically ill patients, or those with serious infections, they will have to stay for a while."

"Ordinary people can go back and pack their luggage after breakfast today. All your bedding and clothes must be packed, and you will be given a simple suitcase to hold your things."

"At two o'clock in the afternoon, we will meet again at this place. Then there will be staff to take you to the job market."

"Talent Market?"

The still quiet crowd suddenly exploded.

For three days in a row, the most common questions they asked were where to make money and how to make money quickly.

It's just that the shop owners and staff, every time they talk about this question, they all answer unanimously that they can make money by working.

However, these people have different opinions on how to find a job.

Some people said that they should go to the General Administration of Work, some said that they would wait for the territorial arrangements, and some said that it would be great to start their own business.

Different answers almost made the survivors anxious.

"Yes, there will be bosses in the talent market who will recruit employees. At that time, you can have an interview with the boss. If both parties agree and sign a contract recognized by the territory, a bilaterally binding labor contract will be formed."

"What if no boss wants it?" an older middle-aged man asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, the job market is just the first place for you to find a job. There will be many job opportunities later. Even if you can't find one, you can apply for a job assignment from the territory, although the salary will be lower."

This chapter has been completed!
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