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Chapter 1163: Changes in thinking, perfecting the system again!

"Lord, please come and try it. This is our store's signature, flaming tofu!"

From the steaming kitchen, Yoyo Fire King rushed out, as if holding a ball of flame.

Pieces of thinly sliced ​​tofu lay quietly in the flames, being grilled and continuing to absorb the soup below.

Stab, sting.

The dish swayed from side to side, making the sound of water splashing into the hot oil from time to time.

But the amazing thing is that as soon as Yoyo Fire King put down the flaming tofu, the flames on it immediately disappeared.

"This little trick is quite unique."

After smelling the special fragrance that filled the air, Sumo praised it without hesitation.

The route bonus only gives the chef apprentices the ability to smell, ensuring that the meals they cook always have a controllable lower limit.

But as for the upper limit, it depends on individual performance and ability.

"Lord, please try it quickly. It won't taste good after it cools down."

"Okay, let me try."

Opening the chopsticks Wu You handed over, Sumo pulled it twice and picked up a piece of tofu.

Visually, the tofu slices look extremely soft and tender, as if they will rot if you poke them with chopsticks.

But when clamped, it is very tough and has a springy feeling.

Blow on it and put it in your mouth.

Somo chewed it carefully, and his wrinkled brows quickly relaxed.

"Isn't this good?!"

Somo raised his head.

As he spoke, the fragrance filling his mouth continued to stimulate his taste buds.

A numb and numb feeling quickly spreads down from the throat.

It feels a bit like drinking white wine, but it's a thousand times smoother.

"You're having a taste of this. Ants climbing the tree!"

Turning back to the kitchen, Wu You quickly brought out another piece of minced meat vermicelli.

The portion is huge, at least according to the current appetite of wasteland players, one person will definitely not be able to finish it all.

After taking a few sips of powder, Sumo's eyes couldn't help but brighten.

Although he rarely comes to eat out in the village, it does not mean that he rarely eats food from these large and small restaurants.

Sometimes when he got tired of eating in the village cafeteria, Sumo would ask the guards to help him or buy a fast food from a stall to take home, or pack a day's meals directly in the cafeteria.

It is well-known as: understanding the sentiments of the people.

In the past, the meals in these large and small restaurants basically pursued satiety, focusing on a portion that was honest and tasted good, to attract some residents who did not want to cook at home and were greedy for cheap.

If we really talk about the style and taste, it doesn't make many breakthroughs based on the original ones.

Most of them copy the dishes on Earth and dare not add new materials and seasonings found in the wasteland.

However, I didn't expect that this weapons store-turned-restaurant would quietly overtake someone on the curve.

With just two plates of dishes, Wu You brought out a large pot of fermented glutinous rice and wolfberry soup to go with the rice.

Not long after, there were three rice bowls the size of heads piled on the table, which was really scary.

“Not bad, both dishes are delicious.”

After finishing two dishes and being 80% full, Somo put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth.

Turning around, there was a little girl peeking into the gap in the kitchen, quietly looking at her.

The two looked at each other, and the latter couldn't help but take two steps back in fright, hitting his head on the washbasin hanging on the wall.

It makes a crisp sound.

"Hey, are you so afraid of me?"

Su Mo laughed, looking at the little girl rubbing the back of her head and couldn't help but feel funny.

"Isn't this your chef?"

"Of course not. Lin Yin, why don't you come over and say hello to the lord? What do you think you are afraid of? I won't eat you."

Wu You waved, and Lin Yin, who was standing in the back kitchen, had no choice but to walk out and said hello, lord.

Hearing the noise in front, Lin Cheng, holding a rice spoon, also walked out.

"Hello, lord, she is my sister. I am sorry to disturb you while you are eating."

"It's okay, I've finished eating too."

The slightly thin boy looked a little sleep deprived and had two big dark circles under his eyes.

Su Mo looked at it in surprise, and suddenly thought of looking at the leaderboard two days ago.

"Are you Lin Cheng?"

"Hey, Lord, do you know me?"

"Of course I know. You are the fastest among the newcomers to level up. How can I, the lord, not pay attention to you?"

As a representative of late comers, Lin Cheng's chef apprentice level was raised to Level 4 in just one month.

Although compared to today's chef apprentices who have a maximum of eight levels, this level is not enough.

But he was definitely one of the top newcomers, so much so that he, the lord, remembered this name on the game management panel before meeting him in person.


It seems that he has never received similar praise.

Lin Cheng scratched his head and chuckled, looking a little uncomfortable all over his body.

"I found that studying those new dishes will also increase experience, so it may be faster to upgrade."

"Do you like to explore new dishes?"

Su Mo looked at him in surprise: "I remember that in the first personal analysis form you submitted before, it was written that your strengths were casting and cooking, right?"

"You also know this?"

Lin Cheng's eyes widened and he was stunned.

The personal information form that he collected in the snowy mountains was the only information form that he wrote that he knew how to cast.

After arriving in the territory, the only thing I was good at was cooking.

Unexpectedly, Su Mo actually remembered this, which really shocked Lin Cheng.

"Lin Cheng, as a lord, there are many people in our territory now. Although I have not communicated with you face to face many times, I have personally read your information."

Soma squinted his eyes and held the small square in his pocket.

Of course he wouldn't say that as long as he wanted to know, Zero could provide information on all residents instantly.

And even if the distance is so close, it can be prevented from being heard by several other people through directional sound technology.

However, as a lord, sometimes you really need to use some "little cleverness".

For example, when he heard him say this now, Lin Cheng was immediately moved.

"Casting is my hobby, and hobbies cannot be used as food. Cooking is the ability to make a living."

"Yes, it seems that you can clearly understand the reality of the wasteland."

Sumo was quite satisfied with Lin Cheng's answer.

With the further development of industrialization, manual casting will be a skill that will be replaced sooner or later.

Even if sometimes the accuracy of human hand-made work exceeds the upper limit of machines.

But under the mass production of assembly line, it will still be replaced.

But since I can take up casting as my hobby, I can also develop so many new dishes.

It still shows that Lin Cheng's creativity is far superior to others.

"Come on, if you can become the first player among the newcomers to reach level six, I will give you a surprise."

Using chef apprentices to fuse training ground soldiers can create a 'fire-headed soldier' ​​route.

And the "Handmade Chef Apprentice" route can be created by integrating chef apprentices with craft enthusiasts.

All players need to reach level six before they can make the conversion.

Sumo has always been generous in rewarding outstanding talents.

Sure enough, when he heard what he said, Lin Cheng's face immediately showed a touch of unspeakable excitement.

Wu You next to you was equally excited and almost printed this sentence and posted it on the door as a sign.

"Boy, please be careful."

After glaring at the latter, Sumo paid the bill and walked out of Huoli Restaurant.

Not long after, light snow started to fall in the sky again.

Somo raised his hand to catch a few snowflakes.

Under the influence of the Oreo statue, the snowflakes seem to have a warm feeling on the skin.

This winter, the weather seems to have less impact than before.

It is no exaggeration to say that it has basically not affected the development speed of Tianyuan Territory.

Just like now, those busy figures on the construction site have no intention of stopping.

Although the territory has issued orders at the beginning of winter, inclement weather can stop work appropriately.

The hard-working little players are not willing to waste any time, and each one of them plans to complete the backlog of projects before spring arrives.

Walking along the asphalt road, Sumo stopped in front of a small building with three floors.

I don’t know when the signboard of the small building was changed. It changed from ‘General Work Department’ to ‘Human Resources Department’.

It seems a bit like the smell of future ruins.

Sumo opened the door and walked in. A warm feeling suddenly hit his face.

The first floor of the Human Resources Bureau is designed like a counter hall.

There are several rows of iron chairs placed opposite the counter to provide temporary rest for residents looking for work.

Since no new people have been found in the past few days, there are not many people queuing up inside at this time.

Only a few people submitted their information and were waiting for the staff behind the counter to review it.

Seeing Sumo come in, the orderly working atmosphere inside was not broken.

Everyone just raised their heads and looked respectfully, then continued busy with the work at hand.

Including several job seekers, they just sat up straight, without those empty-headed etiquette.

Go up to the second floor and there are more staff inside.

As one of the most important organizations in the territory, the Human Resources Department is not only responsible for job introduction, but also pays attention to everyone's work status as much as possible.

The data is collected once a month, and if it is rated as unqualified twice in a row.

The Human Resources Department will consider making adjustments to the new employee's location to help them find a more suitable place.

"To be honest, the development of the territory is much faster than I imagined, especially the efficiency of your work, which has exceeded the judgment of artificial intelligence."

Arriving at the office on the third floor, Sumo found the director of the human resources department, Lu Xuan.

This powerful figure who served as the Minister of Human Resources of Tianyuan Territory in Future Ruins has now been discovered by Sumo in advance and placed in a position suitable for his performance.

The effect is really good, at least much better than the previous chaotic work administration.

"You've won the prize. Although the current work efficiency is indeed amazing from our perspective on earth, in fact, you know that working for yourself and working for others are two different things."

Sumo looked at it in surprise.

"What does it mean to work for yourself?"

Lu Xuan smiled and explained in a gentle tone.

"I know you definitely don't want to listen to those deceptive words, but there is one sentence that is true now and is generally recognized by all residents."

"The territory is my home, and its development depends on everyone."

"This is not a slogan full of nothingness and flattery, but what is really happening."


Su Mo was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and laughed.

"Human desires are unlimited. You can't do it just by relying on this kind of belief, right?"

"Yes, so we have added some appropriate management mechanisms to ensure that those desires can be suppressed and the current development speed can be maintained." Lu Xuan nodded honestly.

Comparing the life in the wasteland in the past year with the present, the survivors will indeed have the idea in their hearts that they want to treat the territory as home and develop it with all their strength.

After all, the Tianyuan territory is too peaceful.

It's like returning to Earth here, without any pressure on survival.

But if we only rely on this idea to drive mankind forward and promote territorial development, it will not be enough.

It may be a dispute or conflict, or it may be an imbalance caused by the excessive gap between rich and poor.

The concept of home will be broken instantly, leading to negative thoughts.

"Forget it, let's discuss these issues at the monthly meeting."

History has proven that too much intervention sometimes not only fails to bring positive effects, but also causes an originally good situation to spiral downward.

When it comes to territory development, Somo is extremely inclined to work together.

Lords exist more to correct mistakes than to avoid them.

This is a fundamental difference.

"I came here today mainly to see the registration status of the Ten Thousand Paths Competition. You should have compiled the data, right?"

"It's almost done, only a small number of people are still swaying."

From the cabinet, Lu Xuan took out a basically completed data report.

According to available data, at least 49% of residents currently want to participate in this fight, 38% have clearly expressed their refusal, and 13% are still hesitant.

This is lower than the data ratio in most human gathering places, and can even be said to be much lower.

Among the people who refused, the majority were players who took the farmer route and craft enthusiasts.

For the former, they prefer a quiet life and create the future with their hands.

Moreover, in the farmer route, you don’t need to go out and fight to earn experience. As long as you cultivate the land in a disciplined manner, you can get several times the increase in the daily tasks of other players, so there is no need to participate.

For the latter, most of the routes are composed of women, and they are obviously at a great disadvantage in dangerous battles.

In particular, the game also explains that participating in competition will inevitably lead to confrontation with alien races.

When thinking about those huge monsters, players on the crafting enthusiast route are even more reluctant.

Moreover, even if they can be upgraded to a level, it will not change the overall development of the territory.

It's better to take advantage of this time and focus more on work, maybe you can make more money.

In addition, some mechanical apprentices involved in research and development are unwilling to participate in this battle.

In their view, in addition to route bonuses, humans still have more goals that need to be accomplished.

The so-called benefits brought by the route are sometimes no more than a wonderful idea.

Participating is a waste of time and energy, and there is a chance of injury.

It's really not worth it.

This chapter has been completed!
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