Chapter 1184 Return to the Iron Jungle, the hometown of mankind!

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The cold rain is dripping, dripping, dripping.

It's still going down, sometimes dense and sometimes sparse.

Stagnant water spread across the streets at your feet, and there was an unspeakable rancid smell everywhere.

A team of six guards from the Yin's Sanctuary shrank their heads and quickened their pace, wishing they could rush back to the warm shelter immediately and take a hot bath that made them feel physically and mentally comfortable.

Since the surface peace of the entire Qinggang City has been restored, patrolling the blocks above the shelter has become a daily task.

Even if it is freezing cold now, each shelter must be responsible for the security of its own area.

Of course, some shelters were unwilling to accept it at the beginning because they did not want to increase labor costs for no reason.

But as the Tianyuan Shelter, which is doing its own business, took a strong step and claimed that it was not willing to be responsible for the security of the neighborhood, the shelter's convoy would never set foot in the back.

In the chaotic southern suburbs, dozens of shelters quickly and subtly compromised their interests.

Although it sounds strange.

In the past, when Qinggang Shelter was at its strongest, these guys dared to stand together and resist without fear.

Why is it that now, the door of the shelter has been blown open by the cannonball of profit?

But bombarded by countless low-priced industrial commodities and delicious fruits and vegetables, the managers of the southern suburbs shelters are extremely clear.

Compared with those head-on confrontations with a strong smell of gunpowder, the current calm without even the slightest smell of gunpowder is the real war!

Anyone who runs slowly has not set up a trading line with the prosperous Tianyuan Sanctuary.

The supplies in the shelter will not be circulated.

And without circulation, it means that you can only sit and eat.

Now that the Foundation's merchant ship is unlikely to arrive, sitting in vain has almost pronounced the death of the shelter.

The difference is only rapid death and slow death.

Therefore, even if there are some rules that sound slightly "outrageous", as long as they do not touch their fundamental interests, they have no choice but to accept them with their noses pinched.

"The weather is getting colder and colder. When will it get warmer?"

"I think it will be difficult in a short time. This strange world is really strange."

"Hurry up. I heard that a new batch of goods from Tianyuan Shelter arrived today. If you go back late, it will be difficult to grab them."

"New goods? Tsk, tsk, the hot pot I had the day before yesterday almost cost me a month's salary, and I don't dare to buy anymore now."

"Just tell me whether it tastes good or not."

"It's delicious. It's really delicious. It's a pity that I'm not as lucky as the captain. I couldn't get a spot to go to that outpost. I heard you can eat it there every day."

"Go away, you can't eat it every day, it's just cheaper."


The six people were patrolling, muttering quietly, not worried about any danger they might encounter.

And this is also true.

Since the Radiant Beast has a certain IQ, the difficulty of guard patrols has become much lower than before.

In the past, we would encounter scenes surrounded by radioactive beasts, but now we have not heard of it for a long time.

Some even speculated.

If this continues, the beast tide that breaks out every few years may disappear just like it does now.

However, not every patrol is without accidents.

Just like now, a sudden gunshot interrupted the communication between the guards.

"Is there anyone?"

Patrol Captain Roman's eyelids trembled, and he slowly pulled the rifle on his back to his chest.

The other guards did not panic at all, and the frequency of their steps did not change much.

In the past, when there were homeless people in the city, they would serve snacks when this happened.

Now since patrolling every day, they know exactly who will come on this street and what the situation is.

"It's probably a homeless person who ran over from somewhere and went to check out the situation."

The second shot rang out.

The team quickened their pace, just in time to catch up with the radiation beast's rapid retreat.

Several guards wanted to end the shooting, but Captain Roman raised his hand to stop them.

Looking through the thin rain and fog towards the center of the street.

Two men and two women?

"Is this a homeless person?"

Roman's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was a little unsure of the identities of the people in the middle of the street.

If there were only four people, all of whom were men, then it might be a small team that had wandered here.

But with women mixed in, the average wanderer migration team would be larger than this.

And judging from the clothes of these four people, their style is not like those wanderers who have come from afar, but rather.

Are there new people you can often see in that Tianyuan Refuge?

Thinking of this, the announcement he saw after leaving the outpost flashed through his mind, and Roman suddenly trembled and became excited.

"Quick, come over and take a look."

"These people may be the new people that Yuan Sanctuary is looking for with a lot of money. Catch them. No, help them!"

"A person is worth 3 copper coins!"

A copper coin is enough for an adult to have a hearty meal at the outpost and a few glasses of craft beer.

These four people.


As the man among the four raised his hands, he slowly moved forward.

Although Roman was a little confused, he still verified his judgment again through the fog.

That's right, although the faces of these people are generally similar to those of Blue Star people, there are obvious differences in details.

It’s like a newbie at first glance!

"Dad, it seems they are from Blue Star. What should we do?"

"Throw away the spear, we surrender!"

If you meet a player who is also a survivor, you may be able to fight with your pistol and blood.

But I met the Blue Star people.

Countless past communication experiences published in World Chat have proven that taking action is definitely not the best option.

Regardless of whether you can sneak attack these armed guards with a pistol.

Now we are on the opponent's territory. Even if we really win, where can we go?

"Ali, you take the children, and I'll go negotiate with them."

Between his family and danger, Fan Fuzheng chose the latter without hesitation.

He secretly handed the pistol to his son Fan Jing.

Fan Fu was walking forward with his hands raised and as non-hostile as possible.

At this moment.

He could only use all the luck in his life to bet that the opponent would not attack upon seeing an unarmed human being.

And as long as there is no conflict the first time, there will be further discussions.

"I mean no harm, I want to talk to you!"

Seeing the armed men with live ammunition, they suddenly quickened their pace and strode towards them.

Fan Fu was nervous and waved his hand quickly to indicate his purpose.

However, what was extremely surprising was that the other party had no intention of stopping at all, and instead went faster.

Especially the person at the front.

Fan Fuzheng could already see the other person's expression clearly. It was a bit ferocious, as if he was smiling, and he seemed very excited?

what happened?

Could it be that these people are not normal Blue Star people, but some cannibal tribe?

Suddenly remembering a rumor he had seen on the World Chat Channel, Fan Fuzheng turned pale with fright.

But before he could react, about five steps away, the man in front suddenly stopped.

An extremely weird phrase came out of his mouth:



Fan Fuzheng was still thinking about how to survive from the opponent's hands. He suddenly heard this word and could not react immediately.

After about two seconds, he was startled and looked surprised:

"Are you from Tianyuan?"

I have long heard that some earth players have defected to the earth people and become the lackeys of the Blue Star people to deceive their compatriots.

Could it be that God Su turned it around and had not only people from Earth under his command, but also many Blue Star people?

"Me, you!"

The figure continued to spit out monosyllables, and the meaning expressed was completely incoherent.

However, sometimes language is not so necessary to communicate between humans.

As long as the thoughts on both sides can be connected, some gestures are enough to express the meaning.

"You want me to follow you?"

He pointed behind the figure, then pointed at himself and his wife and children behind him.

Fan Fu was trying to ask.

The answer was yes. The other party almost nodded his head like a tumbler, and the excitement on his face became even more obvious.


"Tian Yuan!"

The message conveyed this time was more obvious, and the other party obviously knew his identity.

Could it be that this was someone arranged by Su Shen to prepare for danger if they did not teleport directly to the territory?

Fan Fuzheng was moved and excited for a moment, and quickly pointed to the back.

"I'm with them."

"go together?"


After receiving a confirmed nod from the other party, Fan Fuzheng finally calmed down, turned around and ran back.

It really is a perfect path.

At this moment, the joy of surviving the disaster could no longer describe his current mood.


"I really survived this time!"

After closely observing the defense team formed by Bi Lao Zhan, Fan Fuzheng had no doubts about the combat capabilities of this group of soldiers with live ammunition.

If the two sides really come to blows.

Unprepared, this small team could kill the Taihu Territory instantly.

And now.

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, this is a flood that has washed away the Dragon King Temple."

"They are Lord Su's people. The captain wants to take us to Tianyuan Territory!"

Pointing at the patrol team behind him, Fan Fuzheng shouted loudly from a distance.

As the saying goes, survival requires more courage than seeking death.

When they saw Fan Fuzheng blocking the way alone, mother and son were already prepared for a desperate fight.



Everything is reversed!

Lord Su’s people, Tianyuan Territory!

Several longing nouns strung together are like a ray of sunshine emerging from the dark clouds.

Zheng Yali's legs immediately went weak, and she almost fell to the ground if her son and daughter weren't holding her up.

"Quick, don't stand still, hurry up and leave!"

"This city is too dangerous. It won't be good if those radioactive beasts come out again soon."

Now is not the time to share the joy of the aftermath.

Although protected by this team of guards, Fan Fuzheng did not believe that the radiation beasts could break through the fire defense line.

But who knows what dangers there are hidden in this dilapidated city.

Going to Tianyuan territory for the first time, he didn't want to bring an unmanageable mess there.

The best option is to leave now before the gunshots have attracted the attention of more monsters.

"Yes, leave quickly, leave quickly!"

The family reacted and didn't care about anything else.

And the next reaction of the soldiers once again proved that their idea was indeed correct.

Although the opponent was well-equipped, they were more nervous than they were, and would turn their heads to look at the nearby blocks from time to time.

Especially when encountering some human figures appearing in the mist, they will deliberately take them away from the dilapidated building to avoid them in advance.

"The situation here is indeed complicated. No wonder Su Shen is unwilling to expose the location of his territory."

Fan Fuzheng observed and secretly recorded all the way.

Most people only hear about the Blue Star people's city, and there is no further detailed recorded information at all.

Even if there are, those people will not be exposed for free on the World Channel.

So everything we see now is refreshing the understanding of ordinary people almost every moment.

Strange plants, foul smells, collapsed buildings, and ferocious radioactive beasts.

This strange Blue Star city almost satisfies all human fantasies about the ruins of human cities after disasters.

It looks grand and desolate.

We want to build a territory here to protect the safety of the people in the territory.

There were not many examples to substitute, so Fan Fuzheng could only bring in the Taihu territory and substitute it.

The results are very realistic.

If we only relied on the dozens of guards led by Lao Zhan, it would be a miracle if we could last a few nights.

This seems to be a place where humans live, but in fact it is a terrifying ruin of civilization!


After nervously walking through six or seven streets in a row, it took more than twenty minutes.

Between the buildings, an obvious underground building entrance attracted the attention of the four members of the Fan family.

"Is this going to be Su Shen's territory?"

It's a little different than imagined.

Although the entrance in front of you is more than four meters high, a huge gray-purple alloy door sits on the ground.

But Fan Fuzheng always felt that this thing was not even as large as the Sushen Shelter that he had seen on the disaster relief channel more than a year ago.

But soon, he got the answer.

As expected, this place is not Su Shen's territory. These soldiers brought them here just as a transit point.

Less than five minutes later, an armed pickup truck capable of carrying ten people drove out of the open alloy door.

"There's a car!"

It has colorful paint, an impact shovel is installed on the head, and the windows and door panels have received special anti-impact treatment.

Since leaving the earth, it has been more than a year since I saw a vehicle.

For a moment, all four members of the Fan family felt excited.


Captain Roman came out with a smile and gave some clumsy gestures.

"I see."

Fan Fuzheng nodded quickly, opened the car door and sat in the second row with his family.

Compared to driving in dangerous city ruins, driving in a pickup truck with specially enhanced defenses is obviously more comfortable and safer!

The pickup truck started and shuttled through the streets.

Amidst the roar, occasionally a few radiation beasts were attracted, but the next second they were frightened and fled in all directions.

Looking at the scene by the window that keeps retreating.

"Dad, Su Shen's territory is probably bigger than what we imagined yesterday."

"Look at these tall buildings, my God, they must be at least sixty or seventy stories high."

"Where are the people in this city? Are they all hiding underground?"

"We've already driven more than ten kilometers, why haven't we seen Su Shen's territory yet?"

Fan Jing and Fan Han were lying by the window, talking without stopping.

Zheng Yali also had curiosity in her eyes, staring at the regressing buildings and the surrounding scenery.

Compared with the unchanging ocean in the deep sea, and the desolate and inhabited plains in the New World.

Obviously, this dilapidated city can make people truly feel the feeling of the wasteland.

Beyond this, a feeling of returning to civilization also came over me.

After all, for humans who are used to living in cities.

In a sense, this steel jungle lined with skyscrapers is their hometown!

This chapter has been completed!
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