Chapter 1193 Nine types of terrain, foggy mountains competing for the top spot!

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Counting humans and aliens, the final number of people who qualified for the main competition totaled 1,435.

Calculated based on the current total number of players.

Only one player with both strength and luck can enter the main draw among three million people.

According to this ratio, three people entered the Tianyuan Territory with only 50,000 people, which is already considered very good.


No one is satisfied, and no one thinks this number is reasonable.

Compared to the ordinary survivors who had just migrated to the New World, the treatment and training they enjoyed were almost dozens or hundreds of times higher than those of these people, but they did not produce the corresponding effects.

And this is just the entry into the main game, there are only three people left.

If there were a few more elimination rounds in the main match, maybe the entire army would be wiped out?

"There's nothing I can do. Those guys are so perverted. They climbed up a 3,000-meter-high mountain without even taking a breath. If Master Dao hadn't been really lucky today, he wouldn't even have been able to enter the main competition."

The old Taoist recounted the danger of the last scene with lingering fears.

He is a scavenger and belongs to the adventure bonus route.

Opposite is a battlefield medical apprentice, which belongs to the auxiliary bonus route.

In the last round, the two people drew a competition and the goal was to find the designated object within two hours on a barren mountain three thousand meters high.

Logically speaking, this should be the advantage of the scavenger, as it can use a lot of endurance to crush the opponent.

But no one expected that the opponent would not need the special ability bonus brought by the route at all.

Just use the simplest attribute point gain and personal physical fitness advantage.

The old man was still wandering at the foot of the mountain, but this man had already climbed to the top of the mountain neatly and started to circle around and search down.

Otherwise, the object you are looking for is not in the middle and upper part of the barren mountain, but in a cave at the foot of the mountain.

"Facts have proven that even with route bonuses, there are still many billions of people who are better than us."

The male gunman considered his tone.

Unlike the veteran who relies on luck to advance all the way, he can reach the main competition mostly by relying on his strength, so he naturally feels more deeply about the gap between people.

There is no shortage of geniuses or ruthless people among the billions of people on earth.

It is nonsense to hope that you can rely on some early advantages to crush others without any thought.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Someone will help and send the injured brother on the ground to treatment first."

Qi Jie is in the best condition and the most calm among the three.

From the time he was able to get ahead of 99% of the survivors, he led hundreds of people from the Harvest tribe to migrate to the central part of the New World without any danger.

Luck, strength, and character are almost all online.

It can be said that reaching the main race was the easiest among the three, and the one with the least unnecessary surprises.

With his reminder, the surrounding villagers came to their senses.

In addition to three people, there were seven or eight people who fell in the last round of competition, almost exhausting all their energy.

Everyone hurriedly lifted up all the injured on the ground and sent them all to the hospital for treatment.


There was a sound of space shaking.

In the office of Tianyuan Dungeon, an illusory figure gradually solidified.

The exaggerated black cloak and the inexplicably fierce tiger-faced mask make him look like a man who is not allowed to enter and is very powerful.

Coupled with the neatly arranged muscles, although they are not obvious, it is this harmony that perfectly demonstrates his strength and figure.

"It's just the main match, but the difficulty has increased so much!"

Taking off the mask on his head, Sumo sat down, still recalling the intense scene he just witnessed in the spectators' seats.

Unlike other players, you have to compete strictly.

From the third day until now, almost every opponent he encountered chose to surrender or fail in every round. Naturally, he reached the main match without any effort and did not feel much competition.

However, just because you don’t feel competition in the game, it doesn’t mean that competition doesn’t exist.

After the main match, if you are ranked as an opponent, no one will be willing to give up the fruits of victory.

"The good news is that the next main race will not start immediately, but there will be a seven-day rest period. After the seven days, the cooling time for changing the route will end, and then you will not be restricted by the medicinal diet apprentice route.


"But the bad news is. If it's not one-on-one in the main game, I'm afraid we will be targeted much more than in the knockout rounds."

Sumo pondered in his heart, reflecting on the current advantages and disadvantages.

Most of the survivors who can make it to the main game are prominent figures in the future ruins.

To win over these people easily is not as easy as imagined.

And this is just one of them, the alien side is the real trouble.

The aliens who can make it to the main competition are no longer as brave and foolhardy as the ordinary aliens. Not only are these guys all clever, they probably still have a lot of hidden strength in the knockout rounds.

If the main race starts is no longer as "fair" as before.

While I was thinking about it, I arrived late at four o'clock in the afternoon.

As the knockout stage of the first Ten Thousand Paths Battle officially ended, the game board flashed simultaneously.

Lines of ancient symbols began to flash on the page, eventually forming text in a style that humans can understand.

[Record]: Thank you to all players for participating. Time is up and this knockout round of Ten Thousand Paths Battle has come to a successful conclusion.

[Record]: Number of players participating this time: 3.148 billion, number entering the main draw: 1,435

[Record]: It is detected that the number of players participating this time has reached the standard, and now everyone will be given a reward for participation: 200 disaster points, main game ticket*1

[Record]: It is detected that there are insufficient players in this competition, and the difficulty of the competition will be reduced proportionally.

[Record]: We are currently drawing the questions for the first main competition of Ten Thousand Paths Competition.

[Record]: The draw was successful, the theme of this competition--Wushan Zhengding

[Record]: The trailer of ‘Wuzhan Zhengding’ has been synchronized to the main page of Ten Thousand Paths Zhan. All players can click to enter to view the goals of this competition.

[Record]: The main competition will start in seven days, and the natural disaster system will continue to be stopped during the competition.

[Record]: I wish all players a happy game!

"Fighting for the top spot in Wushan Mountain?"

The knockout round is a simple and crude one-on-one competition. Strength is one aspect, but luck is equally important.

But in the main game, the proportion of luck will inevitably be reduced.

The moment he saw the announcement, Sumo's heart sank, and he realized that the main event of the Ten Thousand Paths battle was not as simple as imagined.

Exit the announcement and follow the prompts to enter the main interface of Ten Thousand Paths of War.

Sure enough, the trailer, which I don’t know when it was made, already appeared in the center of the panel.

Your mind turns into a pointer and clicks the play button.

Like previous trailers, after his vision blurred for a while, Sumo suddenly found that his perspective had appeared high in the sky.

Looking around, there was nothing in the sky, and the sun was shining brightly at dusk.

But looking down, there is a large mountain about five thousand meters high standing on the ground in the center.

The lower part of the mountain is lush green fields, lush with trees, and covered with large areas of dense vegetation.

Several streams flow down the mountainside, emitting the crisp sound of running water, making people feel peaceful and comfortable.

As you go up, the green fields gradually disappear, leaving only stubborn bushes, rugged rocks, and the terrain at the steepest point is even close to about 90 degrees.

"Does the so-called Wushan compete for the top spot, Wushan refer to this mountain?"

Somo tried to change his perspective and looked down closer to the mountain.

But the game seems to have considered that players will observe the mountain in advance, and a line of prompts flashes out.

[Record]: The current ‘Misty Mountain’ is only for reference, and the specific terrain will be randomly generated after the main game starts.

"Aren't you allowed to see it in advance?"

Sumo was slightly stunned, then shook his head helplessly.

If it were this mountain now, it wouldn't be too difficult to climb.

At best, the final stage will encounter vertical terrain challenges, and you can easily climb up by making some climbing devices.

But if the main race starts and the difficulty of the terrain is further amplified, climbing mountains may not be as easy as it is now.

After giving up his thoughts on observing the terrain in advance and making plans, Somo turned around and looked around Wushan.

There are still lush dark green crown trees, giving people the feeling of suddenly coming from winter to spring.

Like ribbons circling outwards, at a glance you can barely see the exposed gray-brown land, and every inch of the land is dyed green.

It wasn't until dozens of kilometers away that other terrain gradually appeared.

There are towering mountains, large areas of low-lying areas and protruding hillsides. Inside, you can see at a glance the rocks exposed on the ground, as well as some iron, copper, aluminum and other metal ores that emit different lights.

There are sunken hills with various fruit trees growing inside. If you look closely, you can see animals moving around inside, making nests and roosting around some collapsed buildings.

There is a swamp composed of dark green mud and stagnant water, and a faint methane gas lingers in the area.

There are human villages built on the plains. Although they appear to have been abandoned for a long time, there are still a lot of traces of survival left.


There are also some more special terrains.

When he saw a red-yellow desert and an endless black-blue ocean on the side bordering the rainforest, Sumo suddenly felt bitter.

Although I haven't seen the specific rules yet, I can roughly guess based on the lavender light barrier between each terrain.

When it comes to the main race, these different terrains may be the main battlefield for the contestants.

"If we encounter harsh terrain at the beginning, wouldn't we be at a huge disadvantage?"

Sumo thought secretly, thinking about how to deal with the desert at the beginning.

It would be okay if you could bring supplies from outside, but if you go in with nothing, it would be a problem to get out of the desert.

But fortunately, the next trailer of the game answered everyone’s questions.

I saw that these different terrains began to change. They were originally composed of foggy mountains surrounding the middle.

As changes occurred, they began to form a long queue.

There are nine categories, from front to back.

Plains, mountains, canyons, lakes, deserts, seas, islands, swamps, forests.

The so-called Kiriyama is located in the center of the island.

The starting point of every participating player is the plain, and they have to pass through these nine different terrains before finally reaching the foot of the foggy mountains and participating in the final competition.

Of course, in order to prevent some players from not having the intention of competing for the top spot from the beginning, but focusing on how to eliminate all competitors.

The game also has many special restrictive rules.

First, before arriving on the island, any form of fighting, harassment, or competition between players is strictly prohibited. Once verified, players will be eliminated directly.

Second, in principle, it is not prohibited for players to help each other and reach the island together, but help between players who are not from the same territory (human) or the same race (foreign race) requires the payment of main game points.

Third, each player in the main draw will get '500' main draw points at the beginning. If the points return to zero, they will be eliminated.

Fourth, the points for getting help each time are fixed at 50 points. The specific amount will not be determined by the player. The game will automatically judge the 'level of help' to determine the price.

Fifth, if players maliciously circumvent the 'pay points' link, they will be eliminated directly once verified.

Sixth, any form of 'help' will be prohibited after landing on the island, except between people from the same territory (human) or the same race (foreign race).

There are six major special rules in total.

In addition, there are various detailed regulations, which add up to no less than thirty articles.

Looking at the entire article, it can be said that it is extremely strict in limiting the boundaries of the players' various behaviors before arriving on the island.

As for arriving at the island, the rules are basically ineffective, and the one who stands out can let go and have a big fight.

"It would be fair if all competitors had to go through different terrain stages."

"And these are the points from the main draw."

Exit the trailer and click into the rules notice board.

Sumo frowned and read down carefully one by one, fearing that he would miss some restrictive rules and be triggered early and be eliminated.

But after seeing a description about the points for the race, I couldn't help but show a bit of joy on my face.

"The points from the main competition can actually be exchanged for outside items?"


It seems that all the problems are solved immediately after the emergence of this rule.

The main competition lasts for seven days in total.

Players need to arrive at the island within at least seven days to be eligible to participate in the finals of the ‘Battle for the Top’.

If you are bare-handed, you will enter with nothing.

Even with the help of routing capabilities, reaching it is almost impossible.

And now.

Although he hasn't seen the specific exchange price list, Sumo dare not make any rash remarks.

But no matter what, if you can use points to exchange for external items, the difficulty will definitely be reduced a lot.


Closing the game panel, Somo sat quietly for a long time, thoughts flashing in his mind.

There is no doubt about it.

There was no talk of death in the first Ten Thousand Paths War, so naturally there was no talk of such fierce and exaggerated competition.

The most important purpose of the game is probably to promote the route.

Let all players realize the benefits brought by the route, so as to shift other aspects of their thoughts to the development of the route.

And the purpose of this knockout round is exactly this.

Filter out the players with low strength and poor luck, and the remaining players will naturally contribute to a wonderful main game.

"As for the battle over Ten Thousand Paths, it is now more like a battle for territory and a battle for cutting-edge power!"

This is the first main game, and the game has already helped by using the same territory or the same race, implying the importance of different route combinations.

There are only three people from Tianyuan Territory entering the main competition, and they are probably far behind those big forces with millions of people.

But as long as you can get items from the outside, such as energy stones and weapons, you can enter.

Sumo calmed down:

“Be prepared in advance and you may not fall behind others.”

This chapter has been completed!
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