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Chapter 1206 Primary integration, module grading!

With Soma's current vision and knowledge, it is indeed difficult for ordinary technological derivatives to induce too many emotional changes.

Like a water generator.

It is indeed magical, as long as you press it, you can easily get water in the barren desert.

But if you think about the internal principles carefully, you can basically guess it.

It is nothing more than polymerizing water molecules through special materials and then condensing them using the large temperature difference between inside and outside.

If we really have to work hard to decipher it, with the current scientific research strength of Tianyuan Territory, it might not be possible to reproduce it.

However, modular items are different.

No matter how many times he saw it, Sumo was still shocked from the bottom of his heart.


After four or five seconds, two objects of different sizes finally solidified on the ground, revealing their true appearance.

The food processor is the same size as an ordinary rice cooker.

The appearance looks as ordinary as ever, a small square with sharp edges and corners, and a huge button in the middle.

The micro-studio, which is about the same size, is stacked next to it and is an irregular polygon with an eye-catching button in the middle.

For the first time, Sumo did not study how to use these two things, but tried to weigh the weight.

Fortunately, it is within the acceptable range.

The food processor weighs about four kilograms, while the micro studio weighs just over twenty kilograms.

Compared to those desert hikers on earth, they often carry weights of 30 to 50 kilograms.

For humans blessed with attribute points, this weight will basically not affect the efficiency of action.

"We will be repairing in place for an hour. We will have to walk a little further when it gets darker, otherwise it will be difficult to get out of this desert before a major natural disaster strikes."

"Also. Qi Jie, go and collect some Earth Fire Reeds. The more, the better."

After giving simple instructions, Sumo returned to the small tent holding two modular items.

No wonder everyone in the territory wants an independent private space.

Although I couldn't feel the staring eyes in the sky, the vague sense of restraint still made me feel uncomfortable.

"If the main matches continue to be like this in the future, we have to find a way to block the audience's sight in advance."

"Otherwise, all your trump cards will be exposed in just one game. What advantage will you have after you get out?"

After zipping up the tent, Somo returned his attention.

A green light flashed, and the attribute panels of the two items on the ground slowly popped up.

[Modular food processor (one module)]

[Description]: A special machine manufactured using modular technology. It is highly portable. Users can easily handle various ingredients in the wild, eliminating tedious manual operations and meeting processing needs.


[Module level]: One module (primary reduced integration module)

[Function]: Cleaning, cutting, peeling, shredding, filtering, juicing, simple cooking.

[Charging method]: Solar energy

[Evaluation]: Postmodern artwork, people living alone are ecstatic!

[Modular micro studio (second model)]

[Description]: A creative workspace integrated using modular technology. It is highly portable when reduced and can also meet a certain level of use needs when expanded.


[Module level]: Second module (primary reduction integration module, primary space storage module)

[Function]: Independent space

[Charging method]: Multiple energy supply

[Evaluation]: You can think of it as a large tent for wild survival!

"One model, two models"

Two property panels, one on the left and one on the right, flashed with different text descriptions.

Sumo's eyes couldn't help but light up, and he discovered attributes that were not displayed when detecting modular items before.

“Is this the magic of modular objects?”

During previous testing, there was no indication of what kind of modules it was equipped with.

But after upgrading to version V1.1, specific module details appeared.

Sumo became interested and immediately left the panel, first pressing the button above the food processor.

There was a crunching sound of deformation, and the square that was originally the size of a rice cooker expanded rapidly like a balloon, and the metal covering the surface also began to stretch and deform.

It wasn't until the length and width reached about eighty centimeters that the cube stopped enlarging.

By this time, there was not much space left in the tent.

"With such a single function, it seems that this food processor is basically the simplest modular item!"

An explanatory card fell to the ground. After Sumo picked it up and looked at it for a while, he gradually understood.

Ignoring the magic of primary shrinking integration modules, today's processor is equivalent to a chef's machine that houses many different kitchen appliances.

If you want to achieve similar abilities, you can easily create one even with the technology on Earth.

and added the module

"You just need to put the ingredients in, select the function, and then wait at the outlet to pick it up."

The function is simple and easy to understand. No wonder the system’s reviews include the one that people living alone are ecstatic.

For lazy people, you only need to buy the ingredients and put them in.

After taking a shower, the machine will automatically clean and cut, and finally cook a reasonably delicious meal.

"I wonder if I can deal with the Earth Fire Reed?"

Taking out a piece of reed that could be pinched off from his arms, Somo tried to put it into the outlet.

The next second, the panel above the cube suddenly lit up.

‘Unnamed special plants detected, users are asked to actively choose a treatment method’

‘1. Clean and juice’

‘2. Clean, cut, and cook over high heat’

‘3. Wash, cut into shreds, and boil briefly’

"Is there no way to detect the special substances in the reeds?"

Sumo felt a little disappointed.

If it were just such a simple cooking, humans could do it themselves without the need for machines.

What he wanted was to be able to deal with the negative effects of Earth Fire Reed and reduce the need for drinking water.

Or you can directly extract and decompose reeds, and then use the decomposed substances to reconstruct other foods.

Similar to the starch machine in the Gopher Shelter, different types of food can be synthesized with one click.

"But it only requires four hundred points, and every main draw player can afford it."

"If the function is powerful, it would be unreasonable."

You get what you pay for.

If it sells 5,000 points and only has this function, it is indeed worth complaining about.

But it only takes 400 points.

Sumo thought to himself, put aside the idea of ​​upgrading for the time being, and put the processor away again.

Then he turned his head and looked at the miniature studio next to him.

It is definitely not possible to open a larger studio in a small tent, so you can only go to the open space outside the tent.

Press the button and the irregular polygon makes a crackling sound.

Within a few breaths, the edges and corners of the polygon did not undergo other changes during the deformation process, but were enlarged in equal proportions.

Similar to a yurt, it eventually formed a small space covering an area of ​​about ten square meters.

"It's amazing. It's almost as good as the room created by the adventurer terminal!"

Sumo admired in his heart.

With the previous food processor, he didn't have much hope for a micro studio with one thousand points.

However, I lowered my expectations and was pleasantly surprised.

Pushing open the door on the front, Soma strode inside. The interior space was bright and spacious, with only a simple table and chairs placed in the corner.

On the desktop, there are instructions similar to those of the previous processor.

[Modular Micro Studio Instructions]

[The internal space of the studio is 9.68㎡, the height is 2.12m, the exterior material is high-strength ductile plastic, and the fixed foot material is high-strength alloy. It can achieve a normal level of impact after being deployed. 】

[The interior of the studio contains a storage module that can store items (dead objects) weighing no more than 500 kilograms]

[After storage is completed, the storage weight after disassembly and reduction is only one-tenth]

"Isn't this equivalent to a miniature storage space?"

It can accommodate items, but only 10% of the weight will be realized.

Su Mo felt a little happy. This was much easier to use than the one-person windproof tent with 100 points. It would not be a problem to squeeze in more than a dozen people, and it would also have a larger space for activities to shield the audience's sight.

And the most important thing is that the interior space of the studio can also store some miscellaneous materials and take them away.

In the early days, it could only be transported by manpower. Now, it is simply killing two birds with one stone!

"Others, we can study them carefully at night when it gets dark."

"Now we have to take advantage of the dawn and hurry up as soon as possible."

More than half an hour later, Qi Jie had collected several bundles of fresh ground fire reeds and made two finger-thick hemp ropes.

Because of the high yield, he also deliberately removed the dry parts above and the leaves used to conserve water, leaving only the juicy stems and a short underground section.

If there were no negative side effects, these stalks would be the best food.

It can not only fill your stomach, but also replenish hard-won water.

But with the influence of earth fire, it has become a daunting "poison".

Put the stalks, the tent and the food processor into the workroom, and Somo pressed the disassembly button.

There was another burst of deformation, and the huge studio suddenly returned to the shape of an irregular polygon.

“It’s really one-tenth the weight and convenient!”

Weighing the weight again, Sumo nodded with satisfaction.

Qi Jie volunteered and tied up the polygon with hemp rope and carried it on his back.

On the other side, he watched silently as Somo unfolded his studio, then closed it and shrunk it.

Although Xi Ruyue and the others were surprised by the modular items, they suppressed their curiosity in the end.

After all, if the former has enough points, they can also make purchases.

But for the latter, they really couldn't imagine how they could create bottles of fresh water out of thin air in this desert.

"Let's go!"

It was already early five o'clock in the afternoon.

With fresh water replenished, the three of them were no longer as tired as they were in the morning, and their physical strength had been greatly restored.

Glancing at the two frightened aliens next to the businessman, Sumo discerned the direction, and the group started walking again against the setting sun.

Compared to yesterday.

One day passed, not only the drinking water and food problems were successfully solved, but also a larger private space.

It's a pity that there is no specific object for comparison, and we can't see the rankings among the players in the main competition.

Sumo didn't know whether his current speed was slow or fast.

However, when he saw two men and horses from a foreign race following him from afar, he felt like laughing.

Once upon a time, the aliens were so arrogant and domineering.

What I didn't expect now is that even the top combat power in the alien race can only be reduced to a follower.

"Speed ​​up, we'll take a break after walking another thirty kilometers tonight!"


It's getting dark.

The temperature in the second stage of the Earth Fire Desert has indeed dropped significantly, and it is no longer as hot as yesterday.

It was only eight o'clock in the evening, and the temperature had dropped to about fifteen degrees.

An inconspicuous hill.

A figure wearing a light yellow robe squatted on the sheltered slope, looking up from time to time at the junction line in the distance.

There, the wooden pile merchant stood on the top of the hill.

Even if the night breeze is slightly cool, they are still waiting dutifully for the past participants of the main race.

Will anyone be there at this late hour?

Some spectators in the sky above this area raised questions, and some did not understand what the figure in the robe was waiting for.

But soon, as five figures appeared in the distance, the answer was revealed.

Four men and one woman.

Two hundred and forty miles, all the way here.

The faces of the five of them all looked a little embarrassed, and they walked crookedly. It was obvious that their bodies had reached their functional limits.

However, when they saw the businessmen not far away, their behavior was no different from Xi Ruyue and the others.

First he was excited, then he rushed over in ecstasy.

Judging from the eagerness, it was obvious that he came all the way to save money.

"What, no water!"

"How is it possible? How could the merchant not sell water? Let me see?"

"Damn, this thing really doesn't sell water. What kind of bullshit modular items does it sell?"

"Why do we need modular items? Can we eat or drink? This guy is crazy."

"Try refreshing and see if you can get fresh water!"

"Refreshing it once costs fifty points. Are you willing to refresh a bottle of water?"

When they saw the sales bill handed out by the merchant, the few people who were still ecstatic were stunned.

No water, a bunch of tools and survival facilities.

Their physical strength has basically reached its limit, and it is simply impossible to reach the next stage.

This was a devastating blow to the survivors who relied on two bottles of water to survive.

In addition, the properties of the Earth Fire Reed are like a sharp knife, piercing the weak points of several people.

"Damn it, this damn game didn't say earlier that the first terrain was a desert, we didn't prepare anything!"

"What should we do? Do we have to go back to buy water now?"

"That's crazy. It's more than a hundred kilometers away. If you can walk back, you might as well go to the next stage."

The five people sat slumped on the ground, their faces ashen.

Especially after a few minutes, the only woman in the team took out fifty points to refresh.

After the merchant's sales list still showed no fresh water, despair began to spread.

The current situation seems to be a dead end.

Even though they all have over 400 points in their hands, they don't have anywhere to spend them.


"How many of you, do you need mineral water?"

After confirming that all five people were in despair, the figure in yellow Taoist robes walked out with a smile.

As soon as it appeared, it attracted the attention of five people.

Of course, what attracted attention at this moment was not his strange attire, but the five bottles of Nongfu Spring that were clearly visible in the big pocket of his robe.

Five bottles?

Several people on the ground were in a daze, almost wanting to rush out and snatch it away.

But the next second I thought about the rules of the competition, I had to suppress all my evil thoughts.

"I am Cosim from the Golden Eagle Territory."

"How do you sell your water?"

A tall, strong man stood up on the ground and said in a deep voice.

He didn't dare to say that the five of them were actually in the same territory, for fear that this guy would start robbing people.

But the figure in the yellow robe seemed to see through everything, with a kind smile on his face:

"It's not expensive, it's not expensive, one bottle only costs two hundred and fifty points!"

This chapter has been completed!
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